Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

As if a huge prison sentence will make Muslims like Talmudic Jews more. Obviously it will have the opposite effect. And if Russia is becoming more Muslim (which is false, recent numbers show Islamic apostasy is huge), then Talmudic Jews will be persecuted even more.

And how often do Muslims attack Christians in Russia? Are the Muslims in Russia that savage compared to Middle Eastern Muslims?

Finally, answer the question, when Talmuds and Muslims fight, to whom are we supposed to be sympathetic towards? Nothing by self-defeating contradictions from the Russia haters.

Muslims and Jews share a deep disdain for Christianity, and have always teamed up whenever the chance arose - with the latter basically begetting the former as Islam is practically a Jewish offshoot due to Muhammads Jewish influences, and the Quran a work heavily redacted by Babylonian rabbis under the second Caliph Umar. Gates of Toledo and all that.

As for the rest of your post, I have no clue what you're trying to say. Maybe there is some 'Gotcha!' moment hidden in there but I am afraid you just got ahead of yourself a little. Get your presumptions right before shooting from the hip.

Jews own Russia and to argue anything else is just being willfully blind at this point. They are the ones fueling the ethnic replacement of Russians and White Europeans in general. As for certain alleged inconsistencies, Jewish eschatology is quite clear on the destiny of Amalek/Esau if certain messianistic prophesies are to move ahead, and on top of that Israeli military intelligence documents from the 50s already speak about the need to turn White and/or Christian Europe into a shithole.
Muslims and Jews share a deep disdain for Christianity, and have always teamed up whenever the chance arose - with the latter basically begetting the former as Islam is practically a Jewish offshoot due to Muhammads Jewish influences, and the Quran a work heavily redacted by Babylonian rabbis under the second Caliph Umar. Gates of Toledo and all that.

As for the rest of your post, I have no clue what you're trying to say. Maybe there is some 'Gotcha!' moment hidden in there but I am afraid you just got ahead of yourself a little. Get your presumptions right before shooting from the hip.

Jews own Russia and to argue anything else is just being willfully blind at this point. They are the ones fueling the ethnic replacement of Russians and White Europeans in general. As for certain alleged inconsistencies, Jewish eschatology is quite clear on the destiny of Amalek/Esau if certain messianistic prophesies are to move ahead, and on top of that Israeli military intelligence documents from the 50s already speak about the need to turn White and/or Christian Europe into a shithole.
Jews do not own Russia, Russians own Russia

To be Russian you can be Jewish, muslim, christian, buddhist, etc.

Jewish Russians have very big role in contemporary russia, yes this is true, but they are Russians first and jew second.

You can see this in Ukraine. We are united against the neonazis and globalists.

We respect all religions.. this is picture of putin two years ago, what can you see?Screenshot_20240825_051048_Gallery.jpg
Jews do not own Russia, Russians own Russia

To be Russian you can be Jewish, muslim, christian, buddhist, etc.

Jewish Russians have very big role in contemporary russia, yes this is true, but they are Russians first and jew second.

You can see this in Ukraine. We are united against the neonazis and globalists.

We respect all religions.. this is picture of putin two years ago, what can you see?View attachment 11794
None of the people in the Russian government are genetically Nordic Rus, the true Russians. Vladimir Lenin destroyed that Russia between 1917 and 1922 with the changing of the Duma and the genocide of these Nordic and Slavic Rus', millions upon millions of Orthodox Christians. Now "Russian" according to you, is just some label that one applies to themselves if they speak the language and live within the territory, even if their genetics are alien. It's just another identity like "American" or "Australian" that gets liberally pumped with an artificial meaning.

A jew will never be a true Russian. A true Russian will never be a jew. There has been a verifiable difference between true Russians and jewish squatters in the Pale for centuries. The jews themselves will also agree with me. Chaim Weizmann said that "there are no German jews, French jews, British jews, American jews. There are jews in Germany, France, England, and America."

To be a true Russian you must carry it in your blood.

The Russian language is not even as pure as it was when the Tsars were around. What you're describing is not them being Russians, but "Russification". This does not transform a jogger or a pajeet or a violent unibrow muslim peasant into a Russian. And for as much as you like to pretend jews think they're Russian first, they don't believe that at all. No jew ever considers themselves anything else but jewish first. I'd tell you to get to know some jews personally but I wouldn't want further damage to be done to your perception of the world.

Your beloved Shelomova is just another jewish pawn. The multicultural federation will not last as long as muslims and jews are involved. Remove those two elements and perhaps the Asiatics can live parallel to the Europeans, though it still would be shaky and not a high-trust society.
My friends tragic news from Russia.

Yesterday 8 or maybe 10 ISIS take over prison in Volgograd region, they decapitate many prison guards.

In June this happen in Rostov, they kill many prison guards here too

This is not good and prison inside security system need to change. Prison guards need to be armed with guns and extra prison guards are needed.

My friends tragic news from Russia.

Yesterday 8 or maybe 10 ISIS take over prison in Volgograd region, they decapitate many prison guards.

In June this happen in Rostov, they kill many prison guards here too

This is not good and prison inside security system need to change. Prison guards need to be armed with guns and extra prison guards are needed.

Prisoners taking over prisons in Russia?

Wait, these Russians prisons?


But how could that be? Wait a minute, what’s this?

Representatives of the Federal Penitentiary Service stated that since Russia became an observer in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in 2015, the agency plans to implement in practice some of the standards described, for example, in the circular “On the Rights of Prisoners in Islamic Sharia” in the near future.


You’re not convinced right? I know, it’s pretty standard stuff for a healthy multicultural paradise. They had a lot evil commie laws to get rid of, they’re doing their best.

Let’s see if we have other interesting news. How about that Bastrikyn guy, what’s he up to? Yes, that guy who reports directly to Putin.

The head of the Russian Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, appealed to the Prosecutor General, Igor Krasnov, the decision to return for additional investigation the criminal case of the attack in St. Petersburg on a disabled person, a participant in a special operation.
Late last year he was brutally beaten after making a comment about illegal parking.

In addition, the driver and his acquaintance "roughly and obscenely spoke about the need to use physical and sexual violence against Russians and SVO members," the Investigative Committee reports.

The aggressive men were stopped after the intervention of police officers and eyewitnesses.

The investigator charged them with attempted murder and committing acts aimed at inciting hatred and humiliating a person’s dignity based on their nationality and membership in a certain social group, and sent the case to the prosecutor’s office to decide on approving the indictment and subsequently transferring it to court.

However, St. Petersburg prosecutors sent the case back for further investigation. They believed that the actions of the accused were provoked by a disabled person - a member of the SVO.

At the same time, when making a procedural decision, the prosecutor's office did not take into account the testimony of the victim and his wife, trusting only the testimony of the accused, the RF Investigative Committee said in a statement.

Absolutely sickening.
I don't get how right-wing dudes can claim they "look up" to this half-mongoloid dwarf. Sure Putin may have some greyish blonde hairs left on his bulbous head, but does this make him the ideal Nordic Rus leader? I see so many state "leaders" who look like low-class peasants that it's hard to take any of them seriously. I'd wager German chancellor Olaf Scholz may be even worse than Putin in this regard.

Appearance does matter. An ideal leader of an European (or European-descended) nation should be at least 6ft tall, with an athletique physique, handsome face and a full head of hair that is not too short. I always think of Medieval kings who were famed for their looks:

View attachment 11780
I'm not really pro or anti Putin but this is a full retard take.
Jews do not own Russia, Russians own Russia

To be Russian you can be Jewish, muslim, christian, buddhist, etc.

Jewish Russians have very big role in contemporary russia, yes this is true, but they are Russians first and jew second.

You can see this in Ukraine. We are united against the neonazis and globalists.

We respect all religions.. this is picture of putin two years ago, what can you see?View attachment 11794
More photos of blasphemy.

I forgive the protestants who just don't have a clue.
Boomers in the US are very susceptible to this false Jewish Christian alliance notion due to the post WWII propaganda.

I don't, however, give a pass to anyone who claims to be Orthodox and wears a Yid hat.

Double blasphemy here
Jewish Russians have very big role in contemporary russia, yes this is true, but they are Russians first and jew second.
Not true. A huge part of being Jewish is that your Jewish identity supersedes all else. A French Jew is a Jew first and a Frenchman second, an Iranian Jew is a Jew first and and Iranian second. And a Russian Jew is a Jew first and a Russian second.
I'm not really pro or anti Putin but this is a full retard take.
Oops, I'm really sorry for mentioning a "full head of hair". Didn't want to trigger any insecurities.

However, I don't think that short and not-so-handsome baldies make good leaders representing a nation. Trump for example is tall (he also has very tall sons) and seems to have good hair for his age, but is it all natural? He's too old anyway IMO.
Oops, I'm really sorry for mentioning a "full head of hair". Didn't want to trigger any insecurities.

However, I don't think that short and not-so-handsome baldies make good leaders representing a nation. Trump for example is tall (he also has very tall sons) and seems to have good hair for his age, but is it all natural? He's too old anyway IMO.
Shelomova does not bear resemblance to a kingly man of stature, nor anything to the Romanovs indeed, he certainly does have some strange alien blood in him, but not every great leader was over 6 feet or had a full head of hair. Both Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco were all under 6 feet, and Benito was proud of his baldness, his robust jaw and chrome dome were sculpted all over Italy. With the post-WW2 Italian government changing hands over 45 times in 70+ years, and with what little they've done, the advancements Benito made in Italy beat all of them combined. He was a great leader for those people.

I'm pretty sure Tsar Nicholas II was also not very tall. Bad leaders were also more diminutive in a miscreant way, like Stalin with his beady little criminal eyes, who was quite dwarfish compared to the others. Contrasted is another bad leader, FDR, who was over 6 feet, and literally was the sole person who caused WW2 to happen. I think ugliness and alien appearance is more of an accurate detection for assessing whether someone is not a good leader for a representative race of people, as a way of differentiating whether or not that person is really one of those people, but don't forget that many men sell out and betray their people for a lie from the devil and phony promises from jews, like FDR and Churchill.

Looking at Trump and his sons, their tall genes are basically jewed out and are now mangled up in the thresher of edomite blood. Only the youngest Barron, has the choice in front of him not to marry a jewess, but I doubt that he won't. The entire family has sold out to kosher interests. What good is height if one's blood is mixed with those brood of vipers, cursed and damned?

I think in general, if there wasn't so much dysgenics in this world, we would see more normal to physically aesthetic leaders form from their peoples. We have generations of pathological altruism to undo before this ever returns. Until then, we have to deal with our slouching sellouts and token foreign scum, all who cave in to the jews without so much as a hesitation of protest.
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Shelomova does not bear resemblance to a kingly man of stature, nor anything to the Romanovs indeed, he certainly does have some strange alien blood in him, but not every great leader was over 6 feet or had a full head of hair.


Amongst all Russian rulers I like Tsar Peter the Great the best. He was a very tall man who opened the Door to Europe, and also founded St. Petersburg. SPb is the northernmost metropolis in the world and possibly attracts the most civilized and cultured people within Russia. I also noticed a relatively high number of nordid physiognomies (blond, blue eyes, tall) among the citizens.

As for the "hairy" topic... the contrast between baldness vs. full hair seems to have been a prevailing theme within Russian politics since the 19th century. The Russians call it the лысый — волосатый pattern:

Both Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco were all under 6 feet, and Benito was proud of his baldness, his robust jaw and chrome dome were sculpted all over Italy. I'm pretty sure Tsar Nicholas II was also not very tall.
Hitler was a good leader? Not trying to argue with you brother. There's a joke in Germany that goes something like this: A real Aryan should be blonde like Hitler, slim like Göring and tall like Goebbels.
Looking at Trump and his sons, their tall genes are basically jewed out and are now mangled up in the thresher of edomite blood. Only the youngest Barron, has the choice in front of him not to marry a jewess, but I doubt that he won't. The entire family has sold out to kosher interests. What good is height if one's blood is mixed with those brood of vipers, cursed and damned?
I'm not necessarily a Trump fan, but at least judging from looks he seems a likeable, albeit somewhat simple fellow. Also, the royal family of England (while not technically being rulers) likewise got jewified, but they still have some nice physiques to show off. Prince William has very noble looks except for his baldness. As a young guy with full hair he was very handsome, a real prince charming.​
I think in general, if there wasn't so much dysgenics in this world, we would see more normal to physically aesthetic leaders form from their peoples. We have generations of pathological altruism to undo before this ever returns. Until then, we have to deal with our slouching sellouts and token foreign scum, all who cave in to the jews without so much as a hesitation of protest.
Yes, the rulers in a sense reflect their people. In general there's a connection between outer appearance of an individual and the inner state of his soul. Jews often exhibit quite ugly physiognomies (especially the overlords hidden away from public eye), a reflection of their true nature.
That's not a rumour, and has been confirmed from various angles by now.

Mariupol has essentially been emptied out during the siege, people are slowly returning there but a lot of the housing stock was destroyed. The Russians have been rebuilding the city at a fast pace with large-scale housing projects, they want to showcase Mariupol as an example of Russia rebuilding Ukraine.

Given that there is a shortage of local labor, the scale of their projects, and that unemployment is near zero in Russia, they had to rely to some extent on imported labor. What you're doing here is extrapolating from that particular case to push a false narrative of Russia being invaded.

Muslims and Jews share a deep disdain for Christianity, and have always teamed up whenever the chance arose - with the latter basically begetting the former as Islam is practically a Jewish offshoot due to Muhammads Jewish influences, and the Quran a work heavily redacted by Babylonian rabbis under the second Caliph Umar. Gates of Toledo and all that.

Muslims and Christians are united in Palestine and Syria to fight against ZOG and its proxies. Churches that stood in Palestine for 14 centuries under Muslim occupation are being destroyed today by Israel.


The episode of satanist Jews in the Paris Olympics desecrating the Last Supper was quite telling, most of the official outrage came from Muslim sources like Iran.

Muslims and Zionists can never unite because Israel covets their lands, for them it's a zero-sum game. ZOG uses low-IQ Muslim migrants in Europe to set them against nationalists who are manipulated by agents like Tommy Robinson or Gert Wilders.

Rothschilds and co funded and organized the Armenian Genocide, created and used ISIS to further ethnically cleanse millions of Christians out of the Middle East.
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Benito was proud of his baldness, his robust jaw and chrome dome were sculpted all over Italy.
Before I forget, since I focussed on Hitler: Benito was a primitive looking guy, trying extra hard to look tough in photos. He reminds me of aggressive Turks and other muslims in Germany who try to intimidate natives with their gaze (Was guckst du?, or "Are you looking at me, mofo?")

Baldness per se is nothing to be "proud" of. Every human being can just shave off their (full) hair and go bald voluntarily. However, guys with hairloss usually shave off their remaining hairs because they are insecure and don't want others to focus on their bald spots. Hairloss is perceived as ugly, no matter how you slice it.
Stalin with his beady little criminal eyes, who was quite dwarfish compared to the others.
Stalin primarily belonged to the so-called Armenid race - a phenotype that is found among many Georgians and also Askenazi Jews, but also spread out in the Middle East. German racial anthropologist Hans F. K. Günther wrote that the Armenid race makes cunning merchants; think of the MENA Bazaar culture where everyone is haggling and trying to rip off naive westerners, as well as Jewish banksters who make big deals and deceive their host nations. Armenids are good at reading people and psychological manipulation.​
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My friends tragic news from Russia.

Yesterday 8 or maybe 10 ISIS take over prison in Volgograd region, they decapitate many prison guards.

In June this happen in Rostov, they kill many prison guards here too

This is not good and prison inside security system need to change. Prison guards need to be armed with guns and extra prison guards are needed.

If in 2024 you still didn't understand that ISIS is a ZOG tool and psyop, there isn't much hope for you, tovarich.
If in 2024 you still didn't understand that ISIS is a ZOG tool and psyop, there isn't much hope for you, tovarich.
My friend here you go again with anti Semitic comments

Isis is cia, part of the globalists satanic elite. Kit Klarenberg is one of my favorite journalists

For your own good I suggest you dont come to Russia ever, your anti semetism will not be tolerated. If they find out who you really are in the best case you will be send back but maybe worse..

Here is Netanyahu in the 2018 May 9 Victory Day parade.. this is such an important day for us. The Russians and the Jews suffered most during World War two, unlike the Americans who recruited all the nazi scientists and generals after the war end

Russia Israel relationship is very very deep and very very strong
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My friend here you go again with anti Semitic comments

Isis is cia, part of the globalists satanic elite. Kit Klarenberg is one of my favorite journalists

For your health I suggest you dont come to Russia ever, your anti semetism will not be tolerated. If they find out who you really are in the best case you will be send back but maybe worse..

Here is Netanyahu in the 2018 May 9 Victory Day parade.. this is such an important day for us. The Russians and the Jews suffered most during World War two, unlike the Americans who recruited all the nazi scientists and generals after the war end

Russia Israel relationship is very very deep and very very strong
View attachment 11834

I'm pretty sure you're the trolling.

Also everyone knows the Russian Mob is Jewish.
I'm pretty sure you're the trolling.

Also everyone knows the Russian Mob is Jewish.
My friend if putin was on christisking he would be saying the things I am saying.

Many people have difficulty with the gap between reality on Russia and their americano themepark fantasy world image on Russia in their head.

Yes, agree. Russian Mafiya is also mostly Jewish. Simeon mogelyevich biggest gangster in the world, Russian jew. Big friend of putin. Putin worked for Saint Petersburg Mafiya long time ago, many of his bosses there are jewish.

Another big Russian Jewish mafiya guy is Lev Leviev. King of diamonds, got a Russian passport as gift from putin, supporter of the war against globohomo in Ukraine. Also Israeli citizen, lives in UAE before in London.

Many Russian Mafiya figures are connected to the oligarchs who are also mostly Jewish. Or sometimes it is the same person that is half involved in crime, half in kosher activities.

I never deny this my friend, not sure why you think I would deny this.
Mariupol has essentially been emptied out during the siege, people are slowly returning there but a lot of the housing stock was destroyed. The Russians have been rebuilding the city at a fast pace with large-scale housing projects, they want to showcase Mariupol as an example of Russia rebuilding Ukraine.

Given that there is a shortage of local labor, the scale of their projects, and that unemployment is near zero in Russia, they had to rely to some extent on imported labor. What you're doing here is extrapolating from that particular case to push a false narrative of Russia being invaded.
The current official unemployment rate in Russia is around 2.4% so by my reckoning that is still at least 1.5 million unemployed people in Russia, I would have thought a few of them would have been available to work in Mariupol if the pay was sufficient, enough that they wouldn't need Muslims to work there if they didn't desire it.............
So I am not really buying your story.
  • The current official unemployment rate in Russia is around 2.4% so by my reckoning that is still at least 1.5 million unemployed people in Russia, I would have thought a few of them would have been available to work in Mariupol if the pay was sufficient, enough that they wouldn't need Muslims to work there if they didn't desire it.............
So I am not really buying your story.
The labor market in Russia from insider sources, especially, construction is a racket. There’s a lot of minorities who are rich and there’s definitely a lot of nepotism.

  • People hiring their own kind which would obviously involve importing them.
  • Migrants being taken advantage of with low wages.
  • Migrants actually getting a decent salary and paying a monthly tribute to the ethnic representatives who got them into the country.
  • Migrants using a job as a springboard to stay in the country, quiting soon after. Russia has attractive welfare programs due to the nature of it’s economy. Trillions in resources stolen with a population that needs to be pacified with handouts and pretty parks. Companies obviously benefit from this somehow. I’m not sure who, maybe Gazprom, even does this from what I read.
Definitely has nothing to do with a labor shortage because this is a well known problem. It would be like someone saying illegals forming gangs in the States is a myth, they’re actually all hard working gardeners and taco specialists. Maybe it seems that way from your couch but it’s not true.
Haha this Cooper guy make me laugh so hard my friends..

He is talking as if he authority on Russia. Cooper you know nothing about Russia, you don't come from Russia, don't speak Russian, never go to Russia, don't understand the culture and customs. Please my friend don't spread disinformation

For your information all the construction right now in Mariupol done by Mostrotrest. They get contract from local government. Mostrotest have bad name in Russia, they owned by Arkady Rothenberg, childhood friend of Putin. They practice judo together for more than decade

Their trainer is Antoliy Solomonovich
Rakhlin. Solomonovich like Rothenberg is Russian Jewish, just saying because there are people here that make Americano phantasy themepark comments on Putin being antisemetic.

But Rothenberg not a good guy. He do the things Sandwood peak describe above. Lot of nepotism, I know him so you pay me, hiring of migrants because cheaper but he still pay them more under the table

Same thing happening in Donbass now. It look very very bad. Before hardly any migrants now people go to supermarket and half the customers is from Central Asia. Putin need to stop this even if Rothenberg is personal friend.

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