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Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

That makes sense. If I understand what you're saying, what likely happened is that the conspiracy was in preventing the results being contested in any meaningful manner, rather than in explicitly directing fraudulent vote counting, which was going to happen organically anyway, as we detailed in the last few posts.

No one was forcing people at the local level to cheat in various ways, that's extremely implausible. I put that in the category of explosives in the towers on 9/11. The conspiracy lies in not intervening, again pretty analogous to 9/11. It's nothing new that organizations and just people acting in groups operate this way.

I think the evidence against both of your positions is overwhelming; if the cheating wasn't ordered from the top down, why did they create a scamdemic to get mail-in voting? The scale of fraud could have never had happened without mail-in voting, and mail-in voting came on down from the top.

Mail-in voting was contested in the courts every step of the way, and despite how many times judges ruled against them, including SCOTUS member Scalia, no one was allowed to stop mail-in voting. This means the orders for mail-in ballots, massive fraud, and compromised courts were done in tandem, i.e. they came from the same source.
I think the evidence against both of your positions is overwhelming; if the cheating wasn't ordered from the top down, why did they create a scamdemic to get mail-in voting? The scale of fraud could have never had happened without mail-in voting, and mail-in voting came on down from the top.

Mail-in voting was contested in the courts every step of the way, and despite how many times judges ruled against them, including SCOTUS member Scalia, no one was allowed to stop mail-in voting. This means the orders for mail-in ballots, massive fraud, and compromised courts were done in tandem, i.e. they came from the same source.

I don't like mail-voting, but it's nothing new and many countries have had it for a long time. It's a big assumption that they created covid specifically so that they could use a mail-voting scam just to get rid of Trump.
I think it is a great question, to ask if Trump is such a sellout, then why did they cheat to keep him out of office.

The answer is...

Not because they feared Trump would put Americans first, or he would give White people equal rights, or protect Christians in the Middle East, or he would do something about the corruption in this country and with the satanic elites. You don't get to vote for things like this. Anyone who is even halfway down this path of beliefs will NEVER get a nomination from either party. And a third party that pushes such a thing will be shut down by one of a million new laws on the books from the Patriot Act(s). You don't get to vote for these things, even if the candidate says so. Which is why in Trump's 4 years he...

- Almost started a war with Iran, which would destroy us, and killed Christians with happiness and boasting across Syria and the rest of the Middle East.
- Funded the Azov Battalion so they could kill and torture Christians.
- Bailed out his satanic son in law and George Soros, and protected George Soros, so we could have the BLM riots that he magically couldn't do anything about.
- Used the Bible as a prop, one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen.
- Bailed out satanic Blackrock with our tax dollars and then told us "tough luck" when our small businesses failed, or were burned down in his BLM riots.

We know the elites don't fear Trump to do the right thing, that isn't what they fear about Trump.

What the elites fear about Trump is two things...

#1) He has a big mouth and says things that go over the line. This causes people to break from the conditioning and it has caused them some problems. They can't risk him up there saying "both sides had good people on them" or "Americans have to come first". Even if he never follows through on it, just saying it is a problem for them.

#2) At the very top, there is a war between the Pro-Israel elites and the Anti-Israel elites, who think Israel gives away the game plan and is a problem for them as they should hide in the shadows of other countries. Trump, as he said himself, is the most pro-Israel president of all time. The pro-Israel elites don't need this level of support, Bush was good enough for them, and him moving the embassy and tweeting about Assad was over the top for them. The anti-Israel elites are in panic because he gives away the game. Trump causes the left to hate Israel to a level that causes them to explore further, which is a big no-no for them.

All in all, the elites want a DeSantis or Haley, who talks about Israel, but does it in a calm demeanor. And at the same time, never mentions "America First".
I don't like mail-voting, but it's nothing new and many countries have had it for a long time. It's a big assumption that they created covid specifically so that they could use a mail-voting scam just to get rid of Trump.

Created it for Trump... No.

Created it for implementation of control ...Yes.

Released it in November 2018 in preparation for the 2020 election. Yes.

These are not grand statements. They're really elementary my dear Watson....

Mail in ballots as exhibited in 2020 was never ever ever a thing in America.

Again, what you're saying here doesn't jive with the American political experience of the last several elections.

What many countries have done for a long time is 100 percent irrelevant to the 2020 election abnormalities.

Many countries also use only paper ballots and count them same day. France is one... Oh and Argentina just did that.
I think it is a great question, to ask if Trump is such a sellout, then why did they cheat to keep him out of office.

The answer is...

Not because they feared Trump would put Americans first, or he would give White people equal rights, or protect Christians in the Middle East, or he would do something about the corruption in this country and with the satanic elites. You don't get to vote for things like this. Anyone who is even halfway down this path of beliefs will NEVER get a nomination from either party. And a third party that pushes such a thing will be shut down by one of a million new laws on the books from the Patriot Act(s). You don't get to vote for these things, even if the candidate says so. Which is why in Trump's 4 years he...

- Almost started a war with Iran, which would destroy us, and killed Christians with happiness and boasting across Syria and the rest of the Middle East.

He prevented a war with Iran. What are you talking about. The generals wanted him to engage after the drone was shot down. He didn't .

I was in the military during all this, including being deployed overseas and having operational knowledge.

I've also been shot at by Houthis (Iran backed rebels) so no he didn't almost get us into a war...Trump attacked high value targets but avoided overt war. If anything, Iranian surrogates, whom have attacked US Military almost got Iran into a war with the US.

This is the sort of blanket garbage statement spoken by someone with out operational knowledge.
- Funded the Azov Battalion so they could kill and torture Christians.
That was going on well before him. Maybe you forgot he got impeached for trying to look into Ukraine.

- Bailed out his satanic son in law and George Soros, and protected George Soros, so we could have the BLM riots that he magically couldn't do anything about.
- Used the Bible as a prop, one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen.
You view the Bible viewed as a prop. I don't. You might remember he mobilized forced to save Christ Church from getting burned down by BLM rioters and the photo was the next day.
He prevented a war with Iran. What are you talking about. The generals wanted him to engage after the drone was shot down. He didn't .

I was in the military during all this, including being deployed overseas and having operational knowledge.

I've also been shot at by Houthis (Iran backed rebels) so no he didn't almost get us into a war...Trump attacked high value targets but avoided overt war. If anything, Iranian surrogates, whom have attacked US Military almost got Iran into a war with the US.

This is the sort of blanket garbage statement spoken by someone with out operational knowledge.

That was going on well before him. Maybe you forgot he got impeached for trying to look into Ukraine.

You view the Bible viewed as a prop. I don't. You might remember he mobilized forced to save Christ Church from getting burned down by BLM rioters and the photo was the next day.
The only way he prevented a war with Iran, was seeing their capabilities up close, and not responding. Of course that was after the cowardly, low life/low class, war crime of assassinating their general. Lucky for Trump he is old, if he was 60, the way things are going, he might have to face charges for that down the road due to the US falling to pieces.

Yes, Ukraine was going on before him and after him. I don't only blame Trump, but he was right there in the thick of it all as well as Obama and Biden.

Holding up the Bible, after boasting about such a sinful life, and then doing nothing to protect us and our way of life, was the low point of his presidency. Well, until January 6th and his actions afterwards makes me believe he was in on it as well.
It is my understanding that almost no countries allow mail-in voting, and that it has been largely banned, except in the US. I'm speaking about mail-in, not paper ballots that are filled out at the voting locations and dropped in a locked box or whatever.

Many western countries have it and it's been feature for a long time. Not saying it's good, but it's a reality.
The election-rigging was clearly from the top down, Bidet even admitted it. However, this says more about their corruption and willingness to seize control than it does about Trump as an underdog.
Created it for Trump... No.

Created it for implementation of control ...Yes.

Released it in November 2018 in preparation for the 2020 election. Yes.

These are not grand statements. They're really elementary my dear Watson....

Mail in ballots as exhibited in 2020 was never ever ever a thing in America.

Again, what you're saying here doesn't jive with the American political experience of the last several elections.

What many countries have done for a long time is 100 percent irrelevant to the 2020 election abnormalities.

Many countries also use only paper ballots and count them same day. France is one... Oh and Argentina just did that.

I'm talking to two people at once here. (out of context reply) I wouldn't say that it's irrelevant. Many western countries have it, and there's little evidence of fraud there. More likely that there's various black and Latino local election officials that are cheating and regulators turn a blind eye due to their allegiance. But a grand plan to get rid of Trump involving creating covid etc, very unlikely! (I know covid had a lab origin, but not related to election)
I'm talking to two people at once here. (out of context reply) I wouldn't say that it's irrelevant. Many western countries have it, and there's little evidence of fraud there. More likely that there's various black and Latino local election officials that are cheating and regulators turn a blind eye due to their allegiance. But a grand plan to get rid of Trump involving creating covid etc, very unlikely! (I know covid had a lab origin, but not related to election)
There was ZERO signature matching in the Georgia election contest. This means there was mass fraud. In states like California, how did Gavin Newsome prevent himself from being ousted in the recall election. He used signature matching and threw out majority of unfavorable ballots.

Why are we, in the US, trying to model ourselves off of failed countries like Brittain, with a Indain PM which allows mail in ballots?

You're right, its not irrelevant. It proves the point that mail in ballots don't work for election integrity.. Nigel Farange pointed out that mail in ballots ensure the ruling party is continually in the decision seat.

Why is it unlikely?

Occams razor says it is totally likely.

Rahm Emmaunel says "never let a good crisis go to waste"

If you've been paying attention to the Fauci discovery, you know that the NIH was performing gain of function research in China, and was working with the Bill Gates foundation. If you know that, and you add that to the Agenda 201 war game, with the intent of using a pandemic to control people and enforce social/societal change, then you know that this is part of their plan.

They had to use it early to take out Trump whom was making too many damaging gains in the populist nationalist front vs the globalist control apparatus.

What is hard to fathom about this that is so unlikely?
The only way he prevented a war with Iran, was seeing their capabilities up close, and not responding. Of course that was after the cowardly, low life/low class, war crime of assassinating their general. Lucky for Trump he is old, if he was 60, the way things are going, he might have to face charges for that down the road due to the US falling to pieces.
I have ZERO problem with Solemeini getting killed. He's responsible for the death of my friends through proxy wars. Again, you're speaking about this like its some sort of altruistic business.

Warfare isnt at all. The guy was not an innocent political figure. He was head of the Al Quds force. Fuck him to death as Mr. Garrison would say. I'm glad he's dead, and Trump should do it 100X over. It was a brilliant move.

Keep cozying up to Iran's mullah regime as though they are some sort of good force in the world. They are not.

Yes, Ukraine was going on before him and after him. I don't only blame Trump, but he was right there in the thick of it all as well as Obama and Biden.
What? He tried to call attention to how corrupt that country was and he was subject to great turmoil because of it.

Holding up the Bible, after boasting about such a sinful life, and then doing nothing to protect us and our way of life, was the low point of his presidency. Well, until January 6th and his actions afterwards makes me believe he was in on it as well.

His actions for all of 14 days where he was assured to be impeached and convicted in the senate IF he pre-emptively pardoned the J6'ers whom had NOT YET been charged.

What is it concretely you want him to have done that he could ACTUALLY do?
I have ZERO problem with Solemeini getting killed. He's responsible for the death of my friends through proxy wars. Again, you're speaking about this like its some sort of altruistic business.

Warfare isnt at all. The guy was not an innocent political figure. He was head of the Al Quds force. **** him to death as Mr. Garrison would say. I'm glad he's dead, and Trump should do it 100X over. It was a brilliant move.

Keep cozying up to Iran's mullah regime as though they are some sort of good force in the world. They are not.

What? He tried to call attention to how corrupt that country was and he was subject to great turmoil because of it.

His actions for all of 14 days where he was assured to be impeached and convicted in the senate IF he pre-emptively pardoned the J6'ers whom had NOT YET been charged.

What is it concretely you want him to have done that he could ACTUALLY do?

Yes, when your country supports and funds ISIS, so they can kill innocent Muslims and Christians, bad things tend to happen. Killing Solemeini in the most cowardly way possible, just made the situation far worse. Iran could see how weak and pathetic we were after this cowardly act, and they have gotten much stronger and bolder, as we now see with their proxies directly attacking our bases over the last few weeks.

I don't know how good or bad Iran's regime is. I do know Iran's regime has not flooded by country with millions of third world people who hate me, hate my family, attack my friends and family, made my life a miserable mess with wage suppression and COL increases, and makes everyday tasks much more difficult. And the situation is getting worse. The Iranian regime isn't trying to turn my young cousins into homosexuals or transexuals. The Iranian regime didn't throw my political brothers and sisters into prison for their political beliefs. The Iranian regime isn't spending billions of dollars to destroy the 1A and 2A. The Iranian regime didn't make the next generation so full of hopelessness that drug abuse and suicide among the youth is skyrocketing. The Iranian regime didn't tell me my ancestors were evil and should have their memories and statues torn down. The Iranian regime didn't destroy my once beautiful country, and allow crime to skyrocket and tell certain segments of society they can behave anyway they want, no questions asked, and if an evil White person defends themselves, then that evil White person will go to jail.

I know what Iran has done though. They have fought, tooth and nail, to hurt those people who did those things to me, my family, my friends and my country. And for that, I have no problem with them at all, and I doubt anyone else here does either. The days of "China bad" "Russia bad" "Iran bad" are over.

As for Trump, he could have talked about J6 months earlier, rather than waiting for his crowd to chant at him, before he reluctantly mentioned them. More so, the $250 million he stole in his "stop the steal" fraud, from pensioners and desperate people, he should give to the J6 defendants instead of keep for himself. But he will never do that, because the man is a satanic fraud.

To put it simply, if I was forced to choose to live my life in the USA, starting over today, or Iran, and the trajectory of both countries could never be changed one iota. They will both head down the same path they are on and no pushback in either country will ever be successful. I would choose Iran easy, and I know people from there. Yes, while it might be repressive and strict, it isn't satanic and double-sided, without clear rules, intentions or directions.
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Yes, when your country supports and funds ISIS, so they can kill innocent Muslims and Christians, bad things tend to happen. Killing Solemeini in the most cowardly way possible, just made the situation far worse. Iran could see how weak and pathetic we were after this cowardly act, and they have gotten much stronger and bolder, as we now see with their proxies directly attacking our bases over the last few weeks.
You mean made the situation worse than when they were already shooting missles at our ships in the Red Sea? hmmm.... yeah after he got schwacked that stopped until Bozo Biden got in, so not sure what you're talking about.

You've got to stop with this "killing people in a cowardly way" autistic altruism. War doesnt operate like that. All of these countries would operate on the same level we do if they had the ability. That's just the nature of the way the world is and when it comes to warfare, you use every tactic you can. There is no such thing as a "fair fight" in combat, nor strategy.

It was a pragmatic decision to kill a man that was destabilizing our interests. Pure and simple. Many decisions in war are the same type of binary thought as a complex business decision. Killing Solemeini was the right thing to do at that time for the interests we had in that momement.

Right wrong or indifferent, Iran and Saudi Arabia (KSA and Israel were aligned togeterh at that time) was a stronger horse then. Things have changed monumentally since then due to garbage that has happened with the Bidens.

What do you want, duels? Should we all line up and go back to Napoleonic charges. Not even Napoleon did that with out Indirect Fire.

This "cowardly" trope is so unrealistic compared to what actually happens, its foolish to think that it has meaning or is effective criticism.

There is no raprochmont with the current Iran regime. Thats not going to happen even if Biden gives them 10000billion dollars. They dont care.

I don't know how good or bad Iran's regime is. I do know Iran's regime has not flooded by country with millions of third world people who hate me, hate my family, attack my friends and family, made my life a miserable mess with wage suppression and COL increases, and makes everyday tasks much more difficult. And the situation is getting worse. The Iranian regime isn't trying to turn my young cousins into homosexuals or transexuals. The Iranian regime didn't throw my political brothers and sisters into prison for their political beliefs. The Iranian regime isn't spending billions of dollars to destroy the 1A and 2A. The Iranian regime didn't make the next generation so full of hopelessness that drug abuse and suicide among the youth is skyrocketing. The Iranian regime didn't tell me my ancestors were evil and should have their memories and statues torn down. The Iranian regime didn't destroy my once beautiful country, and allow crime to skyrocket and tell certain segments of society they can behave anyway they want, no questions asked, and if an evil White person defends themselves, then that evil White person will go to jail.
If you want more on Iran go watch Patrick Bet David's (born in Iran) interview last week with the Shaw of Iran's son. Its not this rosy picture you present of good guys who just want to reinstate some moral boundaries. The mullahs are crooks and they have destroyed many elements of that country where before with the Shah, there was stability. Carter/Brittish/et al messed that country up and its not going to get any better until the current regime is gone. That's what I think.

But I'm certainly not interested in spending a single penny or drop of blood fighting in their country.

I do support strategic attacks against their proxies whenever it conflicts with our interests. But all out war, nah.... bad idea.

I know what Iran has done though. They have fought, tooth and nail, to hurt those people who did those things to me, my family, my friends and my country. And for that, I have no problem with them at all, and I doubt anyone else here does either. The days of "China bad" "Russia bad" "Iran bad" are over.
What happens when Iranian proxies shoot at American troops. Do you support them still?

No one is making blanket statements like "Russia bad" or anything is black and white.
As for Trump, he could have talked about J6 months earlier, rather than waiting for his crowd to chant at him, before he reluctantly mentioned them. More so, the $250 million he stole in his "stop the steal" fraud, from pensioners and desperate people, he should give to the J6 defendants instead of keep for himself. But he will never do that, because the man is a satanic fraud.
Or he can get re-elected and pardon them.

If he doesnt do that, then there are MAJOR MAJOR issues with him and I'd me more inclined to accept your assessment.
To put it simply, if I was forced to choose to live my life in the USA, starting over today, or Iran, and the trajectory of both countries could never be changed one iota. They will both head down the same path they are on and no pushback in either country will ever be successful. I would choose Iran easy, and I know people from there. Yes, while it might be repressive and strict, it isn't satanic and double-sided, without clear rules, intentions or directions.
Why dont you move there? I bet your skills in your career could easily amass financial support and a career there?

And you dont have to deal with The Great Satan.
You mean made the situation worse than when they were already shooting missles at our ships in the Red Sea? hmmm.... yeah after he got schwacked that stopped until Bozo Biden got in, so not sure what you're talking about.

You've got to stop with this "killing people in a cowardly way" autistic altruism. War doesnt operate like that. All of these countries would operate on the same level we do if they had the ability. That's just the nature of the way the world is and when it comes to warfare, you use every tactic you can. There is no such thing as a "fair fight" in combat, nor strategy.

It was a pragmatic decision to kill a man that was destabilizing our interests. Pure and simple. Many decisions in war are the same type of binary thought as a complex business decision. Killing Solemeini was the right thing to do at that time for the interests we had in that momement.

Right wrong or indifferent, Iran and Saudi Arabia (KSA and Israel were aligned togeterh at that time) was a stronger horse then. Things have changed monumentally since then due to garbage that has happened with the Bidens.

What do you want, duels? Should we all line up and go back to Napoleonic charges. Not even Napoleon did that with out Indirect Fire.

This "cowardly" trope is so unrealistic compared to what actually happens, its foolish to think that it has meaning or is effective criticism.

There is no raprochmont with the current Iran regime. Thats not going to happen even if Biden gives them 10000billion dollars. They dont care.

If you want more on Iran go watch Patrick Bet David's (born in Iran) interview last week with the Shaw of Iran's son. Its not this rosy picture you present of good guys who just want to reinstate some moral boundaries. The mullahs are crooks and they have destroyed many elements of that country where before with the Shah, there was stability. Carter/Brittish/et al messed that country up and its not going to get any better until the current regime is gone. That's what I think.

But I'm certainly not interested in spending a single penny or drop of blood fighting in their country.

I do support strategic attacks against their proxies whenever it conflicts with our interests. But all out war, nah.... bad idea.

What happens when Iranian proxies shoot at American troops. Do you support them still?

No one is making blanket statements like "Russia bad" or anything is black and white.

Or he can get re-elected and pardon them.

If he doesnt do that, then there are MAJOR MAJOR issues with him and I'd me more inclined to accept your assessment.

Why dont you move there? I bet your skills in your career could easily amass financial support and a career there?

And you dont have to deal with The Great Satan.
Yes, it made the situation worse. Now they are taking out our soldiers in overseas bases with attacks. Last I heard 56 were hurt from these attacks. Who knows how much worse it has gotten. They saw how weak and pathetic we have become, they smell the blood in the water, and here they come. Keep your friends and family the hell out of the military and out of their way.

What is "messing" the country up? Not successfully turning it into another western open borders satanic tower of babel? Iran has a future and their people have a future, unlike Americans, precisely because they kept this satanic filth out of their country. Just like 100 years North Korea will be North Korea and South Korea, if it even exists, will look something like the tower of babel USA.

Do I support Iranian proxies when they attack US troops who are stationed illegal in Syria and pushing homosexuality on their children and supporting ISIS? The question is, do you support our troops doing that? And if you don't, then what should Iran do? Challenge us to a game of horseshoes?

I could never move to Iran, I am not Persian. Just like I could never move to Russia. But I have worked 7 days a week for 23 years straight. I took today off, and I am still working on my day off, because it never ends and if I don't keep up, they replace with an H-1B visa worker. That is the hell most Americans face. Apparently somehow you don't deal with this, but most of us do, and life here is hell on earth and absolutely miserable. And gutless coward satanic Trump did NOTHING about this hell. I have no idea where I can move, because most the world rightfully wouldn't want some American moving in and the rest of the world that is okay with it is going to be just as bad as this satanic disgusting Godless country.
Yes, it made the situation worse. Now they are taking out our soldiers in overseas bases with attacks. Last I heard 56 were hurt from these attacks. Who knows how much worse it has gotten. They saw how weak and pathetic we have become, they smell the blood in the water, and here they come. Keep your friends and family the hell out of the military and out of their way.
Bro, I literally had missles shot at me in 2016 Before Trump was ever elected by Houthis. This has been going on with proxie war attacks before Trump. How much worse does it need to get than to shoot at US Naval Vessels, Capture/Jam ships and hold Americans Hostage? Stop acting like this is a new phenomena that occured because of Trump's killing of Solemani.

It is not.

Do I support Iranian proxies when they attack US troops who are stationed illegal in Syria and pushing homosexuality on their children and supporting ISIS? The question is, do you support our troops doing that? And if you don't, then what should Iran do? Challenge us to a game of horseshoes?
You dont know what you're talking about. The Troops stationed in Syria arent pushing shit other than holding perimeter secruity and allowing for US Oil Firms to extract oil from the ground. Those guys are not the gay pride pushing faggots you'd see stateside in the air force/navy/army.

Again this is generalizing a comment for what the .mil represents to you, but NOT what the forces are doing on the ground.

Do I think occupation of another country is wrong? Yes. But since our own governemnt wants to remain energy dependent instead of promoting drilling in the US, thats what you get.

Promote better candidates like Trump who recognize that Energy Independence = Foreign Policy Strenght and this need for expansion for Oil goes away.
I could never move to Iran, I am not Persian. Just like I could never move to Russia. But I have worked 7 days a week for 23 years straight. I took today off, and I am still working on my day off, because it never ends and if I don't keep up, they replace with an H-1B visa worker. That is the hell most Americans face. Apparently somehow you don't deal with this, but most of us do, and life here is hell on earth and absolutely miserable. And gutless coward satanic Trump did NOTHING about this hell. I have no idea where I can move, because most the world rightfully wouldn't want some American moving in and the rest of the world that is okay with it is going to be just as bad as this satanic disgusting Godless country.
Huh.... could have fooled me. For a guy taking some time off yet workging you're pretty quick to reply. I dont think MOST americans face the "hell" you're describing. You've clearly never been to the parts of the world where hell incarnate is just the norm.

We are still the most prosperous and have the most access to capital for your average citizizen.

This sort of belly aching really belies the mentality of someone who's less action oriented and more willing to put the problems on others while they stick to a routine that justifies their own lack of success or acceptance of mediocrity.

Now regarding the H1B and foriegn workers... You should be wanting Trump to help stem the Biden tide.... but maybe you'd like to continue to kvech about it over voting in people who actually do something (all be it not enough.... though I hear Operation Wetback 2.0 is being developed for 2024)

Bro, I literally had missles shot at me in 2016 Before Trump was ever elected by Houthis. This has been going on with proxie war attacks before Trump. How much worse does it need to get than to shoot at US Naval Vessels, Capture/Jam ships and hold Americans Hostage? Stop acting like this is a new phenomena that occured because of Trump's killing of Solemani.

It is not.

You dont know what you're talking about. The Troops stationed in Syria arent pushing **** other than holding perimeter secruity and allowing for US Oil Firms to extract oil from the ground. Those guys are not the gay pride pushing faggots you'd see stateside in the air force/navy/army.

Again this is generalizing a comment for what the .mil represents to you, but NOT what the forces are doing on the ground.

Do I think occupation of another country is wrong? Yes. But since our own governemnt wants to remain energy dependent instead of promoting drilling in the US, thats what you get.

Promote better candidates like Trump who recognize that Energy Independence = Foreign Policy Strenght and this need for expansion for Oil goes away.

Huh.... could have fooled me. For a guy taking some time off yet workging you're pretty quick to reply. I dont think MOST americans face the "hell" you're describing. You've clearly never been to the parts of the world where hell incarnate is just the norm.

We are still the most prosperous and have the most access to capital for your average citizizen.

This sort of belly aching really belies the mentality of someone who's less action oriented and more willing to put the problems on others while they stick to a routine that justifies their own lack of success or acceptance of mediocrity.

Now regarding the H1B and foriegn workers... You should be wanting Trump to help stem the Biden tide.... but maybe you'd like to continue to kvech about it over voting in people who actually do something (all be it not enough.... though I hear Operation Wetback 2.0 is being developed for 2024)

I know this has been going on for a long time, we have been illegally in Syria and causing problems in the Middle East for over a decade. But it is getting worse. They are now directly attacking our bases, they are holding our outdated ships at bay with cheap hypersonic-missiles. I see your multi-billion-dollar ship, nice profits, but here is my $25,000 missile to render it useless. It will just continue to get worse, because we continue to behave more egregious and they continue to grow stronger while we grow weaker. They can sense the blood in the water. Keep your friends and family the hell out of the military, for their own safety. This isn't going to be like Iraq or Afghanistan when it kicks off, this will be a real advanced military with advanced technology and topographical advantages.

The troops in Syria are there to allow ISIS to kill Christians, steal oil, hold the most fertile land hostage, and harm the Syrian people. This is no other reason for them to be there other than to attack Assad, because Assad will not bend a knee to Israel. The war in the Middle East has NOTHING to do with oil. It 100% has to do with support Israel while they treat their neighbors like cattle lead to the slaughter. Biden proved this by simply buying oil off Venezuela. OIl is no issue, the issue is Iran and the rest of Israel's neighbors are growing tired of their act and are now a serious threat.

You can personally attack me all you want. I don't care, I have pushed myself way beyond most anyone I have ever met, and there are only a few people in the world who could ever judge me and make me question myself. I don't tell you these things to impress you, I tell these things because the hell I face will look mild compared to what your children will face in this country. And maybe when you see them as adults struggling, fighting and not having a chance, you will think back all the years back when this "bellyacher" on a forum warned you of this.

As far as repeating the GDP lie... LOL, good luck with selling that to young people. You should get out there are talk to them, I don't mean one or two, I work and know a lot of them, and the hopelessness for them is overwhelming.
Then you don't understand American politics very well...not 2020 election laws or lack there of.

States had mail in ballots, ballot harvesting, an despite their unconstitutionally.... And many many states judicial systems have since ruled against this as illegal/fraudulent/unconstitutional.

Targeting 4 states (Wisconsin/AZ/GA/PA) specifically 1 to 2 counties is all you need.

COVID was the tool used to force this.

Biden admitted to this before the election also.

Podesta et al war gamed this prior to the release of the Covid with event 201.

Agreed. Trump tried to organize election reform early in his administration. However, the states all stymied that process as hard as they could, simply refusing to cooperate or provide any information. They collectively planned to cheat on the 2020 election, and they fought ahead of time against anything that would have possibly hampered them from doing so.

The Uniparty knew that they could swing the elections just by having heavy cheating in a few heavily black and Democrat big cities that were located in swing states. Swing the big city to swing the whole state, and thereby swing the national elections.

The uniparty planned the cheating, they fought the election reform commission to ensure there was no interference, then they cooperated together to execute the election steal.