Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

There are always opportunities, but the average person is doing very badly. I can talk to anyone, from any walk of life right now, and they are all hurting financially. Even "successful" people are worried about their investments and where things are going.

If you got into BTC or Apple at the right time, you could have made a small fortune. I choose to pass on both, I had my reasons, and I missed out. It is too bad, but good for those guys who did well on these investments.

You are wrong about being "broke". The economy is vastly worse, by any measure, than it has been since the great depression. The only thing making us better off that those days is the money printer. And we can't just magically borrow money forever to keep this house of cards propped up.

You honestly don't know anyone struggling right now? Honestly? I know tons of people struggling right now, I am lucky to not be one of them, but I know a lot who are doing badly and I know I could be in their place at a seconds notice.

You gotta be kidding me, you know anybody waiting in line for soup like during the great depression?

Sorry to break it to you but those guys you know who aren't doing well is because of their own doing, let me guess they went and got degrees hoping it meant they would have easy lives? Or were they happy with their weekly just paying the bills wage slave salary hoping it would carry them through life? Or are they single moms raising 3 kids who chose deadbeat men to have kids with?

YES I honestly do not know one single person struggling other than people who tried to live easy lives or made dumb choices and didn't do anything to better themselves and their situation. I say that with full dead stone face honesty. You glossed over this but I'll say it again "broke" people have a roof over their heads, food and a $1200 phone in their hands, nobody is waiting in line for soup.

The sky isn't falling
You gotta be kidding me, you know anybody waiting in line for soup like during the great depression?

Sorry to break it to you but those guys you know who aren't doing well is because of their own doing, let me guess they went and got degrees hoping it meant they would have easy lives? Or were they happy with their weekly just paying the bills wage slave salary hoping it would carry them through life? Or are they single moms raising 3 kids who chose deadbeat men to have kids with?

YES I honestly do not know one single person struggling other than people who tried to live easy lives or made dumb choices and didn't do anything to better themselves and their situation. I say that with full dead stone face honesty. You glossed over this but I'll say it again "broke" people have a roof over their heads, food and a $1200 phone in their hands, nobody is waiting in line for soup.

The sky isn't falling
Yes, I live in a decent middle class area, in a very red district, and there is food pantry/handout every Tuesday at a church in walking distance from my house. The line is very long, every single week. Yes, this happens across the country. And this is WITH the money printer going crazy to keep things afloat.

What is wrong with working hard, getting a degree, and getting a middle class job? I don't want to live in a country where if you follow all the rules, pay your dues, work hard, you still don't deserve a decent life.

My grandparents lived through the great depression, as farmers. I know it well, what we face today will be far worse when the money printer is cut off. Not, if, but when, we can't print money forever and our adversaries, who are currently winning, are doing their best to shut it down.

Has Trump even mentioned the money printer, he helped kick into overdrive in his shameful 4 years?
Trump was put in office to sell the worse bio weapon in human history. Because he is a great seller. Guys like him don’t believe in anything. They already saw too much.

And if they put him back there again it’s because something else will be sold to the populace. He dug a hole. And will continue digging. Dragging everybody into it.

He should be in jail. Just like many others.

The script is for a neofeudal society. So invest in land and generally real estate. While you still can.
The great reset is nothing more than the implementation of a neo feudal state.

US will eventually fall like all empires do. Because it’s impossible to manage vast empires. Since public management is centralized, inefficient and corrupt.
People will be poorer. Things will be more expensive.
Trump was put in office to sell the worse bio weapon in human history. Because he is a great seller. Guys like him don’t believe in anything. They already saw too much.

And if they put him back there again it’s because something else will be sold to the populace. He dug a hole. And will continue digging. Dragging everybody into it.

He should be in jail. Just like many others.

The script is for a neofeudal society. So invest in land and generally real estate. While you still can.
The great reset is nothing more than the implementation of a neo feudal state.

US will eventually fall like all empires do. Because it’s impossible to manage vast empires. Since public management is centralized, inefficient and corrupt.
People will be poorer. Things will be more expensive.
I think they want to put him back in to sell Israel and the military again. The elites badly want to remove the Iranian regime and they think Trump is the guy to do it.

Hopefully the young guys don't fall for it and military recruitment remains dismal and the military remains weak and unorganized. I think it is far too little and far too late, but I could be wrong, Trump has that cult of personality. I don't know how, but he mesmerizes people in a way few are able to do.
I think they want to put him back in to sell Israel and the military again. The elites badly want to remove the Iranian regime and they think Trump is the guy to do it.

Hopefully the young guys don't fall for it and military recruitment remains dismal and the military remains weak and unorganized. I think it is far too little and far too late, but I could be wrong, Trump has that cult of personality. I don't know how, but he mesmerizes people in a way few are able to do.
It’s like a cult.

Trump is a superficial ignorant. A dumb fuck who loves Jews.

Maybe he identifies with Jews. Cause Jews were never accepted by the establishment also.

He doesn’t care. People don’t understand guys like him. Are numb. They saw so many shit already.

Time will tell the extension of the vaxx damage. Japanese studies are now talking about turbo cancers openly.
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It’s like a cult.

Trump is a superficial ignorant. A dumb fuck who
You do realize how stupid you look with the grammar and incomplete post right?

Next time you call someone a dumb fuck... Try using complete sentences and some form of punctuation.

Edited to add:

Season 3 Wall GIF by The Simpsons
If you were of age and couldn't make it the past decade then you just screwed up plain and simple.
Profiting from false prophet JQ financial scams (flipping houses, crypto, and "free" covid money) and systems (stock markets) that are based on greed, materialism, and consumerism is one way to "make it." But it is this sedintary, computerized paper pushing for vast sums of money from an easy chair that is part of the problem. We need less "financial system profiteers" who build nothing physical, and more farmers and skilled tradesman who actually construct real world objects that contribute to the greater good of society.
Yes, I live in a decent middle class area, in a very red district, and there is food pantry/handout every Tuesday at a church in walking distance from my house. The line is very long, every single week. Yes, this happens across the country. And this is WITH the money printer going crazy to keep things afloat.

What is wrong with working hard, getting a degree, and getting a middle class job? I don't want to live in a country where if you follow all the rules, pay your dues, work hard, you still don't deserve a decent life.

My grandparents lived through the great depression, as farmers. I know it well, what we face today will be far worse when the money printer is cut off. Not, if, but when, we can't print money forever and our adversaries, who are currently winning, are doing their best to shut it down.

Has Trump even mentioned the money printer, he helped kick into overdrive in his shameful 4 years?
I call bullshit on all of this. Your full of crap on soup kitchens.

Look inflation is real... But I don't believe your crap about soup kitchens and all of that hyperbole.

As a man....You don't deserve ANYTHING but that which to take.

This is my point about your attitude and the way you communicate " boooo hooooo, life is so hard, I should be entitled to a rich life after working a mundane job and playing it safe for 30 years!"

I'm genuinely sympathetic to the plight of the working man. I grew up middle class... But I have zero sympathy for bitching and moaning about how things should be when there are still ways to get ahead in life.
Profiting from false prophet JQ financial scams (flipping houses, crypto, and "free" covid money) and systems (stock markets) that are based on greed, materialism, and consumerism is one way to "make it." But it is this sedintary, computerized paper pushing for vast sums of money from an easy chair that is part of the problem. We need less "financial system profiteers" who build nothing physical, and more farmers and skilled tradesman who actually construct real world objects that contribute to the greater good of society.
Yes more people should definitely get into the trades.

Also got a stock pick for you if you invest in single stocks:

PWR (Quanta Services Inc) largest company of skilled trades men in the world. Interviewed there before taking a role at a an Oil and Gas operator.
Amazing company and their ROIC is beating Google and Apple year over year for the last 6 years
I call bullshit on all of this. Your full of crap on soup kitchens.

Look inflation is real... But I don't believe your crap about soup kitchens and all of that hyperbole.

As a man....You don't deserve ANYTHING but that which to take.

This is my point about your attitude and the way you communicate " boooo hooooo, life is so hard, I should be entitled to a rich life after working a mundane job and playing it safe for 30 years!"

I'm genuinely sympathetic to the plight of the working man. I grew up middle class... But I have zero sympathy for bitching and moaning about how things should be when there are still ways to get ahead in life.
You don't believe there are food banks at churches with long lines? I guess I could ask my neighbors to sign up and back this up. There are no food panties where you live? I mean, I can just go to Google or Twitter and type in "food pantry usage" and it is increasing across the country.

It isn't about being "tough", lol, and this is where it gets deep in philosophical. I want to pass on a better world to my children, if I have them. A country that says "if you work hard, if you follow the rules, if you do the right thing, you get nothing in return" isn't a first world country and it isn't a place I would want my children to grow up. It is a third world hellhole. If it is already this bad, that is even beyond what I realized.

It isn't "bitching and moaning" it is legit complaints that a fraud like Trump isn't addressing. And the more we get angry, and the more who join our ranks, the more your "hero" conservative sellouts have to worry about losing their easy life money train.
Profiting from false prophet JQ financial scams (flipping houses, crypto, and "free" covid money) and systems (stock markets) that are based on greed, materialism, and consumerism is one way to "make it." But it is this sedintary, computerized paper pushing for vast sums of money from an easy chair that is part of the problem. We need less "financial system profiteers" who build nothing physical, and more farmers and skilled tradesman who actually construct real world objects that contribute to the greater good of society.

I don't disagree but then don't complain about being broke and you can't provide for your family. This is the world we live in, this is reality.

By the way I own a farm, things are not black and white there is more to life.
Slaves in a plantation debating which slave master whips them less.

It’s a sad state of affaires.

Trump might end up being one of the worse mass murderers in history. Stalin etc will be rookies compared to him.

In the same forum you have a section with covid vaccines injury. And another were people are defending the person responsible for vaccines?!? It’s schizophrenic.
Since we're on the topic of collapses and whatnot, I think a rapid and complete collapse would be far too dangerous and uncontrollable for the planners. What they're doing is slowly stripping away hopes and dreams and priming/programming people to accept a dystopian "pod living" lifestyle with cheap internet, netflix, goyslop, pornography, antidepressants, ride sharing and public transit. "15 minute cities". "You'll own nothing and be happy" etc...

I don't remember where I read it, but someone mentioned that they want the "Chinese model" for Americans and other western countries.
I don't disagree but then don't complain about being broke and you can't provide for your family. This is the world we live in, this is reality.

By the way I own a farm, things are not black and white there is more to life.

Yes, it is reality, thank you for admitting that. But you are damn wrong if you don't think men like me are going to complain. We are going to complain, spread the word and eventually there will be enough to do something about it. We don't want to live in a country full of filth, porn, drugs, materialism and where being a good hard working person gets you nothing in return. That is a third world hellhole and we demand better.
Since we're on the topic of collapses and whatnot, I think a rapid and complete collapse would be far too dangerous and uncontrollable for the planners. What they're doing is slowly stripping away hopes and dreams and priming/programming people to accept a dystopian "pod living" lifestyle with cheap internet, netflix, goyslop, pornography, antidepressants, ride sharing and public transit. "15 minute cities". "You'll own nothing and be happy" etc...

I don't remember where I read it, but someone mentioned that they want the "Chinese model" for Americans and other western countries.
I think this is what they wanted. But they underestimated Putin/Xi and Iran, and over estimated how "productive" 80 IQ third world people really are, and things are spinning out of control for them.

Larry Fink isn't on TV lying about the economy because he wants to be out there. He wants to hide and make his billions. He is forced out there to try to sell things are okay.
Yes, I live in a decent middle class area, in a very red district, and there is food pantry/handout every Tuesday at a church in walking distance from my house. The line is very long, every single week. Yes, this happens across the country. And this is WITH the money printer going crazy to keep things afloat.

What is wrong with working hard, getting a degree, and getting a middle class job? I don't want to live in a country where if you follow all the rules, pay your dues, work hard, you still don't deserve a decent life.

My grandparents lived through the great depression, as farmers. I know it well, what we face today will be far worse when the money printer is cut off. Not, if, but when, we can't print money forever and our adversaries, who are currently winning, are doing their best to shut it down.

Has Trump even mentioned the money printer, he helped kick into overdrive in his shameful 4 years?

Who said anything about not working hard, I said the opposite. Who said anything about not following the rules?

I don't think you read anything anyone says to you, you just want to say what justifies whatever is in your head.
Yes, it is reality, thank you for admitting that. But you are damn wrong if you don't think men like me are going to complain. We are going to complain, spread the word and eventually there will be enough to do something about it. We don't want to live in a country full of filth, porn, drugs, materialism and where being a good hard working person gets you nothing in return. That is a third world hellhole and we demand better.

Oh boy here we go, he's the spokesman again now. I've told you this more times than I can count, stop speaking for others.
Who said anything about not working hard, I said the opposite. Who said anything about not following the rules?

I don't think you read anything anyone says to you, you just want to say what justifies whatever is in your head.
You said they had college degrees and work full time jobs. I know people like this and they are struggling big time. They shouldn't be struggling, they are smart/hardworking/follow the rules, they should be able to enjoy the middle class life.
You don't believe there are food banks at churches with long lines? I guess I could ask my neighbors to sign up and back this up. There are no food panties where you live? I mean, I can just go to Google or Twitter and type in "food pantry usage" and it is increasing across the country.

It isn't about being "tough", lol, and this is where it gets deep in philosophical. I want to pass on a better world to my children, if I have them. A country that says "if you work hard, if you follow the rules, if you do the right thing, you get nothing in return" isn't a first world country and it isn't a place I would want my children to grow up. It is a third world hellhole. If it is already this bad, that is even beyond what I realized.
You're never going to have kids with the attitude you possess.

And it's clear you have never actually been to a third world shit hole. If you had you'd realize that these comparisons you're making don't fit.

It isn't "bitching and moaning" it is legit complaints that a fraud like Trump isn't addressing. And the more we get angry, and the more who join our ranks, the more your "hero" conservative sellouts have to worry about losing their easy life money train.
Who do you keep saying people are calling a hero? No one, except critics are using that term.

Regarding your doom posting and mentality of constant negativity (which I dont think you're even aware youre projecting) I SAY:
IIMT delenda est!
Slaves in a plantation debating which slave master whips them less.

It’s a sad state of affaires.

Trump might end up being one of the worse mass murderers in history. Stalin etc are rookies.
Says the guy who types and spells like a person educated by idiots. You're 2 for 2 on your last 2 posts Magoo.... Seriously this is the same sort of shit IIMT is retardely spewing.

If your suggestion is that things would not be markedly different economically under Trump then your actual IQ is in par with your posting.

Appreciate it, but that's out of my element Donny. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

But good for you, I know you've worked hard to be successful, happy, and have a great family.
Thanks sir. Haha, mark it a zero dude ;) .... I don't play single stocks, but if I did, I'd be buying them and XOM right now.