Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

This is the same garbage that the neo-American ziocons and the sellout politicians in the EU push on their people. Instead of pushing homogeneous breeding and healthy large families of the native populations, they opt for variations of plantation capitalism and cosmopolitanism from the lie that their country and way of living is an "idea" that any 60-IQ migrant can become a part of by immigration.

You're only backing up what myself and others are complaining about the "state" of the Russian government, except you are painting it in a good light and praising it as good for Russia and not exposing it as the realistic detriment that it is for the ethnic Russians.

Whether it's the USA, western Europe, eastern Europe (including Russia), the following do not belong because they are uncivilized, inherently anti-Christian, and rape and kill wantonly without end:

swarthy Arabs
or any hybrid of the above. They belong in their own lands and nowhere else.

Exceptions can be made but they will always remain exceptions and not the majority. There is no changing this fact of nature.

No such thing as racism, only survival for those who defend themselves or extinction for those who do not. Nearly a hundred years after jewish bolshevik Trotsky brewed up the concept of racism in his talmudic cauldron of demonic propaganda, the spell is finally weakening on many people.
this kind of talk has no place in russia.

russia is a set of norms, a culture, a idea, a history.. people have been coming to russia for centuries.. there were many germans in the russia empire and the soviet union for instance.. near the wolga, the ob, the caucasus..

the question is do they want to integrate, contribute and adapt? if the answer is yes they are welcome.
this kind of talk has no place in russia.

russia is a set of norms, a culture, a idea, a history.. people have been coming to russia for centuries.. there were many germans in the russia empire and the soviet union for instance.. near the wolga, the ob, the caucasus..

the question is do they want to integrate, contribute and adapt? if the answer is yes they are welcome.
A nation is the people, of similar blood, and the land they occupy, not an "idea". The liars instructing in our schools taught us this same "a nation is an idea" concept, whether in the USA or western Europe. They do not teach this garbage outside of the White world. They do not teach this in Africa, in South America, in the Middle East, in China. These people laugh at the thought of some westerner moving to their country and becoming one of them by "integration and contribution and adaptation". These are vainglorious liberal ideas. They only teach this out of a radical self-hatred for destroying the White races. "Everyone can come here if they learn how to become like us" is the most dangerous lie and has led to hundreds of thousands of murders and millions of rapes on Europeans who were living normal lives when they were suddenly interrupted and destroyed by an invading atavist not fit for their civilization.

All Russian Tsars had Slavic or Germanic blood or a mixture thereof, which are both European. Some monarchs pushed for more relations with western Europe more so than others, and with those relations brought Germans, Italians, and other non-Slavic blood to Russia (though still European). Russia's founders were Nordic with some Slavic blood, Varangians to be specific. They did not intend for their assemblage of Slavic city-states to be mongrelized in the far future by aliens and hybrid slaves.

The true internationalism and deracination of Russia didn't occur until the authority of Russia was finally in the hands of non-Russians in 1922 with the closing of the civil war aka the last rise of the Aryan Russian against his talmudic captors. All Slavs are Aryan, despite what the lying history books tell you. Any phony Russian vs European conflict is only benefitting the alien outsider. The ideology of Marxian communism planted the seeds for your mislead sentiments.

There will not be a Russia in the future but only another jewish multicultural federation if it follows the same path as America and western Europe and brings millions of yellow, brown, and black aliens into its population. They already capitulated big time with the Muslim presence in Chechnya in the 1990s, which is no doubt an enabling factor much of this "immigration" presently. At some point in the future, the Orthodox Church will have to assert its dominance and let the vein of Russian culture be thoroughly Orthodox or it will be relegated as just another option for someone to live their life while the Chabadniks and the Muslims and the Asians all vie for supremacy over the oppressed Slavs.

The non-Russians will not integrate but form their own enclaves, as they are already doing. They do this in every single country they go to that is not their own. Every single one. Their public mealy-mouthed front-men will pay lip service to whatever government is in power while their own ethnic numbers are not a force to be reckoned with, but the more they become present, the more you will see them assert their ideas and lifestyles and beliefs, not the historical Russian way. This is history. At some point in the future, there will be hell to pay for forcing multiculturalism of diametrically opposite beliefs on people in one country where they have to interact with each other every day. There will not be an equalizing balance as liberal dreamers like to envision, but one will always arise over the others. Supremacy and subjugation are the nature of this relationship when they are in the same occupying spaces, not "I am Christian, he is Muslim, you are jewish, we can all live in peace next to each other." No, geographic separation is the only variable that limits these kinds of human problems.

Separate governments for each is also preferable, and would be the norm if they were in their own lands and not a coerced melting pot. Look no further than America or England as the worst example of this false utopia of what happens when you erase blood and soil within the consciousness of the people and replace them with armchair abstractions and paper ideas.
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Russia it should be noted is called the Russian federation. It is a federation of states some of which are majority non Russian population (Tartars, Chechyns, etc).
Russia it should be noted is called the Russian federation. It is a federation of states some of which are majority non Russian population (Tartars, Chechyns, etc).
It comes down to geography and demography ultimately.

First let's look at the map.

The geographic continuity between the Russian Federation and the late USSR is almost seamless. The RF inherited the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic's (RSFSR) boundaries, which were essentially the largest and most influential republic within the USSR. However the Russian Empire which existed prior to the 1917 Revolution and genocide had significantly different borders, encompassing territories now recognized as independent states like Finland, Poland, and parts of the Baltic states. Therefore, the modern Russian Federation's borders are more reflective of the USSR's boundaries rather than the Russian Empire's (which is truer Russia).

With these change of boundaries comes the problem with these other non-Russians. The demographic composition of the Russian Federation is heavily influenced and was directly caused by the jew policies of the Soviet era. The various mix of ethnic groups that were part of the USSR, such as Tatars, Bashkirs, Chechens, and others had no historical presence in Russian affairs.

The USSR implemented policies that forced integration of these various ethnic minorities within its vast territories. Unlike the Russian Empire, which often treated these groups as fringe dwellers or subjects with limited rights, the Soviet state incorporated them into the socio-economic fabric of the nation as an "idea". This included granting them autonomous regions and republics with the same the Soviet framework.

The Soviet authorities reorganized territorial boundaries to create administrative divisions that recognized ethnic groups, such as the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (TASSR) and the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (CIASSR). These changes promoted a sense of "inclusion" and centralized control to the detriment of the historical Russian authority.

Many of these then ethnic minorities were subjected to forced labor and internment in gulags, which also led to the spread of these diverse populations across the USSR, including into the historical Russian heartland, which they had no historical presence or business being in. The Soviet forced integration of them into the industrial and economic system is not too different than how the Americans did with their blacks, and now everywhere you go in America except for a few rare counties, you experience the darkest depths of humanity snarling back at you.

The education system and state propaganda promoted Soviet ideals and loyalty to the state across all ethnic groups. Which attempted to foster a unified Soviet identity that was intended to transcend individual ethnic affiliations. The USSR's federal structure pushed for the political representation of various ethnic groups through autonomous republics and regions. This "multicultural" system gave these groups a formal role within the Soviet state, which was a vast departure from their righteous marginalization during the Russian Empire (these people are barbaric and un-Christian after all).

It wasn't just a matter of convenience either. The Soviet government implemented quota systems to ensure representation of ethnic minorities in government and the Communist Party, further integrating them into the political framework of the state. They were hellbent on deracinating all these people, but most importantly the Russians.

The jews were restricted to the Pale of Settlement for good reasons, no, for holy reasons, and this benefitted the Empire. They were excluded from political power, and certainly did not host Purim parties (celebrating the death of over 75,000 gentiles in a massacre) in lavish Tsarist-era mansions in the Moscow suburbs with all their Rolls Royce and Maserati cars parked out front.

Muslims in the Volga and Caucasus region were seen as subjects and had no political bargaining posture that put them on equal footing with Orthodox Christians to make demands for which the Christians were relegated to concede to, unlike today.

The Russian Federation for that matter, is officially a secular state, with freedom of religion (religious pluralism) enshrined in its constitution, just like freemasonic USA. While the Russian Orthodox Church enjoys a privileged status, other religious groups like muslims and jews are legally recognized and have greater freedoms and political clout, unlike with an Orthodox state where they would not. For au contraire examples, look at the only jewish "nation" where nothing else is recognized legally than talmudic judaism, and all the muslim countries that won't allow any churches to be built. Christians are getting the short end of the stick worldwide because they have no nation that advocates for Christian ONLY like the Russian Empire used to. Religious pluralism is right up there in dangers to Russia just like too many aliens.

Kieven Rus is 1142 years old (founded in 882AD)
Tsarist Russia is 562 years old (essentially founded with Ivan III)

The USSR lasted for 74 years (1917 - 1991, 69 years unchecked with power 1922-1991)
This "Russian Federation" is a continuance of the USSR since 1991 (33 years). This is a powerful example of what just three to four generations of jewish destruction will do to a nation, make them forget their past and twist their history to suit the agenda of their masters and not the truth.

If when the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia was in the hands of Russians with no amnesia or brainwashing, they would have reverted back to the Christian Imperial way as it is in their blood. However, Russia was inherently changed from the Bolsheviks. Russian identity is five times longer in Tsarism than it is with anything introduced in the Soviet era, and 11 times longer historically with pure ethnic tribalism. It takes more than four score of jewish lies to erase these genetic memories, something that the Orthodox faith had kept alive.

Immigration to Russia proper should require conversion to Orthodoxy and the applicant verifiably living as an Orthodox Christian for at least two years prior (written testimony from local hieromonk or Bishop) to their arrival period under a scrutinizing investigation, but they're giving visas to any degreed pajeet just like the ziocons in America want to. Then you will see how many Pakis and Africans and Indians and Mongols come to Russia to truly live a cleaner life, even the western grifters won't go there unless they are serious and committed.
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It comes down to geography and demography ultimately.

First let's look at the map.

The geographic continuity between the Russian Federation and the late USSR is almost seamless. The RF inherited the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic's (RSFSR) boundaries, which were essentially the largest and most influential republic within the USSR. However the Russian Empire which existed prior to the 1917 Revolution and genocide had significantly different borders, encompassing territories now recognized as independent states like Finland, Poland, and parts of the Baltic states. Therefore, the modern Russian Federation's borders are more reflective of the USSR's boundaries rather than the Russian Empire's (which is truer Russia).

With these change of boundaries comes the problem with these other non-Russians. The demographic composition of the Russian Federation is heavily influenced and was directly caused by the jew policies of the Soviet era. The various mix of ethnic groups that were part of the USSR, such as Tatars, Bashkirs, Chechens, and others had no historical presence in Russian affairs.

The USSR implemented policies that forced integration of these various ethnic minorities within its vast territories. Unlike the Russian Empire, which often treated these groups as fringe dwellers or subjects with limited rights, the Soviet state incorporated them into the socio-economic fabric of the nation as an "idea". This included granting them autonomous regions and republics with the same the Soviet framework.

The Soviet authorities reorganized territorial boundaries to create administrative divisions that recognized ethnic groups, such as the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (TASSR) and the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (CIASSR). These changes promoted a sense of "inclusion" and centralized control to the detriment of the historical Russian authority.

Many of these then ethnic minorities were subjected to forced labor and internment in gulags, which also led to the spread of these diverse populations across the USSR, including into the historical Russian heartland, which they had no historical presence or business being in. The Soviet forced integration of them into the industrial and economic system is not too different than how the Americans did with their blacks, and now everywhere you go in America except for a few rare counties, you experience the darkest depths of humanity snarling back at you.

The education system and state propaganda promoted Soviet ideals and loyalty to the state across all ethnic groups. Which attempted to foster a unified Soviet identity that was intended to transcend individual ethnic affiliations. The USSR's federal structure pushed for the political representation of various ethnic groups through autonomous republics and regions. This "multicultural" system gave these groups a formal role within the Soviet state, which was a vast departure from their righteous marginalization during the Russian Empire (these people are barbaric and un-Christian after all).

It wasn't just a matter of convenience either. The Soviet government implemented quota systems to ensure representation of ethnic minorities in government and the Communist Party, further integrating them into the political framework of the state. They were hellbent on deracinating all these people, but most importantly the Russians.

The jews were restricted to the Pale of Settlement for good reasons, no, for holy reasons, and this benefitted the Empire. They were excluded from political power, and certainly did not host Purim parties (celebrating the death of over 75,000 gentiles in a massacre) in lavish Tsarist-era mansions in the Moscow suburbs with all their Rolls Royce and Maserati cars parked out front.

Muslims in the Volga and Caucasus region were seen as subjects and had no political bargaining posture that put them on equal footing with Orthodox Christians to make demands for which the Christians were relegated to concede to, unlike today.

The Russian Federation for that matter, is officially a secular state, with freedom of religion (religious pluralism) enshrined in its constitution, just like freemasonic USA. While the Russian Orthodox Church enjoys a privileged status, other religious groups like muslims and jews are legally recognized and have greater freedoms and political clout, unlike with an Orthodox state where they would not. For au contraire examples, look at the only jewish "nation" where nothing else is recognized legally than talmudic judaism, and all the muslim countries that won't allow any churches to be built. Christians are getting the short end of the stick worldwide because they have no nation that advocates for Christian ONLY like the Russian Empire used to. Religious pluralism is right up there in dangers to Russia just like too many aliens.

Kieven Rus is 1142 years old (founded in 882AD)
Tsarist Russia is 562 years old (essentially founded with Ivan III)

The USSR lasted for 74 years (1917 - 1991, 69 years unchecked with power 1922-1991)
This "Russian Federation" is a continuance of the USSR since 1991 (33 years). This is a powerful example of what just three to four generations of jewish destruction will do to a nation, make them forget their past and twist their history to suit the agenda of their masters and not the truth.

If when the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia was in the hands of Russians with no amnesia or brainwashing, they would have reverted back to the Christian Imperial way as it is in their blood. However, Russia was inherently changed from the Bolsheviks. Russian identity is five times longer in Tsarism than it is with anything introduced in the Soviet era, and 11 times longer historically with pure ethnic tribalism. It takes more than four score of jewish lies to erase these genetic memories, something that the Orthodox faith had kept alive.

Immigration to Russia proper should require conversion to Orthodoxy and the applicant verifiably living as an Orthodox Christian for at least two years prior (written testimony from local hieromonk or Bishop) to their arrival period under a scrutinizing investigation, but they're giving visas to any degreed pajeet just like the ziocons in America want to. Then you will see how many Pakis and Africans and Indians and Mongols come to Russia to truly live a cleaner life, even the western grifters won't go there unless they are serious and committed.
russia is multiethnic, multicultural and multiconfessional.

under putin more then 8000 mosques have been constructed.. this is more then all mosques in france, germany, the uk and italy combined.

russia has a fast growing muslim population as long as they contribute and obey the law they are welcome. there are no objections to their presence in russia aside from racism. they follow the law, pay taxes, serve in the military and are upstanding citizens.

the only thing that i don't like is the praying on the streets during muslim holidays.. keep to the holy sites and mosques. this is also why new places of worship need to be constructed in big cities because clearly there is need

this 1 month ago the city where i go to university aaint petersburg, it gives a lot of disturbance of public order
russia is multiethnic, multicultural and multiconfessional.

under putin more then 8000 mosques have been constructed.. this is more then all mosques in france, germany, the uk and italy combined.

russia has a fast growing muslim population as long as they contribute and obey the law they are welcome. there are no objections to their presence in russia aside from racism. they follow the law, pay taxes, serve in the military and are upstanding citizens.

the only thing that i don't like is the praying on the streets during muslim holidays.. keep to the holy sites and mosques. this is also why new places of worship need to be constructed in big cities because clearly there is need

this 1 month ago the city where i go to university aaint petersburg, it gives a lot of disturbance of public order

Historically, Russia is not multicultural and multiconfessional. It was historically multi-ethnic yet these ethnicities were all subsets of the Aryan races, apart from some Finns and Urgics. See the Catholic Encyclopedia of 1913 entry on "Europe" under demographics and population for a more clear concise definition of this. This "multicultural and multiconfessional" status is fairly new and not deeply-ingrained in Russian history, as I have explained above. It is particularly a Soviet-induced variable to modern reality that if the slightest economic depression hits will worsen this multi-culti powder keg a thousand fold. These people were kept to the fringes of Tsarist Russia for good reasons.

Do you see why there are concerned Christians?

The objections are legitimate. Stop saying "racism". I don't want White muslims around me either, they need to be shown the truth of Christ and given an option to repent or they need to leave and go live with the rest of their creed away from the splendor of the Cathedrals and the civilization that the Gospel built.

The idea of them being peaceful in the long-term, even in Russia, is wishful thinking at best. I pray you do not let yourself be fooled into relaxation around these people where one of them will surely attempt to take advantage of you or harm you.
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It comes down to geography and demography ultimately.

First let's look at the map.

The geographic continuity between the Russian Federation and the late USSR is almost seamless. The RF inherited the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic's (RSFSR) boundaries, which were essentially the largest and most influential republic within the USSR. However the Russian Empire which existed prior to the 1917 Revolution and genocide had significantly different borders, encompassing territories now recognized as independent states like Finland, Poland, and parts of the Baltic states. Therefore, the modern Russian Federation's borders are more reflective of the USSR's boundaries rather than the Russian Empire's (which is truer Russia).

With these change of boundaries comes the problem with these other non-Russians. The demographic composition of the Russian Federation is heavily influenced and was directly caused by the jew policies of the Soviet era. The various mix of ethnic groups that were part of the USSR, such as Tatars, Bashkirs, Chechens, and others had no historical presence in Russian affairs.

The USSR implemented policies that forced integration of these various ethnic minorities within its vast territories. Unlike the Russian Empire, which often treated these groups as fringe dwellers or subjects with limited rights, the Soviet state incorporated them into the socio-economic fabric of the nation as an "idea". This included granting them autonomous regions and republics with the same the Soviet framework.

The Soviet authorities reorganized territorial boundaries to create administrative divisions that recognized ethnic groups, such as the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (TASSR) and the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (CIASSR). These changes promoted a sense of "inclusion" and centralized control to the detriment of the historical Russian authority.

Many of these then ethnic minorities were subjected to forced labor and internment in gulags, which also led to the spread of these diverse populations across the USSR, including into the historical Russian heartland, which they had no historical presence or business being in. The Soviet forced integration of them into the industrial and economic system is not too different than how the Americans did with their blacks, and now everywhere you go in America except for a few rare counties, you experience the darkest depths of humanity snarling back at you.

The education system and state propaganda promoted Soviet ideals and loyalty to the state across all ethnic groups. Which attempted to foster a unified Soviet identity that was intended to transcend individual ethnic affiliations. The USSR's federal structure pushed for the political representation of various ethnic groups through autonomous republics and regions. This "multicultural" system gave these groups a formal role within the Soviet state, which was a vast departure from their righteous marginalization during the Russian Empire (these people are barbaric and un-Christian after all).

It wasn't just a matter of convenience either. The Soviet government implemented quota systems to ensure representation of ethnic minorities in government and the Communist Party, further integrating them into the political framework of the state. They were hellbent on deracinating all these people, but most importantly the Russians.

The jews were restricted to the Pale of Settlement for good reasons, no, for holy reasons, and this benefitted the Empire. They were excluded from political power, and certainly did not host Purim parties (celebrating the death of over 75,000 gentiles in a massacre) in lavish Tsarist-era mansions in the Moscow suburbs with all their Rolls Royce and Maserati cars parked out front.

Muslims in the Volga and Caucasus region were seen as subjects and had no political bargaining posture that put them on equal footing with Orthodox Christians to make demands for which the Christians were relegated to concede to, unlike today.

The Russian Federation for that matter, is officially a secular state, with freedom of religion (religious pluralism) enshrined in its constitution, just like freemasonic USA. While the Russian Orthodox Church enjoys a privileged status, other religious groups like muslims and jews are legally recognized and have greater freedoms and political clout, unlike with an Orthodox state where they would not. For au contraire examples, look at the only jewish "nation" where nothing else is recognized legally than talmudic judaism, and all the muslim countries that won't allow any churches to be built. Christians are getting the short end of the stick worldwide because they have no nation that advocates for Christian ONLY like the Russian Empire used to. Religious pluralism is right up there in dangers to Russia just like too many aliens.

Kieven Rus is 1142 years old (founded in 882AD)
Tsarist Russia is 562 years old (essentially founded with Ivan III)

The USSR lasted for 74 years (1917 - 1991, 69 years unchecked with power 1922-1991)
This "Russian Federation" is a continuance of the USSR since 1991 (33 years). This is a powerful example of what just three to four generations of jewish destruction will do to a nation, make them forget their past and twist their history to suit the agenda of their masters and not the truth.

If when the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia was in the hands of Russians with no amnesia or brainwashing, they would have reverted back to the Christian Imperial way as it is in their blood. However, Russia was inherently changed from the Bolsheviks. Russian identity is five times longer in Tsarism than it is with anything introduced in the Soviet era, and 11 times longer historically with pure ethnic tribalism. It takes more than four score of jewish lies to erase these genetic memories, something that the Orthodox faith had kept alive.

Immigration to Russia proper should require conversion to Orthodoxy and the applicant verifiably living as an Orthodox Christian for at least two years prior (written testimony from local hieromonk or Bishop) to their arrival period under a scrutinizing investigation, but they're giving visas to any degreed pajeet just like the ziocons in America want to. Then you will see how many Pakis and Africans and Indians and Mongols come to Russia to truly live a cleaner life, even the western grifters won't go there unless they are serious and committed.
Thanks for the history lesson but the point is all these people are there now and have been in Russia for a long time. You cannot unscramble the egg. The only thing that can be done is to stop new immigration.

Also I’m not sure I agree about the forced Orthodox Christianity for immigrants. A lot of ethnic Slavic Russians living in Russia are atheist. Would they then also be forced to convert to Orthodox Christianity?
Also I’m not sure I agree about the forced Orthodox Christianity for immigrants. A lot of ethnic Slavic Russians living in Russia are atheist. Would they then also be forced to convert to Orthodox Christianity?
It kept Byzantium alive for a millennium.

These atheist Slavs need to be deprogrammed from their academia and scientism. Most of these notions of atheism formulated in a secular schooling system that did not exist prior to a hundred years ago. To rid atheism, the corrupt institutions and the fallacious ideologies that counter the history of the church and the people in synthesis need to be combatted. Like foreigners, atheism is a generational battle outside the willing converts. The children of tomorrow can be raised in a more moral world if those with belief take control and those without belief remain at the sidelines.

Thanks for the history lesson but the point is all these people are there now and have been in Russia for a long time. You cannot unscramble the egg. The only thing that can be done is to stop new immigration.
80-100 years is not nearly as long as 1100 years (and the 1500 years before that where they were there but mostly tribal). This reality is still very new. There will be no halts on new immigration under any of the worlds current leaders. They're all visionaries of the unnatural. Therefore we can analyze what will happen next.

You are correct that once the egg is scrambled it cannot be reshaped in its former image. It is destroyed. However, the dilution of the blood in many of these people will only weaken them and their descendants while the purity of the blood in others will only strengthen them for the eventual conflict or the eventual natural hierarchy. There are many Russians who will not marry or reproduce with anyone else who is not Russian. Good on them. The jews are hip to this stuff, which is why it is the best weapon they have against any enemy. Without a communist multicultural philosophy forcing the current state of affairs by dodgy legislation, subterfuge, and gunpoint, the natural world sorts itself out. The more the natural world is oppressed by artificial manmade policies the greater the reaction will be, and the more aggressive it will be.

Whether that reaction is a mass exodus, deportation, or mass slaughter of one group over another, it is the correction to the imbalance in the environment. There are theological implications for this separation stemming from the blasphemies of Babel, so this is not merely a scientific interpretation.

These people are living there now, but the realities of the next generation will not be the same as they are now, nor the generation after. The faux-equalities are not naturally sustainable. One population is always in detriment for the other's benefit, and the varying factors that play into this are many, but some are numerical superiority, adherence to a faith in zealousness, and rigidity to keep their own ethnic culture alive.

The egg that is scrambled will liquefy in a pot of water that is slowly heated as opposed to cooking and it will disappear, but the beetroot that is whole will still retain its shape and essence after the cook is finished, and the taste of egg will only be on the exterior and not the center.
Western Countries shouldnt accept anyone who is not given a crash course of christianity first. And be approved in a quizz test agreed by all three major denomination. A bible should be handed over to anyone entering western countries.

Atheism can be accepted. But no other religion can be practiced in western countries. All people who doesnt accept this would have to pay higher taxes. And have their rights restricted. No welfare to anyone except christians. Etc
Western Countries shouldnt accept anyone who is not given a crash course of christianity first. And a quizz test agreed by all three major denomination. A bible should be handed over to anyone entering western countries.

Atheism can be accepted. But no other religion can be practiced in western countries. All people who doesnt accept this would have to pay higher taxes. And have their rights restricted. No welfare to anyone except christians. Etc
As if people wouldn’t fake being Christian’s to get welfare.
As if people wouldn’t fake being Christian’s to get welfare.
Yes. There will always be freeloaders. But some of them would genuinely convert.

Christianity is the roots of all western civilization. With greek roman. Denying it is denying yourself.

And western civilization while christian was the most advanced form of civilization known to man.

They can be black yellow etc. but they have to be christian. And believe in the christian set of values. There are many muslim countries why come to a christian?

And also a program to expand Christianity overseas should be put forth.

Freedom of religion should be banned. And taxed fined heavily.

“there will be no other form of religion than Christianity”
“Any other religion shall be banned and its unlawfull practice taxed and fined. “
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LOL, migrant invasion process is worse in Russia than in Europe as of right now.
The chief Russia cop Bastyrkin just voiced numbers of almost 4 million in 4 months entered legally total. Speechless.
The total population is close to150 million, a million legal entries a month means it irreversible process at this point, and no one knows how many illegals. Right now about 11-13% of population are migrants, that's official on paper, real numbers are a lot higher and this also doesn't account for all the millions of naturalized citizens.
People I know in Russia are all thinking about their kids now, and what steps to take, whether to move to Belarus, violent and rude migrants everywhere, but especially in big cities of course though they're spreading out to small towns, many cases of raping, attacking kids, beating up or killing men, local cops are often in their pockets. It's not legal to defend yourself with a weapon, really, so people are talking which pepper spray brands to use and if Russian ethnic organizations can provide legal help. Siberia and Far East are being taken over by migrants too, these Middle eastern looking men everywhere running all kinds of businesses, selling kebabs and driving taxis, but often running drugs, theft rings and collecting welfare, doctors are being replaced by them too, at school may not say anything to offend migrant kids sensibilities like they tried to block Christmas and New Year Trees, kids being thrown out of playgrounds by hordes of unruly migrant kids and their violent parents.
They're entering churches and blowing out candles on purpose now and hit church attendees in the heart of Russian ethnic region, another case was yesterday.
Leaders of migrant source countries issue public demands on Russia to provide all kinds of services to migrants, like free medical care and visa free entry, half of their population already had moved to Russia. At the same time Russians can't even own a property in those countries.
There're telegram channels broadcasting documented migrant behaviors daily.
And it's a crime of incitement of hatred to openly talk about it unless you're a high official like Bastyrkin.
He said prosecutors often refuse to open cases against criminal migrants (guess why...because they are....they are....)
One can bet they'll try to get rid of him now.
Sorry, the media lies are lies.

As to religion, In Europe, there're 5-6% Muslims.
In Russia numbers differ: between 10 and 18%. Some of which are Native people Muslims but most are migrants
I think they are trying to ramp up their population of young men in Russia via immigration to have a greater pool to draw from for the military to support their war efforts in Ukraine. Notice how many of the soldiers in the Russian army fighting in Ukraine are not ethnic Russians.
I think they are trying to ramp up their population of young men in Russia via immigration to have a greater pool to draw from for the military to support their war efforts in Ukraine. Notice how many of the soldiers in the Russian army fighting in Ukraine are not ethnic Russians.
It wasn't very common in 2022, but it sure is like that now. Every video I'm seeing shows someone clearly non-Russian in the uniform of the Russian Federation military.
I think they are trying to ramp up their population of young men in Russia via immigration to have a greater pool to draw from for the military to support their war efforts in Ukraine. Notice how many of the soldiers in the Russian army fighting in Ukraine are not ethnic Russians.
there are programs for non citizens, one year in the russia military and you are a citizen.

it is attracting people from everywhere, nepal ,india, africa, cuba, syria, iraq and more

these are the people russia need. willing to die for their new motherland
there are programs for non citizens, one year in the russia military and you are a citizen.

it is attracting people from everywhere, nepal ,india, africa, cuba, syria, iraq and more

these are the people russia need. willing to die for their new motherland
They are not dying for russia. They are getting fake citizenships. For being mercenaries.

Cirizenship is given when you have an affinity to the country. The two main criterias are ius soli (born in country) and ius sanguini (ancestors blood).

This war should have never happened.
there are programs for non citizens, one year in the russia military and you are a citizen.

it is attracting people from everywhere, nepal ,india, africa, cuba, syria, iraq and more

these are the people russia need. willing to die for their new motherland
How can you support this unless you yourself are not an ethnic Russian? If you are an ethnic Russian, these wannabe soldiers of fortune are intended to be your replacements. There are no historical areas of the Volga, the Urals, or the Steppes that belong to Nepalese, Indians, Africans, Cubans, Syrians, or anyone of these outsiders.

They will not convert to Orthodox Christianity in any substantial number, nor in any meaningful quality that will make it better.

They're dying alright, but not for the "idea" of a Russian motherland, just for gibs and a signing bonus in rubles that lets them go to dirty nightclubs to buy expensive vodka and take advantage of skanky tramps. There is no nobility in this war, only death and destruction of everything around it.

Anyone who supports this war needs to watch the daily videos of Russian soldiers committing suicide observed by drones. It's disheartening. but it keeps happening over and over again. What kind of Christian Orthodox army would be engaging in this behavior on such a large scale? Who is instructing them to do this when they cannot be rescued or to avoid capture and tribulation by the west?
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How can you support this unless you yourself are not an ethnic Russian? If you are an ethnic Russian, these wannabe soldiers of fortune are intended to be your replacements. There are no historical areas of the Volga, the Urals, or the Steppes that belong to Nepalese, Indians, Africans, Cubans, Syrians, or anyone of these outsiders.

They will not convert to Orthodox Christianity in any substantial number, nor in any meaningful quality that will make it better.

They're dying alright, but not for the "idea" of a Russian motherland, just for gibs and a signing bonus in rubles that lets them go to dirty nightclubs to buy expensive vodka and take advantage of skanky tramps. There is no nobility in this war, only death and destruction of everything around it.

Anyone who supports this war needs to watch the daily videos of Russian soldiers committing suicide observed by drones. It's disheartening. but it keeps happening over and over again. What kind of Christian Orthodox army would be engaging in this behavior on such a large scale? Who is instructing them to do this when they cannot be rescued or to avoid capture and tribulation by the west?
my friend you speak of christian orthodox armies but this type of fantasies only exist on the non russian internet.

quite frankly some of the assumptions made here on my homecountry are ridiculous.

russia is a secular multicultural multiconfessional multiethnic democratic federation. not an orthodox empire or whatever other claims deluded outsiders that don't speak a word of russian make.

we value loyalty to the state and it institutions. if foreigners are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice they should be considered one of us

there are programs for non citizens, one year in the russia military and you are a citizen.

it is attracting people from everywhere, nepal ,india, africa, cuba, syria, iraq and more

these are the people russia need. willing to die for their new motherland

Link or it's a lie