Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

With this system it is much more difficult for the globalists and neonazi West to cause trouble in Russia. That's why I support this, how will West now pay their activities in Russia? Everything is registered.

A victory for Putin.
You don't think that a social credit system would later be turned against the Russian citizens? At the end of the day government is still government and they are still there to oppress and pillage people. Russia is no exception.
My friends bad news from Russia

I say many times that russia need total spiritual rejuvenation. I say it again. Russia needs total spiritual rejuvenation

This week new numbers on Russia birthrate. My friends our birthrate is falling fast, too fast. Last week Rosstat come with new numbers

In first half year of 2024 559,600 thousands babies born in russia, this is lower then with Yeltsin. 6 percent lower then in 2023.

Birthrate is 1.4

Peskov has sayd this is demographic threat and very dangerous. In 2016- 2017 Russia government start new campaign to raise births but it don't work

I want hard measures my friends. No children, no benefits. Also strong social pressure to have children, and money for new parents.

My friends bad news from Russia

I say many times that russia need total spiritual rejuvenation. I say it again. Russia needs total spiritual rejuvenation

This week new numbers on Russia birthrate. My friends our birthrate is falling fast, too fast. Last week Rosstat come with new numbers

In first half year of 2024 559,600 thousands babies born in russia, this is lower then with Yeltsin. 6 percent lower then in 2023.

Birthrate is 1.4

Peskov has sayd this is demographic threat and very dangerous. In 2016- 2017 Russia government start new campaign to raise births but it don't work

I want hard measures my friends. No children, no benefits. Also strong social pressure to have children, and money for new parents.

What about white people from the West moving in with their families? Are you ok with that?