You're never going to have kids with the attitude you possess.
And it's clear you have never actually been to a third world shit hole. If you had you'd realize that these comparisons you're making don't fit.
Who do you keep saying people are calling a hero? No one, except critics are using that term.
Regarding your doom posting and mentality of constant negativity (which I dont think you're even aware youre projecting) I SAY:
IIMT delenda est!
Says the guy who types and spells like a person educated by idiots. You're 2 for 2 on your last 2 posts Magoo.... Seriously this is the same sort of shit IIMT is retardely spewing.
If your suggestion is that things would not be markedly different economically under Trump then your actual IQ is in par with your posting.
Thanks sir. Haha, mark it a zero dude

.... I don't play single stocks, but if I did, I'd be buying them and XOM right now.