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Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

I’m not massively well-versed in American politics, but when people complain about Trump doing nothing, my question is can you actually do anything as a president? I’m not trying to sound like a stoner, but It seems any attempt, no matter how limp, is hamstrung by deep state bureaucrats and lawyers and would be undone in four years anyway. I’m in no way implying that Trump is a victim or that ever would follow through, it’s just that democracy seems to be beloved of the elite precisely because it gives you a puppet show to perform to the masses while nothing changes. If the president mattered they wouldn’t let you vote maaaaan.

One of the reasons the left seem to win in politics, is because they use their power to accrue more power. Lowering the voting age, women’s rights, flood the country with illegals, lawfare etc etc. The right talk about principles, the constitution and the rule of law, even if it’s just lip-service, there is a desire to appear beholden to something beyond just self-interest. The left don’t care, it’s just power and control so everything is stacked against the right.

To really win or get anything done, Trump would have to destroy the US political system, the constitution, everything. Declare martial law and start personally executing traitors, live on CNN. Maybe I’m exaggerating, but I think democracy has to be killed in order to govern effectively and long-term. But without Christ, it’s just another man grabbing the One Ring
Excellent. I will make my prediction here. Elections no longer matter; we saw that in 2020. The satanic elites are desperate right now. The economy is collapsing, the narrative in Israel is collapsing. Military recruiting is at all-time lows. Moral is at an all-time low. Anger is at an all-time high. Their greatest fear is White Nationalism, and it is growing by leaps and bounds. Their second fear of traditional Christianity is also growing by leaps and bounds.

So, whomever is the president in 2024 will be handed picked, the election is just theatre. If Donald Trump is selected, it will not be because he is some tough outsider they just can't keep down. It will be because he can buy the satanic elite more time than the other guys, in their opinion. And I predict they pick Trump to be the next president. He can sell to the angry American majority that the govt. is now on their side, it is getting things done. He might even get some small meaningless concession like a border wall, but it is way too late for that without massive deportations, which you will never get without a true counter revolution movement. And with these meaningless "wins" he will try to sell the military to the young men so they can go off and fight for Israel.

I predict these charges are just part of the theatre to make him look like the supreme outsider underdog and get his supporters more stirred up in their cult like worship of him. And when he wins the biggest election upset in the history of our nation, the fever pitch will boil over.

I say all of this now, so if this all comes true and Trump is the next president, we stop the propaganda so that...

- We don't have young men signing up to fight for this anti-Christian nation.
- We don't have people going to Trump's childish rallies so they can get attacked or have their lives ruined.
- We don't have people donating to this grift while we need to be using our money to build our own system

Thank you.
There’s an interesting Twitter account called “Donnie Darkened” that has been saying for years that Trump is the elite’s chosen “antichrist.” It comes off as a bit much at times but it’s also possible that he’s right. I guess time will tell.
I think this is a great question. Does voting matter? All in all, no, both parties are controlled top to bottom by the satanic elites. Trump, DeSantis, whomever, doesn't get to be the GOP nominee for president without kissing the ring. The only way to fix this is by a new third party, and yes, this will be a lot of work.

Trump's Supreme Court justice picks have to be approved by the Federalist Society, so they are all controlled as well. Which is why they have been disappointing and then stuck down Roe v. Wade going into an election year, which predictably cost the GOP a lot of midterm elections. Which was the plan the entire time, keep the govt. in limbo so the excuse to get nothing done continues.

So, I wouldn't put much thought into it. Heck, don't even register to vote so you don't have to do jury duty, might be the best path at this time.

Trump will be a lightening rod, that stirs up BLM, Anitfa, Covidiens, DEI SJW and everyone else who hates us. And he will either choose to do nothing about it, or will be not allowed to do anything about it, so the result is the same for all of us. Add in the number of good men who go back to watching football, rather than becoming politically active, because they bought the grifters scheme of "trust the plan".

So, I pretty much support anyone else. Unless Trump wants to really come clean, speak harsh about the issues we face, give back the money he grifted off his penniless supporters, and go hardcore, pretty much anyone else will give us the same results without stirring up the anti-Christian leftists agitators. And this will buy us more time. It is easier to organize politically when the Marxist terrorists are asleep.

Since Biden has been in office, there have been some great real-life activism and protests without BLM/Antifa attacking them. This is a big win for us, the word is spreading, things are really going in the right direction. Which is exactly why I expect the satanic elites to put Trump back into office in 2024, so they can try to lull us back to sleep and unleash their Marxist terrorists on us again.
If anything, the overton window shifted more to the left during Trump's presidency, just as it shifted to the right at the end of 0bama's. If Trump wins again, then expect the predictable Soros funded race riots during the election years, and good luck predicting when they will drop covid 2.0.
I’m not massively well-versed in American politics, but when people complain about Trump doing nothing, my question is can you actually do anything as a president? I’m not trying to sound like a stoner, but It seems any attempt, no matter how limp, is hamstrung by deep state bureaucrats and lawyers and would be undone in four years anyway. I’m in no way implying that Trump is a victim or that ever would follow through, it’s just that democracy seems to be beloved of the elite precisely because it gives you a puppet show to perform to the masses while nothing changes. If the president mattered they wouldn’t let you vote maaaaan.

One of the reasons the left seem to win in politics, is because they use their power to accrue more power. Lowering the voting age, women’s rights, flood the country with illegals, lawfare etc etc. The right talk about principles, the constitution and the rule of law, even if it’s just lip-service, there is a desire to appear beholden to something beyond just self-interest. The left don’t care, it’s just power and control so everything is stacked against the right.

To really win or get anything done, Trump would have to destroy the US political system, the constitution, everything. Declare martial law and start personally executing traitors, live on CNN. Maybe I’m exaggerating, but I think democracy has to be killed in order to govern effectively and long-term. But without Christ, it’s just another man grabbing the One Ring

I read a Newsmax article from a few months ago(and I posted it on RVF) which quoted someone affiliated with Trump's campaign who said if he wins Trump's going to fill the bureaucracy with his supporters and fire everyone else, which is a promising sign that Trump will at least try to address some of the power structures set against him.
I’m not massively well-versed in American politics, but when people complain about Trump doing nothing, my question is can you actually do anything as a president? I’m not trying to sound like a stoner, but It seems any attempt, no matter how limp, is hamstrung by deep state bureaucrats and lawyers and would be undone in four years anyway. I’m in no way implying that Trump is a victim or that ever would follow through, it’s just that democracy seems to be beloved of the elite precisely because it gives you a puppet show to perform to the masses while nothing changes. If the president mattered they wouldn’t let you vote maaaaan.

One of the reasons the left seem to win in politics, is because they use their power to accrue more power. Lowering the voting age, women’s rights, flood the country with illegals, lawfare etc etc. The right talk about principles, the constitution and the rule of law, even if it’s just lip-service, there is a desire to appear beholden to something beyond just self-interest. The left don’t care, it’s just power and control so everything is stacked against the right.

To really win or get anything done, Trump would have to destroy the US political system, the constitution, everything. Declare martial law and start personally executing traitors, live on CNN. Maybe I’m exaggerating, but I think democracy has to be killed in order to govern effectively and long-term. But without Christ, it’s just another man grabbing the One Ring
Sounds a lot like the UK, TBH.
I read a Newsmax article from a few months ago(and I posted it on RVF) which quoted someone affiliated with Trump's campaign who said if he wins Trump's going to fill the bureaucracy with his supporters and fire everyone else, which is a promising sign that Trump will at least try to address some of the power structures set against him.

Had 4 years to do this.
No chance he will change his ways at nearly age 80.
There’s an interesting Twitter account called “Donnie Darkened” that has been saying for years that Trump is the elite’s chosen “antichrist.” It comes off as a bit much at times but it’s also possible that he’s right. I guess time will tell.
It makes sense when you look at his very shameful past, his refuse to change his way of living, and then what he actually did in his 4 years in office.

If he gets back in and does the same things as before, there is no doubt in my mind that he is some sinister puppet for the elites.
I read a Newsmax article from a few months ago(and I posted it on RVF) which quoted someone affiliated with Trump's campaign who said if he wins Trump's going to fill the bureaucracy with his supporters and fire everyone else, which is a promising sign that Trump will at least try to address some of the power structures set against him.
He said last time he was going to “drain the swamp” and then spent his entire Presidency promoting it instead.
He said last time he was going to “drain the swamp” and then spent his entire Presidency promoting it instead.

It's mostly just hot air from any President. Presidents can only appoint cabinet members with the approval of the Senate. Pres can't do it alone, he needs Congress. And Congress is bought and sold. Trump missed his chance to drain the swamp when he endorsed the likes of Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnel, etc.

Trump is trying to approve non-establishment picks, but seems too late. Still better to vote for Trump for no other reason than to obstruct.
This is an example of Fed posting. The Proud Boys have guys serving decades in prison for "fighting back" already, because they "trusted the plan".

Now this clown is pushing for his guys to do it again, but this time in support for Israel.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Trump had four years to 'drain the swamp' and pretty much made every single mistake in the book. There is no excuse for that, he got played big time while he surrounded himself with enemies eager to destroy his agenda. Plus he's married to Israel by relation. Shall I say more?

There is no 'white knight in shining armor' on the horizon that'll safe the United States. 500,000 people per month are crossing the border illegally. That's a generational shift in demographics that has and will shift the economic, social. and cultural landscape of the nation for generations, most likely in perpetuity. There is no coming from this. Demographics is destiny. The destiny of the United States is a colder version of Brazil, you guys need to accept that because it is happening, this is for real.

I only hope that future historians will tell a tale that serves as a stark warning against ever letting your own nation be subverted by guilt trip riding gliobalist aliens.
South America simply can't do (equitable) capitalism - it always reverts back to central planning based on either tyranny or misguided liberal ideologies, it's a lost cause. The socialist subversion must be too deeply embedded in the minds of people, no matter what race or nation. Venezuela should be one of the most prosperous nations on earth, but it will most likely always remain a basket case. Case in point: The country just rejected the only opportunity to step out of Israel/U.S.'s shadow and become a major contributor to the most exciting economic and political project of this century. Rejecting BRICS simply means remaining a playground to NGOs and other foreign powers.
South America simply can't do (equitable) capitalism - it always reverts back to central planning based on either tyranny or misguided liberal ideologies, it's a lost cause. The socialist subversion must be too deeply embedded in the minds of people, no matter what race or nation. Venezuela should be one of the most prosperous nations on earth, but it will most likely always remain a basket case. Case in point: The country just rejected the only opportunity to step out of Israel/U.S.'s shadow and become a major contributor to the most exciting economic and political project of this century. Rejecting BRICS simply means remaining a playground to NGOs and other foreign powers.
Venezuela and Norway have had very similar economic models, based on socialism and nationalizing the oil industry.

Norway's average IQ is 103 and Venezuela's is 86. It isn't an economic model problem. In fact, as I have seen capitalism destroy the USA I once knew, I have become a socialist myself. It is an IQ problem, and good food and education will not change IQ more than a few points in a few generations. It is a matter of fact that we are not all magically equal and IQ is the most accurate determining factor we have found regarding human success. It isn't 100%, but it is the best we have found and we need to pay attention to it.
I've said before that 4 years of Trump will be worse than more Biden! Simply because it provides massive leverage for radical policies after Trump has finished doing nothing. They can stir up so much emotion during those 4 years. With Biden it will be bad, but stabile at least.

I actually hope they send Trump to jail, as there might be a small chance of a rebellion amongst the people that really believe in him. Which are quite a few after all. That would be a mistake by the elites if they do that, so it's unlikely. But the Jews never know when to stop, that's their weakness, so maybe it could happen?
I've said before that 4 years of Trump will be worse than more Biden! Simply because it provides massive leverage for radical policies after Trump has finished doing nothing. They can stir up so much emotion during those 4 years. With Biden it will be bad, but stabile at least.

While true you neglect the costs of Democrat rule: Massive wars, millions dead, extreme taxation.

Honestly the downsides of Trump, COVID included, have been far less than Biden. The COVID years were dumb but at least peaceful (minus the false flag riots in the cities, which overall were nothing compared to the wars we have now).
While true you neglect the costs of Democrat rule: Massive wars, millions dead, extreme taxation.

Honestly the downsides of Trump, COVID included, have been far less than Biden. The COVID years were dumb but at least peaceful (minus the false flag riots in the cities, which overall were nothing compared to the wars we have now).
If only the GOP stood for any of those things. We have all of that right now while the GOP not only has control of the House, but they just elected a new speaker, who stands for it just as much as the DNC.

Then I watch the GOP debates, and they are fighting about who will give Israel the most and thus start WW3 even quicker.

At this point, I may support the DNC, not for acceleration, but actually for deceleration. I honestly don't know which party is worse. But I do know with the DNC in power, the former Trump supporters are waking up to the reality that we can't vote our way out of this and an 85 IQ illegal isn't equal to a 120 IQ data analyst or a 140 IQ doctor and that there is more to being a good person than just acting like a victim and claiming to want help.
I've said before that 4 years of Trump will be worse than more Biden! Simply because it provides massive leverage for radical policies after Trump has finished doing nothing. They can stir up so much emotion during those 4 years. With Biden it will be bad, but stabile at least.

I actually hope they send Trump to jail, as there might be a small chance of a rebellion amongst the people that really believe in him. Which are quite a few after all. That would be a mistake by the elites if they do that, so it's unlikely. But the Jews never know when to stop, that's their weakness, so maybe it could happen?
I just hope they send Trump to jail, so that a small part of me can say "well, maybe he was legit and him fooling me in 2016 wasn't the biggest mistake of my adult life".

I think this whole thing is a ruse to get him into office. Then he can speak to his cult about how Israel is the greatest planet on the earth and how we must do everything to support Israel. Then the military can recruit and build back up and go start WW3.

Israel and the world needs Trump more than ever before. Because if there is one person who can get the last of the good young White Christian men to throw their lives away for a country that hates them, it is Donald Trump.
I just hope they send Trump to jail, so that a small part of me can say "well, maybe he was legit and him fooling me in 2016 wasn't the biggest mistake of my adult life".

I think this whole thing is a ruse to get him into office. Then he can speak to his cult about how Israel is the greatest planet on the earth and how we must do everything to support Israel. Then the military can recruit and build back up and go start WW3.

Israel and the world needs Trump more than ever before. Because if there is one person who can get the last of the good young White Christian men to throw their lives away for a country that hates them, it is Donald Trump.

I agree.
The whole thing might be a Zionist lead ruse for Trump to be shoe horned into a Grover Cleveland style 2nd term to save Izrael.
They'll have to throw Ukraine under the bus, and temporarily give up on war with Russia, to get the 80 year old boomer Trump back into office again though....which they seem to be doing anyway.