Decline of Functioning Society

When you see nonsense like the above, the Boeing fiasco and the completely senile president Joe Biden its amazing the U.S.A. has still managed to keep its spot as the number 1 economy in the world. The question is how much longer can it last? Surely the way things are going it cannot be too much longer.
When you see nonsense like the above, the Boeing fiasco and the completely senile president Joe Biden its amazing the U.S.A. has still managed to keep its spot as the number 1 economy in the world. The question is how much longer can it last? Surely the way things are going it cannot be too much longer.
It's like a plane running out of gas mid flight. Engines not working, it's gradually descending, you know it will soon crash but it might glide along longer than you would think, but it's demise is certain. Our engines haven't been working for some time now, the only question is what altitude are we at on our descent.....

I heard this clip on Tim Kelly's podcast and was sure it HAD to be some ghettho Oakland City Hall meeting or something.
Nope, this is the US Congress.
Shockingly immature bickering.

"You can't even see because of your fake eyelashes"
"Baby girl, don't even play"

Elect women, they said. There will be no more conflict, they said.
LOL at the poor old white guy trying to follow the rules and run a serious meeting.
Absolute joke of a country.

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I'm glad that my grandfather, who landed on Juno Beach and helped liberate France, Belgium, and Holland with the Royal Canadian Artillery passed away in 1990 and never lived to see these sad times...

Or my British grandmother who served as a RADAR operator, protecting Old Blighty from foreign attackers, only to have recent UK governments invite the new invaders in? :cry:
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He's right about the STEM field being over-saturated nowadays, although it's not like you won't get anything or there's a steep competition in the West. But you're better off building your own your own things, like what you see in the Crypto and AI space, if you can handle that.

With that 1 second screenshot in his video about Astrazeneca withdrawing their vax, I wonder if he took the vaccine or subconsciously knows many key people in the economy are about to literally collapse.
He's right about the STEM field being over-saturated nowadays, although it's not like you won't get anything or there's a steep competition in the West.
He's just saying it's fake. I must admit I do love the HODL advice, but he also has the luxury to do that (I also recommend it). The attention economy has been obvious for a while. What is hard to predict is what we've been talking about in the escalation to war thread, or what Samseau might move to the coming collapse thread. These are the most interesting to me because I'm curious how long the process will occur and if I'll even be able to see the light on the other side, or I'll be old as hell by that time.

I heard this clip on Tim Kelly's podcast and was sure it HAD to be some ghettho Oakland City Hall meeting or something.
Nope, this is the US Congress.
Shockingly immature bickering.

"You can't even see because of your fake eyelashes"
"Baby girl, don't even play"

Elect women, they said. There will be no more conflict, they said.
LOL at the poor old white guy trying to follow the rules and run a serious meeting.
Absolute joke of a country.

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Aren't MTG & AOC both employed by a talent agency?

I Honestly would not even be suprised if this whole cat fight was organised by their Zio handlers.

Just another mockery of America.