Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

I live like someone in poverty, until I have enough to never work again and live in the middle class. I am very close to that now.
I would rather not have children than to raise them in a third world hellhole.

This here says it all. Supposedly close to FIRE and yet refusing to have children. There are countless people in 'third world hellholes' that have more joy in one fingertip than you appear to have in your entire being. It shows just how out of touch with reality you are, and how selfish you are. You'd rather retire early than make sacrifices and endure difficulties to bring new life into a world that is under God's providence.

14 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. 15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey. 16 Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. 17 And likewise he who had received two gained two more also. 18 But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money. 19 After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them.

20 “So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.’ 21 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ 22 He also who had received two talents came and said, ‘Lord, you delivered to me two talents; look, I have gained two more talents besides them.’ 23 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’

24 “Then he who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25 And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’

26 “But his lord answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed. 27 So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. 28 So take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents.

29 ‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away. 30 And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
Are you asking me to defend the clot shot? I am not.

I've said this repeatedly that the way this was poorly ran out, but NOT what was in Operation Warpspeed's charter/demand.

If you'll recall, they didnt roll out the vaccine until Biden for political reasons....but I dont agree with how Trump handled some elements of fauci et al.

This whole point has been reiterated 900000x

As I stated, if you dont think living with Trump will be better than this Biden Regime... I'm not sure what to tell you.
16,5M vaccines were rolled out while Trump was in office.

Theres no coming back from this. Nothing he can say or do. Will save him from hell. And on this earth from jail. He should be in jail. Like Fauci and all people involved with vaxx. All of them.
He is a liar. He backstabbed his constituency. Without blinking an eye. His a disloyal rat. And he will do it again.

A vaccine takes 10 years to be safely developed. 9 months. Of course everything was well prepared in advance.

If he wasn’t a stupid weak retard he could have played the elites. Maybe secretly order saline solutions to be put in vaxx.
But he doesn’t give a fuck. No plan. No nothing. He will accept the first solution planted before his eyes. Because he is a superficial dumbass. Without a spine or gravitas. He wants to climb the social ladder. At any cost.

Theres also an ocean between US and Israel. Will see how that goes.

I once saw a documentary about him that said he had brought his mistress to the ski trip he was with his wife. On purpose. To create a scandal. How can someone do this? Humiliate the mother of your children.
But it’s irrelevant.
He is no Christian role model. At least in my definition. And too old. Him and Biden are way too old to hold public offices.
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I think they want to put him back in to sell Israel and the military again. The elites badly want to remove the Iranian regime and they think Trump is the guy to do it.

Hopefully the young guys don't fall for it and military recruitment remains dismal and the military remains weak and unorganized. I think it is far too little and far too late, but I could be wrong, Trump has that cult of personality. I don't know how, but he mesmerizes people in a way few are able to do.
Yep. 9/11 playbook. Iran is not Iraq though.
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I think young men can still make it. Learn a trade (the demand will never go away for plumbers electricians welders etc), move to an area where housing is still attainable. You may not be rich, but you can still have enough to support a family. If you're gifted, engineering, something like that.
Exactly this. Anyone buying into the university/college route at this point, with all we know, is dumb.
16,5M vaccines were rolled out while Trump was in office.

Theres no coming back from this. Nothing he can say or do. Will save him from hell. And on this earth from jail. He should be in jail. Like Fauci and all people involved with vaxx. All of them.
He is a liar. He backstabbed his constituency. Without blinking an eye. His a disloyal rat. And he will do it again.

A vaccine takes 10 years to be safely developed. 9 months. Of course everything was well prepared in advance.

If he wasn’t a stupid weak retard he could have played the elites. Maybe secretly order saline solutions to be put in vaxx.
But he doesn’t give a fuck. No plan. No nothing. He will accept the first solution planted before his eyes. Because he is a superficial dumbass. Without a spine or gravitas. He wants to climb the social ladder. At any cost.

Theres also an ocean between US and Israel. Will see how that goes.

I once saw a documentary about him that said he had brought his mistress to the ski trip he was with his wife. On purpose. To create a scandal. How can someone do this? Humiliate the mother of your children.
But it’s irrelevant.
He is no Christian role model. At least in my definition. And too old. Him and Biden are way too old to hold public offices.
You want him to secretly put saline in the "vaccine" yet I'm sure you wouldn't want the current administration to be secretly tainting our food, medicines and vaccines would you? Makes no sense. If anything we need more openness about what's in these things and allow people to make decisions after full informed consent.
The interactions I've had with men at church (something you've poo poo'ed previously) decries that maybe I'm actually hitting the mark compared to the crap you're spewing here on the internet. I'm not in the interest of sympathizing and babying young men. I'm in the interest of giving them meaningful information that will get their mind right to address the world in the CURRENT STATE of play vs endless bitching like you.

The issue is that you have a huge credibility gap here. No-One here on this obscure forum believes you're some incredibly successful mega-millionaire dude. We just dont. As many others have noted, you're name does not ring a bell of "happy- enviable-life" But lets assume you've got 20 million dollars in the bank. Thats where you would be using a "multi-family office" form of financial investment aka where wealth manages wealth manages wealth in perpetuity and generationally. . Which I dont believe to be the case.... You've still nothing to show for it. So I ask again.... why would any of these young men you're talking about listen to you.

As I stated. In real life, people listen to those whom demonstrate the things they wish to have in their own life.

What is funny is that EVERY THREAD you post in, regardless of the topic at hand, becomes about you and your endless kvetching. As I stated. Your purpose here is to be a self-licking icecream cone of pity and self-indulgent complaining. You need to get off this forum and get a fucking clue and a life dude.
I didn't ask you to sympathize with young men, lol. You don't seem to be able to comprehend what I am saying. Obviously, you are not fully aware of everything going on, who is behind it, and still think we can vote our way out of this. So, your point of view makes sense given these parameters.

Most young men are not going to be able to afford to buy a home and start a family. This is an economic reality. It doesn't matter how hard they work, how much they save, or what they try to do, it is out of reach for them. Calling them "whiny babies" isn't going to fix the situation or win them over. It will be much more likely you will make enemies of them. I personally don't care, I am just giving you a fair warning on your behavior. What will happen, will happen, and boomer conservatives are powerless to stop it, especially with female like shaming language.

I don't care what anyone here thinks of me, lol. I don't come here to impress people. I come here to gain news/information and share. I'm not trying to be a leader, I am not in that position, and that is fine. But I can guarantee you that your 2002 "conservative" talking points and the 2002 "conservative" paid shills you listen to on youtube and TV are going the wayside. The GOP had their chance to right the ship and they showed who they really are, which is just fake paid opposition. They still have time to change their ways, but they appear to have no desire or courage to do so, so this thing is going to collapse quickly.

I have said nothing about me, you are bringing my personal life and credibility into this thread and if you don't like that topic, then I suggest you don't bring it up. You bring it up because you think you are more successful than me. I highly doubt you ever get to where I am at, but much of that has been the fact I was born at the right place at the right time. And I don't care one iota, because at the end of the day, it isn't about me, it is about the fact our nation has no future and we need to deal with it and work to change that. And you cannot vote your way out of this, Donald Trump and the rest of the GOP are just traitors who will say one thing and do another.
16,5M vaccines were rolled out while Trump was in office.

Theres no coming back from this. Nothing he can say or do. Will save him from hell. And on this earth from jail. He should be in jail. Like Fauci and all people involved with vaxx. All of them.
He is a liar. He backstabbed his constituency. Without blinking an eye. His a disloyal rat. And he will do it again.

A vaccine takes 10 years to be safely developed. 9 months. Of course everything was well prepared in advance.

If he wasn’t a stupid weak retard he could have played the elites. Maybe secretly order saline solutions to be put in vaxx.
But he doesn’t give a fuck. No plan. No nothing. He will accept the first solution planted before his eyes. Because he is a superficial dumbass. Without a spine or gravitas. He wants to climb the social ladder. At any cost.

Theres also an ocean between US and Israel. Will see how that goes.

I once saw a documentary about him that said he had brought his mistress to the ski trip he was with his wife. On purpose. To create a scandal. How can someone do this? Humiliate the mother of your children.
But it’s irrelevant.
He is no Christian role model. At least in my definition. And too old. Him and Biden are way too old to hold public offices.

It's incredible to me that some people still don't realize that Trump is in this to win the Presidency only! That's where it ends for him, not where it begins. It will be worse than last time also, since there's no re-election to worry about. If he wins I predict that he'll be the least active President ever, even less active than Biden. (except for golfing maybe)
This here says it all. Supposedly close to FIRE and yet refusing to have children. There are countless people in 'third world hellholes' that have more joy in one fingertip than you appear to have in your entire being. It shows just how out of touch with reality you are, and how selfish you are. You'd rather retire early than make sacrifices and endure difficulties to bring new life into a world that is under God's providence.
Great, low IQ people who have no desire for anything more than instant gratification have joy. Soon, they can take over the entire west and then they will have no one to feed them and we can see how much "joy" they have when the higher IQ people are gone and the food production stops.

Want to take any bets on that outcome?
It's incredible to me that some people still don't realize that Trump is in this to win the Presidency only! That's where it ends for him, not where it begins. It will be worse than last time also, since there's no re-election to worry about. If he wins I predict that he'll be the least active President ever, even less active than Biden. (except for golfing maybe)
If I had to take a guess, reading his body language and knowing the kind of person Trump is, Trump has no desire to run for office and never really did. Trump just wants to play golf, and enjoy his billions and be a star of another reality TV show. He is a narcissist and being president means he has to take some lumps and has to not be loved by everyone and it means he has to actually pretend to do something.

But the powers the be, the ones who bailed out his bad investments in the 1980's, the Roy Cohn team are saying "time to pay up Donald". And Donald's job is to be the ultimate Washington General (basketball team paid to lose to the Harlem Globetrotters). Go out there, pretend like he is fighting for the silent majority, put on a good show, be target #1 for drugged up libtards, and keep moving the country into the direction of collapse. It will be a replay of 2017-2021, but instead this time, since he has nothing to lose, if there is another right wing rally, that is attacked by antifa, he will come out and support antifa to embolden them.
Great, low IQ people who have no desire for anything more than instant gratification have joy. Soon, they can take over the entire west and then they will have no one to feed them and we can see how much "joy" they have when the higher IQ people are gone and the food production stops.

Want to take any bets on that outcome?

Here again... You are completely missing what @Iacobus is pointing out and twisting it to fit your "the immigrants are going to ruin everything and we're gonna be Zimbabwe" mentality.

The point isn't that immigrations is bad. The point isn't that there are dumb people invading our country and lowering net wage growth.

The point is that you're rhetoric only pushes the negative aspects in all elements of engagement.

You say you don't want to be a leader then you say you want to wake people up. You say others will never reach your level of wealth... Why would anyone believe you.

As I stated, if you had generational, multifamily office wealth... Maybe I'd be willing to take your kvetching seriously. But no one believes your facade. It just turns into 3 or 4 posters agreeing with you on depressing posts.

Id like to see ONE post from you that had a glint of positivity about the world.

You're like the goth chick at high school moping around...

Bringing up your credibility is totally apropos. To know the message, we must consider the source.
Here again... You are completely missing what @Iacobus is pointing out and twisting it to fit your "the immigrants are going to ruin everything and we're gonna be Zimbabwe" mentality.

The point isn't that immigrations is bad. The point isn't that there are dumb people invading our country and lowering net wage growth.

The point is that you're rhetoric only pushes the negative aspects in all elements of engagement.

You say you don't want to be a leader then you say you want to wake people up. You say others will never reach your level of wealth... Why would anyone believe you.

As I stated, if you had generational, multifamily office wealth... Maybe I'd be willing to take your kvetching seriously. But no one believes your facade. It just turns into 3 or 4 posters agreeing with you on depressing posts.

Id like to see ONE post from you that had a glint of positivity about the world.

You're like the goth chick at high school moping around...

Bringing up your credibility is totally apropos. To know the message, we must consider the source.
Immigration is bad, it is invasion. It is recreation of the tower of babel. It is forcing different people, with different ways of living, to live together and it isn't going to work and lead to violence. It has happened over and over throughout history.

This isn't "negative" it is just reality. I wish it were not true, but I don't have time for wishes and dreams, just cold hard reality.

I don't care if you believe it, LOL, you have shown over and over your view points are 2002 "at least I got mine" dead "conservatism". I just need you to keep repeating them, while they keep being proven incorrect as things get worse, so you can help more men realize how wrong your way is and that there is a new way of thinking.

Just keep talking about "at least I got mine" and pushing these Fox News-esque clowns and the men who think like me will keep growing in numbers. Thank you.
You want him to secretly put saline in the "vaccine" yet I'm sure you wouldn't want the current administration to be secretly tainting our food, medicines and vaccines would you? Makes no sense. If anything we need more openness about what's in these things and allow people to make decisions after full informed consent.
Meant any unharmful serum.

Which decision? To inject poison into your body? Who in their right mind would do that? A sado maso?

Trump made people pay for their own demise. Imagine this. People paid through their own taxes to get killed.

He sure was the right pick for the part.

He lied when he said they were vaccines. He lied again when he said they were safe.

He shouldn’t be running for US presidency. He and all his minions connected to covid and vaxx (Pence, Fauci, etc) should be in jail. And the ones we don’t know the name. All together in a cell. Getting raped by Tyrone. Except obviously Ivanka. She is class. Too bad she married a Jew. But. Probably was the orange clown influence. Giving the best American beef to jews. Why?

I don’t like to point fingers. Honestly don’t. But covid vaxx. We will see we’re this will lead us.

Speaking about jail. How’s Hillary doing? Didn’t the orange liar made promises in his previous bullshit campaign?

His next term will be even worse.
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I hear a lot of rich and famous people like PBD, Tony Robbins, and Trump say these types of things. The implied message is, "I feel great about my life in my huge, paid for house, and you should too." And, "I succeeded so that means you can too." This is not necessarily true. There is a lot of luck involved in high-level wealth and status creation. Working hard is only part of the equation. To a certain extent the system is rigged because if everybody could just "work hard" and become a millionaire, there would be a lot more millionaires out there. But The System doesn't work like that because if everyone was a millionaire, a million dollars would be worth nothing.
This is 100% true. I don't have any disdain for people who "make it" but I do understand that their success typically has much more to do with factors that are nearly impossible to control when you realize that there are thousands of people that art intelligent and all work hard. In this system, perhaps in most systems historically - and certainly with bad money systems like fiat - monetary "success" is vastly overrated or even a joke (look at sports stars, for example). You also point out the red pill of "self improvement" that the manosphere suggests will make people successful - which is nonsense. One should improve himself for virtue's sake and for a higher quality of living in general. If everyone improves though, the reality is what you said - the new best becomes way better, and really good objective men are commonly left behind due to many things, but mostly female hypergamy. That's just how it is.
So it will survive, but it won't be the country of Your grandparents, and even the country that we know today.
Yes. And over time, things always change and never survive as they were.
But in the present, Brazil is the best example we have - the disparities between the 90%+ white south and the rest of the country are astonishing, and yet there's no talk about separation and the dissolution of the state.
Few bring this up, and it's a really good example. I hope it happens, in a sense.

At some point, guys like it_is_not_my_time just have to accept that things change, for better or worse. All we are saying is have some balance my friend - you're not dumb, you just keep focusing on the negative, which gets tiring and is useless. As I said, change your perspective - that you can control. Or change your username to what I just wrote, as that's more consistent with your posts.
You gotta be kidding me, you know anybody waiting in line for soup like during the great depression?

Sorry to break it to you but those guys you know who aren't doing well is because of their own doing, let me guess they went and got degrees hoping it meant they would have easy lives? Or were they happy with their weekly just paying the bills wage slave salary hoping it would carry them through life? Or are they single moms raising 3 kids who chose deadbeat men to have kids with?

I call bullshit on all of this. Your full of crap on soup kitchens.

Look inflation is real... But I don't believe your crap about soup kitchens and all of that hyperbole.

I will pray for you both, if you seriously don't see the massive hordes of poor around us today, don't be surprised when God doesn't recognize who you are on Judgement Day.

My Church has a line of people waiting for food every week, starting at 6 AM, that goes out around the block. And it's just one church of hundreds like it in the area.

You are both young. Plenty of time to repent and start doing charity. Open your eyes to how badly inflation crushes the poor.
This is 100% true. I don't have any disdain for people who "make it" but I do understand that their success typically has much more to do with factors that are nearly impossible to control when you realize that there are thousands of people that art intelligent and all work hard. In this system, perhaps in most systems historically - and certainly with bad money systems like fiat - monetary "success" is vastly overrated or even a joke (look at sports stars, for example). You also point out the red pill of "self improvement" that the manosphere suggests will make people successful - which is nonsense. One should improve himself for virtue's sake and for a higher quality of living in general. If everyone improves though, the reality is what you said - the new best becomes way better, and really good objective men are commonly left behind due to many things, but mostly female hypergamy. That's just how it is.

Yes. And over time, things always change and never survive as they were.

Few bring this up, and it's a really good example. I hope it happens, in a sense.

At some point, guys like it_is_not_my_time just have to accept that things change, for better or worse. All we are saying is have some balance my friend - you're not dumb, you just keep focusing on the negative, which gets tiring and is useless. As I said, change your perspective - that you can control. Or change your username to what I just wrote, as that's more consistent with your posts.
.TBH, for thousands of years, things either didn't change or changed so little that it was little impact on our lives. That is why change is feared, it isn't natural and most change has been very harmful for our peace and well being. It doesn't have to be this way, it is a mental block to get past.

As for "making it". You are completely correct. I have done well mostly due to opportunities that I have had and most people will never have. But I am not a 2002 "at least I got mine" conservative, so I am humbled by it and it makes me want to fight for others. I don't want to make this about me nor go into my personal details, but you are correct, most wealth is directly or indirectly multi-generational.

Some here think I am "negative" or "black pilled" because of my comments. I get plenty of PM's from other members who understand and agree with me. Nothing have I said is negative, it is just based on facts. They are tough facts to accept, but accept them or not, they will be more and more in your face as time progresses, to the point you can't ignore it.

Let me put a positive spin on my views...

I am so happy to know that no politician will save us. I don't waste my time watching propaganda on TV or getting upset at the "mean" things they are doing to Trump. I am free of this nonsense and drama in my life. They are mean to Trump? Cool, more people will realize the other side isn't their friends or fellow countrymen, they are enemies. Trump did nothing on the border again? Cool, more people will wake up to how fake this who "two party" system is.

The best part is the following things have come true for me since becoming truly red pilled...

#1) I have an inner peace that I wouldn't trade for a million dollars. I don't care who wins the elections, who is on TV saying what, etc. I just sit back and laugh at the silly spectacle. I had so many questions, so many observations that I felt deep inside but couldn't put fact with it, and now that is all solved. I even have people say to me "man, how did you know that would happen" or "that person would do that" and I just say "I don't know". I know, it is the knowledge you gain when you truly get to be red pilled.

#2) We know who the enemy is, we know what their plans are, and we know the solution. Now it is just a matter of time waiting for enough to get fed up and join our side. Until then, I just enjoy my life as best I can.

#3) I used to have more anger and anxiety. I don't now, I know the truth, I am free. People on this very thread call me names and make snide comments or unfairly judge me. How do I respond? Read back through the thread, I don't care what they think of me, lol, why would I?

It is a beautiful view up here on this mountain top and I just want as many to join me as possible and better yet, I hope they do more than I do and go further. That would be amazing to watch.
Ok, well, let's move forward then and do our best to be faithful. That's all. I have done very well in the USA and I will be judged accordingly. Did everything work out in every way and all the time for me? No. I'm looking forward to what is coming, and the opportunities that arise because of it - good or bad.
As for IIMT:

The question with IIMT is always the same. What is the solution? IIMT has no solutions. He moans, but then latches onto loser political movements as the answer such as Pagan Front. He makes all this money, but does nothing with the money. Just sits on it as it is stolen via inflation.

You tell him to help build up the Church, and instead he does nothing.

Basically the guy does nothing except complain. You offer zero actionable advice. You don't go to Church. You don't go to based Antiochian or Orthodox Churches. You don't do anything except complain about how shitty the political system is, which everyone already agrees with. You're a broken record stuck on repeat.

Until you actually offer some real advice, don't be surprised if everyone here continues to attack and belittle you. Your strategy sucks.
Ok, well, let's move forward then and do our best to be faithful. That's all. I have done very well in the USA and I will be judged accordingly. Did everything work out in every way and all the time for me? No. I'm looking forward to what is coming, and the opportunities that arise because of it - good or bad.
I agree. But we also can't just sit and wait, we have to keep trying to push men who are ready for the red pill, to the red pill. There is a window of time we don't want to miss out on. That is the reason for my comments here. If I can just get one more man over the hump, from a Trump supporter over to the red pill, I feel it was well worth my time.
As for IIMT:

The question with IIMT is always the same. What is the solution? IIMT has no solutions. He moans, but then latches onto loser political movements as the answer such as Pagan Front. He makes all this money, but does nothing with the money. Just sits on it as it is stolen via inflation.

You tell him to help build up the Church, and instead he does nothing.

Basically the guy does nothing except complain. You offer zero actionable advice. You don't go to Church. You don't go to based Antiochian or Orthodox Churches. You don't do anything except complain about how shitty the political system is, which everyone already agrees with. You're a broken record stuck on repeat.

Until you actually offer some real advice, don't be surprised if everyone here continues to attack and belittle you. Your strategy sucks.
The solution is easy, in fact the solution has already been done. It is just a matter of getting enough men red pilled to enact the solution again.