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Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

While true you neglect the costs of Democrat rule: Massive wars, millions dead, extreme taxation.

Honestly the downsides of Trump, COVID included, have been far less than Biden. The COVID years were dumb but at least peaceful (minus the false flag riots in the cities, which overall were nothing compared to the wars we have now).

I thought the covid years where the worst years of my life, much worse than what we have now. And I was in the second best place in the world, after Sweden. I just don't see how it's worth it with Trump. But I hope he can trigger something with the trial.
I thought the covid years where the worst years of my life, much worse than what we have now. And I was in the second best place in the world, after Sweden. I just don't see how it's worth it with Trump. But I hope he can trigger something with the trial.
Agreed, the COVID lockdowns and jab fascism was the worst insanity I've seen in my life, and I've seen a lot of insanity. It still haunts me what they put me and my family through. How many millions of people are dead now, because they were essentially forced to take the jabs or lose their jobs and livelihoods?
Agreed, the COVID lockdowns and jab fascism was the worst insanity I've seen in my life, and I've seen a lot of insanity. It still haunts me what they put me and my family through. How many millions of people are dead now, because they were essentially forced to take the jabs or lose their jobs and livelihoods?
To be fair though.... Those were the result of companies and Federal Government AFTER Trump.

A lot of it is based off of the location you lived in and your life choices. It was worse in New York than say.... Florida or Texas.

Those were results of local governements, not the President of The USA.
I thought the covid years where the worst years of my life, much worse than what we have now. And I was in the second best place in the world, after Sweden. I just don't see how it's worth it with Trump. But I hope he can trigger something with the trial.

Those covid years would have happened with or without Trump. That is why Trump losing prolonged the scamdemic by years. The mandatory vax was also because Trump lost as well. The costs incurred as a result of Trump's loss is staggering, if we're being honest.
For anyone paying attention, Trump began to cuck as soon as he won. Here's a blow-by-blow of his first few months in office:

Nov 22: Trump says no Hillary investigation into her private server despite campaign pledge to "lock her up".
Nov 23: Trump picks never-Trumper and globalist Nikki Haley as Ambassador to the UN.
Dec 8: Trump picks globalist Andy Puzder as his labor secretary (later withdrawn).
Dec 17: Trump appoints General Kelly, a noted globalist who was willing to serve under Hillary, to head Homeland Security.
Jan 20: Trump inaugurated. No DACA repeal despite campaign promise to do so on day 1. Trump appoints Gary Cohn, a notorious globalist, to be his National Economic Counsel director. James Comey remains as head of FBI.
Jan 22: Globalist, nepotistic Jared Kushner sworn in as Senior White House advisor.
Jan 30: Reports that General Kelly "wins" and prevents Kris Kobach from being #2 at DHS.
Feb 7: Betsy DeVos, a never Trumper and former supporter of common core, is appointed as Secretary of Education.
Feb 11: Robin Townly, Flynn ally and NSC director, denied high-level security clearance by the deep state and forced from NSC.
Feb 13: Trump forces Flynn resignation from NSC.
Feb 16: Robert Harward, a globalist deep statist, turns down Trump's request for him to head the NSC.
Feb 20: Trump picks McMaster, also a globalist deep statist, to head the NSC.
March 14: McMaster tries to fire Ezra Cohen-Watnick, who exposed the Susan Rice wiretapping information to Nunes, from the NSC; Kushner blocks it by going directly to Trump.
March 15: Dina Powell, a notorious neocon, appointed as Deputy National Security Advisor.
April 5: Trump removes Bannon from NSC post.
April 6: Bannon calls Jared Kushner, who is rapidly assuming power, a "cuck" and a "globalist".
April 7: Trump attacks Assad in Syria despite a campaign pledge to have a non-interventionist foreign policy.
April 8: Reports that McMaster wants a 150,000 ground war invasion in Syria.
April 9: KT McFarland, a nationalist and Flynn ally, to leave NSC. Reports that McMaster pushed him out.
April 12: Trump says Bannon is a "guy who works for me" and downplays the roll Bannon played in the election. Reports are Bannon is on the verge of being fired or quitting.
April 14: Trump officially declines to name China a currency manipulator.
April 17: Trump congratulations Erdogan on becoming essentially an Islamist dictator in Turkey.
April 22: Trump tells AP that DACA is here to stay. Pence announces that Trump will honor Obama's agreement with Australia to take thousands of high risk Muslim "refugees" that Australia had denied asylum.
April 25: Reports that Trump, at pressure of Dina Powell, McMaster and Gary Cohn, will give a massive amount of weapons to Saudi Arabia as well as civilian nuclear reactors.
April 26: Ivanka says publicly that accepting Syrian refugees "has to be part of the discussion, but that's not going to be enough in and of itself."
April 28: Trump tax plan released -- increases government deficit an estimated 6-10 trillion over a decade, decreases taxes on the 1% (including hedge fund managers, breaking a campaign promise), and potentially increases taxes on the upper-middle class.
April 28: Trump announces "I'm a nationalist and a globalist. I'm both."
April 28: News reports that the head of Trump's media team, Helen Aguirre Ferre, is a notorious and virulent never-Trumper.
April 30: Sebastian Gorka, a former Breitbart reporter and nationalist, out of the white house; reports that McMaster pushed him out.
This is a shame... But it matters little compared to correct rulings regarding overturning Roe vs Wade.

This is like pointing out a minor flaw in an improved apartment complex, when before it was closer to a slum.
We have race riots, which has lead to deaths of hundreds of people, turned our society upside down, made all our lives incredibly more difficult and has been the story to destroy any desire for a safe neighborhood or safe school, because it is "racist", all built on the lies of this court case.

This court case proves that both we have no real rule of law and we can't vote our way out of this mess. I am glad the "conservative" supreme court did the bit. I am glad they showed all of us the GOP can't be trusted and neither can "conservative" judges and that we can't vote our way out of this.

This was a major escalation. Now Blacks know they can behave any way they choose and the system, including the "conservative" supreme court will back them. This was huge and it will continue to make our lives worse until we have no choice to do something other than vote GOP.
Those covid years would have happened with or without Trump. That is why Trump losing prolonged the scamdemic by years. The mandatory vax was also because Trump lost as well. The costs incurred as a result of Trump's loss is staggering, if we're being honest.

We're getting into circular arguments here again. But I don't think that Trump would have done better than Biden with regards to covid vaccines and mandates etc. He was after all very pro-vaccine. It might even have been worse/prolonged, whether it was his fault or not.
"This must be more of the 5D chess I'm hearing about"

Trump will be the biggest Israel supporter the world has ever seen 🇮🇱


I dont think they rigged the election, there was just widespread (local) cheating. That's more of a result of the racial composition of the US and the Dems specifically. But I don't think there was an executive, top-down decision to steal the election.
I like this theory. Seems likely that the deep state and the Democratic Party leadership would be aware that local vote counters in big cities would cheat in favor of Biden, so all they needed to do was turn a blind eye and let it happen.

Whereas it's ludicrous to believe that Biden scored the most legitimate votes of any US president elect in history, it's true that many, many people wanted anyone but Trump. If you live in a red state in an area that still has a lot of heritage Americans you might not have a feel for that, but there really are large numbers of people from all kinds of backgrounds who despise Trump for various reasons. It's not all MSM hype, although you could probably say the MSM has had a large hand in producing it. Those people plus the local vote counters spontaneously putting their thumb on the scale for Biden probably would have been enough to produce the result we saw.

On the other hand, I'd gone to bed on election night figuring Trump had it in the bag before all the votes came in that put Biden over the top. If I recall correctly, a large number of votes for Biden got counted at about the same time in several different districts across the country, so if that's true that would be an argument for the idea of a conspiracy on a national level.
I dont think they rigged the election, there was just widespread (local) cheating. That's more of a result of the racial composition of the US and the Dems specifically. But I don't think there was an executive, top-down decision to steal the election.

The courts, the media, and half of the Republican party were all shilling for the results being valid. There is no way that kind of coordination happens without top-down order.

The courts especially, 95% of the cases were thrown out on technicalities, such as the Supreme Court ruling on none of the states or the President himself having "standing" to contest the results (which was a total lie), shows that Mr. Bankman was paying/threatening the right people to do what he wanted.
The courts, the media, and half of the Republican party were all shilling for the results being valid. There is no way that kind of coordination happens without top-down order.

The courts especially, 95% of the cases were thrown out on technicalities, such as the Supreme Court ruling on none of the states or the President himself having "standing" to contest the results (which was a total lie), shows that Mr. Bankman was paying/threatening the right people to do what he wanted.
That makes sense. If I understand what you're saying, what likely happened is that the conspiracy was in preventing the results being contested in any meaningful manner, rather than in explicitly directing fraudulent vote counting, which was going to happen organically anyway, as we detailed in the last few posts.
I dont think they rigged the election, there was just widespread (local) cheating. That's more of a result of the racial composition of the US and the Dems specifically. But I don't think there was an executive, top-down decision to steal the election.
Then you don't understand American politics very well...not 2020 election laws or lack there of.

States had mail in ballots, ballot harvesting, an despite their unconstitutionally.... And many many states judicial systems have since ruled against this as illegal/fraudulent/unconstitutional.

Targeting 4 states (Wisconsin/AZ/GA/PA) specifically 1 to 2 counties is all you need.

COVID was the tool used to force this.

Biden admitted to this before the election also.

Podesta et al war gamed this prior to the release of the Covid with event 201.

The courts, the media, and half of the Republican party were all shilling for the results being valid. There is no way that kind of coordination happens without top-down order.

The courts especially, 95% of the cases were thrown out on technicalities, such as the Supreme Court ruling on none of the states or the President himself having "standing" to contest the results (which was a total lie), shows that Mr. Bankman was paying/threatening the right people to do what he wanted.

No one was forcing people at the local level to cheat in various ways, that's extremely implausible. I put that in the category of explosives in the towers on 9/11. The conspiracy lies in not intervening, again pretty analogous to 9/11. It's nothing new that organizations and just people acting in groups operate this way.
Then you don't understand American politics very well...not 2020 election laws or lack there of.

States had mail in ballots, ballot harvesting, an despite their unconstitutionally.... And many many states judicial systems have since ruled against this as illegal/fraudulent/unconstitutional.

Targeting 4 states (Wisconsin/AZ/GA/PA) specifically 1 to 2 counties is all you need.

COVID was the tool used to force this.

Biden admitted to this before the election also.

Podesta et al war gamed this prior to the release of the Covid with event 201.

That's something that's been in the works for a long time, and that's getting worse and worse. But it wasn't specific just to the 2020 election. And it will be a problem in the next election to I would guess.