If I had to play sociologist and diagnose what’s happening, it largely boils down to elite overproduction in the west with no clear leadership.
I had this conversation the other day. I can’t find my way because I’m locked out of the upper strata of society. I’m too old in my early 30s, the roots get planted in the late teens early 20s for that. And I find the ghetto or underclass culture lacking any substance. JD Vance’s original work is an examination on that. There’s no space for the American worker bee or independent owner operator. That option doesn’t exist anymore. You either strike it rich or you join the hordes who are probably going on UBI within my lifetime. Tech jobs and the Information Age has expanded the sheer volume of high income households. However, most people are going on assistance via disability. I saw a statistic saying many men are just watching screens these days and not working, and joining the underclass. Small hats keep screaming for masters degrees which don’t do anything, which makes sure only the kids of the high income households can advance as a 4 year degree isn’t enough. Small hats want masters. Usually most successful younger people (like under 40) have the arrangement where their parents pay for the undergrad and they pay for their masters. And then you have academic inflation. What used to only take a 4 year degree to be a professional, boards and councils have changed it to requiring a masters. Why? Do you learn anything magical in that extra 2 years of school? We keep hearing the mantra of boot straps boot straps bootstraps from the right while nobody’s talking about these systematic issues. Mean while the American left has given up on the Catholic / Orthodox worker bee who formed their base and is essentially now bribing native born Americans with degeneracy. This is why the the atmosphere has deteriorated so much. And this expandeded upper class has no clear leadership. Just look at who they present as presidential candidates. JD Vance might be the most articulate we’ve gotten since Obama. In my honest opinion the solution to our malaise is the expanded upper class needs to be humbled. They need to be knocked down a peg. I think there’s a link to the expanded upper class and the LGBT stuff. Remember the 00s anyone? We need some bankruptcies, home foreclosures, and a crash.
Nature and existence hates a vacuum. Everything flows from high pressure to low. Leave a space, satan will be happy to fill it. Sorry about the rant. I don’t think it’s the end of the world. I feel like we’re experiencing an early Information Age anomaly.