Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

Russia is occupied by Chabad Lubavitch.
So I got reminded we can auto-translate on YouTube so I present this video. You can too.

I don't live in Russia but I'm trying to understand why some old man would be promoting this "NAFO disinformation".

He's not promoting NATO lies. He's telling the truth that many other Russians will tell you: immigration is destroying Russia, especially of the various swarthy shades of islam.

While Russian men are dying in meat waves in the Ukraine, their women are breeding with the savages the government is importing. All part of the plan. West, East, NATO, EU, Swift, BRICS, different cardinalities on a compass, same agenda. They're all in on the jewish agenda of browning the world.

View attachment putinlovesmixing.mp4
My friends good news from Russia

Insult Russia government official online now will make you sit 2 years in prison. Many neonazis and globalists insult our leader and other government people online

If you do this soon two years in prison, 1 million ruble fine

This guy is a troll, his schtick boils down to blackpilling conservative Christians on Russia, mostly through concern trolling.

I suspect that his handle is a sock puppet for AquilaNegra.

You are legit weird and your behaviour reeks off shilling - literally everything you write and post here is aimed at furthering certain narratives.

People that you can't control and that are intellectually your superior you try to get banned - even if that warrants baseless accusation, slander and, your main staple, outright lying.

I blew your cover on the dramatic 911 disappearance act and that kinda left a mark. You still haven't explained what that was about - not that I particularly care but there are several members here that consider the 'just very busy story' doubtful and suspect a tap on the shoulder.

Because let's face it, RVF/CIK is your life.

I strongly recommend you to open up the windows to get some fresh air. This echo chamber is rotting your brain. A 10 year old project spanning literally thousands of hours and God knows how many copy pasted walls of texts.

Seriously, this behavior is not healthy.
You are legit weird and your behaviour reeks off shilling - literally everything you write and post here is aimed at furthering certain narratives.

People that you can't control and that are intellectually your superior you try to get banned - even if that warrants baseless accusation, slander and, your main staple, outright lying.

I blew your cover on the dramatic 911 disappearance act and that kinda left a mark. You still haven't explained what that was about - not that I particularly care but there are several members here that consider the 'just very busy story' doubtful and suspect a tap on the shoulder.

Because let's face it, RVF/CIK is your life.

I strongly recommend you to open up the windows to get some fresh air. This echo chamber is rotting your brain. A 10 year old project spanning literally thousands of hours and God knows how many copy pasted walls of texts.

Seriously, this behavior is not healthy.

I guess I've touched a nerve.

First of all, I don't think you're qualified to make judgments on the sanity of other posters.

Second, I have never posted on this board under another handle.

You can shill for NATO/Slava Ukraini/Israel on here all you want, as long as you don't use other handles, and don't fly off the handle insulting other members.
You are legit weird and your behaviour reeks off shilling - literally everything you write and post here is aimed at furthering certain narratives.

People that you can't control and that are intellectually your superior you try to get banned - even if that warrants baseless accusation, slander and, your main staple, outright lying.

I blew your cover on the dramatic 911 disappearance act and that kinda left a mark. You still haven't explained what that was about - not that I particularly care but there are several members here that consider the 'just very busy story' doubtful and suspect a tap on the shoulder.

Because let's face it, RVF/CIK is your life.

I strongly recommend you to open up the windows to get some fresh air. This echo chamber is rotting your brain. A 10 year old project spanning literally thousands of hours and God knows how many copy pasted walls of texts.

Seriously, this behavior is not healthy.
Why did you get banned from RVF? We never got to here your story because Roosh banned you.
Why so angry again my friend?

I come here to talk bout Russia, make new friends. You always insult me, call me fake, call me bad names, call me troll. Now you say I am other person.

My friend it's enough from now I will ignore you. Sorry but is no other option

I want to speak about Russia again, russia make another good move. Before youtube is deleted in russia can't use anymore. Now google too, can still use google but not make new account anymore.

soon Russian internet will only have russia tech companies 💪🏾

Bye bye my friend, this is my last message to you, I will pray for you

My friends more news about russia technology improvement. Russia ministry of transportation release new video of Russian trucks with no driver, you can see in the video it work very well

Russia have 22 no driver trucks already many more are coming, this is on m11 saint petersburg moscow highway

Sorry for strange language my friends, I see this on russia social media but can not post here, so i go look on x, only this video is there.

My friends more news about russia technology improvement. Russia ministry of transportation release new video of Russian trucks with no driver, you can see in the video it work very well

Russia have 22 no driver trucks already many more are coming, this is on m11 saint petersburg moscow highway

Sorry for strange language my friends, I see this on russia social media but can not post here, so i go look on x, only this video is there.

How is the forest these days? Any change?
So can someone give me the skinny on whether or not Russia is actually based?

Here's the testimony from a Canadian Christian refugee who has fled from Canada and settled in Russia:

"forabettertomorrow" is a pro-NATO troll posing as a Russian, almost certainly AquilaNegra's sock puppet handle. He's pro-Azov and has been blackpilling the board on Russia, pushing the now completely discredited narrative of Russia losing the Ukraine war.
My friends new news from russia.

gasprom profits go down a lot, but cash flow is the same. Gasprom is not in top 100 forbes list anymore.

My friends also news from belorussia

Belarussia and Russia very good friends, lukashenko and putin very good friends. Russia give all the top technology to belarussia so that they can be strong like russia. Also coperation on many other things.

yesterday lukashenko say that belarussia will have only smart cities. Everything will be smart.

But be also say that villages will be smart, so smart cities and smart villages, technology advances in Russia go very fast my friends. 💪🏾

Here's the testimony from a Canadian Christian refugee who has fled from Canada and settled in Russia:

"forabettertomorrow" is a pro-NATO troll posing as a Russian, almost certainly AquilaNegra's sock puppet handle. He's pro-Azov and has been blackpilling the board on Russia, pushing the now completely discredited narrative of Russia losing the Ukraine war.

My friend when I call you my friend I mean normal friend not boyfriend.

Please my friend stop talking to me, i am not interested ok?

Now I click ignore again 😁
"new" News is an oxymoron my friend. Also; why waste your time on a measly Anglo forum komrad?

Ps. I don't think it's a male.
My friends it is rosh hasanah, jewish new year

Our leader putin congratulates all jewish Russians with new year, he celebrates with jews.

I post this here my friends, Russia multiethnic, multi religion and multi cultural democratic federation.

I don't want hear stupid anti semeitic things about russia anymore.


My friends good news from Russia

In russia there is labor shortages, not enough people for factory. So now we invent new solution, we use robots 🤖

The problem of labor shortage in Russia can be solved by introducing robots into enterprises, said Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Maxim Oreshkin.

"Robotization is a direct path to overcoming the labor shortage that affects all industries," he believes. Oreshkin also noted that this "process is already underway."