Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

Why would Russia or Iran provide any info on the timing of delivery for these critical systems? Do you want a link about where they are deploying them too
All contracts of almaz are public. S400 contract with India is public, s400 contract with turkey is public, s400 contract with Saudi is public and others too.

Iran russia contract on s300 was public too.

Iran russia contract by sukhoi on su35 is public.

It's all public. There is no official statements on s400 deal between russia and Iran because there is no deal.

You are making things up my good friend.
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Cool video!!

Before this guy we have Texas Donbass Russel Bentley. Russell is true Russia patriot, he come to Donbass in 2014, fight with Givi, Motorola all the real guys.

He married local Donbass woman Lyudmila, live in dpr for more than 10 years.

Then drama happens. In april 2024 suddenly Texas Donbass disappear, his wife can't find him he doesn't answer the phone. Stories appear that he has been arrested by the Vostok Batallion. They think he is a spy.

11 days later they find his mutilated body. Signs of rape and torture.

Nobody get indicted and there is no investigation.

Rest in peace Russel, true Russian patriot!

^ I guess that's why you escaped the hellhole that is Russia, you didn't want to end up raped and killed, so you moved to London/NYC/Chicago/LA, where there is no crime, and almost as many genders as you have dislikes (125 and counting), and the diversity is awesome!
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^ I guess that's why you escaped the hellhole that is Russia, you didn't want to end up raped and killed, so you moved to London/NYC/Chicago/LA, where there is no crime, and almost as many genders as you have dislikes (125 and counting), and the diversity is awesome!

Haha immediately you say racist things. Russia is multiconfessional, multi ethnic, multi cultural democratic federation. No place for foul mouthed racists, Islamophobes and anti semites. Why do you have to allude that killers of Russel Bentley are Buryats?

You obviously have an agenda which is demean West and glamorize Russia. I live in both I know what I am talking about, you obviously don't.

Also this type of racism is very much forbidden in Russia. Migrants are growing in number very fast, Russian is amalgam country, we have the best of both

Diversity is Russia strength. You understand this? Here some quotes from our leader Putin so you understand

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Haha immediately you say racist things. Russia is multiconfessional, multi ethnic, multi cultural democratic federation. No place for foul mouthed racists, Islamophobes and anti semites. Why do you have to mention that the killers of Russel Bentley are Buryats?

You obviously have an agenda which is demean West and glamorize Russia. I live in both I know what I am talking about, you obviously don't.

Also this type of racism is very much forbidden in Russia. Migrants are growing in number very fast, Russian is amalgam country, we have the best of both

Diversity is Russia strength. You understand this? Here some quotes from our leader Putin so you understand

"Diversity" in Russia refers to non-ethnic Russians whose ancestors lived in Russia before there even was a Russia. As opposed to blade runners from Jamaica, groomers from Pakistan, racaille from Marseille, joggers from Compton and so forth.

Russian Muslims:





Buryat woman

Meanwhile in the West:

See the difference, forbettertomorrowminusonehundredtwentyfive?
"Diversity" in Russia refers to non-ethnic Russians whose ancestors lived in Russia before there even was a Russia. As opposed to blade runners from Jamaica, groomers from Pakistan, racaille from Marseille, joggers from Compton and so forth.

Russian Muslims:





Buryat woman

Meanwhile in the West:

See the difference, forbettertomorrowminusonehundredtwentyfive?
Uh no, it refer to all Russia Muslims many of who are from Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan

My friend in the first quarter or 2023 we welcome 1.3 million new people! Good migrants rhat will help build Russia!!

This mean 4 million new Russian from other countries in one year!

Russia demographic situation is not good, to combat this Russia now have most lax immigration laws in rhe world. People from central Asia can enter Russia without visa get passport done in 5 years

New general amnesty for millions of illegals is coming too!!

Also in 2022 near 200 000 tajiks are become Russians, naturalized.. Thats 2 percent of Russia population, see how popular Russia is? So in 5 years we will naturalized 10 percent of Tajik population 😁

Haha sorry my friend, Russia is a set of ideas..if you want to contribute, be productive, have good norms and are loyal you are welcome!!

Diversity is Russias strength, deal with this
Russia demographic situation is not good, to combat this Russia now have most lax immigration laws in rhe world. People from central Asia can enter Russia without visa get passport done in 5 years

New general amnesty for millions of illegals is coming too!!
Why do you celebrate this as if its an achievement? All the population increase from migration will do is crush people's standard of living like it has in the west (more competition for jobs, more traffic in major cities, higher house prices, etc).
Why do you celebrate this as if its an achievement? All the population increase from migration will do is crush people's standard of living like it has in the west (more competition for jobs, more traffic in major cities, higher house prices, etc).

Guy isn't even Russian, don't feed these obvious trolls.

To the mods: sometimes it's ok to slap an infant.

Give me your honest take on this:


There are videos of White Russian prison guards being executed by brown caveman muslims. I won't post them here. Why are the kebabs chimping out one day after Putin kisses the Koran in Chechnya?

What kind of Orthodox Christian "baptized" man kisses the blasphemous heretical book of lies and jewish forgeries that is incompatible with Orthodoxy?


A little update on demon-run hellhole Russia is being turned into by its Quran-kissing, most likely Muslim leader (his kids being from Muslim-born half-asian woman explains a lot, including his disdain for pure Nordic Slavs)

There's mass relacement and persecution of White population. Asian migrants openly state they own Russia, mostly Turkic territory, according to them. They gang rape (sometimes in most brutal ways) White women, rob, beat up, murder White men, molest children, insult, assault and harass white people. Often, they got paid-up judges and police on their ethnic mafia payroll that let them get off. Victnns defending themselves get punished, instead.

Speaking up against mass migration is a crime of extremism and racism, many White activists were sent to prisons to serve long sentences under "Russian nationalist ban law", some died under strange circumstances like being thrown out of the window.

Migrants now occupy even remote areas such as Kamchatka and Siberia, not just infest big cities. There are cases of even remote Siberian villages occupied in full with terror committed against white locals and them being told to pack up and leave, "go back to Europe". Police does nothing, being paid up by ethnic mafia or being scared of them. A gang of asiatic migrant monkeys were raping white women with sticks in Far East region of Russua near Vladivostok while saying racial slurs at them. Many raped and murdered children, by migrants, all over the country.

With current replacement rate the Whites have at most 2 generations left in Russia. After than they will be the minority, likely oppressed. Russian government is infested with dumb Muslims and all sort of incompetent mongrels. Sadly it looks like Russia has no future other than descent into condition of Brazil-like mongrelized disfunctional state.

Basically, vast lands that previously were mostly White, are now being given up without a single shot, to asiatic hordes, this is literally Ghenghis Khan Orda 2 invasion and conquest happening again, while white slavs are being forced to exterminate each other clearing the space where Asians and mongrels will enjoy their lands while they rot in the earth. One can not speak up, people live in fear, being thrown in prison for speaking under Soviet-style terror.

But this forum is full of race mixers hahah Nordic White haters, so the above must be a good thing for them
It seems some people are ok with certain lies being exposed but not okay with other lies being exposed. I've only seen video footage or images of some of this, but I know so much more goes on in Russia. If you have any proof of these which I know are valid because not everything is reported on in rural Russia, please share them. I want to show others these issues too.

@Cooper these "Russian" muslims are still impulsively violent and backwards. They were kept on the fringes of Imperial Russia by the Tsars for good reasons. The last one of the flat-faced Buryat woman is an AI image lol. Russia doesn't have the joggers the west has yet, but it will very shortly.

Give me your honest take on this:


There are videos of White Russian prison guards being executed by brown caveman muslims. I won't post them here. Why are the kebabs chimping out one day after Putin kisses the Koran in Chechnya?

What kind of Orthodox Christian "baptized" man kisses the blasphemous heretical book of lies and jewish forgeries that is incompatible with Orthodoxy?


It seems some people are ok with certain lies being exposed but not okay with other lies being exposed. I've only seen video footage or images of some of this, but I know so much more goes on in Russia. If you have any proof of these which I know are valid because not everything is reported on in rural Russia, please share them. I want to show others these issues too.

@Cooper these "Russian" muslims are still impulsively violent and backwards. They were kept on the fringes of Imperial Russia by the Tsars for good reasons. The last one of the flat-faced Buryat woman is an AI image lol. Russia doesn't have the joggers the west has yet, but it will very shortly.

^ This is kind of a bad take, the muslims in Russia are local nations from the south, which haven't been "kept out", they live in the better parts of the country with the more hospitable and temperate weather. Why would you want to move near the Baltic, with 3 hours of sunlight per day in December, when you live in the Caucasus?

Russia is never going to have its joggers, they will get a small amount of Africans from allied countries like Mali or Burkina Faso to come for studies and military training, and these people will go back to form their countries' elites. They had that in the Soviet Times with the Cubans, Angolans etc, all their doctors, generals and colonels, engineers etc were trained in the Soviet block.

Your previous portrayal of Russia being overrun by blacks is pure propaganda, kind of like the stories about 1 million Uyghurs held in concentration camps in China - 100% fake.

The Russians did have their joggers though and plenty of them, they were local homegrown in the 1990s, the gopniks, lots of fatherless youth growing up in abject poverty where you had to cheat and rob to get by. These people are 50-60 year old today, almost cultural artifacts, like the aging Italian gangsters in Jersey,


Putin has to hold his country together, a country that is deeply threatened by external and internal forces, which came very, very close to dismembering Russia in the 1990s, a long-standing goal of ZOG. Russia is the richest country in the world by far, and left to its own devices, with a capable and benevolent leadership, it is a natural superpower. Putin is that kind of a leader.

There are a lot of people like Nuland and their higher-up bankster clans who have been working tirelessly to make sure this doesn't happen, the Ukraine project is all about this. The other project is to promote ethnic/religious strife and division, and a lot of the noise that is amplified in social media is part of that agenda, local Tommy Robinsons, here's an example:

Thank you (((Marina Medvin))) for caring so much about Russia!


This however is closer to what really happens:

Putin is doing God's work by preserving his country, promoting social harmony. If he falls, they will revert back to the 90s and the country will be raped economically and destroyed socially, Russia would be split up, men withering away from drugs and alcohol and women having to prostitute themselves to feed and house their children. Putin lived through this in the 1990s, when he as a colonel had to moonlight as a cab driver to survive.

He's making sure this never happens again.
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How does a scam work and how do I know if I’m being scammed?
  1. The scammer will present himself as an authority figure or to someone you can trust like a “true friend”.
  2. The scammer will request your valuables. He will request access to money, personal information, or maybe even family members.
  3. The scammer will present a strong backstory that has many logical inconsistencies, he will be able to answer your questions immediately with further inconsistent answers. He will also try to evoke guilt for questioning him. Why does answering questions make him feel bad?
  4. The scammer will do things outside normal channels. He can’t take out a loan for some reason, he needs cash from you.
  5. The scammer will make the situation seem urgent. He will not want you to consult anyone, take collateral, sign any papers, or anything else. Even if he gives you breathing room he will be persistent in following up on his request.
So when looking at a guy like Putin you have to ask yourself:

  • Is his story consistent? Is Putin some ultra nationalist that seized power who hates American rock & roll and loves tradition? The answer is no.
  • Does Putin make himself seem like he’s the only guy who can help his country? Yes. Why is he the only one? Is there only one real Russian in Russia?
  • Does Putin ask Russians for their opinion? Did anyone ask Russians about this mass migration? Why is it so urgent? Why do we have trust and believe all this BS a good thing?
  • Does Putin appeal to emotion? Yes, you’re not a true Russian if you don’t support the government. It’s codified in law. Yet how come there isn’t mass arrests of liberal dissidents? Why are some of them self-exiled and sometimes the Russian government says they want them to come back?
The whole situation smells of BS. Why do we constantly have to justify his behavior. Why can’t he justify himself?

Jaguarcat is right. The Russian government is competing with the UK for status of biggest Muslim s-hole where white people are scared to go out at night.
"It is a mystery to me what our top officials have such a special love for Tajikistan that they have a dual citizenship agreement, billions for "Russian schools", and the most Russian passports (over 500,000 already).

Taking into account the fact that it was this nation in the 90's organized the biggest massacre of Russians in Central Asia at the level of genocide, it is enough to remember the massacre in Dushanbe in 92-93, Russians were killed, women were dragged out of buses and immediately raped, Orthodox priests were killed, houses were taken away and driven to Russia.
Is it Stockholm syndrome or something? Or just corruption?"

Translated with (free version)
- Mikhail Matveyev, Russian communist party member [lol] in Russian Duma

He got hit in the head with a 2x4 or something after intervening in a conflict on the street with migrants. [lol]

If you want a guy to google and truly read some fun migrant news it would be this guy:

He’s the persecutor general of Russia who investigates all the social media migrant news that comes out almost daily like migrants beating, raping or spitting in the face of some Russian and the police just letting them go. Yes, those are the stories that come out of Russia. There’s no point linking to them because there’s so many and the language barrier makes it hard to understand what happened.

Both these guys get death threats from inside Russia. A country of morons.
Does Putin make himself seem like he’s the only guy who can help his country? Yes. Why is he the only one? Is there only one real Russian in Russia?
I don't get how right-wing dudes can claim they "look up" to this half-mongoloid dwarf. Sure Putin may have some greyish blonde hairs left on his bulbous head, but does this make him the ideal Nordic Rus leader? I see so many state "leaders" who look like low-class peasants that it's hard to take any of them seriously. I'd wager German chancellor Olaf Scholz may be even worse than Putin in this regard.

Appearance does matter. An ideal leader of an European (or European-descended) nation should be at least 6ft tall, with an athletique physique, handsome face and a full head of hair that is not too short. I always think of Medieval kings who were famed for their looks:

My friends news from Russia.

Who remember the disgusting anti semite riots in dagestan last year? A pogrom in our Russia, people looking for jews to hurt.

Today the Russia Court sentence these people to 6 and 9 years in prison.

People here think I am joking or maybe they think it is hard to accept this, but Russia is multicultural, multiconfessional and multi ethnic democratic federation.

No room for anti semites, islamophobes and racist. 9 years in Russia prison for anti semetic pogrom my friends.

My friends news from Russia.

Who remember the disgusting anti semite riots in dagestan last year? A pogrom in our Russia, people looking for jews to hurt.

Today the Russia Court sentence these people to 6 and 9 years in prison.

People here think I am joking or maybe they think it is hard to accept this, but Russia is multicultural, multiconfessional and multi ethnic democratic federation.

No room for anti semites, islamophobes and racist. 9 years in Russia prison for anti semetic pogrom my friends.

Jews threw some Muslims in jail, because they are going around looking to hurt random Jews as "punishment" for Gaza.

While this certainly highlights the extreme difficulty in preserving a "multicultural" nation, it's no different than anywhere else in the (((West))) such as Talmudic Jews fleeing France in major numbers.

Personally, why would a Christian care about Jew vs Muslim violence? Are we supposed to be sympathetic with Muslims, who you've been stating in post after post about how Russia is polluting itself with more Muslims? Or are we supposed to feel for Talmudic Jews, who you claim are the actual subversives ruling Russia?

Make up your mind troll, so people can keep downvoting you.
A little update on demon-run hellhole Russia is being turned into by its Quran-kissing, most likely Muslim leader (his kids being from Muslim-born half-asian woman explains a lot, including his disdain for pure Nordic Slavs)
Funny that you mention it. This guy is the mufti of Moscow and openly brags about the Russian demographics starting to tilt their way.

Learnt a new Russian proverb today. 'When a rabbi opens your door a Mohammedan enters your house'

How fitting that feels. The Russian people must wake up to the scam that is (((Eurasianism))). There is no 'Christian-Muslim alliance' and there never will be, but only a Talmudic plot to permanently destroy the Russian people, religion, history and cculture via importing millions upon millions of Muslims.
Jews threw some Muslims in jail, because they are going around looking to hurt random Jews as "punishment" for Gaza.

While this certainly highlights the extreme difficulty in preserving a "multicultural" nation, it's no different than anywhere else in the (((West))) such as Talmudic Jews fleeing France in major numbers.

Personally, why would a Christian care about Jew vs Muslim violence? Are we supposed to be sympathetic with Muslims, who you've been stating in post after post about how Russia is polluting itself with more Muslims? Or are we supposed to feel for Talmudic Jews, who you claim are the actual subversives ruling Russia?

Make up your mind troll, so people can keep downvoting you.

6 to 9 years in prison if you dare to lay a hand on Jews.

These people would be getting a slap on the wrist if their victims were ethnic Russians.
6 to 9 years in prison if you dare to lay a hand on Jews.

These people would be getting a slap on the wrist if their victims were ethnic Russians.

As if a huge prison sentence will make Muslims like Talmudic Jews more. Obviously it will have the opposite effect. And if Russia is becoming more Muslim (which is false, recent numbers show Islamic apostasy is huge), then Talmudic Jews will be persecuted even more.

And how often do Muslims attack Christians in Russia? Are the Muslims in Russia that savage compared to Middle Eastern Muslims?

Finally, answer the question, when Talmuds and Muslims fight, to whom are we supposed to be sympathetic towards? Nothing by self-defeating contradictions from the Russia haters.
My friend Theodosia is Crimea until recently very few muslims there. Some tatars but they in their own villages.

New muslims come from central Asia and caucasus. Online I hear rumour they are getting better treatment in job search for government (contractors) and more.

I guarantee you right here right now that the people that did this are people that recently move to Crimea.

Same is happening in donbass.
That's not a rumour, and has been confirmed from various angles by now.
