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Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

It is not my country. And you have completelly missed the point, which is the insufferable arrogance and entitlement of the mindset in question. I'm not saying that all Anglos suffer from it, but that it is one of their most prominent faults. By means of which the enemy got them and destroyed them. Oh well. Nevermind.

Could you elaborate on this. I don't follow. Are you saying it's insufferable arrogance to say that having monuments to the Soviet regime which largely obliterated Russian culture and hamstrung the church? And this because it's not my country?

N.B. I am not an Anglo.
Dragging one's family members through the mud is an insidious tactic of attack worthy of the lowest tabloids. They say more about those who use them than anything else.

You seem to have an archive of word files about who did what, where and with whom in Russia, like a cheap celebrity tabloid, along with loads of other decontextualized stuff ready to deploy, about Russia of course, with which you are apparently obsessed (or have another incentive to do so), which tells us more about you and your "objectivity" than about anything else. And then you dare to call someone a shill 😑

People can comfortably read anti-Russian western propaganda sensationalist tabloids, if it's not beneath them, that's about the same level of detachment and objectivity. Pathetic and sad 😑


It's all so tiresome and seen so many times.
I'm not seeing much in the way of anything anti-Russian on this thread, just people bringing perspective by pointing out similarities, inconsistencies and contradictions. There are a few, however, who are immature, over sensitive and fact averse.
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The mental gymnastics you are seeing is what happens when artifical ideas (ie propaganda), bias and selective interpretation of historic events meet reality. In this thread we have seen quite a few textbook examples already.

Of course US Putin appreciators can't align the Russian Federation fully embracing its Soviet history with their own propaganda infused beliefs that Russia is a trad right-wing Orthodox resurgent state with a strong ethno-identity. Hence the cognitive dissonance.

The 'Stalin dindu muffin wrong' trend (as you call it) is completely on Putin bytheway. From Krushev onwards Stalin's legacy had actually been mitigated and/or swept under the rug. The man was considered a flawed leader, someone whose erratic policies were responsible for millions of deaths.

That changed with Putin. Under Putin Stalin became a hero again, not just during the Great Patriotic War but beyond that too. This is reflected in Stalin's rising popularity referred to by you. During the first years of Putin's reign Stalin was still considered a mediocre and mostly impopular figure. That collective view started shifting in 2008, when Stalin was chosen Russia's third most popular historical figure (50 percent support), coming only behind Nevsky and Stolypin. In 2019 a survey polled his popularity at 70 percent.

Putin's love and appreciation for Russia's Soviet past is also visible in many other facets. He has on multiple occasions said that he considers the Fall of the USSR one of the greatest tragedies, satirical/negative works on Stalin get banned, negative episodes of Soviet history get either mitigated, whitewashed (ie. Holodomor, amongst others) or pinned on ideological opponents (Red Terror and Menshevikis/Trotskyist) and Russia's main mythical rally-around-the-flag historical event is The Great Patriotic War/ The Second World War. Lenin's remains are still being revered like he's some sort of saint's relic near the Kremlin. Etc, etc.

Lenin's mausoleum on the Red Square. Even after 100 years his body remains embalmed for the public to see. I didn't add additional pictures of his remains because quite frankly it's macabre.
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And then there is the blatant Soviet symbolism of course. The hammer and the sickle are still national symbols in contemporary Russia.

Russian Parliament building
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Russian Foreign Ministry
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Russian Victory Day Parade
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As a quick addendum, this symbolism got then extended to the invasion of Ukraine, which the Kremlin tried to spin as a fight against 'nazism' 2.0. The Great Patriotic War The Sequel so to say. Hence here too the symbolism is off the charts. An absolutely disastrous move as it alienated the general Ukrainian (and FSU/former Warschau Pact) population even more. These peoples are absolutely allergic to any type of Soviet reference and rightfully consider that period a very dark and negative one.

The waste dump near the Avdeevka coke plant couple of weeks ago.

A point of contention in all FSU/Former Warsaw Pact states is de-communization, which in reality means removal of Soviet era statues, amending educational curriculi, repealing Soviet era laws and in general being critical of the USSR. Russia opposes all of the above.

In places like Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Poland, Romania and Azerbaijan most of the Lenin statues have by now been removed. Ukraine has even removed all 1320 of them. So what did Russia do the moment they re-asserted themselves in Ukraine? Put all the statues of that rat-faced mutt commie (quarter Jewish, quarter Kalmyk, quarter Russian and God knows what else) mass murderer back.

Statue of Lenin in Henichesk, Kherson province (pop 20 000). Also note the Soviet flag flying over the town's municipal building.
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So yes, some introspection is needed. If the Putin supporters on this board want Russia's neighboring states (literally all of them) to stop viewing the Russian Federation as the successor of the USSR in word and deed then a rather strong change of policy is needed. Because the current optics are horrible.

Fortunately many Russians themselves understand this (especially the younger generation) and there is a sincere fatigue with the Kremlin geriatrics' Soviet role-playing hobby.

You're projecting too much into this, the Soviet imagery and heritage is mostly vestigial, fused with the modern Russian identity. Modern Russia is not run like a Soviet nation, it is a mixed economy with a 13% flat income tax, near zero debt, a large and still-growing industrial base and no unemployment. It is very far from Stalin's dystopia.

Part of your perspective above might be because as a redpilled western European, you might be sympathetic to the German side in WW2. The Russians however did not get any favors from Nazi Germany, which moronically considered them untermensch. NATO has backed that kind of Banderist ideology on Russia's doorstep in Ukraine as a means to undermine and destroy Russia, so Russia is naturally countering that ideology with its own WW2 identity. That identity is deeply ingrained in the Russian psyche due to the astronomical losses the Russians have incurred in WW2.

Part of the problem in Russia reestablishing a tsarist national identity is that its upper classes have been almost completely exterminated by the Bolsheviks, much like the Khmer did in Cambodia. That's why the modern Russian elite is rife with nouveau riche materialists. Putin was a working class kid from a Soviet-style apartment block St Pete neighborhood. Nevertheless there is no evidence that he is morally corrupt, to the contrary, he rose because he was perceived as a clean, incorruptible end efficient bureaucrat.
Part of your perspective above might be because as a redpilled western European, you might be sympathetic to the German side in WW2. The Russians however did not get any favors from Nazi Germany, which moronically considered them untermensch. NATO has backed that kind of Banderist ideology on Russia's doorstep in Ukraine as a means to undermine and destroy Russia, so Russia is naturally countering that ideology with its own WW2 identity. That identity is deeply ingrained in the Russian psyche due to the astronomical losses the Russians have incurred in WW2.

Part of the problem in Russia reestablishing a tsarist national identity is that its upper classes have been almost completely exterminated by the Bolsheviks, much like the Khmer did in Cambodia. That's why the modern Russian elite is rife with nouveau riche materialists. Putin was a working class kid from a Soviet-style apartment block St Pete neighborhood. Nevertheless there is no evidence that he is morally corrupt, to the contrary, he rose because he was perceived as a clean, incorruptible end efficient bureaucrat.
I posted about this in the old forum. This sentiment is not true. Heinrich Himmler and General Andrey Vlasov had drafted up a series of legal documents and signed them in 1944 called the Smolensk Manifesto. The ROA, consisting of nearly 1 million Russian POWs who defected, was given full support to take back Russia. It is proof that Germany had intended to return Russia to sovereign control of the Russian people following a purge of the Bolsheviks. Also the document and publication "der untermensch" does not mention slavs at all, only jews.

The continuance of the USA's Lend-lease act, in which thousands of planes, tanks, trucks, ammunition, clothes, and even food, were shipped to Murmansk on barges to keep the USSR in the meat grinder both ensured the continuance of the war and made this Free Russia impossible to achieve. The USSR was beaten in 1941, in which Russia lost very little, but towards the end of the year Stalin was able to push back after receiving the bulk of these barges with the military equipment. You should read Leon Degrelle's publication called "Campaign in Russia". He explains in great detail how the Eastern Front was the great chance for Europe to free itself, Russia included. It can be found here:


The Russian people have been forced to vilify Andrey Vlasov and the million men who supported him, and are convinced to support their own Bolshevik executioners in the history since WW2. This is similar to how in the anglosphere, Americans and western Europeans are brainwashed to support their own leaders from that era a la FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Churchill, De Gaulle, etc, all traitors to their people when we see what 78 years of victory of the "others" has done.

The reason why NATO is controlling an alleged Banderist movement in the Ukraine has to do with provoking further conflict between brothers. The Ukrainians were some of the last to violently resist the Bolsheviks, even after WW2. His "ideology" is also partly fabricated, most of his sentiments were prior to the war during the time of the Holodomor. Either way the allowance of an ideology that has been "legally banned" since 1945 is proof that the jews in power in eastern Europe are controlling it, and filling it with all kinds of satanic crap that was never in the original. You said it yourself, "Russia is countering with its own WW2 ideology." Could both sides be more fake in their presentation, bringing back these old grudges in a manufactured setting? Only something as potent as these could lead to so much loss of life. It's like the elitists and their spoiled children who stand to gain so much from two empty countries are playing Command & Conquer and want to revisit WW2 in real time on the eastern front, only its a bastardized and fake inverted crusade, compared to the original which saw cooperation from over 50 countries all willing to destroy the Communist plague that had been attacking Europe for decades.

The second bolded part is absolutely true. Instead of nobility with blood ties to the people and the soil instead they have a corrupt bourgeois filled with vain materialistic and often jewified, millionaires and billionaires.
In short: Anglos, keep hands and minds off other countries, especially faraway ones....ain't got nothing to discuss about your own? No roots at all? Stolen enough land all over the world, yet seems like never enough for them ...Russia should not concern you, deal with your own ethnicity.
Remove your military bases, stop meddling, yankies should go home. Go protest or something. Submissive colony-nations that bent to your will, such as Mexico, is your next prime retirement and looting destination. You will get replaced by those you colonized, and will be brainwashed its a good thing

All your Ukie-like CIA inspired BS about Russia is Europe, Russia is for Russians only, will not fly in Russia and will be dealt with pronto. If you got these ideas may be shouldn't visit.. .watch The Way Back 2010 first, haha. I asked someone if we should be concerned about few Anglos wanting to move and live in Russia, since they always want to genocide and colonise everyone....he said, no biggie we got Siberia to deal with them, if needs to be
You don't realize your constant harping about "anglos" this and that isn't going to win you over sympathy for any points people might agree on right?

It's like the 5 post of yours I've seen where it's anglos this and anglos that. Kinda a turn off. If your point was do resound... It'd not need to be so overstated.

As Confucius says "don't kill mosquitoes with cannon" (he's not an Anglo so I assume it's ok to quote him?)

Basic persuasion and interaction, especially with non hostile crowds is to not go out of your way to offend them when there's not reason to.

But hey....
Just who do you think you are? Go tend your trannies and your minorities, mind your own problems and stay away from the rest of the world. Nobody cares for your "optic" and what you think. You are not important.

This was uncalled for, this thread is not owned by Russians, this is a Christian forum where people may have peaceful conversations. Do not do something like this again. If you think someone is dumb, just say they have no idea what they are talking about and leave it at that.

To say that the US based pro bono Kremlin shills are fragile is an understatement

Do not call someone a shill without proof. Both of you guys are speaking past each other.
Earlier this year Nikita Zhuravlev, a Russian teenager with nationalist sentiments, uploaded a video on Telegram showing him burning a copy of the Koran (which I don't condone, but hear me out) with a mosque in the background in Volgograd (over 90% ethnically Russian city). He was arrested the next day and the head of Investigative Comitee petitioned to transfer his case to the Chechen Republic (over 95% Muslim and non-Russian). This was protested by the defendant's lawyer because it would most likely lead to torture, but the transfer was approved by the Russian Minister of Justice who publically declared that the youngster needs to be properly re-educated in the Muslim-dominated republic. After the transfer Nikita wrote the human rights comissioner that he indeed is being tortured, that even Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of Chechen Republic, paid him a visit and let his 15-year old to beat him up. This was met with general applause by various RF officials, and Kadyrov himself posted a video of his son Adam beating up Nikita and proclaiming how proud he is of his son. For beating up the prisoner, Adam Kadyrov got many national awards: was proclaimed the Hero of Chechnya, received Orders of Merit from republics of Tatarstan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, etc.

So, in other words, Russia is where America was 50 years ago. They've got some serious problems, but they have a few decades to do something about it.

Similar things have been happening in America since the passage of the Civil Rights Act, rapes against White women have exploded, crime are among the highest in the world, prison populations are the highest in the world, White men go to jail for "discrimination," and are beaten to death by Blacks in jail, etc. But we've been living in these dystopian conditions for over 50 years. Look at how bad it is now in America, look at George Floyd. America now will periodically sacrifice police offers for doing routine criminal arrests on Blacks or other "minorities."

Russia cannot begin to even hold a candle to America's problems. So despite the corruption and whatever, they are B- in the traitor Olympics compared to America's A++.

So while there are many fair criticisms of Russia made in this thread, all of them seem quite minor compared to the slave continent known as the USA where 200+ million have no job according to our own Bureau of Labor Statistics (and yet unemployment is 4%, haha).
So, in other words, Russia is where America was 50 years ago. They've got some serious problems, but they have a few decades to do something about it.

Similar things have been happening in America since the passage of the Civil Rights Act, rapes against White women have exploded, crime are among the highest in the world, prison populations are the highest in the world, White men go to jail for "discrimination," and are beaten to death by Blacks in jail, etc. But we've been living in these dystopian conditions for over 50 years. Look at how bad it is now in America, look at George Floyd. America now will periodically sacrifice police offers for doing routine criminal arrests on Blacks or other "minorities."

Russia cannot begin to even hold a candle to America's problems. So despite the corruption and whatever, they are B- in the traitor Olympics compared to America's A++.

So while there are many fair criticisms of Russia made in this thread, all of them seem quite minor compared to the slave continent known as the USA where 200+ million have no job according to our own Bureau of Labor Statistics (and yet unemployment is 4%, haha).

Russia's most recent grades in the "traitor Olympics" have been failing grades, D+, not much treason going on in the Kremlin these days.
Moscow is a "smart city", by the way. It had been certified Smart City since 2021 and the plans and movement towards it becomjng even more of a "smart city" and Digital City are very big, remote heath and energy use monitoring, AI governance, smart transport, total surveillance, etc There is already extensive tech surveillance, quite a bit of facial recognition stuff, and they can easily track anyone's movements anywhere in Moscow, though plate reading, bank card purchases tracking, phones too. Lots of AI used in the governance. There is centralized database of biometric data countrywide too.
They are moving in the same general direction where both China and Klaus Schwab's people are moving. It's a global thing and the only escape is in remote rural areas.
White pill video about a Christian American family moving to Russia:

I watched about 6:00. What a lovely family. I'm not familiar with the specific legislation they mention in six US states that supposedly allows your kids' school to kidnap your son and cut his dick off. Then again, I live in one of the bluest states so, if true, mine is likely one of the six. Regardless, the mere possibility of much milder things is why my wife and I home school.

I'd definitely like to believe going to Russia is as rosy as they make it out to be. I already speak the language and it would be nice to have Russia there as a possible escape route if things get so bad we ever feel it's necessary. If I ever felt like something as extreme as an LGBT kidnap attempt against one of my kids was going to happen I'd definitely roll the dice and attempt to flee to Mexico, then head to nearest Russian consulate and throw myself on their mercy. Offer to make all the anti-American propaganda they want for them in exchange for asylum.

Thing is, until it comes to that, I doubt Russia is really a good idea for most Americans, regardless of how based you are. As an American you'll have the FSB monitoring all your activities closely actively for the rest of your life, as opposed to the passive and mostly avoidable monitoring you're getting here. One false move, no matter how innocent, and you've got big problems. Or you just need one sleazy chinovnik who wants to make a name for himself by catching an American spy and you've got serious trouble too. You could generally have a lot of trouble if you end up in the cross hairs of any well connected Russian. One the other end of the spectrum, a run in with violent drunks with no connections at all could also be a problem. They're unlikely to listen to your political and cultural rambling about how you're on their side, they'll just hear the American accent and react accordingly.

Basically, at the end of the day, you're not Russian, not one of them. A Russian passport doesn't change that. When it comes down to it, most people in the world side with their own. Think of how most Black people in the US instinctively supported OJ or support any Black criminal when the victim is white or any race but Black. They don't care who's guilty, they care who's one of them. That's how most of the world is, people side with their own and in Russia, that's not you. In most cases, you're probably better off staying in the US and homeschooling, at least for now.
I watched about 6:00. What a lovely family. I'm not familiar with the specific legislation they mention in six US states that supposedly allows your kids' school to kidnap your son and cut his dick off. Then again, I live in one of the bluest states so, if true, mine is likely one of the six. Regardless, the mere possibility of much milder things is why my wife and I home school.

I'd definitely like to believe going to Russia is as rosy as they make it out to be. I already speak the language and it would be nice to have Russia there as a possible escape route if things get so bad we ever feel it's necessary. If I ever felt like something as extreme as an LGBT kidnap attempt against one of my kids was going to happen I'd definitely roll the dice and attempt to flee to Mexico, then head to nearest Russian consulate and throw myself on their mercy. Offer to make all the anti-American propaganda they want for them in exchange for asylum.

Thing is, until it comes to that, I doubt Russia is really a good idea for most Americans, regardless of how based you are. As an American you'll have the FSB monitoring all your activities closely actively for the rest of your life, as opposed to the passive and mostly avoidable monitoring you're getting here. One false move, no matter how innocent, and you've got big problems. Or you just need one sleazy chinovnik who wants to make a name for himself by catching an American spy and you've got serious trouble too. You could generally have a lot of trouble if you end up in the cross hairs of any well connected Russian. One the other end of the spectrum, a run in with violent drunks with no connections at all could also be a problem. They're unlikely to listen to your political and cultural rambling about how you're on their side, they'll just hear the American accent and react accordingly.

Basically, at the end of the day, you're not Russian, not one of them. A Russian passport doesn't change that. When it comes down to it, most people in the world side with their own. Think of how most Black people in the US instinctively supported OJ or support any Black criminal when the victim is white or any race but Black. They don't care who's guilty, they care who's one of them. That's how most of the world is, people side with their own and in Russia, that's not you. In most cases, you're probably better off staying in the US and homeschooling, at least for now.

I'm still learning Russian and have only been there once. You may be right about the potential Чиновник trying to make a name for himself, but it all depends. If you are very prolific and pro-Russian as this family in that documentary it's great PR for Russia and thus a lot more beneficial than trying to throw some hapless American immigrant to the wolves. Just a thought, maybe I don't fully understand the Russian mentality yet. People can be shit in any country of course and there's always the potential for trouble. I just don't think that's the proper mindset when emigrating to any country, Russia included.
Yes I think you have to be fairly adaptable and flexible to make that kind of drastic cultural jump. One key item is to become fluent in Russian before even thinking of relocating there.

This being said, there are some resources there that would help, including expats who have settled there, either informally or as immigration consultants.

I watched about 6:00. What a lovely family. I'm not familiar with the specific legislation they mention in six US states that supposedly allows your kids' school to kidnap your son and cut his dick off. Then again, I live in one of the bluest states so, if true, mine is likely one of the six. Regardless, the mere possibility of much milder things is why my wife and I home school.

I'd definitely like to believe going to Russia is as rosy as they make it out to be. I already speak the language and it would be nice to have Russia there as a possible escape route if things get so bad we ever feel it's necessary. If I ever felt like something as extreme as an LGBT kidnap attempt against one of my kids was going to happen I'd definitely roll the dice and attempt to flee to Mexico, then head to nearest Russian consulate and throw myself on their mercy. Offer to make all the anti-American propaganda they want for them in exchange for asylum.

Thing is, until it comes to that, I doubt Russia is really a good idea for most Americans, regardless of how based you are. As an American you'll have the FSB monitoring all your activities closely actively for the rest of your life, as opposed to the passive and mostly avoidable monitoring you're getting here. One false move, no matter how innocent, and you've got big problems. Or you just need one sleazy chinovnik who wants to make a name for himself by catching an American spy and you've got serious trouble too. You could generally have a lot of trouble if you end up in the cross hairs of any well connected Russian. One the other end of the spectrum, a run in with violent drunks with no connections at all could also be a problem. They're unlikely to listen to your political and cultural rambling about how you're on their side, they'll just hear the American accent and react accordingly.

Basically, at the end of the day, you're not Russian, not one of them. A Russian passport doesn't change that. When it comes down to it, most people in the world side with their own. Think of how most Black people in the US instinctively supported OJ or support any Black criminal when the victim is white or any race but Black. They don't care who's guilty, they care who's one of them. That's how most of the world is, people side with their own and in Russia, that's not you. In most cases, you're probably better off staying in the US and homeschooling, at least for now.

You have to watch the part starting at 24:00, where he talks about his Russian business interview experience, hilarious episode!! And a huge white pill about Russia.

The FSB is not going to harass you there, especially if you are a bona fide culture war refugee, unless you go out of your way to antagonize local authorities. There are tens of thousands of western immigrants in Russia already, from all over (Afrikaners, Germans, French etc). I suspect their number might swell to the hundreds of thousands or even millions this decade if things stay on the same trajectory in the West.

This could actually be a great avenue for Russia to boost its demography, they should set up a program where they take in somewhere between 250k-500k western Christian "dissidents" every year. The goal for Russia is to get to around 250M by the end of the century, enabling them to become a real superpower and to defend themselves.

Emigrating to Russia looks like a no-brainer if you have a Russian spouse, but it might also work if you have a young family as your kids would quickly assimilate, and become a bridge into Russian society. You would befriend their classmates' parents and teachers for example.
This could actually be a great avenue for Russia to boost its demography, they should set up a program where they take in somewhere between 250k-500k western Christian "dissidents" every year. The goal for Russia is to get to around 250M by the end of the century, enabling them to become a real superpower and to defend themselves.
Is this really a great idea for Russia though? Mass immigration of white Christians is certainly going to cause fewer problems than a mass inflow of Arab Muslims. But it will still cause problems, just like it did in the USA in the late 1800s and early 1900s. A lot of people here did not like millions of Southern and Eastern Europeans taking over whole cities. I can't really blame them, and I say that as a member of those groups.
Yes I think you have to be fairly adaptable and flexible to make that kind of drastic cultural jump. One key item is to become fluent in Russian before even thinking of relocating there.

This being said, there are some resources there that would help, including expats who have settled there, either informally or as immigration consultants.

You have to watch the part starting at 24:00, where he talks about his Russian business interview experience, hilarious episode!! And a huge white pill about Russia.

The FSB is not going to harass you there, especially if you are a bona fide culture war refugee, unless you go out of your way to antagonize local authorities. There are tens of thousands of western immigrants in Russia already, from all over (Afrikaners, Germans, French etc). I suspect their number might swell to the hundreds of thousands or even millions this decade if things stay on the same trajectory in the West.

This could actually be a great avenue for Russia to boost its demography, they should set up a program where they take in somewhere between 250k-500k western Christian "dissidents" every year. The goal for Russia is to get to around 250M by the end of the century, enabling them to become a real superpower and to defend themselves.

Emigrating to Russia looks like a no-brainer if you have a Russian spouse, but it might also work if you have a young family as your kids would quickly assimilate, and become a bridge into Russian society. You would befriend their classmates' parents and teachers for example.
Hopefully getting to Russia and staying there is as rosy and trouble free as you believe it is, although as someone who's actually lived in that part of the world and speaks Russian I seriously doubt it. For example, the FSB would be legitimately stupid to NOT monitor foreigners living in Russia to determine if they're sleeper agents and I don't think the FSB is stupid. Still, who knows and if things become worse in the US or, God forbid, the LGBT and their allies start going after my children directly I'd consider it.
I'm still learning Russian and have only been there once. You may be right about the potential Чиновник trying to make a name for himself, but it all depends. If you are very prolific and pro-Russian as this family in that documentary it's great PR for Russia and thus a lot more beneficial than trying to throw some hapless American immigrant to the wolves. Just a thought, maybe I don't fully understand the Russian mentality yet. People can be shit in any country of course and there's always the potential for trouble. I just don't think that's the proper mindset when emigrating to any country, Russia included.
Based on a few decades around Russians and FSU people in general, I'd say the vast majority of Russians nowadays would be somewhere between indifferent and friendly with an American living there as a dissident. It's that small minority who would be hostile that you'd have to worry about. When I've brought this up with Russian friends they generally agree that it's a legitimate concern.
If you immigrate with a wife and a huge family to Russia, I sincerely doubt anything would happen to you. The local women will simply be smitten with your babies and defend your family against anyone who tries to attack you.

Conversely, if you're a single American man who is stealing women, then yes, I would expect major hostility.

I would trust common sense when moving to an Orthodox country. Also, if one is a member of the Orthodox Church, that will count for major points towards successful assimilation.