Well, that’s a start.
It seems to me you are doing well. My question is how much is "enough"? For arguments sake, lets say you're over 50, have no debt, have 500K in cash and/or 401K, 500K in BTC, and 500K in real estate and personal possessions. So what's the hold up? My advice has been simple: "Escape The Matrix Now." You can't have one foot in The Matrix and one foot out of The Matrix for any of this to make sense. Cash out, buy a 10 to 100 acre compound 3 hours drive from a major city, have only a satellite phone/internet connection (to minimize time plugged into The Matrix), do not be hooked up to city/state water and power (use water catchment and solar and propane), dump your cash for tools of survival (shelter, vehicles, etc.), grow/produce your own food, and enjoy the rest of your life free of money and time constraints. Most likely we will not see a complete civilizational collapse in our lifetime but prepare as if a collapse is imminent. Why? Because it is infinitely more interesting and "ethical" than pursuing an endless, ever-moving economic/material possession target. It is also closer to living the type of minimalist, spiritual life that God originally had intended for us.
My "take" is very practical. Not only that, it is doable without needing a lot of money (I have less than 200K in cash/assets, 40 acres, no debt, a 2K+ a week cash recycling business, and NO other savings or investments). Being 100% Matrix-free is impossible, but within the next 24 months I will be 95% free of The Matrix (meaning I will hardly be using any societal systems of money, food, water, and electricity to survive). Right now I am approximately 60% free of The Matrix. I am in the process of converting all my assets (cash, etc.) into tools of survival (land, vehicles, appliances, textiles, fuel, seed stock, fertilizer, entertainment luxury items, etc.). I will outline all of this more in a thread when I make my final break from the JQ financial system and it's corresponding society of degeneracy.
And to be clear, what I am outlining is not full on Monk Mode. What I am describing takes the essential spiritual elements of monkdom and combines them with low-level social contact while avoiding having to interact with or depend on a Godless, untrustworthy government, society, and financial system.