Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

All the praise for "economic growth" - one better should find out how these numbers are achieved, by importing migrants from foreign cultures en masse and jacking up the prices, the media lies are drastically different from the thoughts of regular people, and the lies are being perpetuated that Russia "can not live or thrive without importing migrants" which fuel "economic growth" aka inflation smoke and mirrors - Belarus which lives without them just fine is a living proof of the opposite. Instead of taking care of own people, chase the the smart and quality people away to other countries and import inferior uneducated migrant populations to replace the locals, that's familiar model...hmmm, where did I see that before? But at least America attracts high IQ people at the same time it imports migrant hordes.
Belarus will probably survive as a white country for a while, along with Baltic countries and long - not sure.
- allow, partake in mutual annihilation of white Slavic people

- meanwhile, bring millions of uneducated and violence-prone alien migrants who hate local population, to enrich billionaires many of whom got incredibly richer since 2022

- drive out intelligent people, professionals, IT specialists, scientists, entrepreneurs out of the country to North America, Europe and everywhere else, in the age where technological advances are key to military strength

- create totalitarianism, where people are afraid to go to prison for saying something innocent online, where one's every word online is tracked through their phone number and IP, make sure you tighten that screw so hard that when it all blows up it blows up good. Every week trying to push some insane prohibitive law declaring new class of people terrorists and extremists, which means instant de-banking, jobless, complete exclusion from society (while migrants go on crime rampages)

- de facto ban self-defense while everything is infested with migrants operating in groups

- make the country fully dependent on China, which is no strategic friend with tons of disputed land and huge Russian Siberian territories that China considers its historic lands

- gerontocracy just like in America

Witnessing destruction of my homeland, second time around after the 90s, and seems like stuff is just starting
One can only mourn what's happening, the greatest tragedy, personal and historic tragedy
Likely will be civil war within next 20 years if all this all is not stopped, if this happens it's going to be a bad one because in Russia the rebellions tend to be merciless.
I remember how Ukraine had been pressure cooked for all these years, until that lid blew off it, some learn nothing, from this and USSR collapse.
There's no war in Ukraine, no one dares to even talk about it in real life out of fear, dead silence, like there's nothing (any morality left?). The sound of silence.... familiar one, it's 1984 again, or 1934.
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- allow, partake in mutual annihilation of white Slavic people

- meanwhile, bring millions of uneducated and violence-prone alien migrants who hate local population, to enrich billionaires many of whom got incredibly richer since 2022

- drive out intelligent people, professionals, IT specialists, scientists, entrepreneurs out of the country to North America, Europe and everywhere else, in the age where technological advances are key to military strength

- create totalitarianism, where people are afraid to go to prison for saying something innocent online, where one's every word online is tracked through their phone number and IP, make sure you tighten that screw so hard that when it all blows up it blows up good

- de facto ban self-defense

- make the country fully dependent on China, which is no strategic friend with tons of disputed land and huge Russian Siberian territories that China considers its historic lands

- gerontocracy just like in America

Witnessing destruction of my homeland, second time around after the 90s, and seems like stuff is just starting
One can only mourn what's happening, the greatest tragedy, personal and historic tragedy
Likely will be civil war within next 20 years if all this all is not stopped, if this happens it's going to be a bad one because in Russia the rebellions tend to be merciless.
I remember how Ukraine had been pressure cooked for all these years, until that lid blew off it, some learn nothing, from this and USSR collapse.
There's no war in Ukraine, no one dares to even talk about it in real life out of fear, dead silence, like there's nothing (any morality left?). The sound of silence.... familiar one, it's 1984 again
The phony nature of this war aside, it's clear to me that neither Zelensky nor Putin care about the ethnic Slavs they rule over. Lukashenko seems marginally better, but allows routes of turd migrants through his country so they can go and harass Poland (NATO issues I get it, but they should just shoot at the Poles instead of sending in these biological weapons that are ten times harder to remove).

I've been called a liar here for saying that aggressive Muslims are a big problem in Russia, but you seem to back up that assessment. The dune coons have indeed invaded Moscow and St. Petersburg.


The numbers of migrants are higher there than any European country.

Here's an article from January this year where this old wound is furiously stabbed open:

"De-nazification" means destruction and genocide of White people. That same spokeswoman Maria Zakharova is always paying lip service to the jews, here she is with the Russian Foreign Ministry kvetching big time that an 'anti-Semïte ' got a place on a useless commission in a place like Canada.


@Sandalwood Peak you mention that nationalism alone is not enough to save White nations, including Russia. I agree, the concept and premise of it, the sentimentality of it, will not prevail against the ongoing multiculturalism and multinationalism being promoted in place of a homeland run by, populated exclusively by, and meant for the posterity of Slavic peoples. However, a strong enough government with these sentiments can reverse the demographic decline by force, just as the current Russian government is allowing it and pushing for it by force at the expense of the Slavs.

I would like both of your input on this video here which talks about the fall of the far-right in Russia. It goes well into details on figures and names and dates. Apparently there are state-controlled nationalists who were not expelled or arrested by the Putin government like the others were.

View attachment deathofrussianfarright.mp4

The whole Azov thing is largely overblown as (((nazism))) but people who don't dig for the details of history from that time don't know that the SS had to frequently restrain the Ukrainians they liberated from going apeshit on the disarmed Soviets and any collateral damage on pro-Soviet townspeople. Stepan Bandera himself was put in a concentration camp for ideological differences among other issues, so it not correct to call any of these modern Ukrainians even the insulting slang for the National Socialists because they aren't, they're something else for the most part. It is merely convenient for propaganda purposes and hyper-sensationalism.

The scapegoat of "nazism" is relentlessly pushed ad nauseum by the Russian Federation but it really is a shitty excuse. There are no National Socialists organized and capable of sustaining a war against anyone, simply one group of Slavic men killing another group of Slavic men at the expense of hordes of Mongols waiting to fester on their homelands and jews lording over their Asiatic and hybridized replacements like slavemasters in lavish Old-Testament fashion.

Their whole militarization has only enraged the Russian government, but at the rate of Russia's current demographical changes, the only people who will eventually defend the Slavs are groups like these Nationalists, National Socialists, Ultranationalists, Fascists, or similar third position movements. No current White government anywhere in the world is willing to take the race pill and be race-conscious these days, only non-White countries like Israel, China, Singapore, and a few Arab nations.

So both of you if you also don't mind sharing your input for near-term projections, do you see the ongoing events galvanizing the ethnic Russians into a series of escalating conflicts with their regime when they realize that their government is not going to stop the flow of Muslims, Arabs, Indians, and Africans into Russia? The prolonging of this war is a convenient excuse for much of the recent importations, especially from the darker places that have no business being in Russia.

I could post videos of migrants committing crimes in Russia but they're freely available on gab for those who know where to look.

I pray for the Russian people, the White races are on a precipice and there has to be counter-organization to globalization coming from somewhere. We cannot count on the USA and Europe as they are completely occupied by jews and shabbos sellouts (unless the Nationalists there overpower their governments), but the strength of the Slavs to not be broken is not to be underestimated, I do not think these people will allow themselves to be extinguished. Had there still been a heavy presence of them on the streets of Russia, the migrants would think twice about asserting themselves. In the very least, they will go down fighting to the last rather than be absorbed by the new world order, but I don't believe things will get that apocalyptic without a major hot war with clear racial lines.
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LOL, migrant invasion process is worse in Russia than in Europe as of right now.
The chief Russia cop Bastyrkin just voiced numbers of almost 4 million in 4 months entered legally total. Speechless.
The total population is close to150 million, a million legal entries a month means it irreversible process at this point, and no one knows how many illegals. Right now about 11-13% of population are migrants, that's official on paper, real numbers are a lot higher and this also doesn't account for all the millions of naturalized citizens.
People I know in Russia are all thinking about their kids now, and what steps to take, whether to move to Belarus, violent and rude migrants everywhere, but especially in big cities of course though they're spreading out to small towns, many cases of raping, attacking kids, beating up or killing men, local cops are often in their pockets. It's not legal to defend yourself with a weapon, really, so people are talking which pepper spray brands to use and if Russian ethnic organizations can provide legal help. Siberia and Far East are being taken over by migrants too, these Middle eastern looking men everywhere running all kinds of businesses, selling kebabs and driving taxis, but often running drugs, theft rings and collecting welfare, doctors are being replaced by them too, at school may not say anything to offend migrant kids sensibilities like they tried to block Christmas and New Year Trees, kids being thrown out of playgrounds by hordes of unruly migrant kids and their violent parents.
They're entering churches and blowing out candles on purpose now and hit church attendees in the heart of Russian ethnic region, another case was yesterday.
Leaders of migrant source countries issue public demands on Russia to provide all kinds of services to migrants, like free medical care and visa free entry, half of their population already had moved to Russia. At the same time Russians can't even own a property in those countries.
There're telegram channels broadcasting documented migrant behaviors daily.
And it's a crime of incitement of hatred to openly talk about it unless you're a high official like Bastyrkin.
He said prosecutors often refuse to open cases against criminal migrants (guess why...because they are....they are....)
One can bet they'll try to get rid of him now.
Sorry, the media lies are lies.

As to religion, In Europe, there're 5-6% Muslims.
In Russia numbers differ: between 10 and 18%. Some of which are Native people Muslims but most are migrants
This is the first I have heard of this. Can you explain a little more on which countries these migrants to Russia are coming from, why they are going to Russia and what they are doing when they are there?
@Sandalwood Peak you mention that nationalism alone is not enough to save White nations, including Russia. I agree, the concept and premise of it, the sentimentality of it, will not prevail against the ongoing multiculturalism and multinationalism being promoted in place of a homeland run by, populated exclusively by, and meant for the posterity of Slavic peoples. However, a strong enough government with these sentiments can reverse the demographic decline by force, just as the current Russian government is allowing it and pushing for it by force at the expense of the Slavs.
Yes, the far right is suppressed in Russia. Though the far right is not as glamorous as one would like to believe. Unfortunately, the hero “I want to save my nation” complex attracts a lot of lost souls so it ends up being a counterculture outlet for depression rather than some organizational effort to bring positive changes. When you meet these far right characters it’s very different than meeting someone like Nick Fuentes who seems like a well adjusted figure with potential. I wouldn’t put too much stock in this whole “the good guys are political prisoners” narrative on gab. They’re sympathetic but flawed individuals. Do they deserve repression? No but I’m not going to lose sleep over it. The situation is dire for all of us. The actual good guys just struggle behind the scenes getting anything done, that’s the real tragedy. The reign of plutocracy.

The problems in the white race are systematic. All projections are bad. It’s like saying “I’ve been smoking since I was ten. I’ve been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. How do i become healthy again?”.

American blacks, for all their faults, constantly try create an ethnocentric movement that they think will benefit them. Those ideas resonate so deeply with them that any one of them will jump down your throat if you start a conversation downplaying their “racial struggle” but alas they fail at an organizational level. In similar fashion the whites will fail at an organizational level if our basic needs continue to be neglected. Without family and community we’re nothing.

Work a dead end job, no girlfriend, censor yourself around others to keep friends and to have female prospects, look over your shoulder every day, other white men gatekeeping everything, family members don’t offer support, watch self-improvement videos that create delusions, zero institutional support.

You expect someone to go fly the imperial flag after everything is said and done?
Another gang rape by migrants today, this time it's a high profile TV channel journalist in the heart of Moscow.
3 days ago it was a couple that went to a park in Moscow, migrants held the guy and raped the woman.
These news are multiple times a day now.
Migrants attempting to steal and rape children, beatings, murders.
Scalp taken off the head of a Russian woman on camera yesterday, that's not the first Russian scalp removed on camera.
Big group fight with dozens of people in Southern Russia today against army of migrants who threw Russian children out of a football field.

The situation is probably worse than in Europe, despite what propagandists lie to you here (likely they're the paid ones).
Lying, paid propagandists they're criminals just like the ones that brought in all these millions of migrants that are taking over Russia now, responsible for irreparable damage to Russia. Because these migrants aren't going anywhere, they're there to stay and breed, and they breed real fast. A lot of them already got Russian passports. They got paid up people among the police and immigration service authorities, that's why they do whatever they want.
Haha, "Europe"! "Europe got trannies, Europe got migrants" boo hoo big bad Europe, the smoke screen Russians had been fed for so long, but now it's extreme migrant violence, literally sent men to fight other slavs and die while opening door to hordes of worst muslim migrants to replace them, and these are now openly telling ethnic Russians they will own Siberia and entire Russia because these are "historically Turkic" according to them, and if you try to say anything about race or ethnicity they threaten you with many years in prison!
People dream to make it to Poland, or Spain, or Balkans, or Finland, or anywhere, the lucky ones.
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Another gang rape by migrants today, this time it's a high profile TV channel journalist in the heart of Moscow.
3 days ago it was a couple that went to a park in Moscow, migrants held the guy and raped the woman.
These news are multiple times a day now.
Migrants attempting to steal and rape children, beatings, murders.
Scalp taken off the head of a Russian woman on camera yesterday, that's not the first Russian scalp removed on camera.
Big group fight with dozens of people in Southern Russia today against army of migrants who threw Russian children out of a football field.

You need to post reliable sources for these claims.
The content of Jaguar and MFTP on this thread is mostly glowie-grade anti-Russian propaganda to counter the fact that Russia has become very popular in right wing circles in the West.
(((right wing circles in the west))) where people don't name the jew and still suck that kosher kong like they're going to make a difference with any of their half-assed jew-approved conservative bowel movements.

Russian culture, language, and its Orthodox faith go back a thousand years. Therefore it is critical for those who love this culture like every other White and European history to be very thorough in criticizing whoever is running it for the long term preservation of that nation and its people.

It is not "anti-Russian" to point out that the current Russian government is against ethnic Slavic nationalism and favors a Eurasian policy that benefits neither race of peoples in the long run. Not the Slavs who live there, nor the mystery-meat that is currently pouring into Russia for gibs and access to Russian women.

It is not "anti-Russian" to point out that there are too many Muslims and Africans in a historically Orthodox Christian nation, and that they do not belong there and need to gtfo and if the current government does not do that but insists on bringing more in there then it is up to the Russian people to fight back against both a corrupt government and the invaders themselves just like it is on the shoulders of every European nation and its people to do the same.

The content you post to confirm that there is nothing wrong within Russia is very selective, only showing the moral goodness of selective racially composite videos and pictures, and completely ignoring the bad. There is both very good and very bad. St. Petersburg for instance you post the videos of people dancing at a historically European ball and people on the street, but there are also videos and images of hundreds of thousands of Muslims praying to their canaanite demon in the same streets. Selling anyone the lie that Russia is 100% perfect no problems no crime no flaws nothing wrong with Putin or its government no corruption etc is federal hopium at worst or fantasy thinking at best.

I pray for a de-escalation of this war but the jews on both sides have already determined the die to be cast. Only third-position politics outside the sphere of international jewry can peacefully end this war and all the other jew-caused conflicts of the world.
RusSiANs ArE beINg REplACed!!!

brother why so angry??

russia is a feeling, a culture and a set of norms.

russia is not bound by blood this is what putin often says.

yes many people are coming into what?? what if they make russia stronger in the long term? why would that be a problem?

it is good that russia has appeal. 1.3 million migrants entered on the first quarter of 2023.. they work in our factories build our economies.. russia's population is getting old.

putin has recently liberalized immigration laws again. it has become easier to migrate and obtain russia citizenship.

in 2022 almost 200 000 tajiks were naturalized..thats 2 percent of the tajik population! thats how popular russia is abroad.. tajiks are from the soviet union they speak russian and understand the culture

russia is not a racist place. It values its diverse and multicultural character. please understand this.
brother why so angry??

russia is a feeling, a culture and a set of norms.

russia is not bound by blood this is what putin often says.

yes many people are coming into what?? what if they make russia stronger in the long term? why would that be a problem?

it is good that russia has appeal. 1.3 million migrants entered on the first quarter of 2023.. they work in our factories build our economies.. russia's population is getting old.

putin has recently liberalized immigration laws again. it has become easier to migrate and obtain russia citizenship.

in 2022 almost 200 000 tajiks were naturalized..thats 2 percent of the tajik population! thats how popular russia is abroad.. tajiks are from the soviet union they speak russian and understand the culture

russia is not a racist place. It values its diverse and multicultural character. please understand this.


Brand new user troll is also trying to plant bait in the COVID thread here

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Brand new user troll is also trying to plant bait in the COVID thread here

sorry if my experience of russia does not equate with your expectation.

what i am saying is true. russia has problem with low birthrate and emigration.. so we need more people.. this is official policy, in 2007 putin already said that russia need 300 000 new people per year

but we need good hardworking people not criminals.
"we" or (((we))) ?
the russia state.

in the 2007 policy framework this number was called. in 2012 it was called again by putin. 300 000 migrants every year to stop russia from turning into an empty space.

now the number of immigrants growing.. i posted numbers before 1.3 million in the first quarter of 2023.. some will stay some will go back home.. but the russian migration laws have liberalized.. it is now easier then before.
the russia state.

in the 2007 policy framework this number was called. in 2012 it was called again by putin. 300 000 migrants every year to stop russia from turning into an empty space.

now the number of immigrants growing.. i posted numbers before 1.3 million in the first quarter of 2023.. some will stay some will go back home.. but the russian migration laws have liberalized.. it is now easier then before.
This is the same garbage that the neo-American ziocons and the sellout politicians in the EU push on their people. Instead of pushing homogeneous breeding and healthy large families of the native populations, they opt for variations of plantation capitalism and cosmopolitanism from the lie that their country and way of living is an "idea" that any 60-IQ migrant can become a part of by immigration.

You're only backing up what myself and others are complaining about the "state" of the Russian government, except you are painting it in a good light and praising it as good for Russia and not exposing it as the realistic detriment that it is for the ethnic Russians.

Whether it's the USA, western Europe, eastern Europe (including Russia), the following do not belong because they are uncivilized, inherently anti-Christian, and rape and kill wantonly without end:

swarthy Arabs
or any hybrid of the above. They belong in their own lands and nowhere else. They also engage in subhuman behavior much less when there is a dictatorial or authoritarian leader to keep them in check, something the west lacks and something the current Russian government doesn't seem intent to curtail.

Exceptions can be made but they will always remain exceptions and not the majority. There is no changing this fact of nature.

No such thing as racism, only survival for those who defend themselves or extinction for those who do not. Nearly a hundred years after jewish bolshevik Trotsky brewed up the concept of racism in his talmudic cauldron of demonic propaganda, the spell is finally weakening on many people.
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