Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

His candidacy is almost over. His numbers can't plummet much farther. He will withdraw from the race very soon. That is not a better candidate.

Politically impossible things are impossible. DeSantis will not take Trump's place.
I have no emotional investment as I view politicians transaction-ally as everyone should. So if Trump is the nominee I won't vote and that's fine. Actually to be more precise, I have little emotional investment in RDS winning. Trust in God's ultimate plan does that.

Regarding Desantis, if he wins Iowa it's a whole new game. You say, 'the polls, he can't'. Thing is, if you look at past Iowa polling this early out it is entirely non predictive of the winner. Desantis has all the necessary endorsements including the governor and Bob Vander Plaats of the Family Leader which is influential in the state that is 2/3 Evangelical. Whoever Bob endorses has always won. Desantis has a huge ground game double the size of Ted Cruz who won in 16 and he already has 40k caucus votes banked (way ahead of Ted Cruz). Trump, Haley and Vivek all effectively have no ground game. I would be surprised if Desantis doesn't win Iowa and would add if he doesn't win Iowa it's over for him IMO. In fact, I would say he needs to win Iowa by at least 5 points...more would be better.

Looking at NH there's similar dynamics at play for Desantis. Effective ground game, likely governor endorsement forthcoming and most of the GOP in NH has already backed him. Playing this out, NH would come after an Iowa RDS win which would give momentum. Mainly because there's like 60% of the vote that when polled say Trump, but it's a soft yes. They're not committed, but think he's inevitable. Once that shroud of inevitability has been pierced it changes everything. Going forward, RDS has won the first two and now they go to SC where, again, there's similar advantages for RDS already in play (most of Tim Scott's support moved over to RDS already which actually surprised me....but that's according to 'the Hill' which is MSM so who knows).

If Desantis takes the first 3 which are the ones he's been focusing on for the last 6 months Trump's in real trouble. At that point he would have to debate as RDS would keep calling him out on it and his losing the first 3 contests removes his only reason for not debating - nobody has a chance against me so there's no need. But if he does debate he'll get crushed\exposed and at almost 80 years old he just can't keep up (we'll all be there). So you see why Trump has been pleading with RNC to stop all future debates and basically coronate him. His worst nightmare is teh above scenario. His last hope would be Super Tuesday.

What I'll take pleasure in if RDS should do the above is seeing the fall of the pollsters and all the phony grifting conservative class who for 6 months constantly waived these worthless polls around. That I will enjoy. I'll also have a bit of Schadenfreude with the fall of a Godless self worshiping false god. Also, after every loss he will claim it was all rigged proving the point of what kind of man he is.
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What do we make of this? Eipstein's black book. Apparently circled names are 'worse'.

I know, not necessarily guilty by association. I don't know what to believe about it really.

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Trump was very close with Jeff Epstein. When I was on the Trump train (voted for him twice and went to stop the steal protests and almost J6) I dismissed the Epstein connection as nothing to see as all Trumpers do. I\we would say: Once Trump knew what Epstein was doing he banned him from Mar a Lago so he's fine. But that's not accurate. Trump continued partying with Epstein at Mar A Lago even after all the allegations had come out in the press. He only stopped him once the Feds moved in on him the first time; at that point he was a liability. Also his plane trips. We used to say he only flew twice on the Lolita Express and not to the island. But in the Maxwell trial it came out that he actually had at least 10 trips on Epstein's plane. Lastly, remember a few months ago when he told Tucker he thought Epstein DIDN'T kill himself. I think he and the Clinton's are the only people in the US who would give that answer.
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#3) Had Trump, the most pro-Israel president of all time, been in office, it is hard to imagine he wouldn't have made a bigger mess out of the situation in Gaza. Instead, Biden's team has been talking Israel into backing off and the pressure is working as we now see a potential cease fire.
Trump was objectively the greatest anti-war president since before WWI. This you have concrete evidence of. Another reason the deep state hated him. Likely no war in Ukraine or Gaza if he is in office right now.

Our inflation started with gutless Trump's Cares Act which, btw, funded mail in balloting for states that wanted it. We all thought Trump not being a details but big picture guy was great. He's a real guy, not a wonk politician. But now it's clear that to be president you gotta know details and be a big picture guy. Trump's lazy so never goes through legislation himself so he\we are the mercy to whatever his handlers told him about legislation (SAME AS JOE!).
Your inflation and economic woes were seeded far earlier than this.
There was ZERO signature matching in the Georgia election contest. This means there was mass fraud. In states like California, how did Gavin Newsome prevent himself from being ousted in the recall election. He used signature matching and threw out majority of unfavorable ballots.

Why are we, in the US, trying to model ourselves off of failed countries like Brittain, with a Indain PM which allows mail in ballots?

You're right, its not irrelevant. It proves the point that mail in ballots don't work for election integrity.. Nigel Farange pointed out that mail in ballots ensure the ruling party is continually in the decision seat.

Why is it unlikely?

Occams razor says it is totally likely.

Rahm Emmaunel says "never let a good crisis go to waste"

If you've been paying attention to the Fauci discovery, you know that the NIH was performing gain of function research in China, and was working with the Bill Gates foundation. If you know that, and you add that to the Agenda 201 war game, with the intent of using a pandemic to control people and enforce social/societal change, then you know that this is part of their plan.

They had to use it early to take out Trump whom was making too many damaging gains in the populist nationalist front vs the globalist control apparatus.

What is hard to fathom about this that is so unlikely?

What may or may not have happened at a local level is not that interesting. But again it's local. The rest is speculation really. If this was the case then even rival nations China and probably even Russia and the rest of the world's Governments would have to agree on it beforehand and come up with a plan etc. All to get rid of' just a very low probability scenario.
America has gone hard core full satanic under Biden. They don't even pretend to tell the truth. It's bizarro world. Up is down, male soldiers are females, etc. Biden has flushed America down the toilet.

Even to the extent that BLM and Antifa strategically chose to be more active under Trump's adminstration, they are Democrats,.

The arguments that Trump should have crossed the Rubicon and should have imposed martial law to stop the stolen election and stop the BLM/Antifa activity are true, I think, but I don't think Trump had the backing in the population, or from the political elite, or from the military officers or rank and file to do this. Without the necessary support to impose martial law, it really isn't on Trump.

I've known thieves who steal something, and say it was the legitimate owner's fault for leaving the item where it could be stolen. No, the thief was still at fault.

When people say it is Trump's fault that he didn't declare martial law and stop the whole commie establishment from stealing the election, I say he wasn't in a position to stop it. The stolen election is the fault of the thieves, not Trump who wasn't in a position to stop it.

You will probably ask, what good is Trump then? I ask, what, are you going to vote for the thieves? Not voting is voting for the thieves. Do you have a candidate that can really do more? Trump is the only game in town.
America has been hardcore satanic for a long time, no one you will be allowed to vote for will stop this slide or slow it down. Things were better under Obama than under Trump. Things were better under Trump than under Biden. And things will be better now under Biden than whomever comes next.

I don't blame Trump for not doing those things. Trump isn't the guy to do those things and that is what we must come to realize. Trump is just another insider elite, who was bailed out on his bad investments and beholden to the satanic elite to do their bidding. I blame people for in 2023 not realizing this and going right back to the rigged system looking for answers.

The answers are within us, and we must work to bring about a new system to replace this one, and that is a VERY tall order.
Anyone that doesnt believe that the 2020 election was absolutely stolen in a top down , strategic, and coordinated effort has not bothered to look at the evidence.

I challenge anyone to spend an hour actually looking at it and come back and still say that.

Making such uninformed proclamations is by definition gloho propaganda and quite frankly intellectually lazy
I disagree. In my opinion it's one of the only few remaining, achievable, and viable solutions. I can't speak for anyone outside the US, but having spent a good 20 years of my life on the road driving around the US there is no shortage of rural, untouched land (and hence resources). Barring a nuclear holocaust I do not believe this will change in my lifetime. That being said, I am still preparing as if the collapse is imminent.

True, but you just have to keep going further out. If you can lead a simple life, in a place that has no cell phone reception or internet connection (except via satellite), you immediately eliminate 99% of all competition for resources and physical space... And, "Out of sight, out of mind."

As for inflation, if you're not engaging with the mainstream economy and governments for 90% of your recreational and survival transactions then the value of money is basically irrelevant (as perhaps it should be).

The 2016 Trump win and his 2020 loss, I believe, had no bearing on my life. Over this time period my life has slowly but steadily improved. I believe this to be true because I started following RVF 1.0 advice 10 years ago. That is, "Break free of The Matrix by going off grid, creating your own DIY self-employment job, and by being location independent." The other thing was to invest in Bitcoin at $600 a coin but I scoffed at that and have since had to eat crow.

Anyhow, I'm getting off topic. Let's move this over to the Agrarian, Relocation & Prepping threads.
I'm from this area, this area is where I grew up. I am so blessed for it. But I am telling you, and everyone right now two important things...

#1) You can't run from this, it is coming for you no matter where you go.

#2) They are working overtime to destroy these rural areas and it is amazing at how fast their work is paying off.
Trump was objectively the greatest anti-war president since before WWI. This you have concrete evidence of. Another reason the deep state hated him. Likely no war in Ukraine or Gaza if he is in office right now.

Your inflation and economic woes were seeded far earlier than this.
I keep hearing these blue pill takes on Trump on this red pill forum.

Trump continued the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. He funded the Azov Battalion, which lead to the war with Russia and the deaths of possibly over 500,000 European Christians. He is to blame, as much as anyone else, for what is happening in Israel. Moving the embassy and stabbing Christianity and Islam in the back. Then the cowardly act of assassinating the Iranian general showed Iran how weak we are and now they are attacking our bases, taking out our troops and attacking Israel at will.
I keep hearing these blue pill takes on Trump on this red pill forum.

Trump continued the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. He funded the Azov Battalion, which lead to the war with Russia and the deaths of possibly over 500,000 European Christians. He is to blame, as much as anyone else, for what is happening in Israel. Moving the embassy and stabbing Christianity and Islam in the back. Then the cowardly act of assassinating the Iranian general showed Iran how weak we are and now they are attacking our bases, taking out our troops and attacking Israel at will.
And how does that compare to the administrations of Biden, Obama, Bush Sr and Jr, Bill Clinton, and Reagan? Because we're discussing a comparison, not an ideal.
Trump was very close with Jeff Epstein. When I was on the Trump train (voted for him twice and went to stop the steal protests and almost J6) I dismissed the Epstein connection as nothing to see as all Trumpers do. I\we would say: Once Trump knew what Epstein was doing he banned him from Mar a Lago so he's fine. But that's not accurate. Trump continued partying with Epstein at Mar A Lago even after all the allegations had come out in the press. He only stopped him once the Feds moved in on him the first time; at that point he was a liability. Also his plane trips. We used to say he only flew twice on the Lolita Express and not to the island. But in the Maxwell trial it came out that he actually had at least 10 trips on Epstein's plane. Lastly, remember a few months ago when he told Tucker he thought Epstein DIDN'T kill himself. I think he and the Clinton's are the only people in the US who would give that answer.

Do you have a source on DJT visiting Epstein Island 10 times?
10 plane trips on Lolita Express but no intel on where those flights went to.
If they went to Paedo-death Island, we would have heard about it non-stop.

The whole "Trump partied with Epstein" nonsense is 100% manufactured MSM crap. Trump supported the nobody family of the first victim in their quest for justice, banned Epstein from all Trump property, banned all Trump employees from having any dealings with Epstein, and bought his own plane to fly around in, so none of his family would take freebies on other peoples jets. His administration went all in on taking out paedos (this has since stopped).

Trump partied so hard with Epstein that there is a whole TWO pictures of them together.

There is plenty of legitimate criticism you can level against Trump, but the whole Trump is some sort of crypto-paedo is nonsense.
And how does that compare to the administrations of Biden, Obama, Bush Sr and Jr, Bill Clinton, and Reagan? Because we're discussing a comparison, not an ideal.
Same wars as Bush and Obama were under Trump. Afghanistan, Iraq and then the same Israel first foreign policy of attacking Syria and putting illegal bases there. Puppet govt. in Libya that helps flood Europe with third world people and destroy their countries. Gutless cowardly assassination of a hero of Iran, which has caused Iran to go into hyperdrive and develop very high tech weapons and even use some on our bases.

But of everything these other presidents did, Trump moving the Embassy to Jerusalem was the cherry on top of being a war monger. Talk about kicking a hornets nest. No matter who you vote for, you will get more war, more foreign policy for Israel only, and more handing our tax dollars over to Wall Street. Trump is no different than the rest, in fact, he might actually have been the worst at it of all of them.
Everything in the west is top down controlled, everyone in both parties. If you run for office in the GOP and don't toe the line, they will kick you out. The real red pill is you can't vote your way out of this, you can't even vote for more time. Voting is a pointless waste of time in the west.

The new "Trump neo-conservatives" across the west, who are Israel first and lie to their voting base constantly is growing stale.

If they went to Paedo-death Island, we would have heard about it non-stop.

The whole "Trump partied with Epstein" nonsense is 100% manufactured MSM crap. Trump supported the nobody family of the first victim in their quest for justice, banned Epstein from all Trump property, banned all Trump employees from having any dealings with Epstein, and bought his own plane to fly around in, so none of his family would take freebies on other peoples jets. His administration went all in on taking out paedos (this has since stopped).

Trump partied so hard with Epstein that there is a whole TWO pictures of them together.

There is plenty of legitimate criticism you can level against Trump, but the whole Trump is some sort of crypto-paedo is nonsense.
We know for a fact that many high profile folk such as prince Andrew partied with Epstein. How many pics we got of them together? I only ever see that one where he's standing on what looks like the stoop of Epsteins NY house. Where's all the pics of Bill Clinton and Epstein? Haven't seen those either even though we're pretty sure Bill was getting action. You think people at Epstein's level are encouraging or allowing pictures being taken? C'mon. Trump is is\was a degenerate NY lib playboy. Have a little discernment.
We know for a fact that many high profile folk such as prince Andrew partied with Epstein. How many pics we got of them together? I only ever see that one where he's standing on what looks like the stoop of Epsteins NY house. Where's all the pics of Bill Clinton and Epstein? Haven't seen those either even though we're pretty sure Bill was getting action. You think people at Epstein's level are encouraging or allowing pictures being taken? C'mon. Trump is is\was a degenerate NY lib playboy. Have a little discernment.
I dunno there's a lot of photos of Bill and Jeffrey. Jeffrey even visited the Whitehouse while Bill was getting blowies from Lewinsky.

Trump was a known philanderer yes. But no reason to think he was doinking little girl's like some of the others. From my understanding, Trump's the guy who likes to try and seduce you, not force himself on you.

If they had something concrete on him doing kids... You don't think it would be well used to discredit the Donald at this point?
I dunno there's a lot of photos of Bill and Jeffrey. Jeffrey even visited the Whitehouse while Bill was getting blowies from Lewinsky.

Trump was a known philanderer yes. But no reason to think he was doinking little girl's like some of the others. From my understanding, Trump's the guy who likes to try and seduce you, not force himself on you.

If they had something concrete on him doing kids... You don't think it would be well used to discredit the Donald at this point?
No I'm not seeing he was going after little girls. Late teens maybe but most likely young adult women would be my guess. I'm just saying he partied with Epstein at Mar A Lago and knew about Epstein's proclivity to be with young teens which Trump himself noted in an interview.
When Nikki Haley or DeSantis say things like this, the people rightfully question it. When this gutless coward says it, it gets innocent people put in harms way.

Must be blocked, it is a video of Trump talking about how antisemitism is our biggest problem and must be stopped at all costs.
Where's all the pics of Bill Clinton and Epstein? Haven't seen those either even though we're pretty sure Bill was getting action.

Epstein did have a painting of Clinton dressed as a woman in a blue dress and red high heels in his there's that.:rolleyes:
