Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

my brother the churches are beautiful but they are empty.

we need a complete rejuvenation of our faith.

this is a report from the ministry of interior affairs. church attendance in russia is declining.

Your report says more than 1.4 million celebrated Christmas services in Russia. How does this show a decline? What is this being compared against?

If you don't start making quality posts I'll be forced to ban you.
Your report says more than 1.4 million celebrated Christmas services in Russia. How does this show a decline? What is this being compared against?

If you don't start making quality posts I'll be forced to ban you.

1.4M is pretty low for a nation of nearly 85M self-declared Christians. However, other sources show a much higher church attendance rate:

A Levada Center poll in 2020 showed that 63% of Russians call themselves Orthodox. Of all the nominal Orthodox, who are supposedly 63%, only 14% go to church monthly and weekly. That is, only 14% of 100% of the Orthodox go to temples. Several times a year or less often 57% go. (Aug 8, 2023)

^Result of a "church attendance russia" search puts the number of regular Russian church attendees at around 12M give or take.
1.4M is pretty low for a nation of nearly 85M self-declared Christians. However, other sources show a much higher church attendance rate:

^Result of a "church attendance russia" search puts the number of regular Russian church attendees at around 12M give or take.

In addition, if attendance is 14% now, and it was 1% in the 90's, that means there's been a 1000% increase in attendance. Thus without having a comparison there is no way to evaluate the faith situation in Russia.
1.4M is pretty low for a nation of nearly 85M self-declared Christians. However, other sources show a much higher church attendance rate:

^Result of a "church attendance russia" search puts the number of regular Russian church attendees at around 12M give or take.
thank you for serious response brother.

you are quoting a different study that I wasn't aware of.. but i have to tell you lazada media is funded by the collective west.. not saying they are right or wrong just that you have to be careful with this medium..

it is mentioned in the post below too.. about 57 percent of russia calls itself orthodox.. 6 percent down from before.. in the young people bracket that number is lower, in the high 20s

this report say 15 percent of the orthodox attend religious services at least once a month, those are good numbers

these numbers are better then the ones put out by the russian internal ministry but not by much.

like i said before we need total rejuvenation of our faith.

thank you for your honest response brother.

According to a new survey from the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center, the overall percentage of Orthodox Christians has decreased in Russia in recent years, while the percentage of those who actively practice the faith is up.

There are especially fewer believers among young people, and the numerical advantage of Christians over Muslims is shrinking.

The results of the survey conducted in July show that 57% of Russians consider themselves Orthodox today, which is down 6% from 2019—a trend that has been observed over the past decades, writes RIA-Novosti.

According to religious scholar Roman Lunkin, the declining number comes from those who have identified themselves as “generally Orthodoxy” in the past—a diverse group that includes “unbelieving Orthodox” and Orthodox who don’t like the Russian Orthodox Church. He also proposed that less people are identifying themselves simply on cultural or ethnic grounds now.

Archpriest Maxim Kozlov, the chairman of the ROC’s Educational Committee believes the drop is at least partially due to the greater availability of information about the Orthodox faith: “People are starting to learn that being Orthodox means taking on more ethical obligations, restrictions in life. Someone doesn’t want to do this, so he distances himself.”

Amongst people aged 18 to 24, the portion of non-believers has grown by 5 points since 2019 to 42% today. Among 25 – 34-year-olds, there is a significant number who fluctuate between belief and unbelief or who consider themselves believers but without adherence to any specific religion (10% each).

In the country as whole, the Orthodox outnumber Muslims 57% to 5%, but amongst the youth, the ratio is only 29% to 9%, which is attributable both to changing attitudes about religion and increasing Muslim immigration to Russia. According to government statistics, 1.3 million people entered Russian to work in just the first quarter of 2023, and largely from the traditionally Muslim countries of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan. 3.5 million entered throughout 2022.

At the same time, the number of young people identifying as Orthodox has grown from 23% in 2019 to 29% today.

And while the overall percentage of Orthodox may have dropped, the percentage of those who practice—who regularly go to church, receive the Sacraments, and are attached to a particular parish—is up. In 2012, the number of those who went to church at least once a month was 7%; today it is 15%.

Thus, in recent years, those who have been “affiliated with Orthodoxy” have tended to move in one of two directions: to become active practitioners, or to stop associating themselves with the faith—a trend observed across Eastern Europe.

Fr. Kozlov and Roman Lunkin suggest some practical reasons why the number of actually practicing Orthodox is up: the greater number of churches and the greater availability of services, and younger clergy who are better able to speak the “language” of the people.
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Your report says more than 1.4 million celebrated Christmas services in Russia. How does this show a decline? What is this being compared against?

If you don't start making quality posts I'll be forced to ban you.
my posts are based on data, statistics and proofs.

in this case it is another report of the russia interior ministry. in 2015 they had a survey which said 2.6 million believers attendees church services on christmas, and about 4,5 million attended easter services

brother i want my people and religion to flourish but the facts are the facts.

we need a total rejuvenation of our faith, and it should start from politics.

my posts are based on data, statistics and proofs.

in this case it is another report of the russia interior ministry. in 2015 they had a survey which said 2.6 million believers attendees church services on christmas, and about 4,5 million attended easter services

brother i want my people and religion to flourish but the facts are the facts.

we need a total rejuvenation of our faith, and it should start from politics.

Despite our own ideological differences, it is good to have an actual Russian here who can communicate with the rest of us to give updates and critiques and not western American egoists who think they know better. Open communication is the best line for clearing up confusion, not smearing, banning, and censoring like what the jews do to everyone they don't like.

I am not Russian, but I'm not far off genetically. I understand what has corrupted my own people, but it is always interesting to hear what others say.

What do you believe is the biggest impediment to more Russian people attending church regularly? Is it purely liberal western secular influences or remnants of the anti-God USSR, or a mixture of both? What is your take on why there is such a huge problem with whores there? It would seem that every mongrel on the Earth is foaming at the mouth and lusting for access to Russian women, especially invaders and muslims. For example the ragheads with endless oil shekels specifically order Russian prostitutes in the UAE and Qatar and don't always give them the porta-potty treatment they do to western girls. Other posters have already posted much information showing the Russian music industry scene to be dominated by jews and crypto-jews and the "culture" they promote on the Russian youth is not very different than the degeneracy one would find in the USA from the same music there. These satanic spells are very powerful and destroy the flower of youth often before it ever blossoms.

Do you see any possibilities for the Orthodox Church in its current state to grow more powerful within the existing constitutional framework or do you think that it will need to grow in attendance before it can successfully lobby or struggle for dominance against the Muslim and Chabad interests? Historical Orthodoxy would never have grown strong if it loitered in the conditions that are plaguing Christians presently. More and more people are realizing that freedom of religion is not such a great thing after all.
Like they say, one picture speaks more than a thousand words.

This is a display with Central Asian/Muslim migrant children in Northernmost Russian province Murmansk Oblast, traditionally all-White region, population is mostly all Russian plus some small numbers of Finnish type people.

It says "We are the future of the [Russian] North"
by "The government of Murmansk Oblast"
They're not even hiding. Government is openly saying they will replace Russian Whites.

The main problem with "power structure in Russia" is that it's not controlled by ethnic Russians.
People with Russian names are often not Russian, there're tons of Jews in the highest echelons of Russian government who got russified names but if you look at their mother's or father's surnames straight Israel there. I seriously doubt Putin has as much power as he's ascribed, rather it's various clans that control everything, some of these clans are asian some jewish, though I suspect the ultimate puppeteers are the ZOG.
Right now lots of various incompetent or Russophobic churkas/chuchmeks in the government. Recently Putin had said that it's a good thing that Muslims are moving into Moscow region en masse and that Muscovites enjoy this.
Basically, it's a done deal, they're openly using Euro-American model of replacement of White population now.
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Your own sources contradict each other. According to the best interpretation of the sources thus presented, what we have in Russia is that ALL faith is decreasing, it's not particular to merely Orthodoxy.

From here:


The tables tab indicates that Islam has also gone down in a similar proportion as Orthodoxy. These secular times are really killing all faiths, no religion is spared.

However, none of this indicates any particular criticism of Russia. In fact, it makes Russia more ordinary, as they go through the same problems of the secular age as Americans or Europeons do, except much less. A 3% decline is nothing compared to the double-digit declines in America and Europe.

Meanwhile this link describes a similar phenomena as observed in the West:

Less religiosity overall, but among those who are religious, more intensity of faith.

Thus all of the criticisms of Orthodoxy in Russia presented are either:

A.) Bullshit
B.) Less pronounced problems that we have everywhere else in the world, which makes these criticisms uninteresting.

this is the law that simplified obtaining russia citizenship through military service, it decree number 690.

before three years and you have to have a residence permit, now 1 year in military service is enough.

You aren't reading your sources carefully.

The decree, published on the government portal, said foreign citizens that have entered into a contract with the armed forces or other "military formations" since the start of the “special military operation” in February 2022 will have the right to apply for Russian citizenship.

Soldiers who were dismissed from the military during this period due to various reasons, including health issues, age and the end of their contract, will also be able to apply, while the spouse, children and parents of those eligible under the decree will also be able to do so.

The decree, in effect immediately, stipulates that soldiers that apply for citizenship must submit their contract showing they have served for a period of at least one year.

It declared two previous decrees on the matter, signed in September 2022 and May 2023, as invalid.

Note the bolded at the bottom: the previous decrees of Sept 2022 and May 2023 were voided out. So, the idea that Russia was giving an easy citizenship to people who served in the military during peacetime is false.

The only ones being giving citizenship are foreigners who risk their lives during war, which is far from objectionable. That's how American got most of it's Irish immigrants during the Civil War, for example. Tens of thousands of these recruits are killed, they need to give generous conditions such as citizenship to attract conscripts.

I'm not really sure what the big deal is for offering citizenship for those who risk their life for a nation. In fact, if you ask me, there aren't any more deserving candidates for citizenship than those who fight. The women shouldn't have the right to vote, but those who fight in the wars should.

"There is no love hath greater than those who lay down their lives for their friends."

So you have no point.
Like they say, one picture speaks more than a thousand words.This is a display with Central Asian/Muslim migrant children in Northernmost Russian province Murmansk Oblast, traditionally all-White region, population is mostly all Russian plus some small numbers of Finnish type people.
It says "We are the future of the [Russian] North"by "The government of Murmansk Oblast"They're not even hiding. Government is openly saying they will replace Russian Whites.

The main problem with "power structure in Russia" is that it's not controlled by ethnic Russians.
People with Russian names are often not Russian, there're tons of Jews in the highest echelons of Russian government who got russified names but if you look at their mother's or father's surnames straight Israel there. I seriously doubt Putin has as much power as he's ascribed, rather it's various clans that control everything, some of these clans are asian some jewish, though I suspect the ultimate puppeteers are the ZOG.
Right now lots of various incompetent or Russophobic churkas/chuchmeks in the government. Recently Putin had said that it's a good thing that Muslims are moving into Moscow region en masse and that Muscovites enjoy this.
Basically, it's a done deal, they're openly using Euro-American model of replacement of White population now.

Murmanssk is the northwestern tip of Russia, located north of the arctic circle, and gets 40 days of continuous darkness in December/January. Pretty rough place to live.

Its population has been in steep decline because it's more of an outpost (primarily a port and naval military town) than a real city. Given that jobs are plentiful in southern or central Russian cities, where the cost of living is lower (groceries etc), and that contrary to during communist times citizens are free to move, it is no surprise that locals have been moving out. So the city has to import labor from poorer parts of Russia or Central Asia to replace them.

Although there was a building boom in the early twentieth century's arms races, Murmansk's population has been in decline since the Cold War, from 468,039 (1989 Soviet census);[10] 336,137 (2002 Census);[11] 307,257 (2010 Russian census);[12] to 270,384 (2021 Census).[13] It remains the world's largest city north of the Arctic Circle, with over 100,000 more inhabitants than Norilsk, Russia, and is a major port of the Arctic Ocean.[1

I don't think that case is representative of the rest of Russia.
I find it quite doubtful that he is actually Russian. Maybe I'm wrong. I am actually Russian, but also American; I'm a dual citizen with experience in both countries since I lived in Moscow. So that's a full disclaimer on my identity, in case anybody wanted to say "He doesn't know what he's talking about, he's a Westerner!"

Saying "the power structure in Russia isn't controlled by ethnic Russians" is false. Virtually all Russian elites are ethnically Russian. Yeah, you can find an ethnic Muslim in there too if you look, but I just don't understand the point of this argumentation.
Russia has Muslim and other minority regions. In contrast to the West, most of those minorities actually just live in their traditional homelands; not that many of them live in ethnic Russian towns. You will get some though in the biggest cities, which is pretty much just Moscow. If those people aren't from Russia itself, then they're at least almost 100% of the time from the Soviet Union. Uzbeks, Kazakhs, etc., all of them speak Russian and Russians are used to these groups and have lived alongside them literally for centuries.
As for Jews, Russia today has the lowest proportion of Jews that it has had at any point in the last several centuries. The Russian Tsardom/Empire used to be the main global homeland for Jews (most especially in what's now Western Ukraine) , but since the fall of the Soviet Union the majority of Russian Jews have emigrated either to Israel or the US. The number of Jews left in Russia is very small. Since Jews tend to be wealthy everywhere, yeah, sure, you can find a wealthy Jewish businessman in Russia if you look, but if you think Russia's problem with Jews is anything close to the West, then I don't even know what to say at that point. There's no comparison at all. I think some of the commentary here is just coming from a couple people who for some personal reason must just hate Russians. It has happened before, that if a person is of some form of Eastern European descent that has historical conflict with Russia, it wouldn't be surprising.
I also want to add that a lot of the anti-Russian sentiment just frankly seems extremely stupid. The tone often seems to be "You THINK Russia is good, but DID YOU KNOW that ACTUALLY a lot of Russians DON'T GO TO CHURCH?!?!"
What is your expectation of Russia? What standard are you holding them to? Russia will always have problems, but they are at least trying to push back against the worst excesses of the West. That's why people incline to supporting them. They have problems, but they have virtually no Western corporate influence left (after sanctions), severely restricted Western NGOs, banned significant amounts of Western media, outright banned the LGBT movement, and so forth. They have problems, but they are pushing back. That's better than almost any country I can think of.
Also, their birth rate is still quite bad, but they are trying harder than probably any country in the world at this time to improve it. Russian demographic policy has been extremely active in its support for increased Russian birth rate. This of course completely nullifies the notion that "the Russian government wants Russians replaced"....Putin has many times said increasing the Russian birth rate is the most important task facing the entire Russian government.
@MusicForThePiano, Langley guys everywhere, you better listen to our beloved mod.

There is no doubt that at least some of the sources MFTP has used are glowie-grade anti-Russian propaganda, like for example the very long photo collage of black men in Russia, which was a very false representation of their real presence there.
There is no doubt that at least some of the sources MFTP has used are glowie-grade anti-Russian propaganda, like for example the very long photo collage of black men in Russia, which was a very false representation of their real presence there.
You're confusing criticism of Russia with being "anti-Russian". It is not a gleaming bastion of moral hope in today's world. There is still faggotry and rampant drug use and other ills that are prevalent in pretty much every society in the world today. It is not a haven for White and European nationalists. No such place exists. I have explicitly praised Russian history and accomplishments many times here, so I'm actually more "pro-Russian" than you are in that sense. You just spin the modern Russian Federation to be some kind of paradise and never talk about the more important older pre-USSR history of Russia.

Most of the people today who are "pro-Russian" today would not be "pro-Russian" if this was the Russia of 1917 or before. They're cosmopolitan grifters who thrive in a multicultural world because they themselves are mixed or would be at odds with a legitimate Orthodox Empire. Again you have issues understanding the framework outside of the controlled west-east narrative and simply reduce your lack of comprehension for "glowies".

For the record most of gab and telegram and tiktok are inconvenient truths to any agenda, be it the jews in the west or the east. They equally expose the filth in America and the corruption in Russia and China just as well. The negros in Russia race-mixing with the Russian women is a reality, even if its a statistically minute one, its another symptom of moral decay. More and more pictures with geocached verification are released every day on gab. That's the beauty of gab, it really is a breaking down of any false hopium one might have for one of these modern "countries".

The truth is the Christians of this world are without full representation in any government and only have marginal rights in secular nations. We have no kings and emperors, we have to take care of ourselves.

You consistently try to counter-smear and fearmonger everyone else into thinking glowies are everywhere: and that they run some kind of around-the-clock series of operations to promote anti Russia everything. Most US federal agents are idiots, massive simpletons, vax-brained order takers. They accept the short end of the stick the US government gives them like a good goy without question. Do you think they actually give a hoot about Russia and the Russian people? Their entire jewkrainian war effort is a MIC ponzi racket continuation after being unable to milk the sandbox any further.

I swear this is you sometimes:

The number of Jews left in Russia is very small. Since Jews tend to be wealthy everywhere, yeah, sure, you can find a wealthy Jewish businessman in Russia if you look, but if you think Russia's problem with Jews is anything close to the West, then I don't even know what to say at that point. There's no comparison at all. I think some of the commentary here is just coming from a couple people who for some personal reason must just hate Russians

It's easy to spot how fake the Russia hate is because before the Ukrainian war started, very few people spoke about Russia or their supposed problems. Yet as soon as the war starts there is an explosion of anti-Russia propaganda all over 4-chan and Reddit.

It's as pathetic and predictable as propaganda during an election year. And "red pill" guys who fall for it are very sad.
Despite our own ideological differences, it is good to have an actual Russian here who can communicate with the rest of us to give updates and critiques and not western American egoists who think they know better. Open communication is the best line for clearing up confusion, not smearing, banning, and censoring like what the jews do to everyone they don't like.

I am not Russian, but I'm not far off genetically. I understand what has corrupted my own people, but it is always interesting to hear what others say.

What do you believe is the biggest impediment to more Russian people attending church regularly? Is it purely liberal western secular influences or remnants of the anti-God USSR, or a mixture of both? What is your take on why there is such a huge problem with whores there? It would seem that every mongrel on the Earth is foaming at the mouth and lusting for access to Russian women, especially invaders and muslims. For example the ragheads with endless oil shekels specifically order Russian prostitutes in the UAE and Qatar and don't always give them the porta-potty treatment they do to western girls. Other posters have already posted much information showing the Russian music industry scene to be dominated by jews and crypto-jews and the "culture" they promote on the Russian youth is not very different than the degeneracy one would find in the USA from the same music there. These satanic spells are very powerful and destroy the flower of youth often before it ever blossoms.

Do you see any possibilities for the Orthodox Church in its current state to grow more powerful within the existing constitutional framework or do you think that it will need to grow in attendance before it can successfully lobby or struggle for dominance against the Muslim and Chabad interests? Historical Orthodoxy would never have grown strong if it loitered in the conditions that are plaguing Christians presently. More and more people are realizing that freedom of religion is not such a great thing after all.
The family should be basis of society.

Without family there is nothing. In russia the institution of family is breaking down.

Here is an study from 2021.. It writes about children growing up in one parent households. This study is from the Russian Ministry of Labour and social Protection.

The percentage of children living in one parent household has increased from 21 percent in 2002 to 38.5 percent in 2021.

We need laws to stop the breakdown of the family.
