Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Dude. This is low t, little dick jealous energy. I posted it 8 mins ago, you responded 2 mins later. You didn't even watch it clearly. If you watched his stuff you'd agree with at least 80 percent of it.

Your default state is just to take anything and make it negative.

This is why no one takes you very seriously here.

He's not getting paid anything by anyone to do anything. He created a company after getting out of the military and has been an incredibly successful business man.

Again you're just taking an assumption out of the ether and fitting it to your ugly cynical Outlook.

I believe the future is bright for me. If you believe it's bleak for you... Then it certainly will be.

You manifest into your life that which you believe. It's as simple as that.
I have 0 desire to listen to this guy. Heck, Tucker is too blue pilled for me. When you know the red pill truths, you have 0 desire to listen to these paid informants.

I'll tell you what, tell this guy to have some real hard-hitting guys on. Guys that will destroy his "conservative" views and leave his audience asking for more. There are many out there, I am sure he knows them, even someone only partially red pilled like Nick Fuentes would be a start. I'll listen to that interview and see how it goes. Will he cut them off and lie, like Alex Jones did, or will he actually behave decently. We will not know until it happens.

And for guys like me, my future is not a concern. My concern is the next generation and guys like Trump will do nothing to help them.
Veneluelans did more than enough to burry themselves - the Chavez era nationalization of oil and gas industries caused an exodus of skilled engineers and workers and without them their immense wealth of natural resources is worthless. Brazilians have at least enough common sense not cut the branch their sitting on.

It's just speculation based on history.
But in the present, Brazil is the best example we have - the disparities between the 90%+ white south and the rest of the country are astonishing, and yet there's no talk about separation and the dissolution of the state.

That is because the Whites there are able to escape the hell of the rest of the country. In the USA, they are shipping the illegals to the Whitest areas, rural and Midwest, for a very good reason. I just saw a tweet post of people talking about all these large apartment complexes being built across Montana and Idaho. They will send these people everywhere to destroy any chance of an uprising, which will cause great discomfort for people trying to run away from it. Will it cause an uprising eventually? I don't know. What I do know, is the ability to run away from these people and their crime will be removed.

So that is two big differences in Brazil and the USA. The USA will not have a daddy country to fund it AND the people in the USA will not be able to move away from it.
I have 0 desire to listen to this guy. Heck, Tucker is too blue pilled for me. When you know the red pill truths, you have 0 desire to listen to these paid informants.

I'll tell you what, tell this guy to have some real hard-hitting guys on. Guys that will destroy his "conservative" views and leave his audience asking for more. There are many out there, I am sure he knows them, even someone only partially red pilled like Nick Fuentes would be a start. I'll listen to that interview and see how it goes. Will he cut them off and lie, like Alex Jones did, or will he actually behave decently. We will not know until it happens.

And for guys like me, my future is not a concern. My concern is the next generation and guys like Trump will do nothing to help them.
That's fine. But my point is that you're making ignorant assertions and raving about things when you're not even investigated the positions of the person you're speaking about.

Only a fool shouts things repeatedly out of ignorance and expects others to take their positions seriously.

Here's the thing ... Success leaves clues. You should only listen to people that display the things you're looking embody.

People will listen to a self made, handsome, pro family Christan man who's got a large family, seems to be happy, and always promotes positivity.

That's why they like Trump also (he's always positive)

They don't want to hear shit from a basement dwelling hermit who's self assured on all 10000 different topics with all the secret answers yet ZERO to show for it.
That's fine. But my point is that you're making ignorant assertions and raving about things when you're not even investigated the positions of the person you're speaking about.

Only a fool shouts things repeatedly out of ignorance and expects others to take their positions seriously.

Here's the thing ... Success leaves clues. You should only listen to people that display the things you're looking embody.

People will listen to a self made, handsome, pro family Christan man who's got a large family, seems to be happy, and always promotes positivity.

That's why they like Trump also (he's always positive)

They don't want to hear shit from a basement dwelling hermit who's self assured on all 10000 different topics with all the secret answers yet ZERO to show for it.
There is nothing to research. He is allowed on major network TV and to make a fortune from youtube. He is state approved. If he wasn't, he would be heavily censored.

I don't care if you want to take my positions seriously or anyone else. As things get worse, and Trump gets nothing done, more and more will listen to men like me. 20 years ago it was a small number who knew what was up. Now it is in the millions and likely 10's of millions. Those numbers will only grow as things get worse and all the "conservatives" have to sell is the same neo-con talking points from Bush/Trump.

I could have all those things too, if I had no morals and was willing to sell out my countrymen, well not his, but mine, and push for war and more wasted money on the MIC. I just couldn't live with myself if I did that. It just isn't right, it isn't the right way to live.

I do enjoy the personal attacks, it only fuels my desire to make sure more men wake up to the fake conservatives like Trump and the other clowns on TV shilling for "legal immigration" and "Israel is our greatest ally" while the entire country collapses around them.

Unless of course you really deep down believe we can borrow money forever to pay for our 80 IQ replacements and the endless wars the GOP demands. If so, then it is a wasted effort on both our parts.
I have 0 desire to listen to this guy. Heck, Tucker is too blue pilled for me. When you know the red pill truths, you have 0 desire to listen to these paid informants.
You really need to step outside of your black pill echo chamber. No idea who you're listening to, but they're obviously not good for your mental health. You sit here doom-posting day after day, and when you get rightly called out on it you backpedal and say that you're actually quite happy and well-adjusted, which is obviously bullshit, because nobody with a remotely happy life would spend even a tenth of the time and energy you do endlessly droning on and on about the hopeless state of the world.

We get it. We understand, the world is in a bad situation and will very likely only get worse in the years to come. But you're not red pilling anyone by constantly beating that drum. You're just annoying the everliving fuck out of literally the entire forum. Read that again. You are annoying LITERALLY EVERYONE by continuing to post this crap day after day. Samseau and I have allowed you a lot of latitude, because we value your contributions and your longstanding history as a member of the community, but your relentless blackpilling is simply becoming intolerable. Please, do yourself a favor and take a step back from the doom porn you're consuming every day. It's not enlightening you, it's just making you miserable, and consequently making us miserable every time we read your posts.
I am sure he doesn't like Iran. He gets to come to my country, make 7 figures to sell my family members out, and be called a "hero". In Iran he would have to work and be productive and live an average life.
Exactly. If you get lucky and "stumble into millions" you have to bend ethics rules, if not outright break laws. Nobody can make millions of dollars on their own, they have to assemble a team, under-pay that team, and then keep the lions share of what the "team" generates. It's called stealing, but in the JQ designed business/corporate world it has been deemed "legal" via JQ lawfare. PBD's entire empire (built on jewtube) is "How to get rich like a jew" by screwing people over via upselling them sh*t they don't need (mindless consumerism).

To immigrant guys like PBD who grow up on the streets of savage 3rd world countries, coming to America and "making it" is like stealing candy from a baby. These guys have no problem bending American rules to accomplish their greedy, get out of 3rd world poverty goals (all the while stealing opportunities and resources from native born Americans). And the fact that he served in the US military only adds negatively to his "hero" resume. Some of the most corrupt people I've ever met have served in the US military. What better place to learn to grift? One such guy I met at a luxury hotel in Latin America told me he volunteered for 8+ tours of duty in Vietnam because as a captain he was making 80K a month hustling contraband to his GI's. Another told me he and a buddy stole enough platnium off of US aircraft during Desert Storm to never have to work again.

Guys like this and Trump are birds of a feather and they flock together. "Let them eat cake!"
You really need to step outside of your black pill echo chamber. No idea who you're listening to, but they're obviously not good for your mental health. You sit here doom-posting day after day, and when you get rightly called out on it you backpedal and say that you're actually quite happy and well-adjusted, which is obviously bullshit, because nobody with a remotely happy life would spend even a tenth of the time and energy you do endlessly droning on and on about the hopeless state of the world.

We get it. We understand, the world is in a bad situation and will very likely only get worse in the years to come. But you're not red pilling anyone by constantly beating that drum. You're just annoying the everliving fuck out of literally the entire forum. Read that again. You are annoying LITERALLY EVERYONE by continuing to post this crap day after day. Samseau and I have allowed you a lot of latitude, because we value your contributions and your longstanding history as a member of the community, but your relentless blackpilling is simply becoming intolerable. Please, do yourself a favor and take a step back from the doom porn you're consuming every day. It's not enlightening you, it's just making you miserable, and consequently making us miserable every time we read your posts.
You just call it "black pill" and write off the real world situation. Out of control borrowing, out of control crime, the demographics time bomb, the lack of military power, etc. I didn't create these, these are just the realities we face, and no one running for office, including Trump, even addresses the root cause of it all. So, it will get worse. I am okay with this, I hope you are, because it is going to come for you as well, like it or not.

I think I am happy. I am happy to know the answers to all the questions I had for years. I am happy I get to help young people realize the situation they face isn't their fault. I am thrilled to see the millions of young men waking up and realizing Trump is far too little and far too late and seeing these numbers grow by the day. It is an exciting time to be alive. I'm not blinded by optimism or still wishfully thinking some politician, approved by the satanic elite to run for office, will save us. And I will not be quiet about this reality either. That doesn't mean I am angry, I just face the reality of the situation and I do my best. I am not happy about the situation we face, but I am happy about my choices given the parameters we are dealing with.

I don't think the entire world is in a bad situation. I think over half the world's population has a positive outlook. It is just the global minority stuck in the west and then the third world people who have a dire future. But, in the big picture, maybe we just not that important, so maybe it doesn't matter. I don't have kids, so it isn't that big of a deal to me that the west will collapse, at least not as big as it appears to you.

I see your point that you think your opinion is shared by everyone. I can guarantee you it is not. The number of men here who have moved beyond some TV talking head and looking for real information is larger than you realize. And these numbers will continue to grow in my favor, both here and much more importantly in the real world. And this brings me much joy and excitement. Some very interesting times are coming up.
Exactly. If you get lucky and "stumble into millions" you have to bend ethics rules, if not outright break laws. Nobody can make millions of dollars on their own, they have to assemble a team, under-pay that team, and then keep the lions share of what the "team" generates. It's called stealing, but in the JQ designed business/corporate world it has been deemed "legal" via JQ lawfare. PBD's entire empire (built on jewtube) is "How to get rich like a jew" by screwing people over via upselling them sh*t they don't need (mindless consumerism).

To immigrant guys like PBD who grow up on the streets of savage 3rd world countries, coming to America and "making it" is like stealing candy from a baby. These guys have no problem bending American rules to accomplish their greedy, get out of 3rd world poverty goals (all the while stealing opportunities and resources from native born Americans). And the fact that he served in the US military only adds negatively to his "hero" resume. Some of the most corrupt people I've ever met have served in the US military. What better place to learn to grift? One such guy I met at a luxury hotel in Latin America told me he volunteered for 8+ tours of duty in Vietnam because as a captain he was making 80K a month hustling contraband to his GI's. Another told me he and a buddy stole enough platnium off of US aircraft during Desert Storm to never have to work again.

Guys like this and Trump are birds of a feather and they flock together. "Let them eat cake!"
Once you get a big enough audience you get pulled aside and given the talk. The talk of "stay on these points and here is a mountain of cash". Nick Fuentes has talked about this in depth and what he was offered. Other guys have talked about it. You don't get to go on TV and talk about IQ and third world immigration realities and who is funding the flooding of our country with people who hate us. You have to pretend if they come legally they will become "conservatives" and the problem is just that they are illegals and the darn racist Demonrats are the problem. :rolleyes:
You just call it "black pill" and write off the real world situation. Out of control borrowing, out of control crime, the demographics time bomb, the lack of military power, etc. I didn't create these, these are just the realities we face, and no one running for office, including Trump, even addresses the root cause of it all. So, it will get worse. I am okay with this, I hope you are, because it is going to come for you as well, like it or not.

I think I am happy. I am happy to know the answers to all the questions I had for years. I am happy I get to help young people realize the situation they face isn't their fault. I am thrilled to see the millions of young men waking up and realizing Trump is far too little and far too late and seeing these numbers grow by the day. It is an exciting time to be alive. I'm not blinded by optimism or still wishfully thinking some politician, approved by the satanic elite to run for office, will save us. And I will not be quiet about this reality either. That doesn't mean I am angry, I just face the reality of the situation and I do my best. I am not happy about the situation we face, but I am happy about my choices given the parameters we are dealing with.

I don't think the entire world is in a bad situation. I think over half the world's population has a positive outlook. It is just the global minority stuck in the west and then the third world people who have a dire future. But, in the big picture, maybe we just not that important, so maybe it doesn't matter. I don't have kids, so it isn't that big of a deal to me that the west will collapse, at least not as big as it appears to you.

I see your point that you think your opinion is shared by everyone. I can guarantee you it is not. The number of men here who have moved beyond some TV talking head and looking for real information is larger than you realize. And these numbers will continue to grow in my favor, both here and much more importantly in the real world. And this brings me much joy and excitement. Some very interesting times are coming up.
Dude. You don't know how to read a cue.

We are all unhappy with some of the trends in the matrix that is our current financial and political state in the US.

If you call yourself happy, yet have the energy to constantly kvetch like an upset Jew about things that you can't change.

Why would anyone listen to you? You say you don't care ... So then why keep hammering the Doom Gong repeatedly?

Trump ain't perfect. He's not going to reverse 70 years of degenerate spending, immigration, and cultural rot.

He will give us a better economic window... Which as a man working in the energy industry with 6 kids and a stay at home wife.... I want that.

If you somehow thing that things are going to be better for me, my family, or my job under any alternative out there... I tell you you're full of shit.

Seriously, I get not liking trump. He's a scandalous dude and all that.

I've disagreed with everyone here on something at some point. But honestly I have never interacted with someone whose head is so far up their ass that is so myopic in their view point that you can't get any intellectual break through at all.

You're dialogue is having a tumor that you refuse to amputate because it allows you to be a victim and to wallow in your own self pity.

You can keep telling us how great your life is. We ain't buying it.

Go touch grass... Find you a woman and make some babies dude.
Dude. You don't know how to read a cue.

We are all unhappy with some of the trends in the matrix that is our current financial and political state in the US.

If you call yourself happy, yet have the energy to constantly kvetch like an upset Jew about things that you can't change.

Why would anyone listen to you? You say you don't care ... So then why keep hammering the Doom Gong repeatedly?

Trump ain't perfect. He's not going to reverse 70 years of degenerate spending, immigration, and cultural rot.

He will give us a better economic window... Which we a man working in the energy industry with 6 kids and a stay at home wife.... I want that.

If you somehow thing that things are going to be better for me, my family, or my job under any alternative out there... I tell you you're full of shit.

Seriously, I get not liking trump. He's a scandalous dude and all that.

I've disagreed with everyone here on something at some point. But honestly I have never interacted with someone whose head is so far up their ass that is so myopic in their view point that you can't get any intellectual break through at all.

You're dialogue is having a tumor that you refuse to amputate because it allows you to be a victim and to wallow in your own self pity.

You can keep telling us how great your life is. We ain't buying it.

Go touch grass... Find you a woman and make some babies dude.
People have already PM'ed to thank me for giving them podcasts, I guess I can ask them why they listen to me. I assume they listen because what I say makes concrete sense. It isn't emotional, it isn't based on false hope of some politician saving us. It is just based on the realities that surround us.

Trump is a puppet of the same regime that Biden is a puppet of. You don't get to run for president of the USA and not be part of the uniparty. Heck, the GOP has kicked out local politicians for supporting things that we discuss on here. There is no way the GOP or anyone with real power in this country is going to allow a real outsider with a real challenge of the system to win. Trump is just the last in the line of the Roy Cohn puppets. That is all that he ever was.

This is the difference in the purple pill and the red pill. It is the stage of grief we call "bargaining". If only we can get the right politcian in there, we can fix these problems. The red pill is accomplishing the stages of grief. You can't fix this system, you can only hope to replace it one day.

I'll give you some advice. Read our last back and forth posts on this thread from today. Who reads more emotional and who is likely to be listened to by others?
People have already PM'ed to thank me for giving them podcasts, I guess I can ask them why they listen to me. I assume they listen because what I say makes concrete sense. It isn't emotional, it isn't based on false hope of some politician saving us. It is just based on the realities that surround us.

Trump is a puppet of the same regime that Biden is a puppet of. You don't get to run for president of the USA and not be part of the uniparty. Heck, the GOP has kicked out local politicians for supporting things that we discuss on here. There is no way the GOP or anyone with real power in this country is going to allow a real outsider with a real challenge of the system to win. Trump is just the last in the line of the Roy Cohn puppets. That is all that he ever was.

This is the difference in the purple pill and the red pill. It is the stage of grief we call "bargaining". If only we can get the right politcian in there, we can fix these problems. The red pill is accomplishing the stages of grief. You can't fix this system, you can only hope to replace it one day.

I'll give you some advice. Read our last back and forth posts on this thread from today. Who reads more emotional and who is likely to be listened to by others?
Go read page after page of multiple posters, and mods both of telling you to cut it out.

You're an energy vampire and this forum is giving you an outlet to suck the life out of those or us whom engage with you. Furthermore you're leading others, whom are in a bad state down the same depressed road. It's not Christian like. Bringing others into a state of despair is not salvific. Maybe you don't think that's what you're doing... But your negative approach is a demoralizing act that only harms those engaged with you.

Infact other senior members have quit the forum over spats with you turning people against themselves. You're a divider and not a unifier.

I didn't initially agree with @Samseau s branding you as a Pagan... But I can't see how anyone walking with Christ is so depressed in their discourse.

I am done with you. You need to be I no longer have any fidelity you're able to contribute on topics without extreme negative prejudice.
Go read page after page of multiple posters, and mods both of telling you to cut it out.

You're an energy vampire and this forum is giving you an outlet to suck the life out of those or us whom engage with you. Furthermore you're leading others, whom are in a bad state down the same depressed road. It's not Christian like. Bringing others into a state of despair is not salvific. Maybe you don't think that's what you're doing... But your negative approach is a demoralizing act that only harms those engaged with you.

Infact other senior members have quit the forum over spats with you turning people against themselves. You're a divider and not a unifier.

I didn't initially agree with @Samseau s branding you as a Pagan... But I can't see how anyone walking with Christ is so depressed in their discourse.

I am done with you. You need to be I no longer have any fidelity you're able to contribute on topics without extreme negative prejudice.
Cut what out? I just give the facts. Nothing I posted was made up. I still haven't seen anyone respond and say candidate ____ plans to fix the economy by doing ____. The fact is, no candidate has any plans to fix any of these problems. So, these problems will get worse, because they are a feature and not a bug.

I hope I am not sucking the life out of anyone. I have some great conversations and laughs here. I suppose you just have not fully realized how dire things are here. Yes, it is a big thing to accept, so I can understand why you would think this way of me. But once you get past the stages of grief life becomes beautiful and you might come back and thank me for my posts.

You call it "negative", I just call it reality. It is reality. Nothing I posted was made up. It is all based on facts and facts I think most here are aware of. I think a few here do secretly hope if we get the right guys in office we can save this country. I used to think that way myself. But after enough research you learn this just isn't the case.

I don't think anyone here should be banned. I think censorship is the tool of the satanic elites and only used by satanic beings. Even if you have personally insulted me repeatedly and tried to push a fake stooge invader who is paid 7 figure to try to put my family members in harm's way for war profiting. I still think you should be allowed to post here, because I believe in the 1A and I don't believe censoring people is the right path, let them speak, the people can determine what is right or wrong, and sometimes I just takes them a while to get to knowing what is right.
I know more young guys that have made their bones in the past 5-10 years than at any time in my life, sorry if someone didn't make the cut.....the world needs ditch diggers. I'm amazed at seeing how well my young relatives are doing, they are further ahead in their 20's than I am in my late 30's and I'm no slouch, it's awesome to see. I was trying to make my bones during the recession and it wasn't easy and I made some dumb choices but I kept pushing and ended up okay, for them they have taken full advantage of the complete and total cash grab this country was in for the past decade or so. From the real estate opportunities during the recession, to the stock market boom, to the coin boom to the covid money printer boom....if you were of age and couldn't make it the past decade then you just screwed up plain and simple.

Broke a few decades ago meant you were living on the street and didn't have food. Broke now just means you don't have the newest iphone and you had to lease a Chevy instead of a BMW. Nobody is starving, nobody is homeless but junkies and anybody can make it in this world if they push hard enough. The only people I know who are not doing well are people who chose the wrong path, made the wrong choices, had nothing to begin with because of their own actions and chose the easy path thinking they would have the same as the ones who chose the hard path for it.
I hope I am not sucking the life out of anyone. I have some great conversations and laughs here. I suppose you just have not fully realized how dire things are here. Yes, it is a big thing to accept, so I can understand why you would think this way of me. But once you get past the stages of grief life becomes beautiful and you might come back and thank me for my posts.

If there's anyone that I would least associate with laughter on this forum it would be you. Same with any of the adjectives such as happiness that you are using to describe yourself. If there's anything that might actually bring joy to you it would be being able to drag other people down to your mental state (what you would refer to as "redpilling the next generation"). I think that's pretty much the goal of much of your conversations here - to be able to moan to an audience that sees your word and get at a small iota of joy from spreading your misery. It's the online equivalent of the drunk guy at the bar who's there night after night complaining about his divorce or him missing out on playing professional football because of an injury or having his business fail or whatever.

Note that a lot of the criticism you are getting isn't so much related to your stance on specific issues (whether voting for Trump is beneficial, mass immigration, financial corruption) but more on your attitude and the constant gloom you bring into ANY topic. You were even getting push back when you posted on one of the weight-lifting threads (one of the few times you bothered to ventured to a board of this forum that wasn't related to a 'the west is doomed, billions must die' type theme) because even then you couldn't help but radiate a depressive energy that instantly sucked everything out of the conversation.
I know more young guys that have made their bones in the past 5-10 years than at any time in my life, sorry if someone didn't make the cut.....the world needs ditch diggers. I'm amazed at seeing how well my young relatives are doing, they are further ahead in their 20's than I am in my late 30's and I'm no slouch, it's awesome to see. I was trying to make my bones during the recession and it wasn't easy and I made some dumb choices but I kept pushing and ended up okay, for them they have taken full advantage of the complete and total cash grab this country was in for the past decade or so. From the real estate opportunities during the recession, to the stock market boom, to the coin boom to the covid money printer boom....if you were of age and couldn't make it the past decade then you just screwed up plain and simple.

Broke a few decades ago meant you were living on the street and didn't have food. Broke now just means you don't have the newest iphone and you had to lease a Chevy instead of a BMW. Nobody is starving, nobody is homeless but junkies and anybody can make it in this world if they push hard enough. The only people I know who are not doing well are people who chose the wrong path, made the wrong choices, had nothing to begin with because of their own actions and chose the easy path thinking they would have the same as the ones who chose the hard path for it.
There are always opportunities, but the average person is doing very badly. I can talk to anyone, from any walk of life right now, and they are all hurting financially. Even "successful" people are worried about their investments and where things are going.

If you got into BTC or Apple at the right time, you could have made a small fortune. I choose to pass on both, I had my reasons, and I missed out. It is too bad, but good for those guys who did well on these investments.

You are wrong about being "broke". The economy is vastly worse, by any measure, than it has been since the great depression. The only thing making us better off that those days is the money printer. And we can't just magically borrow money forever to keep this house of cards propped up.

You honestly don't know anyone struggling right now? Honestly? I know tons of people struggling right now, I am lucky to not be one of them, but I know a lot who are doing badly and I know I could be in their place at a seconds notice.
If there's anyone that I would least associate with laughter on this forum it would be you. Same with any of the adjectives such as happiness that you are using to describe yourself. If there's anything that might actually bring joy to you it would be being able to drag other people down to your mental state (what you would refer to as "redpilling the next generation"). I think that's pretty much the goal of much of your conversations here - to be able to moan to an audience that sees your word and get at a small iota of joy from spreading your misery. It's the online equivalent of the drunk guy at the bar who's there night after night complaining about his divorce or him missing out on playing professional football because of an injury or having his business fail or whatever.

Note that a lot of the criticism you are getting isn't so much related to your stance on specific issues (whether voting for Trump is beneficial, mass immigration, financial corruption) but more on your attitude and the constant gloom you bring into ANY topic. You were even getting push back when you posted on one of the weight-lifting threads (one of the few times you bothered to ventured to a board of this forum that wasn't related to a 'the west is doomed, billions must die' type theme) because even then you couldn't help but radiate a depressive energy that instantly sucked everything out of the conversation.
Great, you are entitled to your opinion.

So, let me ask you a question. Do you think if we get the right people voted into office, and I am not asking you for any names, do you think they can save the USA?
So, let me ask you a question. Do you think if we get the right people voted into office, and I am not asking you for any names, do you think they can save the USA?
This is a great example of what I was referring to previously btw. Even when I was trying to keep away from the "the west has fallen, billions must die" topic you still can't help but drive it back into that. As many people have pointed out before, there's some sort of algorithm in your mind that compels you always to drag any conversation into a way for you to give your elevator pitch on how everything is hopeless and doomed and the only happiness we can get is to convince other people that everything is hopeless and doomed.

EDIT: Get2choppaa literally pointed out the same point while I was typing this post up and I hadn't seen his reply. This attitude of yours that I'm describing is obviously something multiple people have picked on which is something that should give you to mull over.
You literally didn't read his post did you?

This is exactly what he's talking about.

Thank you for confirming what we are all saying.
Yes, I read his posts, which was full of his opinions of me. He is entitled to his opinion as I am entitled to not having to prove anything to him. If he thinks that way of me, by all means. I am interested in his answer to my question though.
This is a great example of what I was referring to previously btw. Even when I was trying to keep away from the "the west has fallen, billions must die" topic you still can't help but drive it back into that. As many people have pointed out before, there's some sort of algorithm in your mind that compels you always to drag any conversation into a way for you to give your elevator pitch on how everything is hopeless and doomed and the only happiness we can get is to convince other people that everything is hopeless and doomed.
No, I just wanted you to answer the question. We are already in the Donald Trump complaints thread, so that topic is kind of what we are here to discuss. I suppose if you don't like it, you can post in a thread you do enjoy more, I am not going to follow you there and bother you.

Also, I don't think anything is hopeless or doomed. There is great hope, but it doesn't come from a politician within this evil system. And the awesome thing is the number of young men realizing this fact every single day.