Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

The current official unemployment rate in Russia is around 2.4% so by my reckoning that is still at least 1.5 million unemployed people in Russia, I would have thought a few of them would have been available to work in Mariupol if the pay was sufficient, enough that they wouldn't need Muslims to work there if they didn't desire it.............
So I am not really buying your story.

And how do we know if that unemployed population are the Whites or the Muslims?
2% unemployment is full employment, it means 49 out of 50 workers are employed. At any given time, that 1 out of 50 who is unemployed is between jobs, moving to another city, is out on a temporary disability, taking care of a parent/family FT, or on a prolonged alcoholic binge. Unemployment rates can't really drop below that.

Also there is an ongoing construction boom across Russia as the economy is good and a lot of the old housing stock is decrepit and being replaced by nicer buildings. That boom is not just for housing though, it is also for public works, commercial buildings and roads, so workers can get hobs in their own cities rather than traveling to what is a foreign place like Mariupol where the situation is still not quite 100% settled.

Bottom line, labor is hard to come by for the Mariupol construction projects.
2% unemployment is full employment, it means 49 out of 50 workers are employed. At any given time, that 1 out of 50 who is unemployed is between jobs, moving to another city, is out on a temporary disability, taking care of a parent/family FT, or on a prolonged alcoholic binge. Unemployment rates can't really drop below that.

Also there is an ongoing construction boom across Russia as the economy is good and a lot of the old housing stock is decrepit and being replaced by nicer buildings. That boom is not just for housing though, it is also for public works, commercial buildings and roads, so workers can get hobs in their own cities rather than traveling to what is a foreign place like Mariupol where the situation is still not quite 100% settled.

Bottom line, labor is hard to come by for the Mariupol construction projects.
Haha my friend unemployment figures in Russia one big mystery.

You know how Rostat get the numbers? They call couple or thousand people with question: do you have job or are you looking for job?

This is then put under magnifier et voila, there is unemployment statistics😁.

Only official number we have is job registration office. Now in 2024 we have 400 000 people registered in job registration office. This is 0.28 percent of working population. But we don't know how many not working, not looking for work, illegal, doing crime, living of savings, studying again.

Overall I think unemployment go down in Russia. But can be 4 or 5 percent too. I don't know.

Bureaucracy can be big in Russia but is also a big mess. That's why Putin want to centralize everything, bring in AI.

But yes many people in Donbass complain that all the jobs go to migrants. They are jobless, newcomers live wellWell I already explain it above, it's because Mostrotrest. They only hire cheap Central Asians.

My friend I find some English sources for you. You really need start learning Russian, you know how long it take me to find these things in English for you?!?!

But I do this with love my friend.

For you.

Also video, don't mind Ukraine neo nazi posting this, I cannot find Russian poster who has this video with English subtitles. Video is from Misha Misavi Russian rightwinger

2% unemployment is full employment, it means 49 out of 50 workers are employed. At any given time, that 1 out of 50 who is unemployed is between jobs, moving to another city, is out on a temporary disability, taking care of a parent/family FT, or on a prolonged alcoholic binge. Unemployment rates can't really drop below that.

Also there is an ongoing construction boom across Russia as the economy is good and a lot of the old housing stock is decrepit and being replaced by nicer buildings. That boom is not just for housing though, it is also for public works, commercial buildings and roads, so workers can get hobs in their own cities rather than traveling to what is a foreign place like Mariupol where the situation is still not quite 100% settled.

Bottom line, labor is hard to come by for the Mariupol construction projects.
2.4% unemployment is not full employment because every country and that includes Russia manipulates the statistics to make things look better so I would not take the figure on face value. Its always higher than the official figure. Plus on top of the officially unemployed people there are always many "under-employed" people who would gladly leave their casual or part time jobs and take up a full time job if it was available. I could not find figures for under-employment in Russia but based on comparing the ratio of unemployed to underemployed in other countries I would guess that in addition to the 1.5 - 2 million officially unemployed people there are another 2 - 3.5 million underemployed people in Russia. On top of this figure you still have people who are unemployed but don't show up in the official statistics for various reasons.

Yes I understand the economists concept of "full employment" and that there will always be a certain number of people unemployed due to switching jobs, redundancies, relocations, disability, etc but I still think Russia like most countries is still a long way away from "full employment". To me full employment would mean that basically anybody that wants a full time job could find one within a week. There are historical episodes of this happening but not in very recent history.
People in the Soviet Union used to say the same thing. But when the shit hit the fan, where did all the Soviet Jews go?

Hint: the same place they've been going ever since things got hot with Ukraine.

My friend nearly media and social media companies owned by Russian Jews.

Yandex founded by two Russian Jews, Arkady Volozh and Ilya Segalovich. Volozh live in Israel. Elena Bulina was ceo until war in Ukraine, then move to Israel. Yandex cooperate with university of Tel Aviv on data management and utilization, has hq in israel too

Vkontakte Russia's biggest social network, founded by Durov and two Russia Jews, Lev Leviev, and Yitzchak Mirilashvili. Mirashvili and Leviev also Israeli

RussiaToday founded by Mikhail Lessin, Russian Jew broadcasting on RRSat which is owned by other Israeli, sorry forgot the name.

GazpromMedia founded by Roman Abramovich, Russian Jew also Israeli. Now Russia state has majority shares. CEO and other main guy is Alexander Zharov and Aleksei Miller. Zharov not Jewish but Miller is though they call him 'German-Russian'🤣

Other state owned media Tass, ria novosti, interfax all state owned, Russia minister of media is Maksut Shadayev. I actually don't know his background, he not very famous. But his name is not Russian, sounds like name from caucasus republics.

Only big media name that is not connected to any Jews is Pavel Durov. But Pavel unfortunately has bad relations with Russia government. Left country in 2018, has many problems since 2014. Now it looks like Pavel might soon be locked up
Oh one more thing my friend, this is Marat Khusnullin. He is deputy prime Minister of Russia.

Prime minister of Russia is Mikhail Mishustin, he is Russia Jewish.

Deputy prime Minister is Marat Khusnullin, he is Tatar Muslim. His wife is Rosa, she is Tatar but has british citizenship too. They have daughter Alina, alina married to sergey Kireev. Sergey Kireev has Jewish blood, lives in Cyprus. Kireev a billionaire too.

Marat Khusnullin tasked with restructuring Donbass after war. He is person that sells contracts to construction companies

When I say Arkady Rothenberg Mostrotrest get all the construction contracts and he bring in hundred thousand migrants to Donbass, I mean that Khusnullin sell Rothenberg the rights to do business in Mariupol, Lysyschansk, artemovsk, .

This thread is called power structure in Russia, so I explain you the power structure in Russia.😄

Oh and stop using my country Russia for your own silly and stupid weirdo Americano fantasy themepark worldview. Russia is not anti semeitic, Putin is not anti Semitic.

Thank you.
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My friends imf come back to Russia and give us new representative

Her name is Ksenia Yudaeva, she work at Russia central bank before.

In next weeks there are many talks between imf and Russia government.

This isn't directly related to criticism of Russia, but more so those who are quick to criticize Russia for not being sufficiently conservative. I often wonder what they make of images like this as they enumerate their list of complaints about Russia's lack of appropriate basedness?

This isn't directly related to criticism of Russia, but more so those who are quick to criticize Russia for not being sufficiently conservative. I often wonder what they make of images like this as they enumerate their list of complaints about Russia's lack of appropriate basedness?

I don’t think you understand the criticism. It’s not about “sufficiency”, it’s about “intent” and “effort”. So think of it as a football game. When your home team is playing you want them to win. At the same time you expect the same attitude from those you cheer for. You want them showing up with their best foot forward, even if they’re scared to death. The problem with Russia is it destroys those expectations regularly. How long has this war been going on? How long do we have wait for the “righteous” to commit? There’s literally people saying Russia is counting on America’s collapse. It’s like me saying “it doesn’t matter if I don’t have a job, the economy is about to collapse”.

Imagine your home team shows up drunk. Then the coach says winning isn’t a priority, the priority is having fun. Then there’s rumors that your home team put out a large bet against themselves. All those things can be excused away. You can say maybe your team partied too hard, maybe your team is thinking of the bigger picture, maybe your team is just being realistic but it doesn’t stop you from feeling sick to your stomach. We, as a race, as a civilization, as a culture, are in the darkest of times. We demand winners, we demand effort and we demand sacrifice. I’m not going to entertain this pragmatic BS, how my expectations are too high. My expectations are too low, the stakes are too high. Obviously people ignore all the globohomo news from Russia but there’s plenty of it. What is the argument against this, Putin might get his feelings hurt if we don’t rally around him? The only opinions Putin is aware of are those of globohomo politicians. Even if Putin turns out to the savior of the white race, my opinion will mean nothing. It’s embarrassing when people on the right claim that we can make something materialize by holding our breath.

I know what people will say, “Russia is trying the best”, and “it takes time”. The problem with that argument is there’s no reassurance. Nobody in Russia is really putting their foot down and proclaiming that “we’re the next Rome, we’re the next Christian empire, join us so we can conquer this evil. We’re doubling down, we’re tripling down and we won’t stop until we win”. Where are these statements? Why do people I’m suppose to support allude to winning. Like my home team saying “everyone wants us to win, I can’t really say anything but we’ll just have to see what happens, or maybe it won’t happen and the opposing team will forfeit the game, lol,
Amirite?” WTF is this?
My friends Russia moving ahead fast in becoming super modern and super technological country.

Paying with smile or paying with biometrics soon is most common way of doing business. Russia again number 1, the best in the world! No smile no payment😉

From article:

"Biometric technology in Russia is number one in the world": Sberbank reported that fraudsters have never managed to deceive the system

🗣 Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank Stanislav Kuznetsov stated during the Eastern Economic Forum that during the time the bank has used biometrics on its terminals, it has not recorded a single case of fraudsters gaining access to the system.

🗣 He also noted that all statements that biometrics could become a surveillance tool are “unprofessional.”

Russia launches face payment technology

Sberbank has already installed about 750 thousand terminals with biometrics in Russia

🗣 Sberbank has already installed around 750 thousand payment terminals across Russia that allow transactions to be carried out using biometrics, and by the end of the year it will increase their number to a million, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank Stanislav Kuznetsov told journalists on the sidelines of the EEF.

🗣 We will install at least a million of these terminals by the end of the year. This is primarily a retail network.

🗣 The operation takes literally 2-3 seconds, and payment is made with a smile.

🗣 The system has begun to be tested in the Kazan metro. To use it, you will need to take a photo in the State Services Biometrics app.

🗣 In the Moscow metro, face payment has been in operation for 4 years, but this technology operates on a local and isolated infrastructure. The new system can be scaled to stores, restaurants and transport throughout Russia.

🗣 The government promises to launch biometric payments in Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg and Samara by the end of the year, and in St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk in 2025.

🗣 The technology will help those who forgot their card at home. They also promise that paying with your face will be faster and simply more convenient

Biometric travel has begun to be tested in ground transport

🗣 The Center for Biometric Technologies (CBT) is testing a technology for paying for travel on ground transportation using biometrics, Vladislav Povolotsky, CEO of the Center for Biometric Technologies (CBT), told Izvestia. According to him, the priority is to launch the service on intercity routes.

🗣 “First of all, we are considering not intracity, but intercity ground transport.

🗣 We are currently testing it . We believe that our technologies are especially relevant for long-distance travel,” Povolotsky said.
Either with cooperation or in competition with WEF but it looks like Russia is reaching for the same goal so no matter who governs it, for a normal citizen there will be no difference whether he's ruled by Klaus or Putin, same rules on the ground.
On the topic of social credit score and all this other nonsense. People need to understand that governments all across the world are aware of all the problems we complain about. The issue here is they don’t want to change course. This is the reason why I’m anti-government. They’re dead set on their plans.

This is why there are no debates. They have a goal in mind and they’re working towards it. A lot of right wingers think that the people in power are unaware of our plea. They’re aware and they just want to slap a bandaid on it. If push comes to shove they will lock up the grooming gangs and all this other BS but they will never deport them.

This is what people don’t understand about the WEF agenda. It’s not the fact the politicians are just taking away your freedoms for the lolz. They want to eliminate the hiccups to their grand agenda. It’s ideological. They believe in something and all they care about is getting to the finish line. If Muslims cause too many problems they will clamp down but they will never change course.

This is why you should hate those in power. They haven’t and will never admit that their agenda is satanic. They’re just working out the kinks.

People think the new laws on relocating to Russia is a blessing. Then I watched this video.

Literally have some turk lawyer telling you about immigration. I wonder what he has been doing all this time. Oh right, importing his fellow Muslims. Luckily Russia has a solution to Russian grievances about migrants. We’ll just import some westerners to make it seem fair and logical. It’s all just so sickening. He definitely knows it that’s why he has no issue giving you advice.
^Not sure what about that video led you to conclude that Russia has a similar open border policy as the West, they are looking for westerners with college degrees according to that video. That lawyer as well is not Turkish and it seems like most of clients are immigrants from the West.

On another point, some advantages to living in Russia:
^Not sure what about that video led you to conclude that Russia has a similar open border policy as the West, they are looking for westerners with college degrees according to that video. That lawyer as well is not Turkish and it seems like most of clients are immigrants from the West.

On another point, some advantages to living in Russia:

^ Wrong.

My friend for last 10 years Russia naturalize about 1.5 million foreigners a year mostly from central Asia. In 2024 this number will be 2 million or more.

In first three months of 2024 we give out 1.5 million working visas to foreigners.

We have most welcoming immigration policy in world. People from commonwealth of independent states countries can travel without visa to Russia. So this Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, turkmenstan, azerbaijan and more

You know all the racism in USA to immigrants in southern border? We don't have this, central asia immigrants just fly or drive to Russia and get visa on arrival. Then they go to job office, often at airport.

People that work in Russia for 5 years can get naturalize, there is law for this

Hah my friend you make me laugh all the time, you should stop talking about Russia, your knowledge about Russia doesn't exist and is only fantasy themepark nonsense.
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^Not sure what about that video led you to conclude that Russia has a similar open border policy as the West, they are looking for westerners with college degrees according to that video. That lawyer as well is not Turkish and it seems like most of clients are immigrants from the West.

On another point, some advantages to living in Russia:

You can google it:

From western sources. Nothing really interesting in there except a whole lot of migrants in Russia. Obviously these people are not going to tell you migrants are bad or that they hurt a fly. The intresting thing is the polling they quote from the Jews.


If you look at the above, obviously we don’t live in Russia, but let’s work through it logically.

The above images show that attitude towards Africans and the central asians [muslims] is almost same and quite negative. According to the people on this forum these central asians were part of the Soviet Union. They know the Russian language and are culturally the same. This is false but whatever.

Now this might seem like the usual racist white people don’t like outsiders shtick but… Russia has one of the most liberal views towards tribal coexistence amongst white people. This is why it’s so easy for some Ukrainian to say Russians are mongrels. They know Russians will never counter-claim some kind of racial purity because there’s so many native tribes in Russia.

So ask yourself, what are these Muslims doing to make these Russians so negative towards them? Experience should have taught us that by the point white people are so negative absolutely brutal things are happening.

I don’t feel the need to link news articles. Where there’s smoke there’s fire. It’s simple. If I see some kind of problem in society or overseas, what do I want to know? What is important to know? What are they doing to solve it. So if Americans are getting drugged in Colombia or whatever, is their government looking into it? Are people being punished? These things tell us what we need to know. Oh they don’t care? Okay.