Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

Looks like Russia is having the same issue with Muslims as the rest of Europe.

In spite of their multikulti adds uniting infidels with Orthodox

My friend it is just pixel on a screen.. can be AI too!

Lol just little joke, last time I mention problem of crime with immigrants someone tell me it just words on a piece of paper 😅

We need to segregate bad immigrants from good immigrants. Good immigrants is 95 percent. Russia needs them.

Like Putin always say, Diversity is our Strenght!

My friend it is just pixel on a screen.. can be AI too!

Lol just little joke, last time I mention problem of crime with immigrants someone tell me it just words on a piece of paper 😅

We need to segregate bad immigrants from good immigrants. Good immigrants is 95 percent. Russia needs them.

Like Putin always say, Diversity is our Strenght!

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Not sure if you're serious or not.

My point is that Russia has historically had a problem with Muslims (chechens/Dagestani's ect) and this will continue no matter what the sort of appeal to a common "Russian Identity" they appeal to. They are an Orthodox country and the fact of the matter is that the pattern of muslim's being in capable of interacting with The West, or any non-sharia driven country remains.

Most of these people are not "immigrants" but rather a part of the territories controlled by Russia, whether part of the previous Russian Empire or some other part. They have a history of issues with muslims and need to remedy this immediately.

Using Russian Muslims to kill Orthodox Christians in Ukraine is something that is still a problem for them. I understand the forces behind this but factually they are making a deal with the devil allowing these people to practice their religion in Orthodox lands.
Not sure if you're serious or not.

My point is that Russia has historically had a problem with Muslims (chechens/Dagestani's ect) and this will continue no matter what the sort of appeal to a common "Russian Identity" they appeal to. They are an Orthodox country and the fact of the matter is that the pattern of muslim's being in capable of interacting with The West, or any non-sharia driven country remains.

Most of these people are not "immigrants" but rather a part of the territories controlled by Russia, whether part of the previous Russian Empire or some other part. They have a history of issues with muslims and need to remedy this immediately.

Using Russian Muslims to kill Orthodox Christians in Ukraine is something that is still a problem for them. I understand the forces behind this but factually they are making a deal with the devil allowing these people to practice their religion in Orthodox lands.
My friend Theodosia is Crimea until recently very few muslims there. Some tatars but they in their own villages.

New muslims come from central Asia and caucasus. Online I hear rumour they are getting better treatment in job search for government (contractors) and more.

I guarantee you right here right now that the people that did this are people that recently move to Crimea.

Same is happening in donbass.
My friend Theodosia is Crimea until recently very few muslims there. Some tatars but they in their own villages.

New muslims come from central Asia and caucasus. Online I hear rumour they are getting better treatment in job search for government (contractors) and more.

I guarantee you right here right now that the people that did this are people that recently move to Crimea.

Same is happening in donbass.
That doesn't really change my point that Russia is subject to the same issues the rest of the world has with Muslims.

Pushing a pan-Russia multicultural image isn't going to appease those issues.
This isn't true. You can go on, and read the comments: some of the most red pill, based comments on the internet are found there. Russians talking all the time red pill truths about Talmuds, gays, women, Blacks, etc.

If such "anti-semitism" laws were in place, there is no way people could speak that way on Russia's most prominent state funded news outlet.

"Anti-semitism" laws in Russia means stuff like saying, "We need to kill all the Jews" is illegal. Actual, violent, Nazi-like hatred of Jewry is banned. However, normal Christian Orthodox criticism of Talmuds is perfectly legal, and well spoken for simply by judging the comments of
My friend Russia Today was founded by Mikhail Lessin, a Russian Jew close friend to Putin, closer friend to Vladimir Surkov/Dudayev (main PR official after fall of Soviet Union). Vladimir Surkov is half Chechen half Russian, many people say he is also Jewish. Current CEO is Margarita Simonyan, fully Armenian and staunch patriot.

Haha you Americanos have a lot to learn about Russia.. But think here you can come and lecture me on my own country?!

You know nothing about Russia, we don't deal lightly with anti semitism. Go to Russia and start saying what you say here about Russian Jews and see how long you last. Modern Russia for big part was formed by Russian Jews.
My friend it is just pixel on a screen.. can be AI too!

Lol just little joke, last time I mention problem of crime with immigrants someone tell me it just words on a piece of paper 😅

We need to segregate bad immigrants from good immigrants. Good immigrants is 95 percent. Russia needs them.

Like Putin always say, Diversity is our Strenght!

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A population already living in a country for a long time is one thing. Russians can no more ask the Chechens to leave Russia than the Americans can ask the blacks to leave U.S.A. But what Russia can do is stop fresh Muslim immigrants from settling in Russia. Ethnic and cultural diversity is okay up to a certain point but once you pass a tipping point social cohesion in a society rapidly starts to decay and there will be major problems after that.
A population already living in a country for a long time is one thing. Russians can no more ask the Chechens to leave Russia than the Americans can ask the blacks to leave U.S.A. But what Russia can do is stop fresh Muslim immigrants from settling in Russia. Ethnic and cultural diversity is okay up to a certain point but once you pass a tipping point social cohesion in a society rapidly starts to decay and there will be major problems after that.
Well said. My own area in BC, Canada is full of crooked East Indians. They've had a significant population in the area since the late 1800's. So many stupid, bleeding-heart liberals here seem to believe that since we've had Indians here for 100+ years, even more must be better. Whether in the Fraser Valley or Russia, the same truth always applies.
I don’t see the problem with respecting Muslims in Russia. The fact is that Muslim troops are fighting for mother Russia against the Zionist scum in Ukraine. They deserve at least as much respect as keyboard warriors.
My friend I agree with respect for other religion.

This is what Putin says often, he also says the Quran is sacred. After neo nazis burn the Quran he travel to Dagestan talk to the local Muslims and calm them down.

If you want go to Russia it is very important you understand this

I don't agree with second part, Israel is very good friend of Russia. Israel Russia have many deals, our trade nearly double since 2022, Israel never deliver weapons to Ukraine, Israel never join sanctions, Israel cooperates with us on so many projects
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My friend I agree with respect for other religion.
This is what Putin says often, he also says the Quran is sacred. After neo nazis burn the Quran he travel to Dagestan talk to the local Muslims and calm them down.

I don't agree with second part, Israel is very good friend of Russia. Israel Russia have many deals, our trade nearly double since 2022, Israel never deliver weapons to Ukraine, Israel never join sanctions, Israel cooperates with us on so many projects

The relations between Russia and Israel are changing fast, Russia prioritizing its economic and military ties with Iran. The Russians are equipping Iran with S-400s and Su-35s. Israel as well is furnishing advanced avionics for Ukraine's F-16s.
The relations between Russia and Israel are changing fast, Russia prioritizing its economic and military ties with Iran. The Russians are equipping Iran with S-400s and Su-35s. Israel as well is furnishing advanced avionics for Ukraine's F-16s.
My friend you make this up and you know it

There are no s400 in Iran, never will be.

There are no su35s in Iran, and there won't be until the airplane become obsolete.

Russia is delaying the delivery of su35 on purpose for only one reason, Israel. They will keep on delaying like they do with s300.

Now Iran facing a regional war with no airforce to speak of.

Many people don't know this but Putins only goddaughter Ksenia sobchak live in Israel for 6+ months a year. She is Jewish and israeli citizen.In fact half the kremlin have family in israel

Darling sweetheart Ksenia doesn't like air raids when sitting in her multimullion dollar tel aviv mansion

Just something to think about my friend, please don't get angry again🙂
My friend you make this up and you know it

There are no s400 in Iran, never will be.

There are no su35s in Iran, and there won't be until the airplane become obsolete.

Russia is delaying the delivery of su35 on purpose for only one reason, Israel. They will keep on delaying like they do with s300.

Now Iran facing a regional war with no airforce to speak of.

Many people don't know this but Putins only goddaughter Ksenia sobchak live in Israel for 6+ months a year. She is Jewish and israeli citizen.In fact half the kremlin have family in israel

Darling sweetheart Ksenia doesn't like air raids when sitting in her multimullion dollar tel aviv mansion

Just something to think about my friend, please don't get angry again🙂

So Shoigu was in Iran earlier this month, for tourism? And Putin's foreign policy is set by his goddaughter?

Iran raised its order of Su-35s from 24 to 42, do you think they would do that if they didn't expect to receive them? Do you think the Iranians haven't done their due diligence on this order?

The delays are due to the fact that Russia is at war, and both Su35s and S-400s are key items that they need in reserve and whose production rates are more difficult to scale up.
So Shoigu was in Iran earlier this month, for tourism? And Putin's foreign policy is set by his goddaughter?

Iran raised its order of Su-35s from 24 to 42, do you think they would do that if they didn't expect to receive them? Do you think the Iranians haven't done their due diligence on this order?

The delays are due to the fact that Russia is at war, and both Su35s and S-400s are key items that they need in reserve and whose production rates are more difficult to scale up.
Shoigu come to Tehran to tell Iran to deescalate.

I say this couple of weeks back already, and voila the next day official Russian statement that deescalation is necessary and Iran should not target civilians 😁

Iran have no order for s400 don't know why you keep mention this. Su35 will be delayed until the aircraft lose its value.

For russia iran has value as counterbalance to usa. Thats why russia want iran to survive, with regime that is dependant on Russia.

But we do not like Iran anti Israel stance, in fact russia has been trying to get Iran to engage with Israel, get to know each other, work differences out.
Shoigu come to Tehran to tell Iran to deescalate.

I say this couple of weeks back already, and voila the next day official Russian statement that deescalation is necessary and Iran should not target civilians 😁

Iran have no order for s400 don't know why you keep mention this. Su35 will be delayed until the aircraft lose its value.

For russia iran has value as counterbalance to usa. Thats why russia want iran to survive, with regime that is dependant on Russia.

But we do not like Iran anti Israel stance, in fact russia has been trying to get Iran to engage with Israel, get to know each other, work differences out.

You're wrong about the S-400s. Iran as well already has received advanced S-300s from Russia.

Also, Iran and Russia concluded crucial trade deals:


It's pretty clear that you have an agenda here.
You're wrong about the S-400s. Iran as well already has received advanced S-300s from Russia.

Also, Iran and Russia concluded crucial trade deals:


It's pretty clear that you have an agenda here.
Oh so now suddenly you are quoting article which is based on anonymous Times of Israel and New York Times report. These are same media that warn about Iran almost finishing developing nuclear bomb for 15 years, but when I call out your constant lying they turn from unreliable zogmedia to total believable.

Final endboss stage lack of logic. You are getting angry again!

Show me official Russian and Iranian sources that say there is s400 deal.

Good luck searching my friend 😁
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A little update on demon-run hellhole Russia is being turned into by its Quran-kissing, most likely Muslim leader (his kids being from Muslim-born half-asian woman explains a lot, including his disdain for pure Nordic Slavs)

There's mass relacement and persecution of White population. Asian migrants openly state they own Russia, mostly Turkic territory, according to them. They gang rape (sometimes in most brutal ways) White women, rob, beat up, murder White men, molest children, insult, assault and harass white people. Often, they got paid-up judges and police on their ethnic mafia payroll that let them get off. Victnns defending themselves get punished, instead.

Speaking up against mass migration is a crime of extremism and racism, many White activists were sent to prisons to serve long sentences under "Russian nationalist ban law", some died under strange circumstances like being thrown out of the window.

Migrants now occupy even remote areas such as Kamchatka and Siberia, not just infest big cities. There are cases of even remote Siberian villages occupied in full with terror committed against white locals and them being told to pack up and leave, "go back to Europe". Police does nothing, being paid up by ethnic mafia or being scared of them. A gang of asiatic migrant monkeys were raping white women with sticks in Far East region of Russua near Vladivostok while saying racial slurs at them. Many raped and murdered children, by migrants, all over the country.

With current replacement rate the Whites have at most 2 generations left in Russia. After than they will be the minority, likely oppressed. Russian government is infested with dumb Muslims and all sort of incompetent mongrels. Sadly it looks like Russia has no future other than descent into condition of Brazil-like mongrelized disfunctional state.

Basically, vast lands that previously were mostly White, are now being given up without a single shot, to asiatic hordes, this is literally Ghenghis Khan Orda 2 invasion and conquest happening again, while white slavs are being forced to exterminate each other clearing the space where Asians and mongrels will enjoy their lands while they rot in the earth. One can not speak up, people live in fear, being thrown in prison for speaking under Soviet-style terror.

But this forum is full of race mixers hahah Nordic White haters, so the above must be a good thing for them
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I don't agree with second part, Israel is very good friend of Russia. Israel Russia have many deals, our trade nearly double since 2022, Israel never deliver weapons to Ukraine, Israel never join sanctions, Israel cooperates with us on so many projects

This never gets talked about in the US (of course): The fact that Americas "greatest ally" does nothing to support USA in the ongoing proxy war against Russia. And that they as a matter of fact never have supported the US in ANY war or conflict.

Apart from that - go easy on the zionist propaganda.