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Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

This would have never happened if Putin was a tool of the zionists as some are asserting here.

I don't think that was specifically said. But the outline of the truth, that what is the case in the US, is also the case in Russia. That banking, the entertainment industry and many large companies are controlled by Jews with second citizenship, who promote materialism and debauchery in Russia. I don't think you can makes the case for a sovereign conservative state when most of your country is controlled by obviously subversive foreigners.

Exactly what the relationship is between the power in Russian and Israel is not clear. I am happy to hear theories and view evidence. It is perfectly possible that Putin is in a corner and fighting for the Russian interest with lots of enemies and traitors around him. But that is not what he presents through domestic policy. But the idea that Russia is socially conservative is based on words. If a country wants to be socially conservative, follow the Orban model.

I don't see why Russia shouldn't grant independence to Dagestan, Chechnya, and Ingushetia. There are almost no Russians living there, the populations are devout Muslims and very hostile, and Russia spends billions to keep them in line. If they were forced out of the country, Russia could institute immigration checks and keep them out of Moscow or Saint Petersburg, plus save on government spending. Win-win situation for everyone if you ask me.

One Russian who is pro-European, anti-Putin and against the powers in Europe told me that most Russians don't want those people in their country, but they don't want to give up the land. But @Cooper has a good point above.
I grew up around Russians, overall like them and their culture a lot, love the time I've spent in the RF etc., but the amount of delusional people in the anglosphere who don't speak the language and think it's some kind of conservative paradise, that it's like USA in the 50s with pure women and Christian traditions and who have generally placed their hopes on some savior state instead of God is insane. The divorce rate is in the top 3 worldwide. The abortions are at least 4-5x more frequent than in the "rotten" USA. The population is mostly irreligious, with less than 1/10 of those who call themselves Christian attending services regularly. The government is unapologetically pro-jab, pro-mass surveilance, pro-digitization, pro-globalist, pro-Islamic immigration and all that (and in many of these fields is more advanced than your average Western country). Heck, let me give you a recent example.

Earlier this year Nikita Zhuravlev, a Russian teenager with nationalist sentiments, uploaded a video on Telegram showing him burning a copy of the Koran (which I don't condone, but hear me out) with a mosque in the background in Volgograd (over 90% ethnically Russian city). He was arrested the next day and the head of Investigative Comitee petitioned to transfer his case to the Chechen Republic (over 95% Muslim and non-Russian). This was protested by the defendant's lawyer because it would most likely lead to torture, but the transfer was approved by the Russian Minister of Justice who publically declared that the youngster needs to be properly re-educated in the Muslim-dominated republic. After the transfer Nikita wrote the human rights comissioner that he indeed is being tortured, that even Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of Chechen Republic, paid him a visit and let his 15-year old to beat him up. This was met with general applause by various RF officials, and Kadyrov himself posted a video of his son Adam beating up Nikita and proclaiming how proud he is of his son. For beating up the prisoner, Adam Kadyrov got many national awards: was proclaimed the Hero of Chechnya, received Orders of Merit from republics of Tatarstan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, etc.
Earlier this year Nikita Zhuravlev, a Russian teenager with nationalist sentiments, uploaded a video on Telegram showing him burning a copy of the Koran (which I don't condone, but hear me out) with a mosque in the background in Volgograd (over 90% ethnically Russian city). He was arrested the next day and the head of Investigative Comitee petitioned to transfer his case to the Chechen Republic (over 95% Muslim and non-Russian). This was protested by the defendant's lawyer because it would most likely lead to torture, but the transfer was approved by the Russian Minister of Justice who publically declared that the youngster needs to be properly re-educated in the Muslim-dominated republic. After the transfer Nikita wrote the human rights comissioner that he indeed is being tortured, that even Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of Chechen Republic, paid him a visit and let his 15-year old to beat him up. This was met with general applause by various RF officials, and Kadyrov himself posted a video of his son Adam beating up Nikita and proclaiming how proud he is of his son. For beating up the prisoner, Adam Kadyrov got many national awards: was proclaimed the Hero of Chechnya, received Orders of Merit from republics of Tatarstan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, etc.
This is disgusting and if I were Russian it would make me absolutely livid. Russia is selling out its native Christians to Muslim fanatics. I bet you if he burned a Bible no one would've touched him. Most likely the local commies and atheists would have given him a pat on the back.

Like I said before, they should get rid of the Islamic North Caucusus republics. Maybe set them up as a vassal state like Abkhazia. But clearly they're doing more harm than good in Russia.
Seeing as how, in memory for a good few Polish people, the Soviets invaded Poland 2 weeks after Germany. Then there's the NKVD Katyn massacre of Polish officers and intelligentsia. And decades of austere, oppressive, post war Communist rule, with many thousands of Polish being rounded up and sent off to suffer and die in Siberian gulags. And now the, Stalin did nuffin wrong, trend in Russia. What's not to like?

The mental gymnastics you are seeing is what happens when artifical ideas (ie propaganda), bias and selective interpretation of historic events meet reality. In this thread we have seen quite a few textbook examples already.

Of course US Putin appreciators can't align the Russian Federation fully embracing its Soviet history with their own propaganda infused beliefs that Russia is a trad right-wing Orthodox resurgent state with a strong ethno-identity. Hence the cognitive dissonance.

The 'Stalin dindu muffin wrong' trend (as you call it) is completely on Putin bytheway. From Krushev onwards Stalin's legacy had actually been mitigated and/or swept under the rug. The man was considered a flawed leader, someone whose erratic policies were responsible for millions of deaths.

That changed with Putin. Under Putin Stalin became a hero again, not just during the Great Patriotic War but beyond that too. This is reflected in Stalin's rising popularity referred to by you. During the first years of Putin's reign Stalin was still considered a mediocre and mostly impopular figure. That collective view started shifting in 2008, when Stalin was chosen Russia's third most popular historical figure (50 percent support), coming only behind Nevsky and Stolypin. In 2019 a survey polled his popularity at 70 percent.

Putin's love and appreciation for Russia's Soviet past is also visible in many other facets. He has on multiple occasions said that he considers the Fall of the USSR one of the greatest tragedies, satirical/negative works on Stalin get banned, negative episodes of Soviet history get either mitigated, whitewashed (ie. Holodomor, amongst others) or pinned on ideological opponents (Red Terror and Menshevikis/Trotskyist) and Russia's main mythical rally-around-the-flag historical event is The Great Patriotic War/ The Second World War. Lenin's remains are still being revered like he's some sort of saint's relic near the Kremlin. Etc, etc.

Lenin's mausoleum on the Red Square. Even after 100 years his body remains embalmed for the public to see. I didn't add additional pictures of his remains because quite frankly it's macabre.
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And then there is the blatant Soviet symbolism of course. The hammer and the sickle are still national symbols in contemporary Russia.

Russian Parliament building
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Russian Foreign Ministry
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Russian Victory Day Parade
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As a quick addendum, this symbolism got then extended to the invasion of Ukraine, which the Kremlin tried to spin as a fight against 'nazism' 2.0. The Great Patriotic War The Sequel so to say. Hence here too the symbolism is off the charts. An absolutely disastrous move as it alienated the general Ukrainian (and FSU/former Warschau Pact) population even more. These peoples are absolutely allergic to any type of Soviet reference and rightfully consider that period a very dark and negative one.

The waste dump near the Avdeevka coke plant couple of weeks ago.

A point of contention in all FSU/Former Warsaw Pact states is de-communization, which in reality means removal of Soviet era statues, amending educational curriculi, repealing Soviet era laws and in general being critical of the USSR. Russia opposes all of the above.

In places like Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Poland, Romania and Azerbaijan most of the Lenin statues have by now been removed. Ukraine has even removed all 1320 of them. So what did Russia do the moment they re-asserted themselves in Ukraine? Put all the statues of that rat-faced mutt commie (quarter Jewish, quarter Kalmyk, quarter Russian and God knows what else) mass murderer back.

Statue of Lenin in Henichesk, Kherson province (pop 20 000). Also note the Soviet flag flying over the town's municipal building.
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So yes, some introspection is needed. If the Putin supporters on this board want Russia's neighboring states (literally all of them) to stop viewing the Russian Federation as the successor of the USSR in word and deed then a rather strong change of policy is needed. Because the current optics are horrible.

Fortunately many Russians themselves understand this (especially the younger generation) and there is a sincere fatigue with the Kremlin geriatrics' Soviet role-playing hobby.


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You need to replace "Anglo" with jew and then you will be more correct. Also "yankies" should be "jew-controlled yankies". You're getting close to the truth now.

Naturally, without a mercantile influence and cosmopolitan lies, most people would stay within the boundaries of their own lands.

Are you saying that Patriarch Kirill did not say what was in the RT source article here?


If the last person to speak about this was killed, then that would imply some kind of conspiracy by non-Russians within Russia to keep Russians from talking about this growing problem.

Finally you mention zionism. However, most of the jews that are in high positions in Russia are Chabad-Lubavitch, many of which don't want to go to Israel and want to stay in Russia leeching off the country.

There is only one tribe on this earth that forces the mixing of the races, and if you see "anglos" propagating this destructive act, then you fail to see the jewish hand and influence that controls them.

Getting closer to the target now.
Technically, he isn't wrong. Though it would be the most accurate to mention both Anglos and Jews, since it was the Anglo elite who originally allied themselves with Jews to orchestrate many of the current issues we have today. Without the aid of the Anglo elite, the Jews would have never reached the heights of their power, first in England and later around the world (their financing of almost all "revolutions" come to mind, manipulating the interests of England to undermine other nations in Europe, like Spain). Yes, we have the Jew to blame for his revolutionary and destructive actions, but they would have been powerless without their Anglo (Anglo-Norman?) enablers. Of course, this doesn't apply whatsoever to the more humble (ex. the vast majority) masses of Anglos throughout history, who aren't really at fault.
Technically, he isn't wrong. Though it would be the most accurate to mention both Anglos and Jews, since it was the Anglo elite who originally allied themselves with Jews to orchestrate many of the current issues we have today. Without the aid of the Anglo elite, the Jews would have never reached the heights of their power, first in England and later around the world (their financing of almost all "revolutions" come to mind, manipulating the interests of England to undermine other nations in Europe, like Spain). Yes, we have the Jew to blame for his revolutionary and destructive actions, but they would have been powerless without their Anglo (Anglo-Norman?) enablers. Of course, this doesn't apply whatsoever to the more humble (ex. the vast majority) masses of Anglos throughout history, who aren't really at fault.
It's incredible because the Jews are so predictable: they do the same thing everytime to destroy societies from within. As CS Lewis said, "How monotonously alike all the great tyrants and conquerors have been; how gloriously different are the saints".

By the time the first 10 countries kicked out the Jews, everyone should've gotten the memo, it's called pattern recognition. The Anglo's openness was his greatest strength but also his biggest weakness.

Despite their intelligence and cunning, the Jews are factors, not actors. Anglos and Christian Europeans are actors and they are most guilty of allowing the decline.
Many of the "anglos" who aided and abetted the jews in destroying European nations were themselves crypto-jews, married to jewesses (thus inducted into the cult) , members of a freemasonic fraternal order, or a combination of the aforementioned. Take Napoleon for example, everyone calls him an antichrist figure because of his attempt to rally Europe and its churches into one order, I will meet them halfway and admit that the churches would "likely" have been subdued to some extent under his potential Empire, but the man himself was a freemason, and he should have known that the jews would have been financing against him as well as for him. Any time there is a chance for Europeans to kill other Europeans and jews stand to profit in the long term, they will support their way through a good cleansing one way or another. Cui bono ad infinitum.

Take this pamphlet for example, it explores how the jews latched onto their golem, the "British Empire," and used it to carry forth their eventual goal from centuries past of retaking the holy land and destabilizing every other strong nation and empire in the world.

"The jews and the British Empire 1935 - 20 minute reading"

Here is the pdf below:


The part towards the end where he mentions that the naval empire is to be transferred yet again from Britain to Italy was written in 1935, and given the context, Mussolini had just won a major victory in the Abyssinian campaign (Ethiopia) where he was able to cultivate a peace with the people there, and the English imposed sanctions on Italy because Mussolini was acting on his own plan and not that of the league of nations. In response to this Italy broke ties with England in terms of becoming allies. As the area of the Mediterranean were extremely Italophilic, it was suggested by jewry to utilize the growing new "Roman Empire" that Mussolini tried to create to use as their next vehicle to reach Palestine. This was a turbulent time where many attitudes were changing as the world changed drastically. Once Mussolini solidified himself with the Tripartite, and his functioning growing empire was reduced after the war back to a groveling democracy, jewry shifted once again, this time using the built-up powerhouse that was the USA to become their dominant empire of choice, given that it established its military presence in the Mediterranean permanently then and has yet to remove its assets from there.

So we can see this constant buffing up of one power, not without problems, but to use as the transit from point A to B, and then another nation as the transit from B to C, and so on.

This topic in itself deserves it's own thread, but is ultimately linked with Russia's soviet tragedy and its current state of affairs.
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Russian Parliament building
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Russian Foreign Ministry
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Imagine :eek: Of course, they should tear down all the symbols of the past on the buildings and rebuild them so that entitled Anglo-boomers still living with the Cold War ghosts don't accidentally get offended.

The 'Stalin dindu muffin wrong' trend (as you call it) is completely on Putin bytheway.
Putin's love and appreciation for Russia's Soviet past is also visible in many other facets.
Why do you care anyway? Are you afraid? Look into your backyard first, a lotta more reasons to worry.

Russian Victory Day Parade
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Russia does not celebrate that symbolism because of communism, but because of the victory over German invasion. To project the image of a strong state in times of war, when it is threatened from all sides. Which is completely understandable, and has nothing to do with ideology. It should be quite obvious.

So yes, some introspection is needed. If the Putin supporters on this board want Russia's neighboring states (literally all of them) to stop viewing the Russian Federation as the successor of the USSR in word and deed then a rather strong change of policy is needed.
How dare they, them Russkies. Who do they think they are? How about f*** the (((NATO))) first?
how dare they.jpg

Because the current optics are horrible.
And why should Russia care what the West thinks? Why should anyone care? To avoid being bombed? Such entitlement 😑:sick:
Just who do you think you are? Go tend your trannies and your minorities, mind your own problems and stay away from the rest of the world. Nobody cares for your "optic" and what you think. You are not important.
Imagine :eek: Of course, they should tear down all the symbols of the past on the buildings and rebuild them so that entitled Anglo-boomers still living with the Cold War ghosts don't accidentally get offended.

Why do you care anyway? Are you afraid? Look into your backyard first, a lotta more reasons to worry.

Russia does not celebrate that symbolism because of communism, but because of the victory over German invasion. To project the image of a strong state in times of war, when it is threatened from all sides. Which is completely understandable, and has nothing to do with ideology. It should be quite obvious.

How dare they, them Russkies. Who do they think they are? How about f*** the (((NATO))) first?
how dare they.jpg

And why should Russia care what the West thinks? Why should anyone care? To avoid being bombed? Such entitlement 😑:sick:
Just who do you think you are? Go tend your trannies and your minorities, mind your own problems and stay away from the rest of the world. Nobody cares for your "optic" and what you think. You are not important.
To say that the US based pro bono Kremlin shills are fragile is an understatement. Straight into knee jerk responses and self proclaimed victimhood - with low brow insults to boot. All it took was a rather short string of factually waterproof and logically flawless posts. Crumbling worldviews and the subsequent (first) stage of denial.

It has been said before, but this isn't RVF. Genuine and critical discussion on Russia, its history its background and its contemporary culture is allowed. If you can't handle that please withdraw to your safespace.
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To say that the US based pro bono Kremlin shills are fragile is an understatement. Straight into knee jerk responses and self proclaimed victimhood - with low brow insults to boot. All it took was a rather short string of factually waterproof and logically flawless posts. Crumbling worldviews and the subsequent (first) stage of denial.
I'm actually from Europe, and you are ridiculous in your obsession with evil Kremlin agents lurking around every corner. I'm not impressed. The Cold War is over, fren. It ended 30 years ago. Walk free and without fear.

Genuine and critical discussion on Russia, its history its background and its contemporary culture is allowed.
Are you a mod?

If you can't handle that please withdraw to your safespace.
So your posts fall into the category of "genuine and critical discusion" just because you said so? You are your own arbiter, right? And those who disagree should withdraw, right? The same entitled attitude as in your self-titled "genuine and critical" ramblings about them evil Russkies.
Just who do you think you are, lol? Unbelievable.
ok boomer.jpg
Technically, he isn't wrong. Though it would be the most accurate to mention both Anglos and Jews, since it was the Anglo elite who originally allied themselves with Jews to orchestrate many of the current issues we have today. Without the aid of the Anglo elite, the Jews would have never reached the heights of their power, first in England and later around the world (their financing of almost all "revolutions" come to mind, manipulating the interests of England to undermine other nations in Europe, like Spain). Yes, we have the Jew to blame for his revolutionary and destructive actions, but they would have been powerless without their Anglo (Anglo-Norman?) enablers. Of course, this doesn't apply whatsoever to the more humble (ex. the vast majority) masses of Anglos throughout history, who aren't really at fault.
There's nothing for me to disagree with here. What I'd like to underline though is that the Jewish revolutionary spirit as EMJ calls it, the occult practices of secret society Britain, such as Freemasonry and before the likes of John Dee, Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, all are Luciferian. We are not talking about multiple camps, only two. So, it seems to me, that ultimately all these patriotic arguments are moot.

As nations we all fall short, it's just a matter of degree. As a Christian I don't take all the patriotic posturing seriously if it isn't backed up by a true Christian theocracy and we don't have such in this world right now. What is salient about @LaAguilaNegra post is the obscene honouring of Lenin. It's a monument to all the contradictions of Vladimir Putin. I wonder if Patriarch Kirill has spoken out against it and if not, why not.
And why should Russia care what the West thinks? Why should anyone care? To avoid being bombed? Such entitlement 😑:sick:
Just who do you think you are? Go tend your trannies and your minorities, mind your own problems and stay away from the rest of the world. Nobody cares for your "optic" and what you think. You are not important.

Серьезно, высокомерие ощутимо :LOL:(y)
I'm actually from Europe, and you are ridiculous in your obsession with evil Kremlin agents lurking around every corner. I'm not impressed. The Cold War is over, fren. It ended 30 years ago. Walk free and without fear.

Are you a mod?

So your posts fall into the category of "genuine and critical discusion" just because you said so? You are your own arbiter, right? And those who disagree should withdraw, right? The same entitled attitude as in your self-titled "genuine and critical" ramblings about them evil Russkies.
Just who do you think you are, lol? Unbelievable.
ok boomer.jpg

Projection, strawmanning, deflection, what-about-isms, vulgarities, lies and, of course, eventually ad hominems. Basically the deployment of the entire arsenal to not having to formulate a serious response to the points raised by others and I on the many flaws of Russia. Not sure what will be left after this, but judging from experience it's only dog piling, mod reports and eventually dumpster diving ie. crapping up the thread.

Bad news for you: the red pills on Russia, Putin and his clique are not going to stop.
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There's nothing for me to disagree with here. What I'd like to underline though is that the Jewish revolutionary spirit as EMJ calls it, the occult practices of secret society Britain, such as Freemasonry and before the likes of John Dee, Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, all are Luciferian. We are not talking about multiple camps, only two. So, it seems to me, that ultimately all these patriotic arguments are moot.

Globalism grew out of the Fabian Society and eventually Rhodes Foundation. It's inherently a British invention - even though the Crown was at that point already beholden to Jewish banksters.

But to talk about Anglos in 2023 is arguing in bad faith. Like I asked before, are there any Anglos (Irish excluded) left in the top levers of US power?
You really should stop reading that crazy lying BS Anglo rag that twists the words of people and puts them in their mouths.
Try saying this stuff in Russia and you are going down to jail. Anyway, fake news carefully twisting words and meanings.
Russia has foreign, illegal migrants, which should leave of course, and own huge non Russian population. Try saying anything against them and will be dealt with, by the authorities.

Last guy who liked to say this stuff, Prosvirnin, walked outta the window. Ya see, there are even worse options than jail. Perhaps, if he opted to work out and train fighting skills like most migrant guys do, instead of getting so fat and constantly whining, migrants wouldn't be so scary and not so bold.

If only the Kremlin dinosaurs had half the conviction. But they don't. Which can be seen in their deeds ie. the fact they send their children outside Russia.

* Dmitry Peskov sent his daughter Elizaveta Peskova to Europe at a young age. In 2019 she interned for a French EU MP. She currently studies and lives a jetset life in Paris.

Peskov's son Nikolay Peskov spent most of his childhood in the UK. Spent time in several correctional facilities and owns several million dollar properties. Has recently returned to Russia due to sanctions.

* Sergey Lavrov's daughter Ekaterina Lavrova was born in New York City and spent her entire youth in the USA. Went to Manhattan School and later Columbia University. Decided to move to London later on, and settled in Moscow after that.

Important note: Lavrova is likely to have US citizenship.

Sergey Lavrov likely also had/has a mistress in the UK. The daughter out of this affair, Polina Kovaleva, has lived her entire life in London and was recently placed under sanctions. She became owner of a multimillion dollar apartment in Kensington at the age of 21

* Dmitry Medvedev's only son Ilya Medvedev has been living in the USA (Silicon Valley) since 2016-2017, managing funds for Usmanov and Yusupov, two 'Russian' oligarchs closely tied to his father.

His US visa was revoked in early 2022, and he has since left the US.

* Both of Putin's daughters spent most of their childhood in Germany (the youngest being born there). They returned to Russia in the early 90s but were soon sent back to Germany due to Putin's involvement in the Saint Petersburg gang wars of the early 90s (he was basically a bag man thus his family a target). They later returned to Moscow for their studies.

Katerina married Shamalov and has lived in Russia ever since. Maria on the other hand married a Dutch businessman, Jorrit Faassen. The couple married in 2008 and lived in The Netherlands until 2014 (MH17).

* Vladimir Solovyev's son Daniil Solovyev lives in London where he frequents gay bars and works as a 'male model'. Did his studies there too. Solovyev's other son Alexander studied in London too, but is now back in Russia.

*Bonus: Xi JinPing's only child, his daughter Xi MingZe lives in the USA. Born in 1992, moved to the US to study at Harvard under a pseudonym in 2010. Returned to China in 2014. Went back to the USA in 2019, and now probably lives in the area around Cambridge, Massachussets.

This list could never end but the point is clear. The Russian political elite and the oligarchs like to send their children abroad, preferably to the Anglo world.
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This list could never end but the point is clear. The Russian political elite and the oligarchs like to send their children abroad, preferably to the Anglo world.

This is the same with North Korea. I know a guy who works as an English teacher at an elite school in Switzerland. He describes it as a creche for North Korean boys, whose names we don't know and sometimes they disappear with no notice or explanation. You can read about this from sources online. North Korea is a slave pit, with a somewhat technically competent capital inhabited by relatively privileged drones whose real job it is to give a small rump of their owners a fat life outside of the country.

It's obvious why so many RF citizen oligarchs have second passports for Israel, but what is the connection with London? The other popular choice is Cyprus.

I'm actually from Europe, and you are ridiculous in your obsession with evil Kremlin agents lurking around every corner. I'm not impressed. The Cold War is over, fren. It ended 30 years ago. Walk free and without fear.

Maybe you missed it, but you've re-framed the criticism of the mostly non-Russian power structure in Russia as a mainstream-normie-boomercon criticism of those damn Russkies!

The argument that is being presented here is solely that Russia is in the same situation as Western countries:

- they have offshore/foreign elite with no care for the countries or people they preside over
- they have almost wholly de-racinated spokepeople and executors in political offices
- they have mandatory mass immigration of problematic people that is unwanted, but difficult/illegal to criticise
- replacement of national identity with cultural Marxist and supranational entities

@Катехон, given where you are from, you are obviously fully aware of what it's like to become a globalist colony, with your - maybe the most ridiculous example of a - puppet in the modern era. People in Western Europe have been living under that for a lot longer. Many have been under such propaganda that they are like those in your country, who will again coo when your puppet gets his next pen from President Trump. People are confused by propaganda on all sides, creating divides that weaken everyone.

The argument here is we are all colonies. No one is living in a nation with a moral authority.

Above you posted the map of US bases. No one is saying it is not the case and that the US golem is not being used to try and break up Russia and plunge into into the globalist system fully.

The argument is that there is another layer above the cinema presented to "entitled Anglo-boomers" and others. This argument has been completely ignored and an argument things that no one has made inserted.

Everyone here is pro the Russian-people - and them having their own country the promotes a Christian ethos and strong families. Those last two things were spiiritually demolished by the Soviet Union. At one point over 70% of pregnancies in what is now the Russian Federation were aborted. Compare this to 10% in conservative US states; 30% in liberal states and 20% in the UK. If that is not a reason to not want the Satanic Bolshevik symbols and non-Russian leaders all over your country, I don't know what is.


If only the Kremlin dinosaurs had half the conviction. But they don't. Which can be seen in their deeds ie. the fact they send their children outside Russia.

* Dmitry Peskov sent his daughter Elizaveta Peskova to Europe at a young age. In 2019 she interned for a French EU MP. She currently studies and lives a jetset life in Paris.

Peskov's son Nikolay Peskov spent most of his childhood in the UK. Spent time in several correctional facilities and owns several million dollar properties. Has recently returned to Russia due to sanctions.

* Sergey Lavrov's daughter Ekaterina Lavrova was born in New York City and spent her entire youth in the USA. Went to Manhattan School and later Columbia University. Decided to move to London later on, and settled in Moscow after that.

Important note: Lavrova is likely to have US citizenship.

Sergey Lavrov likely also had/has a mistress in the UK. The daughter out of this affair, Polina Kovaleva, has lived her entire life in London and was recently placed under sanctions. She became owner of a multimillion dollar apartment in Kensington at the age of 21

* Dmitry Medvedev's only son Ilya Medvedev has been living in the USA (Silicon Valley) since 2016-2017, managing funds for Usmanov and Yusupov, two 'Russian' oligarchs closely tied to his father.

His US visa was revoked in early 2022, and he has since left the US.

* Both of Putin's daughters spent most of their childhood in Germany (the youngest being born there). They returned to Russia in the early 90s but were soon sent back to Germany due to Putin's involvement in the Saint Petersburg gang wars of the early 90s (he was basically a bag man thus his family a target). They later returned to Moscow for their studies.

Katerina married Shamalov and has lived in Russia ever since. Maria on the other hand married a Dutch businessman, Jorrit Faassen. The couple married in 2008 and lived in The Netherlands until 2014 (MH17).

* Vladimir Solovyev's son Daniil Solovyev lives in London where he frequents gay bars and works as a 'male model'. Did his studies there too. Solovyev's other son Alexander studied in London too, but is now back in Russia.

*Bonus: Xi JinPing's only child, his daughter Xi MingZe lives in the USA. Born in 1992, moved to the US to study at Harvard under a pseudonym in 2010. Returned to China in 2014. Went back to the USA in 2019, and now probably lives in the area around Cambridge, Massachussets.

This list could never end but the point is clear. The Russian political elite and the oligarchs like to send their children abroad, preferably to the Anglo world.

Dragging one's family members through the mud is an insidious tactic of attack worthy of the lowest tabloids. They say more about those who use them than anything else.

You seem to have an archive of word files about who did what, where and with whom in Russia, like a cheap celebrity tabloid, along with loads of other decontextualized stuff ready to deploy, about Russia of course, with which you are apparently obsessed (or have another incentive to do so), which tells us more about you and your "objectivity" than about anything else. And then you dare to call someone a shill 😑

People can comfortably read anti-Russian western propaganda sensationalist tabloids, if it's not beneath them, that's about the same level of detachment and objectivity. Pathetic and sad 😑

Bad news for you: the red pills on Russia, Putin and his clique are not going to stop.

It's all so tiresome and seen so many times.
Dragging one's family members through the mud is an insidious tactic of attack worthy of the lowest tabloids. They say more about those who use them than anything else.

Mentioning that the power structure in a country prefers to keep homes, school their children and store their wealth in other countries doesn't sound like dragging family through the mud. The point is loyalty, and association with the people.

You seem to have an archive of word files

He has that ready to go on pretty much any country. See his other posts - Armenia, China, UK, US, Kazakhstan, The Netherlands, The Philippines.

People can comfortably read anti-Russian western propaganda sensationalist tabloids

This is pro-Russian people content, anti-Russian people living under the rule of non-Russians who often don't want to live there, don't want to be buried there, don't school their children there, have second passports etc.

Throughout this whole post this information has been ignored. I don't think there was one instance of any of it being countered. Only criticisms of the posters.
If that is not a reason to not want the Satanic Bolshevik symbols and non-Russian leaders all over your country, I don't know what is.
It is not my country. And you have completelly missed the point, which is the insufferable arrogance and entitlement of the mindset in question. I'm not saying that all Anglos suffer from it, but that it is one of their most prominent faults. By means of which the enemy got them and destroyed them. Oh well. Nevermind.
Dragging one's family members through the mud is an insidious tactic of attack worthy of the lowest tabloids. They say more about those who use them than anything else.

You seem to have an archive of word files about who did what, where and with whom in Russia, like a cheap celebrity tabloid, along with loads of other decontextualized stuff ready to deploy, about Russia of course, with which you are apparently obsessed (or have another incentive to do so), which tells us more about you and your "objectivity" than about anything else. And then you dare to call someone a shill 😑

People can comfortably read anti-Russian western propaganda sensationalist tabloids, if it's not beneath them, that's about the same level of detachment and objectivity. Pathetic and sad 😑


It's all so tiresome and seen so many times.
That's a 100 percent emotion, zero percent content post. Totally missed the point as well - probably by design. What did I just say about the last stage - ad hominems, dog piling and mod reports?

It is clear as day by now that there are people - hopefully pro bono - working to destroy this thread and get that lid back on.

The only question I have is Why? Why are a minority of posters on this board not allowed (in your mind at least) to have their own thread in which they can discuss trends and and share links, videos and analysis on both historical and contemporary Russia? Why the constant urge to SHUT IT DOWN instead of arguing on the content? Or even better, just letting it be?
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