Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Oh boy here we go, he's the spokesman again now. I've told you this more times than I can count, stop speaking for others.
I speak for the other fed up men, some of which have PM'ed me on here, many millions more I see posting on twitter, on other forums, making podcasts, etc. They are fed up, like I am, and we are going to keep pointing out the serious flaws in this system as more and more young men wake up and realize the problem isn't them, but this evil system.
You said they had college degrees and work full time jobs. I know people like this and they are struggling big time. They shouldn't be struggling, they are smart/hardworking/follow the rules, they should be able to enjoy the middle class life.
WHY? because you say so?

Sounds like you're expecting an element of entitlement for pay to play (college degree) I don't think you get it.

We all agree in the fact that there are many negative things going on. What you cant seem to let go of, is that there are still ways for people to be successful here.

Its your security blanket for you own negative constant harping.
You're never going to have kids with the attitude you possess.

And it's clear you have never actually been to a third world shit hole. If you had you'd realize that these comparisons you're making don't fit.

Who do you keep saying people are calling a hero? No one, except critics are using that term.

Regarding your doom posting and mentality of constant negativity (which I dont think you're even aware youre projecting) I SAY:
IIMT delenda est!

Says the guy who types and spells like a person educated by idiots. You're 2 for 2 on your last 2 posts Magoo.... Seriously this is the same sort of shit IIMT is retardely spewing.

If your suggestion is that things would not be markedly different economically under Trump then your actual IQ is in par with your posting.

Thanks sir. Haha, mark it a zero dude ;) .... I don't play single stocks, but if I did, I'd be buying them and XOM right now.
That is fine, I would rather not have children than to raise them in a third world hellhole. I don't know what I will or will not do, but I am good either way.
WHY? because you say so?

Sounds like you're expecting an element of entitlement for pay to play (college degree) I don't think you get it.

We all agree in the fact that there are many negative things going on. What you cant seem to let go of, is that there are still ways for people to be successful here.

Its your security blanket for you own negative constant harping.
Because that is what my ancestors fought for and worked hard for. They didn't fight and work hard so their posterity would have to work countless hours and fight and claw to get by.

There are some outlier ways to be successful, most are struggling greatly. Once you can admit how bad things really are, we can go forward and then talk about how no politician, including Trump, is addressing the core issues.
You're never going to have kids with the attitude you possess.

And it's clear you have never actually been to a third world shit hole. If you had you'd realize that these comparisons you're making don't fit.

Who do you keep saying people are calling a hero? No one, except critics are using that term.

Regarding your doom posting and mentality of constant negativity (which I dont think you're even aware youre projecting) I SAY:
IIMT delenda est!

Says the guy who types and spells like a person educated by idiots. You're 2 for 2 on your last 2 posts Magoo.... Seriously this is the same sort of shit IIMT is retardely spewing.

If your suggestion is that things would not be markedly different economically under Trump then your actual IQ is in par with your posting.

Thanks sir. Haha, mark it a zero dude ;) .... I don't play single stocks, but if I did, I'd be buying them and XOM right now.
Thank you. In this topic. Not on others. Your insults are medals.

If you don’t want to see. You don’t want to see. Maybe others can.
That is fine, I would rather not have children than to raise them in a third world hellhole. I don't know what I will or will not do, but I am good either way.

Yes, I'm going to reiterate to someone with 6 chilrdern and hopefully a 7th soon. You dont get it. None with skin in the game and progeny are allowed to take this constant bitching and kvetching mentality. There's a total difference between being aware of the potential negative realities in the world vs being chicken little + the town crier + Nero laughing and fiddling at each negative news story confirming the sky is falling. Honestly, I dont think youre emotionally mature enough to be a father.

Because that is what my ancestors fought for and worked hard for. They didn't fight and work hard so their posterity would have to work countless hours and fight and claw to get by.

There are some outlier ways to be successful, most are struggling greatly. Once you can admit how bad things really are, we can go forward and then talk about how no politician, including Trump, is addressing the core issues.
Also at some point all our ancestors were slaves. So what? Peoples station and position in life changes all the time.

I guarantee you arent working as hard as you postulate here online. The fact that you can go tit for tat with me over 4 hours in the evening with nearly a 1 minute response between posts tells me its bullshit.
I think young men can still make it. Learn a trade (the demand will never go away for plumbers electricians welders etc), move to an area where housing is still attainable. You may not be rich, but you can still have enough to support a family. If you're gifted, engineering, something like that.

Nawwww that's hard, get a college degree party it up for 4 years without a care in the world taking on untold debt or just work some random no skill job hoping it's going to always be enough then blame it on anyone or anything else when it isn't....that's the ticket.
I think young men can still make it. Learn a trade (the demand will never go away for plumbers electricians welders etc), move to an area where housing is still attainable. You may not be rich, but you can still have enough to support a family. If you're gifted, engineering, something like that.
That works, for now, for some men at least. But with the trajectory, soon that will not be enough.
Yes, I'm going to reiterate to someone with 6 chilrdern and hopefully a 7th soon. You dont get it. None with skin in the game and progeny are allowed to take this constant bitching and kvetching mentality. There's a total difference between being aware of the potential negative realities in the world vs being chicken little + the town crier + Nero laughing and fiddling at each negative news story confirming the sky is falling. Honestly, I dont think youre emotionally mature enough to be a father.

Also at some point all our ancestors were slaves. So what? Peoples station and position in life changes all the time.

I guarantee you arent working as hard as you postulate here online. The fact that you can go tit for tat with me over 4 hours in the evening with nearly a 1 minute response between posts tells me its bullshit.
I am very risk adverse, that is true, but I don't want to raise kids in a country where you have to take giant risks and/or get lucky, just to live a decent life. My ancestors didn't fight tooth and nail for me to just accept that and suck it up.

I have no life so plenty of time to post, if you are what you say you are, how is it you that has so much time to respond to me? Oh, and I will ask you the same question, seems so far no one wants to answer. Do you think if we get the right people voted into office we can save this country?
Honestly, I dont think youre emotionally mature enough to be a father.
I don't think many men are. Then when it happens, planned or unplanned, it can be a sobering "come to God" moment. I've seen it happen with some of my uncles. They didn't have anything ready, but when stuck with those duties and responsibilities of raising a family, it turned them into better men, and they somehow made it work, and managed to raise good sons and figured it out along the way.
Thank you. In this topic. Not on others. Your insults are medals.

If you don’t want to see. You don’t want to see. Maybe others can.
Are you asking me to defend the clot shot? I am not.

I've said this repeatedly that the way this was poorly ran out, but NOT what was in Operation Warpspeed's charter/demand.

If you'll recall, they didnt roll out the vaccine until Biden for political reasons....but I dont agree with how Trump handled some elements of fauci et al.

This whole point has been reiterated 900000x

As I stated, if you dont think living with Trump will be better than this Biden Regime... I'm not sure what to tell you.
That works, for now, for some men at least. But with the trajectory, soon that will not be enough.
Perhaps. It seems to be the service industry folks taking it the hardest right now. I feel for them, because it's still a job and still something that needs to be done, but they're getting it the worst in this economy. Skilled trades are still doing well (relatively) especially if you are competent and show some initiative. I think if you can avoid getting into a field that will be outsourced to ChatGPT in the coming years you'll probably be fine.
I am very risk adverse, that is true, but I don't want to raise kids in a country where you have to take giant risks and/or get lucky, just to live a decent life. My ancestors didn't fight tooth and nail for me to just accept that and suck it up.

I have no life so plenty of time to post, if you are what you say you are, how is it you that has so much time to respond to me? Oh, and I will ask you the same question, seems so far no one wants to answer. Do you think if we get the right people voted into office we can save this country?
Yeah.... You're ancestors didnt fight tooth and nail for you to be a whining nincompoop either... put if you read your posts I'd sure be fooled. You dont suck it up. You use your collective ancestoral intelligence you seem to be so keen on preserving and find a way to create a path to wealth.

To answer your question..As far as my posting, a couple messages in the morning while sitting in traffic at a stoplight,, a post or two on the crapper at work or during lunch and some engagement here on the internet in the evenings.... no where near the same thing. I'm also not claiming to be working 7 days a week 20 hours or whatever bullshit youre spewing. I work a pretty normal corporate schedule, with some early morning/evening engagements, and occasional international travel. I've got an MBA from a top 30 or so business school after 7 years of active duty service and 5 years post-military professional career working in supply chain and currently working logistics at an oil and gas operator... Financially, im doing pretty well, but its not come without lean times either.

Seeing my accumulated wealth and children's opportunities erode is something I am going to fight to prevent for as long as possible.

As far as political leaders:

Saving the country vs not rapidly crashing are two different things. I do think the way we ease into decline is much more important that plummeting into a death spiral. Your attitude ensures the latter.
Yeah.... You're ancestors didnt fight tooth and nail for you to be a whining nincompoop either... put if you read your posts I'd sure be fooled. You dont suck it up. You use your collective ancestoral intelligence you seem to be so keen on preserving and find a way to create a path to wealth.

To answer your question..As far as my posting, a couple messages in the morning while sitting in traffic at a stoplight,, a post or two on the crapper at work or during lunch and some engagement here on the internet in the evenings.... no where near the same thing. I'm also not claiming to be working 7 days a week 20 hours or whatever bullshit youre spewing. I work a pretty normal corporate schedule, with some early morning/evening engagements, and occasional international travel. I've got an MBA from a top 30 or so business school after 7 years of active duty service and 5 years post-military professional career working in supply chain and currently working logistics at an oil and gas operator... Financially, im doing pretty well, but its not come without lean times either.

Seeing my accumulated wealth and children's opportunities erode is something I am going to fight to prevent for as long as possible.

As far as political leaders:

Saving the country vs not rapidly crashing are two different things. I do think the way we ease into decline is much more important that plummeting into a death spiral. Your attitude ensures the latter.
You have this boomer mentality. "If you want a decent life, and this country no longer provides it for you, then you are just a whiny nincompoop". Sorry, this shaming tactic doesn't work. It will only infuriate young men further; I suggest you drop it. But that is up for you to have to deal with.

I work 7 days a week, I have done so for almost 25 years. You have 6 kids, that is way more to handle than working a job. I'm not saying you are lying, I am saying... If you have time to post here as full as your hands are, so do I.

I used to think that way as well. That with the right guys, things would be less bad. I just no longer believe this to be true. But I guess we will find out soon, they will install Trump and either things stabilize a little, or it continues off the cliff. Of course, with demographic changes, Trump will be the last president to even give hope to the middle class, so the cliff drop will come eventually anyway.
currently working logistics at an oil and gas operator
I think this is probably enough reason to vote for Trump (since this is a Trump thread after all). So many people work in this industry, it provides many men with a good living, and it benefits even those who don't work in it with lower gas prices, and lower prices on everything, since everything we buy was carried there with by truck at some point. Leftists have been trying to kill the industry with regulations since forever. They basically did manage to kill the coal industry under Obama. Seems they want to do the same with oil and gas. We have everything we need right here, and wouldn't have to be dependent on how well middle eastern countries are getting along with each other at any given time if we'd simply deregulate the oil and gas industry and let them utilize our own resources here.
You have this boomer mentality. "If you want a decent life, and this country no longer provides it for you, then you are just a whiny nincompoop". Sorry, this shaming tactic doesn't work. It will only infuriate young men further; I suggest you drop it. But that is up for you to have to deal with.
I dont have a boomer mentality, I am just not sympathetic to bitching. I'm 34 man. you're in your 40s. Please don't tell me what connects to young men, I'm closer to the goal line on that than you are. I've had tons of young men (24-28) ask me for advice IN PERSON on how to get a head finically at my church. I've been a mentor to many people in and out of the military, helped many with career decisions/gotten them jobs at places.

The complaining mindset will NEVER get anyone ahead. Drop it and focus on the things you can change and be optimistic about your endeavors.

That's the advice YOU need to heed. Instead of this negative bullshit you harp on like a broken record.

Look my personal/trenchant remarks about you aren't literally directed at the IIMT human behind the screen. They're directed at the persona you're presenting here online. If you dont like that... dont present yourself in that way.

I wouldn't follow the internet IIMT into battle, I wouldn't let you be my sherpa, I wouldn't want your negative bullshit in my fox hole, I wouldn't want to work with you on my team at work, and I certainly wouldn't introduce you to lady friends I have.

Nothing you're pushing helps anyone get what THEY WANT in life.
I work 7 days a week, I have done so for almost 25 years. You have 6 kids, that is way more to handle than working a job. I'm not saying you are lying, I am saying... If you have time to post here as full as your hands are, so do I.
See there's this thing called a wife. When you make good money they get to stay home and take care of all that shit for you. It's a novel concept now a days... but it's pretty beneficial when you find a good one and give her the gift of worrying about the kids issues,.
I dont have a boomer mentality, I am just not sympathetic to bitching. I'm 34 man. you're in your 40s. Please don't tell me what connects to young men, I'm closer to the goal line on that than you are. I've had tons of young men (24-28) ask me for advice IN PERSON on how to get a head finically at my church. I've been a mentor to many people in and out of the military, helped many with career decisions/gotten them jobs at places.

The complaining mindset will NEVER get anyone ahead. Drop it and focus on the things you can change and be optimistic about your endeavors.

That's the advice YOU need to heed. Instead of this negative bullshit you harp on like a broken record.

Look my personal/trenchant remarks about you aren't literally directed at the IIMT human behind the screen. They're directed at the persona you're presenting here online. If you dont like that... dont present yourself in that way.

I wouldn't follow the internet IIMT into battle, I wouldn't let you be my sherpa, I wouldn't want your negative bullshit in my fox hole, I wouldn't want to work with you on my team at work, and I certainly wouldn't introduce you to lady friends I have.

Nothing you're pushing helps anyone get what THEY WANT in life.

See there's this thing called a wife. When you make good money they get to stay home and take care of all that shit for you. It's a novel concept now a days... but it's pretty beneficial when you find a good one and give her the gift of worrying about the kids issues,.
If you are calling people "whiny" due to them wanting a first world life, then you have the very epitome of the boomer mentality. It comes from the boomer conservative media with 2002 talking points that you admit to watching on here. I am just advising you to drop it, because it only infuriates young men further and they will see you as someone they can never trust. It is up to you, I don't care, I only laugh at the fact these talking points are still floating around.

It isn't about complaining, it is about pointing out the evil system and who is behind it, and the word will spread. You have no idea how successful I am. I am not a 2002 "at least I got mine" boomer conservative. I am a fascist, I care about my people, I care about the future of my people, and my personal success is of no concern to me. If I had $100 million or $0, my political views and talking points would not change.

I don't care if you would follow me into battle. I am not trying to win you over. I am addressing your talking points so other men will read this one day and realize there is a third path and they don't have to hold their nose and vote "conservative".
If you are calling people "whiny" due to them wanting a first world life, then you have the very epitome of the boomer mentality. It comes from the boomer conservative media with 2002 talking points that you admit to watching on here. I am just advising you to drop it, because it only infuriates young men further and they will see you as someone they can never trust. It is up to you, I don't care, I only laugh at the fact these talking points are still floating around.

It isn't about complaining, it is about pointing out the evil system and who is behind it, and the word will spread. You have no idea how successful I am. I am not a 2002 "at least I got mine" boomer conservative. I am a fascist, I care about my people, I care about the future of my people, and my personal success is of no concern to me. If I had $100 million or $0, my political views and talking points would not change.

I don't care if you would follow me into battle. I am not trying to win you over. I am addressing your talking points so other men will read this one day and realize there is a third path and they don't have to hold their nose and vote "conservative".
The interactions I've had with men at church (something you've poo poo'ed previously) decries that maybe I'm actually hitting the mark compared to the crap you're spewing here on the internet. I'm not in the interest of sympathizing and babying young men. I'm in the interest of giving them meaningful information that will get their mind right to address the world in the CURRENT STATE of play vs endless bitching like you.

The issue is that you have a huge credibility gap here. No-One here on this obscure forum believes you're some incredibly successful mega-millionaire dude. We just dont. As many others have noted, you're name does not ring a bell of "happy- enviable-life" But lets assume you've got 20 million dollars in the bank. Thats where you would be using a "multi-family office" form of financial investment aka where wealth manages wealth manages wealth in perpetuity and generationally. . Which I dont believe to be the case.... You've still nothing to show for it. So I ask again.... why would any of these young men you're talking about listen to you.

As I stated. In real life, people listen to those whom demonstrate the things they wish to have in their own life.

What is funny is that EVERY THREAD you post in, regardless of the topic at hand, becomes about you and your endless kvetching. As I stated. Your purpose here is to be a self-licking icecream cone of pity and self-indulgent complaining. You need to get off this forum and get a fucking clue and a life dude.