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Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

With all due respect to the contributors, I don't really understand the purpose of this thread. It all sounds terribly academic to me and so far removed from the true realities we are all facing these days, especially in the West. I mean just take a trip to Moscow, Saint Petersburg, or Kaliningrad and see how you feel, what your experience is being there. Call me simple but these days I am thrilled that there are still places left for white males to perhaps live a more fulfilling and happy life. Russia is by no means perfect, we all know that. But it's moving in the right direction and none of us truly know where it'll be 50 or 100 years from now. By then we'll all be long dead and forgotten. In between just enjoy your life and take away as much as you can.
With all due respect to the contributors, I don't really understand the purpose of this thread. It all sounds terribly academic to me and so far removed from the true realities we are all facing these days, especially in the West. I mean just take a trip to Moscow, Saint Petersburg, or Kaliningrad and see how you feel, what your experience is being there. Call me simple but these days I am thrilled that there are still places left for white males to perhaps live a more fulfilling and happy life. Russia is by no means perfect, we all know that. But it's moving in the right direction and none of us truly know where it'll be 50 or 100 years from now. By then we'll all be long dead and forgotten. In between just enjoy your life and take away as much as you can.

You don't understand the purpose of this thread or you feel uneasy with Putin's/Russia's alt fantasy image being dissected piece by piece?

Also: Moscow during Eid al Adha. Moscow's Muslim population was 1.5 million in 2015 already, just imagine what it is now. In case people have bad eyes: that's praying Muslims occupying public space as far as the eye can see.

images (93).jpeg

This tread is a reality check for many Western Putin appreciatiors. .
You don't understand the purpose of this thread or you feel uneasy with Putin's/Russia's alt fantasy image being dissected piece by piece?

Yes probably... I'm a simple man with simple needs. Practical to a fault.

Also: Moscow during Eid al Adha. Moscow's Muslim population was 1.5 million in 2015 already, just imagine what it is now. In case people have bad eyes: that's praying Muslims occupying public space as far as the eye can see.

images (93).jpeg

This tread is a reality check for many Western Putin appreciatiors. .

Yes I'm aware there are Muslims in Russia. Most seem to love their nation it seems. Maybe I'm misinformed on that front but from what I've seen thus far Russia's main cities seem like Western cities 50 years ago to me.

Something else I've noticed though. You really seem to have an axe to grind just given the amount of time you have devoted to this thread. That's not a personal criticism but a distinct observation.
With all due respect to the contributors, I don't really understand the purpose of this thread.

This thread was initially about immigration into Russia, but was re-named as it morphed into broader topics.

As, I think someone else opined, I think it's one of the best threads on the forum. It's not just a lot of Twitter posts and article extracts. There is a lot of info.

Yes I'm aware there are Muslims in Russia. Most seem to love their nation it seems. Maybe I'm misinformed on that front but from what I've seen thus far Russia's main cities seem like Western cities 50 years ago to me.

Russia is similar to the US in the 1980s. In that people are looking to get ahead materially and enjoy aesthetics. Even the clothes they wear are often quite similar. However, the successor to this is what succeeded it in the West - complaints of materialism, leftism, cultural Marxism. You can see this a lot of the streets of Moscow, with the most scruffy soulless looking hipster bums shuffling about.

On Islam, the situation is more complex, as the nature of Islam in Russia is different to what has been imported into the West.

I've been to several Muslim countries and Regions and the ones in Russia fit into the bracket of the ones where you can't see much evidence of Islam - Mosques, calls to prayer, hijabs, big beards etc. The more radical Muslims are from the Caucus or some of the poorer -stans.

Here is a photo of Miss Tatarstan.


You'd happily think that they were all Russians of some description. There are some very diverse people who identify as Russian, including people who are basically Asian. My experience in Tatarstan is that most Tatars and Russians don't see much difference between themselves. As they are mostly secular and similar in appearance.


This is a photo of Russians celebrating the memory of the Astrakhan cossacks, who cleaned the region east of Kuban of the Mongol-Tatar hordes who invaded 100s of years prior. You will see many Asian faces, as the Astrakhan cossacks drew heavily from the Asians - Kalmyks and Tatars.

These people consider themselves Russian, but it's complicated, as most Russians don't accept such Asian-looking people as Russian. My experience of Russians is wholly and only that they identify as white European Russians; and that they don't mind immigration from Europe, but don't want any from anywhere else. Since Russia hasn't been overtly ethnically cucked like Western Europe, this is expressed fairly openly. And even Russians who have an Asian appearance have told me to not communicate with the unwanted immigrants from central Asia.

But with that said, the government is largely quiet on these topics. It keeps the peace. The exception is the fake opposition Liberal Democratic Party. There are people who have criticised this situation and organisations against it - banned and left the country.

It appears to me that the apparatus that was setup prior to the fall of the Soviet Union wanted to create something like a Commonwealth (British) for the former members. But that has been disintegrating, and not just due to Western interference. Those countries either want to be independent (Kazakhstan) or they have become colonies (Georgia). So you have this peaceful overlay on ethnicity from the Russian Federation, which is not really what Russians and the various minorities want.

I presume there was some coordination between the emerging states at the end of the Soviet Union that kept its disintegration more peaceful. The collapse of multi-ethnic empires has always seen the aggressive drawing of borders. More recently - Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union, East and West Pakistan. In the FSU this was limited to parts of Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Chechnya and now Ukraine. The death toll is probably around 1 million, but probably could have been several million without this management. But the reality persists - people want their own nation, Russians included.

I think most Russian men, particularly those who are better informed, lean towards pan-Slavacism, or pan-Europeanism. I've never encountered anyone with this Dugin approach of wanting to form a coalition of Russians, North Asians and Iranic people.
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Call me weird but I never understood this seething hate against Russia which has become so prevalent in the West due to the nonstop brainwashing by the tribe. Studying history it quickly became clear to me that we were close cousins to Русский мир and that collaboration and friendship was in our mutual interest. I think the biggest tragedy of our times is to see the renewal of the separation between the East and West. Only this time I feel that the East will benefit while the West will suffer significantly. Which incidentally may be exactly what it needs in order to rediscover its own roots and its true allies.
It dates back to the age of imperialism at least, to the 1600s or even earlier. You had Britain, France, Prussia, Austria, Spain, Sweden, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire all competing for power. They would all ally in different combinations with each other and go to war periodically. In that time, they could within reason make naked power grabs and attack each other. To some extent, they had to make excuses that they were justified in attacking due to some offence by their opponent, but really they could just attack for the sake of attacking.

Britain always viewed Russia as backwards in some ways, but as a tremendous threat to be bottled up. Russia was bound by lack of warm water ports that were open to the Atlantic ocean or the Mediterranean. St. Petersburg was ice bound in the winter, and the Baltic sea is bottled up by the straits between Denmark and Norway. When Russia gained access to the Black Sea, they were still penned in by the straits at Istanbul. If Russia had been able to take Istanbul, or had been able to secure access to the Atlantic in the North, they would have been a huge danger in the eyes of the other European Imperial powers. Sometimes, Britain or the other European powers would ally with Russia, but they always worried about Russia becoming too powerful.

All of this backdrop still seems to show in the current conflict. Britain at this point is a paper tiger instead of being the most powerful country in the world, as they were 200 year ago. However, they still want to play power games with Russia. The US wants to continue Cold War power games. They are a fading hegemon, but they hope to renew their hegemonic status by weakening Russia and China. Russia under Putin has wanted on the one hand to maintain Russia's status as a great power, but on the other hand has sought to achieve a peaceful cooperative relationship with the West. Putin's approach is a major contrast to the USSR's attitude, which was far more belligerent. The USSR looked to spread communism world wide, at least in the early days. Likewise, the pre-Soviet Russian Empire was very bellicose and acquisitive.

The West today mistrusted Putin's attempts to achieve a cooperative and peaceful relationship with the community of nations. They thought modern Russia was still imperialist like the Russian Empire and the USSR. In fact, the West was still imperialist as well, so they really just thought Russia was no different from them.

In the current situation, it is the West that has provoked the conflict, and they have done so in a cynical, deceitful, passive aggressive manner. They have wanted conflict, and have tried to provoke it, but they have postured as if they are innocent, and are only responding to Russia's wrong doing. Imperialist powers have always sought power and conquest, back to the dawn of history, so all of this is no surprise. However, now there is an expectation of trying to achieve world peace, to leave imperialist conquest behind and achieve peaceful cultural and economic ties with no more conquests of lands and peoples. The West pretends to be holier than thou, and but secretly they are still trying to undermine their competitors, to create chaos, war, famine, disease, and suffering on a vast scale. This attempt by the West to sow chaos throughout Asia seems typical and consistent with Western campaigns to undermine Christianity, society, the family, and national identities in their own countries. It's like they're just trying to burn the world down.

The apparent hate towards Russia by the West is really just the continuation of 400 years of Imperialist competition, but now the West is taking a falsely sanctimonious posture while they play the same old power games.
The apparent hate towards Russia by the West is really just the continuation of 400 years of Imperialist competition, but now the West is taking a falsely sanctimonious posture while they play the same old power games.
A lot of Russophobia is fueled by Eastern European diasporas (Poles in the UK, ukrainians in Canada) that resent present day Russia on the grounds of their historical grievances, and want to hold Russia responsible for the crimes commited by the soviets.
A lot of Russophobia is fueled by Eastern European diasporas (Poles in the UK, ukrainians in Canada) that resent present day Russia on the grounds of their historical grievances, and want to hold Russia responsible for the crimes commited by the soviets.
Seeing as how, in memory for a good few Polish people, the Soviets invaded Poland 2 weeks after Germany. Then there's the NKVD Katyn massacre of Polish officers and intelligentsia. And decades of austere, oppressive, post war Communist rule, with many thousands of Polish being rounded up and sent off to suffer and die in Siberian gulags. And now the, Stalin did nuffin wrong, trend in Russia. What's not to like?
Seeing as how, in memory for a good few Polish people, the Soviets invaded Poland 2 weeks after Germany. Then there's the NKVD Katyn massacre of Polish officers and intelligentsia. And decades of austere, oppressive, post war Communist rule, with many thousands of Polish being rounded up and sent off to suffer and die in Siberian gulags. And now the, Stalin did nuffin wrong, trend in Russia. What's not to like?
I could say that present day Russians have nothing to do with the events that happened during WW2 or its aftermath, and that holding people accountable for the crimes commited by their grandparents is un Christian like. Or that Russian people suffered the most under soviet rule (wich was not Russian). I could point out that despite the Wolyn massacre commited by the ukrainians, Poland chose to support ukraine. Or how despite the Palmiry massacre commited by the Germans, Poland finds itself allied with Germany.
But I don't have to, because as far as I'm concerned, Poles/Balts/ukrainians are free to resent Russia as much as they want to - just do it on Your own account. You see, I understand that Russophobia is an inherent part of Polish national identity and I don't have a problem with it. I do, however, have a problem with Poles/Balts/ukrainians demanding that the rest of the world must share those sentiments. The world doesn't revolve around some Eastern European grudge, and none of the other nations should bear the cost of it. You want to challenge Russia ? Go for it, just leave the protective umbrella of the west and do it on Your own.
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This thread was initially about immigration into Russia, but was re-named as it morphed into broader topics.

As, I think someone else opined, I think it's one of the best threads on the forum. It's not just a lot of Twitter posts and article extracts. There is a lot of info.
This thread was nicely salvaged, considering how it was at the beginning.
A lot of Russophobia is fueled by Eastern European diasporas (Poles in the UK, ukrainians in Canada) that resent present day Russia on the grounds of their historical grievances, and want to hold Russia responsible for the crimes commited by the soviets.

The main vectors of this ancestral Russophobia in the West have been the Ashkenazis, people like Nuland whose family bears a deep grudge against Russia, almost an obsession.
Russia is not Europe.
You are right to condemn the modern West, its arrogance, greed, entitlement and degeneracy. However, you forget that the West is not equal to Europe in the classical sense. It is better to use the term Europа in the ancient Greek sense, or Europa Hyperborea. We all belong to the same race/family, and they should be considered as that kid who is a bit blunt and arrogant bully, but still a family member. They still have more in common with us Slavs than anyone else. The problem is that you are mixing politics/mentality with heritage. Give them some time to learn humility and renounce their hubris, those who suffer from it, now they will have plenty of time and reasons to do so. And have pity for the rest of them. That is, if you are of Euro/Slavic descent.
Baltic and Eastern European people are closest to the Yamna culture/Indo-European point of origin, while Northwestern people have more Early European farmer (EEF) admixture, who were non-Indo-Europeans. The similarity to Sanskrit, the language of Vedas, is greater in Slavic than in Germanic group of languages. Genetic tests show that about 20% of Germans have some Slavic roots. The fact that present-day Scandinavia is composed of roughly 40% of I1, 20% of R1a and 40% of R1b reinforces the idea that the Germanic ethnicity and language had acquired a tri-hybrid character by the Iron Age.
Asiatic Mongol influence
Mongols have rarely intermarried with other peoples, whom they've perceived as meek and unfit of birthing strong offspring, especially if they're not nomadic, but sedentary. There is a presence of Asiatic haplogroups in the East Slavic gene pool, but it's beneath 3%.
You repeat these "colonizer" sentiments about all Europe, but these are jewish sock-puppet claims. The only people who moan about "colonization" in the west are liberal brainless whites or darker races that have had their flow of free milk from the government-teat interrupted.
That is projecting the Western view of colonization onto others and judging it by projecting the Western political context onto others. The Russian colonization of Siberia and Asia was completely different from the Western colonization of Africa and Americas.
Moscow during Eid al Adha
I am not а Russian and I am neither contra nor pro Putin. Having said that:
How many ethnic groups and religions existed in the Roman Empire?

Russia is more than three times the size of the Roman Empire at its greatest extent.
(Roman Empire under Trajan - 5 million square kilometers, ~60 million inhabitants, many cultures and nations. The city of Rome with Italian peninsula + the semi-federated provinces.)
(Russian Federation - 17 million square kilometers, ~150 million inhabitants, 193 ethnic groups. Federal republics.)

Even then, "roughly 81% of its population were ethnic Russians, and the remaining 19% of the population were ethnic minorities", according to 2021 census. "In 2010, four-fifths of Russia's population originated from West of the Ural Mountains — of which the vast majority were Slavs, with a substantial minority of Finnic and Germanic peoples." With the exception of Moscow and St.Petersburg, Russian national minorities live mostly in their republics, and do not mix ethnically with others, as in the West.
Church attendance in Russia half of what it is in even Germany.
Afaik people who regularly go to church in Germany are mostly churchgoers, a.k.a. "churchers" - people who go to church to be seen, because of conformity, while on other days they usually don't care about the commandment, virtues, religion and are far from God. Similarly in USA, with their mega-churches and dollar-store "Christianity", like cheap glittery merchandise made by Chinese slaves. If you think that such people will play a decisive role in the spiritual battle against evil, you are mistaken. One Orthodox monk is spiritually worth more than 10,000 such hypocrites.
So glad Russia made immigration for foreigners from faraway counties so hard and no true land ownership possible for most land even for citizens. Yanks would steal and rape the land otherwise long time ago.

Anglo and Zionist modus operandi:

Steal land, genocide locals (USA) or colonize and control them, at least (Latin America, etc)

Freely sell these colonized lands to the entire world

Force migration and mixing of races

The goal: destroy nations
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Patriarch Kirill agrees with our sentiments to get rid of the non-Russians:


You really should stop reading that crazy lying BS Anglo rag that twists the words of people and puts them in their mouths.
Try saying this stuff in Russia and you are going down to jail. Anyway, fake news carefully twisting words and meanings.
Russia has foreign, illegal migrants, which should leave of course, and own huge non Russian population. Try saying anything against them and will be dealt with, by the authorities.

Last guy who liked to say this stuff, Prosvirnin, walked outta the window. Ya see, there are even worse options than jail. Perhaps, if he opted to work out and train fighting skills like most migrant guys do, instead of getting so fat and constantly whining, migrants wouldn't be so scary and not so bold.
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In short: Anglos, keep hands and minds off other countries, especially faraway ones....ain't got nothing to discuss about your own? No roots at all? Stolen enough land all over the world, yet seems like never enough for them ...Russia should not concern you, deal with your own ethnicity.
Remove your military bases, stop meddling, yankies should go home. Go protest or something. Submissive colony-nations that bent to your will, such as Mexico, is your next prime retirement and looting destination. You will get replaced by those you colonized, and will be brainwashed its a good thing

All your Ukie-like CIA inspired BS about Russia is Europe, Russia is for Russians only, will not fly in Russia and will be dealt with pronto. If you got these ideas may be shouldn't visit.. .watch The Way Back 2010 first, haha. I asked someone if we should be concerned about few Anglos wanting to move and live in Russia, since they always want to genocide and colonise everyone....he said, no biggie we got Siberia to deal with them, if needs to be
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In short: Anglos keep hands and minds off other countries, especially faraway ines....ain't got nothing to discuss about your own? Stolen enough land all over the world, yet seems like never enough for them ...Russia should not concern you, deal with your own ethnicity.
Remove your military bases, stop meddling, yankies should go home. Submissive colony-nations that bent to your will, such as Mexico, is your next prime retirement and looting destination
You need to replace "Anglo" with jew and then you will be more correct. Also "yankies" should be "jew-controlled yankies". You're getting close to the truth now.

Naturally, without a mercantile influence and cosmopolitan lies, most people would stay within the boundaries of their own lands.

You really should stop reading that crazy lying BS Anglo rag that twists the words of people and puts them in their mouths.
Try saying this stuff in Russia and you are going down to jail. Anyway, fake news carefully twisting words and meanings.
Russia has foreign, illegal migrants, which should leave of course, and own huge non Russian population. Try saying anything against them and will be dealt with, by the authorities.

Last guy who liked to say this stuff, Prosvirnin, walked outta the window. Ya see, there are even worse options than jail. May be, if he opted to work out and train fighting skills instead of getting so fat and constantly whining, migrants wouldn't be so scary and not so bold.
Are you saying that Patriarch Kirill did not say what was in the RT source article here?


If the last person to speak about this was killed, then that would imply some kind of conspiracy by non-Russians within Russia to keep Russians from talking about this growing problem.
So glad Russia made immigration for foreigners from faraway counties so hard and no true land ownership possible for most land even for citizens. Yanks would steal and rape the land otherwise long time ago.

Anglo and Zionist modus operandi:

Steal land, genocide locals (USA) or colonize and control them, at least (Latin America, etc)

Freely sell these colonized lands to the entire world

Force migration and mixing of races

The goal: destroy nations
Finally you mention zionism. However, most of the jews that are in high positions in Russia are Chabad-Lubavitch, many of which don't want to go to Israel and want to stay in Russia leeching off the country.

There is only one tribe on this earth that forces the mixing of the races, and if you see "anglos" propagating this destructive act, then you fail to see the jewish hand and influence that controls them.

Getting closer to the target now.
Patriarch Kirill agrees with our sentiments to get rid of the non-Russians:

I don't see why Russia shouldn't grant independence to Dagestan, Chechnya, and Ingushetia. There are almost no Russians living there, the populations are devout Muslims and very hostile, and Russia spends billions to keep them in line. If they were forced out of the country, Russia could institute immigration checks and keep them out of Moscow or Saint Petersburg, plus save on government spending. Win-win situation for everyone if you ask me.
I don't see why Russia shouldn't grant independence to Dagestan, Chechnya, and Ingushetia. There are almost no Russians living there, the populations are devout Muslims and very hostile, and Russia spends billions to keep them in line. If they were forced out of the country, Russia could institute immigration checks and keep them out of Moscow or Saint Petersburg, plus save on government spending. Win-win situation for everyone if you ask me.

It doesn't work like this, these small republics within Russia could be turned and used by GAE as a dagger against Russia, exactly like Chechnya has been used as a jihadi outpost to destabilize Russia. They already have a lot of leeway from Russia in terms of preserving their local culture and religion, they don't need more independence than what they already have.

As well, these muslim Russian republics are ideologically aligned with Russia in terms of conservative values, that's why the current situation works.

Moscow has a population of 13M, with about 1M muslims, this local percentage is very much in line with the national average. Not the same situation in say London or Paris, where the percentage of muslims is much higher than in the rest of those countries, not to mention that their muslims are foreign, whereas in Russia they are a full part of the federation, or at the very least part of the former Soviet Union, from countries with large Russian minorities and a strong Russian cultural imprint.

The long-term survival of Russia depends on them maintaining their cultural and political influence over central Asia, same with Eastern Europe and Ukraine.
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