Decline of Functioning Society

Retail is dying. Amazon has absorbed everything.
It happened to us before and is an ongoing process that seems to be, or looks like, it's planned. When supermarkets came into town, offering all produce at lower prices, local (Ma & Pa) shops struggling to compete, over time sold up. Then supermarkets relocated to the outskirts and high streets lost the necessary footfall for shops to survive. Those vacant premises would often be turned into wine bars, drinking establishments or taken over by foreigners opening fast food, bricabrac and other non essentials. Town centres lost their purpose and identify as hubs for local communities.

As I was told many times, "that's progress lad".
It happened to us before and is an ongoing process that seems to be, or looks like, it's planned. When supermarkets came into town, offering all produce at lower prices, local (Ma & Pa) shops struggling to compete, over time sold up. Then supermarkets relocated to the outskirts and high streets lost the necessary footfall for shops to survive. Those vacant premises would often be turned into wine bars, drinking establishments or taken over by foreigners opening fast food, bricabrac and other non essentials. Town centres lost their purpose and identify as hubs for local communities.

As I was told many times, "that's progress lad".
It is progress. What are you even reminscing about? Main street in a sleeper town is fairly useless filled with specialty retail and random BS I have no interest in. Naturally most people go downtown to grab McDonalds or somewhere else you can actually hang out. You're worried about those 100 jobs Mom & Pops provide? Those jobs are even more soul crushing in the sticks. Imagine basically guarding Grandma's wallpapered cage all day while the birds sing outside and kids play.

Big box stores actually have stock, variety and affordibility. Anyone who wants to specialize is still able to do so in any local community. That's why all brand name store front's do market research and you see it reflected in their product line.

That's what people want. They want EXACTLY what they're looking for. The internet has a bunch of stuff I actually want or might discover I want. How am I going to get it in your utopia? Dedicate an hour to to go see some moron whose going to tell me they dont carry it, have to order it, or who will borderline roll his eyes when I tell him "I'll think about it" when I find out it's significantly marked up.

If you're a true rural guy then if anything the internet and remote work is the only thing that allows people to return to the small towns, while technology and amazon makes it bearable so that your kids wont daydream about being pretty woman in the Big Apple someday.
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Intel is having a Boeing moment with their recent CPUs degrading to failure. Honestly, this way more scary than anything else considering we depend heavily on computers now more than ever. Also, AMD was suppose to release their new CPU architecture last month, but then delayed it when they noticed their launch CPU batches were defective too and saw how Intel was receiving backlash. But bloody hell, we are losing the ability to make Processors.

Intel is having a Boeing moment with their recent CPUs degrading to failure. Honestly, this way more scary than anything else considering we depend heavily on computers now more than ever. Also, AMD was suppose to release their new CPU architecture last month, but then delayed it when they noticed their launch CPU batches were defective too and saw how Intel was receiving backlash. But bloody hell, we are losing the ability to make Processors.

I know the solution to all their problems: MORE DEI HIRES!!
Went to a Target today. We were visiting relatives in a suburb and needed to pick up something in a pinch. The entire place looked like a zombie apocalypse. Empty aisles. Trash on the floor. Un-stocked items laying everywhere.
Wow, another Onion article comes true. Day by day inching closer to Idiocracy.

Financial analysts, observing more than 100 locations nationwide, cited large quantities of off-brand and wildly scattered merchandise as evidence that T.J. Maxx has either been devastated by the economic downturn, or is carrying on as usual in spite of it.

For instance, the canvas bins heaped with broken stemware in aisle six may be a sign that T.J. Maxx is on the verge of complete bankruptcy. Either that, or it's doing perfectly fine. It's impossible to say which."
I don't know if this is the right thread for this, but every so often I like to look at Zillow in my zip code. I'm noticing tons of homes have been on the market for many days, some over a year, many 3-6 months. I also am noticing a lot of price cuts. Some homes I've seen price cut month after month and eventually remove their listing (not sold). These homes are grossly overpriced considering the average income in the area. I live in a rural area that's next to a lake, but the lake is manmade and is only serviceable for recreation half of the year because they regulate the water levels and it goes down 100 feet or more to service the nearby major river during winter and spring.

This area had a lot of folks move in during or after the pandemic. Before the pandemic, any home around here went for less than 100k or barely above 100k if it was a nice home. Now you'll only find a trailer at 100k, any home at all, even a 2 bed, 2 bath is 300k+. A lot of retired and old folks here. Property taxes are super low, so even if there's a death in the family, family can take over the property and maintain it quite easily.

I'm wondering if any of you guys have noticed the decline in home ownership and the real estate market stagnating in your area. Rent is thankfully still manageable in this area, but there aren't any good jobs out here so I don't know how people are making it unless they move in from the outside and are already flush with money. I think the housing market is standing still out here because the people who have the money to move out here aren't so interested anymore to exchange their million dollar home for another million dollar home. It was a lot better deal back when they could sell their million dollar home to buy a 100k home of the same quality.

When I look at the homes and new builds, I'm starting to get annoyed at home many homes have baths outnumber beds. What's with the 4 bed, 5 bath house with a gigantic living room? None of these homes give a feeling of warmth and coziness, or character. They're like a lot of America seems, huge open wasted spaces for no reason. Some of the towns around here are ugly as hell, random strip malls, concrete deserts, no walkable areas. Even a tiny Firehouse Subs, sits on top of a hill and has at least 100 yards between it and any other building. Why all the lot space for one small mediocre restaurant? I swear some areas of the US have the absolute worst city planning and zoning. I wonder what kind of bozos figure that stuff out.
I check Zillow a lot and noticed some areas have more homes at a decent price than before. Still relatively expensive though throughout much of the Western US.

The cheapest homes where I live are around $500k, which is nonsense considering the wages. For a studio you're starting around $1500/month before adding utilities. I feel bad for the people that grew up here.

I don't blame Californians for moving to cheaper places but they really are like a virus. They bring higher prices, awful politics, woke ideology. Even conservative Californians aren't all that conservative. Portland, Seattle and Denver are just as bad.
Vulture Capitalism with that "Lender of Last Resort Backing" is a Hell of a Civilization Destroyer.

Yeah, they've (ZOG) destroyed most everywhere decently rural or (small big town) for the jobs. So pitiful to watch it all circle the drain...but its worse because they brought unsavory guests.

The Capitalist are Communists, The Communists are Capitalists! Or something to that effect of what old William Pierce stated?
Vulture Capitalism with that "Lender of Last Resort Backing" is a Hell of a Civilization Destroyer.

Yeah, they've (ZOG) destroyed most everywhere decently rural or (small big town) for the jobs. So pitiful to watch it all circle the drain...but its worse because they brought unsavory guests.

The Capitalist are Communists, The Communists are Capitalists! Or something to that effect of what old William Pierce stated?
The JQ commie-capitalist systems of financial usury and lawfare are predicated on high(er) IQ people preying on lower IQ people (the masses). I watch all these alpha-chad millionaire clips produced by The School Of Hard Knocks on Instagram. These guys have tight frame game, are all buff and uber confident, but what gets brushed aside is their high IQ's. These millionaires are smart, they know how to form multiple LLC's and fold them into holding companies, off-shore their profits, pay no taxes, they understand crypto and the stock market, and a lot of them had strong father figures or mentors growing up. It's easy for high-T/IQ guys like this to get rich off of the classic JQ tricks that prey on the low IQ, uneducated poor. They are "If you can't beat em', join em'" kind of guys and they are part of the problem. They laugh about how they don't teach the subject of "money" in public education. They brag how they own 20 rental properties and how all their dumb ass tenants are paying off their mortgages. One guy with a straight face said, "I run 82 companies." Many of them may not be actual jews, but they love and respect jew behavior with regards to money and status (most of them probably love JQ produced porn as well). These are also the types of "men" who hire cheap, HB1 and/or illegal labor to make themselves an extra buck or two.

Just because you can do something (like own 3 Ferraris, 4 mansions, 2 yachts, and 8 Rolexes), doesn't mean that you should. American society is in decline because men like this put money, women, and status before God.
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Good analysis!! How about God, Family, Community, Culture/Race.

The key ingriedients to a mostly sustainable Civilization that we had before. You can have wealth, but its not the #1 focus and you don't act like a peacock with it. Nothing worse than the Hip Hop Tate's idea of Extravagance... without sounding like weirdo... I'll take the 80s Duran Duran Yacht Panache over the Tatted Buff Bro or Peacock Minority/Mixed Douche. Regardless All of that stuff is fleeting even the more 80s sophisticate that I thought was the bomb at one time.
Just because you can do something (like own 3 Ferraris, 4 mansions, 2 yachts, and 8 Rolexes), doesn't mean that you should. American society is in decline because men like this put money, women, and status before God.
I agree in general with what you say, but you've used this same line against me, or things like it over in the BTC thread. I'm not like these guys that you point out, but you've put me in a similar category just for wanting to do well by investing in the current equity/market system. The problem is an odd one, since your take doesn't make sense or isn't all that practical. Should I just listen to you, do nothing, and let the .gov steal it all through inflation?

I don't get your takes at times because they are not practical.
The following post compares humanity to a slave-making ant colony, where our globohomo overlords are intentionally imploding society but doing it in a managed fashion:
Ok, let's say we all know this and agree. I find any information that is true to be important, since a clearer understanding of the world always helps. My question is, after a while, what does neofeudal recommend? I think the sad part is that he knows as well as I the depop will happen, regardless of us telling others about it (and them not believing). Correct?
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I agree in general with what you say...
Well, that’s a start.
I'm not like these guys that you point out
but you've put me in a similar category just for wanting to do well by investing in the current equity/market system.
It seems to me you are doing well. My question is how much is "enough"? For arguments sake, lets say you're over 50, have no debt, have 500K in cash and/or 401K, 500K in BTC, and 500K in real estate and personal possessions. So what's the hold up? My advice has been simple: "Escape The Matrix Now." You can't have one foot in The Matrix and one foot out of The Matrix for any of this to make sense. Cash out, buy a 10 to 100 acre compound 3 hours drive from a major city, have only a satellite phone/internet connection (to minimize time plugged into The Matrix), do not be hooked up to city/state water and power (use water catchment and solar and propane), dump your cash for tools of survival (shelter, vehicles, etc.), grow/produce your own food, and enjoy the rest of your life free of money and time constraints. Most likely we will not see a complete civilizational collapse in our lifetime but prepare as if a collapse is imminent. Why? Because it is infinitely more interesting and "ethical" than pursuing an endless, ever-moving economic/material possession target. It is also closer to living the type of minimalist, spiritual life that God originally had intended for us.
The problem is an odd one, since your take doesn't make sense or isn't all that practical. Should I just listen to you, do nothing, and let the .gov steal it all through inflation?

I don't get your takes at times because they are not practical.
My "take" is very practical. Not only that, it is doable without needing a lot of money (I have less than 200K in cash/assets, 40 acres, no debt, a 2K+ a week cash recycling business, and NO other savings or investments). Being 100% Matrix-free is impossible, but within the next 24 months I will be 95% free of The Matrix (meaning I will hardly be using any societal systems of money, food, water, and electricity to survive). Right now I am approximately 60% free of The Matrix. I am in the process of converting all my assets (cash, etc.) into tools of survival (land, vehicles, appliances, textiles, fuel, seed stock, fertilizer, entertainment luxury items, etc.). I will outline all of this more in a thread when I make my final break from the JQ financial system and it's corresponding society of degeneracy.

And to be clear, what I am outlining is not full on Monk Mode. What I am describing takes the essential spiritual elements of monkdom and combines them with low-level social contact while avoiding having to interact with or depend on a Godless, untrustworthy government, society, and financial system.
Well, that’s a start.

It seems to me you are doing well. My question is how much is "enough"? For arguments sake, lets say you're over 50, have no debt, have 500K in cash and/or 401K, 500K in BTC, and 500K in real estate and personal possessions. So what's the hold up? My advice has been simple: "Escape The Matrix Now." You can't have one foot in The Matrix and one foot out of The Matrix for any of this to make sense. Cash out, buy a 10 to 100 acre compound 3 hours drive from a major city, have only a satellite phone/internet connection (to minimize time plugged into The Matrix), do not be hooked up to city/state water and power (use water catchment and solar and propane), dump your cash for tools of survival (shelter, vehicles, etc.), grow/produce your own food, and enjoy the rest of your life free of money and time constraints. Most likely we will not see a complete civilizational collapse in our lifetime but prepare as if a collapse is imminent. Why? Because it is infinitely more interesting and "ethical" than pursuing an endless, ever-moving economic/material possession target. It is also closer to living the type of minimalist, spiritual life that God originally had intended for us.

My "take" is very practical. Not only that, it is doable without needing a lot of money (I have less than 200K in cash/assets, 40 acres, no debt, a 2K+ a week cash recycling business, and NO other savings or investments). Being 100% Matrix-free is impossible, but within the next 24 months I will be 95% free of The Matrix (meaning I will hardly be using any societal systems of money, food, water, and electricity to survive). Right now I am approximately 60% free of The Matrix. I am in the process of converting all my assets (cash, etc.) into tools of survival (land, vehicles, appliances, textiles, fuel, seed stock, fertilizer, entertainment luxury items, etc.). I will outline all of this more in a thread when I make my final break from the JQ financial system and it's corresponding society of degeneracy.

And to be clear, what I am outlining is not full on Monk Mode. What I am describing takes the essential spiritual elements of monkdom and combines them with low-level social contact while avoiding having to interact with or depend on a Godless, untrustworthy government, society, and financial system.
The main issue with what you are saying comes down to women. Firstly you need excess resources to have a family (get married, have kids, etc). Secondly just because you accept a Spartan lifestyle it doesn't mean that a woman would. If you only want a woman who will accept a Spartan lifestyle it narrows down your otpions considerably especially if you still want all the other traits like youth, attractiveness, virginity, etc.

If you want to live in monk mode thats fine and our plan can work but most guys don't want to live in monk mode. Most guys want a woman.
And to be clear, what I am outlining is not full on Monk Mode. What I am describing takes the essential spiritual elements of monkdom and combines them with low-level social contact while avoiding having to interact with or depend on a Godless, untrustworthy government, society, and financial system.
Yes, I'm OK with what you are saying, but all of that takes discernment, just like a more extreme or "pure" version monk mode would. I'm not making excuses, I'm saying that one needs to think, pray, meditate on this and see if it's right thing for him to do. Your warning (implied) that one can keep going on and never think he has enough, for example, is a useful piece of advice as well. Nevertheless, all of this has to be taken into account, along with one's temperament, personality, family, etc.
The main issue with what you are saying comes down to women. Firstly you need excess resources to have a family (get married, have kids, etc). Secondly just because you accept a Spartan lifestyle it doesn't mean that a woman would. If you only want a woman who will accept a Spartan lifestyle it narrows down your otpions considerably especially if you still want all the other traits like youth, attractiveness, virginity, etc.
This is funny because it reminded me also of this Danish guy who wrote a book on Extreme Early Retirement. He was a super interesting guy. Apparently he had a kid or two before getting married (he never did) - but being Danish it seemed like the result of that was perhaps their socialist culture helped the wife take care of the kids more than usual so he didn't have to worry. I say that because then he went on after a PhD in astrophysics to just experiencing all many, many things (quant trading, building furniture, playing hockey, doing all sorts of stuff), and all on a salary of about 15k a year. And with a wife! Ha. He then invested and retired at about age 33. It's sort of a crazy story that doesn't seem all the realistic for most people due to his personality and the odds of having someone go long with it (who you are also actually attracted to).

Interestingly enough, he said that being a spectator for anything wasn't fun anymore since he ended up doing all these things. Paradoxically, his maxxing out of experiences robbed him of joy otherwise, though who can fault him for doing all those things himself, actually?
This is funny because it reminded me also of this Danish guy who wrote a book on Extreme Early Retirement.
I am well aware of Jacob Lund Fiscar and his Extreme Early Retirement Blog and book. But yes he is an exceptional person. But the other thing is that if I am not mistaken him and his girlfriend kept their finances separate to some extent. The woman wasn't living the same Spartan lifestyle as him. That could work if you are with a modern feminist woman (as Danish woman tend to be) but if you are with a traditonal virgin woman I don't think you could pull off what he did.
The main issue with what you are saying comes down to women.
You can only be with one woman. If you build it she will come. You seem to be obsessed with/addicted to women. This is no different than being a drug addict or having a demonically influenced preoccupation with money, status, and things. Deepen your faith/trust in God. Pray hard. And stop putting pussy up on a pedestal. Let go of "women" and your ideas about them and their supposed place in your life. Let God order all of your steps and stop trying to force your will onto His world.

Challenge your worldly desire to live in the demonic pit of The City. Are you afraid to be alone? Do you get bored easily when you are alone in the wilderness? Have you ever been alone for more than 48 hours without human contact and electricity and running water? Because it is on the third day of isolation that things get interesting and God's voice and will becomes louder and clearer. You do not need to live permanently in Monk Mode, just visit it from time to time. We have a whole in-depth thread on fasting from food. But what about spiritually "fasting" from degenerate people and a degenerate world?

Functional society is declining, it is a sinking ship, hold onto it at your own peril.