Decline of Functioning Society

You can only be with one woman. If you build it she will come. You seem to be obsessed with/addicted to women. This is no different than being a drug addict or having a demonically influenced preoccupation with money, status, and things. Deepen your faith/trust in God. Pray hard. And stop putting pussy up on a pedestal. Let go of "women" and your ideas about them and their supposed place in your life. Let God order all of your steps and stop trying to force your will onto His world.
The context of his post was not on meeting many women but of the general nature of how women are and what takes to meet a good one. He is suggesting building wealth is important but the response of yours is to whine about rich men and shame a fellow user for building wealth in order to attract high quality women.
I am well aware of Jacob Lund Fiscar and his Extreme Early Retirement Blog and book. But yes he is an exceptional person. But the other thing is that if I am not mistaken him and his girlfriend kept their finances separate to some extent. The woman wasn't living the same Spartan lifestyle as him. That could work if you are with a modern feminist woman (as Danish woman tend to be) but if you are with a traditonal virgin woman I don't think you could pull off what he did.
Is he the same type as that Mr Money Moustache guy who was popular a while back?

Map tracker of a list of colleges that have closed as well as schools that will be closed in 2025.

Map tracker of a list of colleges that have closed as well as schools that will be closed in 2025.

Are people starting to wake up to the fact that college is mostly a scam?

Map tracker of a list of colleges that have closed as well as schools that will be closed in 2025.

I got 99 campuses and a ....