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Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Agreed. Trump tried to organize election reform early in his administration. However, the states all stymied that process as hard as they could, simply refusing to cooperate or provide any information. They collectively planned to cheat on the 2020 election, and they fought ahead of time against anything that would have possibly hampered them from doing so.

The Uniparty knew that they could swing the elections just by having heavy cheating in a few heavily black and Democrat big cities that were located in swing states. Swing the big city to swing the whole state, and thereby swing the national elections.

The uniparty planned the cheating, they fought the election reform commission to ensure there was no interference, then they cooperated together to execute the election steal.
This is all true, but the question remains: if Trump was unable to prevent all of the shenanigans the first time, why is there any reason to think he would be able to do so the second time?

When I supported Trump in 16, I did so in the recognition that unless he cleaned up the election process by stopping illegal voters, stopping ballot harvesting, demanding voter ID, then all the other issues were already a lost cause.

By 2020, not only had he not accomplished any of those things, he wasn't even able to prevent the fraudulent mail-in ballot system that they smuggled in under covid.

Is he really that powerless or is he unwilling?

If he's unable, then it doesn't make a difference if he wins or not.

If he's unwilling, then he is even worse than the democrats because they are at least honest about their subversion.
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This is all true, but the question remains: if Trump was unable to prevent all of the shenanigans the first time, why is there any reason to think he would be able to do so the second time?

When I supported Trump in 16, I did so in the recognition that unless he cleaned up the election process by stopping illegal voters, stopping ballot harvesting, demanding voter ID, then all the other issues were already a lost cause.

By 2020, not only had he not accomplished any of those things, he wasn't even able to prevent the fraudulent mail-in ballot system that they smuggled in under covid.

Is he really that powerless or is he unwilling?

If he's unable, then it doesn't make a difference if he wins or not.

If he's unwilling, then he is even worse than the democrats because they are at least honest about their subversion.
There are couple of issues with this argument that demonstrate you are wrong in your understanding of the voting process.

The vote roles and election procedures are established by The States. If a Democrat state like Pennsylvania conducts election fraud, and the state body challenged it but doesn't show up in court with a cogent argument or the court refuses to hear the case due to this standing... There's not a constitutional remedy afforded to the challenger.

Each legal challenge was thrown out for standing, which is a made up doctrine where Courts refuse to make decisions due to a lack of testicular fortitude.

The RNC was just as complicit in the steal a la McConnel and Romney - McDaniel
The vote roles and election procedures are established by The States. If a Democrat state like Pennsylvania conducts election fraud, and the state body challenged it but doesn't show up in court with a cogent argument or the court refuses to hear the case due to this standing... There's not a constitutional remedy afforded to the challenger.

Each legal challenge was thrown out for standing, which is a made up doctrine where Courts refuse to make decisions due to a lack of testicular fortitude.

The RNC was just as complicit in the steal a la McConnel and Romney - McDaniel
No one's arguing against this. We saw all of this happen.

All of this points to Trump's inability. If he is unable to stop the States from conspiring against him then it doesn't make a difference if he wins or not.
This is all true, but the question remains: if Trump was unable to prevent all of the shenanigans the first time, why is there any reason to think he would be able to do so the second time?

When I supported Trump in 16, I did so in the recognition that unless he cleaned up the election process by stopping illegal voters, stopping ballot harvesting, demanding voter ID, then all the other issues were already a lost cause.

By 2020, not only had he not accomplished any of those things, he wasn't even able to prevent the fraudulent mail-in ballot system that they smuggled in under covid.

Is he really that powerless or is he unwilling?

If he's unable, then it doesn't make a difference if he wins or not.

If he's unwilling, then he is even worse than the democrats because they are at least honest about their subversion.
Exactly, either Trump is a Chump, which is truth anyway, or voting doesn't matter.

So, either voting doesn't matter, and I can tell from the real red pill deep dive podcasts, that it does not at all. Or you still think it matters, but then you can't support Trump, because he is a gutless coward. Well, we know for a fact he is a gutless coward, just to the level that he can't even keep his promises at the end of his life with nothing to lose. That is a special kind of gutless coward.

At the end of the day there are only three camps...

#1) The red pill, voting doesn't matter, so start to take things a lot more seriously.
#2) The purple pill, voting does matter, but we can't support a gutless coward like Trump.
#3) Blue pill cult of personality of a Godless coward named Trump.
All of this evidence pointing out how bad the NWO is, only points out how bad the NWO is. We already know that.

But all of that evidence also points to Trump's inability/unwillingness to put a stop to it.

NWO bad/Trump good is a false dialectic. And like any false dialectic, it is causing you to miss the forest for the trees.

Like Scorpion once said, they do not hate Trump because they are afraid of him, they hate him because he humiliated them.
For all his faults and misplaced loyalties, our true enemies hate Trump with a burning passion that makes them almost as apoplectic as Ben Shapiro if you dare to suggest to him that you don't want to murder all Palestinian children.

That alone means I prefer the presence of Trump on the national stage, in order to give the demons one more thing to worry about; one more front in the culture war.
For all his faults and misplaced loyalties, our true enemies hate Trump with a burning passion that makes them almost as apoplectic as Ben Shapiro if you dare to suggest to him that you don't want to murder all Palestinian children.

That alone means I prefer the presence of Trump on the national stage, in order to give the demons one more thing to worry about; one more front in the culture war.
No, they don't. Many of our enemies LOVE Trump. The Godless and satanic love Trump. Soros has made many fortunes off Trump's handing him our tax dollars. Blackrock got a $5 trillion gift from Trump. Trump is the most pro-Israel president of all time, the gutless coward said it so himself. Meanwhile Hilary and her family live like royalty and lives beyond our dreams and the rest of us are watching our neighborhoods and schools turn into warzones and the next generation unable to afford a home or start a family.
There was ZERO signature matching in the Georgia election contest. This means there was mass fraud. In states like California, how did Gavin Newsome prevent himself from being ousted in the recall election. He used signature matching and threw out majority of unfavorable ballots.

Why are we, in the US, trying to model ourselves off of failed countries like Brittain, with a Indain PM which allows mail in ballots?

You're right, its not irrelevant. It proves the point that mail in ballots don't work for election integrity.. Nigel Farange pointed out that mail in ballots ensure the ruling party is continually in the decision seat.

Why is it unlikely?

Occams razor says it is totally likely.

Rahm Emmaunel says "never let a good crisis go to waste"

If you've been paying attention to the Fauci discovery, you know that the NIH was performing gain of function research in China, and was working with the Bill Gates foundation. If you know that, and you add that to the Agenda 201 war game, with the intent of using a pandemic to control people and enforce social/societal change, then you know that this is part of their plan.

They had to use it early to take out Trump whom was making too many damaging gains in the populist nationalist front vs the globalist control apparatus.

What is hard to fathom about this that is so unlikely?
Yeah, I dont know of any other Western country that allows mail in voting.

In the UK for example, you can only post a vote in if you meet certain criteria, such as being restricted to your home due to infirmity/illness.

If americans knew what a UK citizen has to do to vote, they would have a heart attack.
1. You must be registered as an eligible voter.
2. You must attend a specific polling station
3. You must attend with valid ID
4. You must attend with your polling card (a card sent to registered voters to show they are eligible to vote and where to vote)
5. Your ID and polling card will be checked against a big list of registered voters

and then you can go vote.

I dont know why your blacks can't supposedly do all that, our blacks can manage it fine.
He can't even keep his promises at the end of his life with nothing to lose.
Great point, and I agree 100%. However, as someone who has seen and heard about Trump since the early 90's this is of no surprise. The guy always gave off unintelligent trust fund nepo baby vibes. He's always been an untrustworthy idiot. But I'll vote for him anyways because I like his master troll style and as Samseau has pointed out, quite correctly I think, a Trump 2024 victory buys us a bit more time to unplug from The Matrix and to develop a self-sufficient, off-grid lifestyle.

At the end of the day there are only three camps...

#1) The red pill, voting doesn't matter, so start to take things a lot more seriously.
#2) The purple pill, voting does matter, but we can't support a gutless coward like Trump.
#3) Blue pill cult of personality of a Godless coward named Trump.
There are more camps than this. For example, #4) Move to a rural area, cut off all media and internet, read books, don't (or do) vote, and ignore all outcomes. If you're not willing to join a well regulated militia and die for the anti-JQ/globohomo cause (like myself), then ignorance is bliss.

I think for the truly non-Matrix, authentic, off-grid redpiller's, Trump is ultimately a big nothing burger. If we're really redpilled and committed to a spiritual life of self-governing, then nothing a morally bankrupt man like Trump says or does should make one bit of difference.
Great point, and I agree 100%. However, as someone who has seen and heard about Trump since the early 90's this is of no surprise. The guy always gave off unintelligent trust fund nepo baby vibes. He's always been an untrustworthy idiot. But I'll vote for him anyways because I like his master troll style and as Samseau has pointed out, quite correctly I think, a Trump 2024 victory buys us a bit more time to unplug from The Matrix and to develop a self-sufficient, off-grid lifestyle.

There are more camps than this. For example, #4) Move to a rural area, cut off all media and internet, read books, don't (or do) vote, and ignore all outcomes. If you're not willing to join a well regulated militia and die for the anti-JQ/globohomo cause (like myself), then ignorance is bliss.

I think for the truly non-Matrix, authentic, off-grid redpiller's, Trump is ultimately a big nothing burger. If we're really redpilled and committed to a spiritual life of self-governing, then nothing a morally bankrupt man like Trump says or does should make one bit of difference.

I agree, I remember seeing Trump back in the 1980's and he came off as such a shallow braggart, that even as a kid I thought he was a clown. I thought in 2016 he might really do something to help us. At least we all know better now.

The funny thing is, the only reason the USA exists, is because the very same satanic people were destroying the economies across Europe and the people there ran away to start over. But the world is much smaller now, and you can't run away from this any longer. Moving to a rural area and trying to block out things isn't a long term solution. I wouldn't even call it a short term solution. They are moving the third world into the rural areas to destabilize them. I grew up in such an area, and I see it every time I am back. More and more third world people moving in and more and more unease. Add in the low income in a rural area and combine it with our inflation, and you are pretty much stepping into a newly created second world nation.

The answer is much tougher, but when we have less to lose and nowhere to go, which is the case more so every day, then we can face those tough answers head on.
Which is?
Names and addresses please.

You'd need to audit the Federal Reserve to follow the money and find out.

All of this points to Trump's inability. If he is unable to stop the States from conspiring against him then it doesn't make a difference if he wins or not.

No candidate has the power to stop the cheating at this point. Either things are fixed from the ground up or the rigging continues.

The point to voting Trump is that it's still the best option. Even if there is more massive fraud, this will further drive the nation apart to create an independence movement, which is probably the only way out of this mess.
You'd need to audit the Federal Reserve to follow the money and find out.

No candidate has the power to stop the cheating at this point. Either things are fixed from the ground up or the rigging continues.

The point to voting Trump is that it's still the best option. Even if there is more massive fraud, this will further drive the nation apart to create an independence movement, which is probably the only way out of this mess.
Right. I'm not going to vote for an option I think is worse just because the less bad option is not good enough. This approach doesn't make sense to me. You could answer, "Yes, but Trump isn't good enough", and it would not change my mind. I don't have an option that is good enough. That doesn't mean I'm going to encourage and support the option I think is worst by failing to vote against it.

To me this is a point of logic. I guess to the anti-Trump people, the fact that he's not good enough is a point of logic in favor of supporting the worse option by not voting. I don't get it.
Right. I'm not going to vote for an option I think is worse just because the less bad option is not good enough. This approach doesn't make sense to me. You could answer, "Yes, but Trump isn't good enough", and it would not change my mind. I don't have an option that is good enough. That doesn't mean I'm going to encourage and support the option I think is worst by failing to vote against it.

To me this is a point of logic. I guess to the anti-Trump people, the fact that he's not good enough is a point of logic in favor of supporting the worse option by not voting. I don't get it.
I think Trump is the worst option and here is why...

#1) Since Biden has been in office, BLM and Antifa are not as active. This allows groups like the NJP and Patriot Front to have peaceful rallies and speeches. Under Trump they were energized, under Biden they have been put back asleep.

#2) Trump's cult of personality puts the men, who need to get off their rears, back to sleep. Either falsely thinking Trump is fighting for them, OR making excuses to do nothing themselves. Under Biden, these people are talking, sharing, posting, learning, and figuring things out.

#3) Had Trump, the most pro-Israel president of all time, been in office, it is hard to imagine he wouldn't have made a bigger mess out of the situation in Gaza. Instead, Biden's team has been talking Israel into backing off and the pressure is working as we now see a potential cease fire.

#4) The economy will never change, no matter who is in office, so it is a moot point.

#5) The border is a mess, no matter who is in office.

#6) Military recruiting has fallen off a cliff. Right now, I don't think there is a more important thing we can do than to stop young Americans for signing up to fight for satan. Under Trump, I think it would go back up.

#7) We are seeing huge growth in groups like NJP, Patriot Front, America First, listening to Keith Woods, etc. Trump isn't there to take the spotlight and energy and drain it back into the satanic GOP.
I think Trump is the worst option and here is why...

#1) Since Biden has been in office, BLM and Antifa are not as active. This allows groups like the NJP and Patriot Front to have peaceful rallies and speeches. Under Trump they were energized, under Biden they have been put back asleep.

#2) Trump's cult of personality puts the men, who need to get off their rears, back to sleep. Either falsely thinking Trump is fighting for them, OR making excuses to do nothing themselves. Under Biden, these people are talking, sharing, posting, learning, and figuring things out.

#3) Had Trump, the most pro-Israel president of all time, been in office, it is hard to imagine he wouldn't have made a bigger mess out of the situation in Gaza. Instead, Biden's team has been talking Israel into backing off and the pressure is working as we now see a potential cease fire.

#4) The economy will never change, no matter who is in office, so it is a moot point.

#5) The border is a mess, no matter who is in office.

#6) Military recruiting has fallen off a cliff. Right now, I don't think there is a more important thing we can do than to stop young Americans for signing up to fight for satan. Under Trump, I think it would go back up.

#7) We are seeing huge growth in groups like NJP, Patriot Front, America First, listening to Keith Woods, etc. Trump isn't there to take the spotlight and energy and drain it back into the satanic GOP.
America has gone hard core full satanic under Biden. They don't even pretend to tell the truth. It's bizarro world. Up is down, male soldiers are females, etc. Biden has flushed America down the toilet.

Even to the extent that BLM and Antifa strategically chose to be more active under Trump's adminstration, they are Democrats,.

The arguments that Trump should have crossed the Rubicon and should have imposed martial law to stop the stolen election and stop the BLM/Antifa activity are true, I think, but I don't think Trump had the backing in the population, or from the political elite, or from the military officers or rank and file to do this. Without the necessary support to impose martial law, it really isn't on Trump.

I've known thieves who steal something, and say it was the legitimate owner's fault for leaving the item where it could be stolen. No, the thief was still at fault.

When people say it is Trump's fault that he didn't declare martial law and stop the whole commie establishment from stealing the election, I say he wasn't in a position to stop it. The stolen election is the fault of the thieves, not Trump who wasn't in a position to stop it.

You will probably ask, what good is Trump then? I ask, what, are you going to vote for the thieves? Not voting is voting for the thieves. Do you have a candidate that can really do more? Trump is the only game in town.
No, they don't. Many of our enemies LOVE Trump. The Godless and satanic love Trump. Soros has made many fortunes off Trump's handing him our tax dollars. Blackrock got a $5 trillion gift from Trump. Trump is the most pro-Israel president of all time, the gutless coward said it so himself. Meanwhile Hilary and her family live like royalty and lives beyond our dreams and the rest of us are watching our neighborhoods and schools turn into warzones and the next generation unable to afford a home or start a family.
Our inflation started with gutless Trump's Cares Act which, btw, funded mail in balloting for states that wanted it. We all thought Trump not being a details but big picture guy was great. He's a real guy, not a wonk politician. But now it's clear that to be president you gotta know details and be a big picture guy. Trump's lazy so never goes through legislation himself so he\we are the mercy to whatever his handlers told him about legislation (SAME AS JOE!).
Moving to a rural area and trying to block out things isn't a long term solution. I wouldn't even call it a short term solution.
I disagree. In my opinion it's one of the only few remaining, achievable, and viable solutions. I can't speak for anyone outside the US, but having spent a good 20 years of my life on the road driving around the US there is no shortage of rural, untouched land (and hence resources). Barring a nuclear holocaust I do not believe this will change in my lifetime. That being said, I am still preparing as if the collapse is imminent.

They are moving the third world into the rural areas to destabilize them. I grew up in such an area, and I see it every time I am back. More and more third world people moving in and more and more unease.
True, but you just have to keep going further out. If you can lead a simple life, in a place that has no cell phone reception or internet connection (except via satellite), you immediately eliminate 99% of all competition for resources and physical space... And, "Out of sight, out of mind."

As for inflation, if you're not engaging with the mainstream economy and governments for 90% of your recreational and survival transactions then the value of money is basically irrelevant (as perhaps it should be).

The 2016 Trump win and his 2020 loss, I believe, had no bearing on my life. Over this time period my life has slowly but steadily improved. I believe this to be true because I started following RVF 1.0 advice 10 years ago. That is, "Break free of The Matrix by going off grid, creating your own DIY self-employment job, and by being location independent." The other thing was to invest in Bitcoin at $600 a coin but I scoffed at that and have since had to eat crow.

Anyhow, I'm getting off topic. Let's move this over to the Agrarian, Relocation & Prepping threads.
America has gone hard core full satanic under Biden. They don't even pretend to tell the truth. It's bizarro world. Up is down, male soldiers are females, etc. Biden has flushed America down the toilet.

Even to the extent that BLM and Antifa strategically chose to be more active under Trump's adminstration, they are Democrats,.

The arguments that Trump should have crossed the Rubicon and should have imposed martial law to stop the stolen election and stop the BLM/Antifa activity are true, I think, but I don't think Trump had the backing in the population, or from the political elite, or from the military officers or rank and file to do this. Without the necessary support to impose martial law, it really isn't on Trump.

I've known thieves who steal something, and say it was the legitimate owner's fault for leaving the item where it could be stolen. No, the thief was still at fault.

When people say it is Trump's fault that he didn't declare martial law and stop the whole commie establishment from stealing the election, I say he wasn't in a position to stop it. The stolen election is the fault of the thieves, not Trump who wasn't in a position to stop it.

You will probably ask, what good is Trump then? I ask, what, are you going to vote for the thieves? Not voting is voting for the thieves. Do you have a candidate that can really do more? Trump is the only game in town.
Yes. Desantis is far superior to Trump, IN EVERY WAY. Is he perfect? Far from it as no human politician will ever be so. Trump is almost 80, facing 91 Federal indictments and gets like a C- for his first try at president. So why would we nominate him? Am I missing something? He sh__ the bed in 2020 with his Covid actions and let commies burn down the country (although he did tweet 'LAW AND ORDER'...numerous times).

Now really, I actually don't care what happens; I'm at peace with God's will whatever that will be. If Trump, then we get Dems taking everything (Presidency and Congress) and that's fine. If continued judgement on America (likely) is the plan then let His will be done. And you know, as soon as Trump were to secure the nomination it will happen that Newsome will become the nominee and will crush Trump. Polls, media, Dems pump Trump as the man then once he gets the nomination switch Joe out for Gavin and all of a sudden Trump isn't the man anymore. Now onset senile Trump (have you seen all the Bidenisms Trump has been saying lately) goes against spry Newsome. Mark it.
You'd need to audit the Federal Reserve to follow the money and find out.
Well, let's get on this. I'm serious. That can't be the only way? I believe that some things are conspiracies (in particular Covid in Wuhan via 1981 Dean Koontz novel), but that other happenings are random. I could be more convinced of certain things if the true perpetrators were being doxxed. For example, if explosives were used in the bringing down of the Twin Towers, then what are the names and addresses of the demolition men who planted the explosives? Surely, someone can get to at least one of these guys? I mean, there had to be more than one guy right?

Actually, this should go in the 911 thread.
What do we make of this? Eipstein's black book. Apparently circled names are 'worse'.

I know, not necessarily guilty by association. I don't know what to believe about it really.

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Yes. Desantis is far superior to Trump, IN EVERY WAY. Is he perfect? Far from it as no human politician will ever be so. Trump is almost 80, facing 91 Federal indictments and gets like a C- for his first try at president. So why would we nominate him? Am I missing something? He sh__ the bed in 2020 with his Covid actions and let commies burn down the country (although he did tweet 'LAW AND ORDER'...numerous times).

Now really, I actually don't care what happens; I'm at peace with God's will whatever that will be. If Trump, then we get Dems taking everything (Presidency and Congress) and that's fine. If continued judgement on America (likely) is the plan then let His will be done. And you know, as soon as Trump were to secure the nomination it will happen that Newsome will become the nominee and will crush Trump. Polls, media, Dems pump Trump as the man then once he gets the nomination switch Joe out for Gavin and all of a sudden Trump isn't the man anymore. Now onset senile Trump (have you seen all the Bidenisms Trump has been saying lately) goes against spry Newsome. Mark it.
His candidacy is almost over. His numbers can't plummet much farther. He will withdraw from the race very soon. That is not a better candidate.

Politically impossible things are impossible. DeSantis will not take Trump's place.