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Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Putting this in the proper thread. Trump is not the anti-christ and @It_Is_My_Time did not claim he was. His point is that Trump is a false hope that well meaning Christians keep taking the bait for.

Biblically, the antichrist does not have to be relegated to any one man but someone who stands in place of Christ, a type of antichrist. There are many antichrists as John says. Given that Trump ingratiates himself to Christians, they are especially susceptible to his empty promises.
Putting this in the proper thread. Trump is not the anti-christ and @It_Is_My_Time did not claim he was. His point is that Trump is a false hope that well meaning Christians keep taking the bait for.

Biblically, the antichrist does not have to be relegated to any one man but someone who stands in place of Christ, a type of antichrist. There are many antichrists as John says. Given that Trump ingratiates himself to Christians, they are especially susceptible to his empty promises.
Yes, this is correct. I understand this is still just a purple pill board and many members are not ready for the red pill. But the time to wait on purple pill people to get with it is running out, and I am not going to look back and think about me holding my tongue and not possibly saving another man from making the Trump mistake.

Calling Trump "closest to the Anti-Christ we have seen", does not mean I think he is some magical mythical figure floating around and plotting the destruction of the world in the vein of Dr. Evil. Christianity is only powerful if it is taught and known correctly. Most Christianity in the west has been purposely destroyed and offers little to no value for many people. But when you study the 7 deadly sins and come to realize this is not some template to get into heaven, but instead an instruction manual on how to correctly live life, you start to see the power of Christianity.

Much like the 7 deadly sins, there is a very accurate description of what the Anti-Christ would be. And Trump is the closest I see in the world right now. He gets Christians to worship him, like a false idol, while he uses their religion like a tool to make himself wealthier. He then gets these same Christians to cheer on the destruction of their nations with open borders, immigration, endless wars, and letting BLM burn the country down as he hands satanic Black Rock $5 trillion. And even after all this, Christians still line up to support him.

That is dangerous, that is dangerous the likes we have never seen in the USA. And the spell he still has on members, like on this forum, is beyond remarkable.
Yes, this is correct. I understand this is still just a purple pill board and many members are not ready for the red pill. But the time to wait on purple pill people to get with it is running out, and I am not going to look back and think about me holding my tongue and not possibly saving another man from making the Trump mistake.
I do not believe in "convert at all costs." God is always in control, no matter which puppet gets on stage. Obviously, I don't see Trump as the cure. He and his cult of personality are symptoms of the whole system, which is trusting in false idols. It is clear to me, given this level of idolatry, that deconstruction is inevitable (and is already happening). America is to be humbled if it is to repent. If this is how God is going to do it, then so be it.
I understand this is still just a purple pill board and many members are not ready for the red pill.
You're an idiot.

... the spell he still has on members, like on this forum, is beyond remarkable.
Like who? As usual you won't name names. Nobody here is under Trump's spell. We all are highly critical of him. You've been told this ad nauseum and you've replied a hundred times "You can't vote your way out of this mess," as if we're stupid and didn't hear you the first time. In addition, you have no names and addresses of your imaginary "elites" either, and you seem to despise everyone here because they won't bow to your self-proclaimed superiority and hyper-intelligence. You are the most "positive" and "financially successful" person on this board, which is not true. So you're either delusional or an outright liar. I'm beginning to believe you're a federal troll with multiple accounts that cross-comments on his own posts. You wouldn't happen to be @BarrontheTigerCat too would you? Your tone, self-righteous superiority complex, and lack of respect for those with differing views than yours is eerily similar.
You're an idiot.

Like who? As usual you won't name names. Nobody here is under Trump's spell. We all are highly critical of him. You've been told this ad nauseum and you've replied a hundred times "You can't vote your way out of this mess," as if we're stupid and didn't hear you the first time. In addition, you have no names and addresses of your imaginary "elites" either, and you seem to despise everyone here because they won't bow to your self-proclaimed superiority and hyper-intelligence. You are the most "positive" and "financially successful" person on this board, which is not true. So you're either delusional or an outright liar. I'm beginning to believe you're a federal troll with multiple accounts that cross-comments on his own posts. You wouldn't happen to be @BarrontheTigerCat too would you? Your tone, self-righteous superiority complex, and lack of respect for those with differing views than yours is eerily similar.
I don't name names, because I am not here to attack people or shame them. I am here to help them, because we are all going to need each other.

I see people who are not critical of him, I have people arguing with me and even going as far to misrepresent what I have said about him to defend him. If you want names of the elites, those are easy to find and discussed here in great depth.

The rest of your personal attacks are not worth addressing.
Much like the 7 deadly sins, there is a very accurate description of what the Anti-Christ would be. And Trump is the closest I see in the world right now. He gets Christians to worship him, like a false idol, while he uses their religion like a tool to make himself wealthier.

I can’t disagree with you here.

He then gets these same Christians to cheer on the destruction of their nations with open borders, immigration, endless wars, and letting BLM burn the country down as he hands satanic Black Rock $5 trillion. And even after all this, Christians still line up to support him. That is dangerous, that is dangerous the likes we have never seen in the USA. And the spell he still has on members, like on this forum, is beyond remarkable.

I can’t comment on leaders from other parts of the world since I don’t live in their countries. There have been many people who were claimed to be the Antichrist, but the sheer false faith people have in Trump and how they and others worship him as some kind of messiah is very concerning.
You're an idiot.

Like who? As usual you won't name names. Nobody here is under Trump's spell. We all are highly critical of him. You've been told this ad nauseum and you've replied a hundred times "You can't vote your way out of this mess," as if we're stupid and didn't hear you the first time. In addition, you have no names and addresses of your imaginary "elites" either, and you seem to despise everyone here because they won't bow to your self-proclaimed superiority and hyper-intelligence. You are the most "positive" and "financially successful" person on this board, which is not true. So you're either delusional or an outright liar. I'm beginning to believe you're a federal troll with multiple accounts that cross-comments on his own posts. You wouldn't happen to be @BarrontheTigerCat too would you? Your tone, self-righteous superiority complex, and lack of respect for those with differing views than yours is eerily similar.

Don't insult others or use unloving language. The rules are very clear. It's fine to criticize ISMT, but do so in the context of trying to help your neighbor and not merely denigrate him.
Much like the 7 deadly sins, there is a very accurate description of what the Anti-Christ would be. And Trump is the closest I see in the world right now. He gets Christians to worship him, like a false idol, while he uses their religion like a tool to make himself wealthier.

He's not even remotely close to the description, and you just make yourself look ignorant and hysterical to make such blasphemous claims. I've already told you once not to keep pushing blasphemy, and I'm going to tell you again. The Anti-Christ is someone who will be universally loved by the Talmuds as the true Messiah. That is the "Anti-Christ" with a capital A. A little antichrist is someone who is simply against Christians, which Trump is not, since he openly praises Christ, God, and the Bible (unlike Biden and his chew handlers).

At most you can say Trump is a false prophet, of whom Christ warned us to beware of many, but this is far far below the Anti-Christ.
I can’t disagree with you here.

I can’t comment on leaders from other parts of the world since I don’t live in their countries. There have been many people who were claimed to be the Antichrist, but the sheer false faith people have in Trump and how they and others worship him as some kind of messiah is very concerning.
I've never seen anything like it. It isn't like he is an unknown and I am here saying "guys, you can't trust him, he is lying". No, he was already president for four years, stabbed his supporters in the back, bailed out Black Rock and let our small businesses collapse, raised $250 million of the stop the steal lie and banked the money what should be a fraud case, pardoned lifelong Democrats on the way out, and threw his base under the bus at every turn possible.

And still somehow, he has people willing to fight for him because he tells lame jokes about the DNC. It is a constant excuse of "he didn't know any better" to "he just didn't have the power to do ___" to "he will do better next time".
He's not even remotely close to the description, and you just make yourself look ignorant and hysterical to make such blasphemous claims. I've already told you once not to keep pushing blasphemy, and I'm going to tell you again. The Anti-Christ is someone who will be universally loved by the Talmuds as the true Messiah. That is the "Anti-Christ" with a capital A. A little antichrist is someone who is simply against Christians, which Trump is not, since he openly praises Christ, God, and the Bible (unlike Biden and his chew handlers).

At most you can say Trump is a false prophet, of whom Christ warned us to beware of many, but this is far far below the Anti-Christ.
Is Trump, "the most pro-Israel president in the history of the country" his words, not mine, not loved by the Zionists?

I am good with agreeing to disagree on him just being a false profit and not the Anti-Christ. I am not going to battle over what to call him. He is a fraud, a liar and a thief, he is low class scumbag. If you don't think he merits the moniker of "Anti-Christ", I am okay with that.
Is Trump, "the most pro-Israel president in the history of the country" his words, not mine, not loved by the Zionists?

Trump's sales pitches do not reflect reality. Most chews hate him, except Israelites. In general the Zionist wing likes him and the Reform wing hates him. He's a divisive figure even inside of the chew world but due to geography it means he has an 80% approval rating in Israel and a 80% disapproval rating in America, among chews. Trump may not even have half of the world's Talmud support, which is such a far cry from what the Bible says about who the Anti-Christ will actually be that I have to crack down on this.

I am good with agreeing to disagree on him just being a false profit and not the Anti-Christ. I am not going to battle over what to call him. He is a fraud, a liar and a thief, he is low class scumbag. If you don't think he merits the moniker of "Anti-Christ", I am okay with that.

Call him a false prophet all you'd like. Reasonable minds can discuss this, but do not get upset when others disagree. Make your point and call it a day.
Trump's sales pitches do not reflect reality. Most chews hate him, except Israelites. In general the Zionist wing likes him and the Reform wing hates him. He's a divisive figure even inside of the chew world but due to geography it means he has an 80% approval rating in Israel and a 80% disapproval rating in America, among chews. Trump may not even have half of the world's Talmud support, which is such a far cry from what the Bible says about who the Anti-Christ will actually be that I have to crack down on this.

Call him a false prophet all you'd like. Reasonable minds can discuss this, but do not get upset when others disagree. Make your point and call it a day.

I am far from upset. I am too old and life is too short to get upset about unimportant things. I am just not backing down, we are out of time. We all knew that if Trump didn't follow through in 2016 it would be the last chance. That is long gone, it is time for men in the west to get serious.
Other than pointing out how silly it was to call Donald trump the anti christ, which absolutely did happen multiple times, the issue was not about criticism of trump.
Other than pointing out how silly it was to call Donald trump the anti christ, which absolutely did happen multiple times, the issue was not about criticism of trump.
Still female leftist misrepresentation. More and more can see this behavior and it isn't impressive. My posts are still there, I said Trump is the closest thing we have to an Anti-Christ right now. I still stand by it, it is up to Trump to change his behavior, it isn't up to me to ignore and overlook it.
Still female leftist misrepresentation. More and more can see this behavior and it isn't impressive. My posts are still there, I said Trump is the closest thing we have to an Anti-Christ right now. I still stand by it, it is up to Trump to change his behavior, it isn't up to me to ignore and overlook it.

Haha did you just call me a female leftist?

Again the issue wasn't with criticism of trump, you're desperately looking to make it about that now because you know it will garner support.
Haha did you just call me a female leftist?

Again the issue wasn't with criticism of trump, you're desperately looking to make it about that now because you know it will garner support.
I said you communicate like a female leftists, using their tactics. Purposely misrepresenting what I said and using "wow, just wow" talking points, like the word "obsessed".

I don't care if I have any support here or not, this isn't some ego trip, LOL. This is about doing the right thing and that right thing is making sure more men realize you can't vote your way out of this.
I said you communicate like a female leftists, using their tactics. Purposely misrepresenting what I said and using "wow, just wow" talking points, like the word "obsessed".

I don't care if I have any support here or not, this isn't some ego trip, LOL. This is about doing the right thing and that right thing is making sure more men realize you can't vote your way out of this.
It is very clearly an ego trip and you've been told to knock it off.
I said you communicate like a female leftists, using their tactics. Purposely misrepresenting what I said and using "wow, just wow" talking points, like the word "obsessed".

I don't care if I have any support here or not, this isn't some ego trip, LOL. This is about doing the right thing and that right thing is making sure more men realize you can't vote your way out of this.

I don't know, I think using buzzword insults, "LOL" and changing your position and message whenever it isn't being supported is more like female leftist tactics. but that's just my opinion.

I would call it more akin to narcissism than an ego trip, you have an issue within yourself and you're looking to infect everyone else with it. I didn't say anything wrong which warranted being insulted by pointing out that the issue wasn't about criticism of Trump and I've tossed you multiple olive branches in our interactions, you're just not interested in anything other than being right and saving face it seems.
I don't know, I think using buzzword insults, "LOL" and changing your position and message whenever it isn't being supported is more like female leftist tactics. but that's just my opinion.

I would call it more akin to narcissism than an ego trip, you have an issue within yourself and you're looking to infect everyone else with it. I didn't say anything wrong which warranted being insulted by pointing out that the issue wasn't about criticism of Trump and I've tossed you multiple olive branches in our interactions, you're just not interested in anything other than being right and saving face it seems.
I haven't changed anything, more female liberal argument points. I do laugh though, am I allowed to post it? I don't need your permission I suppose.

You must not know the definition of narcissism. If you want to have an honest discussion, I am willing. If you want to misrepresent, what is typed out in front of you, then it is an exercise in futility for me. The good thing is other members seeing it as well, which helps them on their path.
Don't insult others or use unloving language. The rules are very clear. It's fine to criticize ISMT, but do so in the context of trying to help your neighbor and not merely denigrate him.
You're right. He posts some good stuff and I lost my temper. It was more of a spontaneous troll job. I felt he was subtextually calling some of us "idiots" so I thought I'd return the favor in a more straight up fashion. However, two wrongs don't make a right. I'll do better. No excuses, but I joined the 2024 no drinking challenge (and added quitting smoking to the challenge) and I think it's already starting put me on edge.