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Search results

  1. I

    Rap/Hip-Hop was a Psyop from beginning

    From Plantations they ran generally to the "Big House" today. That's an interesting history of Race Relations between Fake Joos and Sub Saharan Africans here in America. Not too mention the Section 8 housing scam and Dissolution of Ethnic White Enclaves...and all the wholo time never losing...
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    Texas, New Mexico and Arizona Thread

    And these Morons eat it up in Austin as if their is a More Authetic Underground Cooler than your Band music scene still there.. 6th street is a 3rd world dump..
  3. I

    Texas, New Mexico and Arizona Thread

    Mostly due to Vulture Capitalism brought about by the Federal Reserve I reckon.
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    Texas, New Mexico and Arizona Thread

    Texas is quite Zionist. So I am just wondering how much it was from the Metro Epi-Centers of Dallas, Houston, and Dallas siphoning off all business and funding both State and Federal to give the faux viability and funnel all the White Youth into the Burbs to lose their roots and eventually no...
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    Texas, New Mexico and Arizona Thread

    Speaking of Panhandle-West Texas. Not saying this fella is gospel, but at least some documentation of what's happening.
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    Texas, New Mexico and Arizona Thread

    I can tell ya Texas in the Last 20 years has gone to crap. The powers that be there, must of had the, "Lets bring Refugees from Other States and get as many People of Color in here as possible (especially in DFW Metroplex, Austin & Houston), build Thousands of Cookie-Cutter Homes, Blend-out our...
  7. I

    Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

    Bad reference to the Ju Jitsu Cheerleader and her perfect take down I reckon... I saw this recently and thought a good laugh was needed to break the horror of what's going on? Carry on Good Sirs with the Daily Trauma...
  8. I

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    ....That's if he as a Leader Declared Germans Free from International Finance Jewry in 1933. It would have sent a Clear Message. That was my critique of the Austrian Artists... Funny enough aren't several of the European Nations such as Northern Italy and France and other Nations abound...
  9. I

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    I'm not at Liberty or qualified to discuss Military decision making of the 3rd Reich's Artist Chancellor. But I pose the question...Then who was qualified and stacked militarially in a world of Multi-National Corporations where resources are scarce and not too many Nations, besides The U.S. and...
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    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    I thought it was pretty much in the bag here on this forum that the Upper Eschelon of what we call the Jews was the Enemy of Mankind. Does that mean all Jews are this way?...No, but more than a few Normie Jews are probably are sympathetic to their Globo-Ho-Mo Judeo-Masonic Revolution as...
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    Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

    No No No....Seagal-tsu....only thing funnier than the vid are the comments....
  12. I

    Decline of Functioning Society

    Real Soldiers, Sailors, Real Old Skool Bikers, or 70's-90's Alternative Underground Rock Stars are the only ones that should be allowed to have tattoo's... And that's coming from somebody that doesn't care for the trend or culture of it. Nothing worse than porky fair skinned young gals and neck...
  13. I

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    Just a brief interjection of my own personal experience with family members who still see the NSDAP as a Evil in the General sense from the Approved World Media. Regardless my question which is probably for "Piano", as I was recently given some Catholic approved pamphlets on the Polish Ulma...
  14. I

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    And Couple that with their Judeo-Masonic Allies, mainly the Jewish Banking Empire known as Great Britain and it's Vassal and up and Coming New Headquarters the, (United States), whom orchestrated the Vast Media Cover up of their attrocities and a continued Propaganda Campaign to put the United...
  15. I

    80s thread - The best of the 1980s

    Speaking of INXS.... them and the Church. Love this one! After great acts like this, it's been a Great Pop Music Disappointment for me for the past near 30 years regardless of their Foibles and other unsavory lifestyle issues. Big Suck has been the Norm for 2 Generations. I'll quit my Old...
  16. I

    National Economics and the Confederacy was a Jewish Free Trade Empire

    The biggest problem with the Jews and dealing with them is their Insidious tactics at deceiving their enemies into believing they are "Eternal" victims of persecution. And by Enemies I mean Us Christian European Gentiles. If you don't know Enemy you won't Win the battle. And many among the...
  17. I

    National Economics and the Confederacy was a Jewish Free Trade Empire

    So it's basically been a ongoing War of Whites trying to establish a working economic model that allows the most peoples the many, as long as they work diligently and have a Middle Class and functioning relatively peaceful society or Nation, vs. some Merchant/Commercial Jews who want Absolute...
  18. I

    Latest German Lunacy

  19. I

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    The Biggest Problem is we don't have a European man who has our back. The whole Political Narrative has generally been hijacked by Jewish Interest first. Whether it be War or Social Issues, the Economy, etc. It's all been a Jewish Rouse of sorts as far as issues goes. I just wonder how does a...
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    Donald Trump

    So if Trump does release the 911/Kennedy Files, could we just get the abridged version for the normies and BoomerCons? A little something like this....