carnivore diet discussion thread

I can't believe you would eat that. Have you got one of those machines that makes it? That entire section of the supermarket, potato crisps, popcorn is pure goy slop, and the excess salt factor. Okay, if you go to the cinemas, but why else would you eat it..

I might get a rice cooker soon, also suspect it is good but, at least better than bread, although I seem to do okay keeping a focus on steamed potatoes, sweet potatoes and bananas for the small carb component. Currently eat rice very rarely. Is it really any better than say, potatoes..
I've occasionally made popcorn at home. You don't need a special machine. Just buy the raw popcorn seeds and cook it in a big pot with a lid using some olive oil or butter. This type of homemade popcorn is far less unhealthy than a lot of other snack foods.
I've occasionally made popcorn at home. You don't need a special machine. Just buy the raw popcorn seeds and cook it in a big pot with a lid using some olive oil or butter. This type of homemade popcorn is far less unhealthy than a lot of other snack foods.
Use something with a higher smoke point like beef tallow
Sometimes I like to use Ghee or Avocado oil or Macadamia oil if I need something with a higher smoke point. I have on occasion used sheep tallow also. It depends really what I have lying around at the time.
I like to use ghee too, but some members of my family object to the smell, i wonder if it has to do with the brand. Avocado and macadamia are typically much more expensive. Therefore my preference has simply been to buy beef fat from a local butcher and render out the tallow myself. 100% happy with the results, from fried rice, eggs, steak to thick cut fries.
What you are saying goes against what everybody else on the forum thinks. Its okay to have a dissident opinion at the very least a detailed explanation and links to relevant sources are in order when you are giving such a controversial opinion.
All of Dr Walter Kempner's research, father of the rice diet, the truth is all there, and I'm not advocating zero meat or animal products either
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What you are saying goes against what everybody else on the forum thinks. Its okay to have a dissident opinion at the very least a detailed explanation and links to relevant sources are in order when you are giving such a controversial opinion.
And, there is no money to be made, the truth will be forever suppressed. The entire for profit medical care system would collapse if everyone just ate rice sugar and fruit to reverse many chronic diseases, and that includes diabetes.
And, there is no money to be made, the truth will be forever suppressed. The entire for profit medical care system would collapse if everyone just ate rice sugar and fruit to reverse many chronic diseases, and that includes diabetes.

And, there is no money to be made, the truth will be forever suppressed. The entire for profit medical care system would collapse if everyone just ate rice sugar and fruit to reverse many chronic diseases, and that includes diabetes.

Interesting you mentioned Diabetes. How does one that is insulin resistant or Type 2 Diabetic get better on a diet of sugar or carbs?

To reverse Type 2 Diabetes you need very low carb/sugar intake.
Perhaps you'd argue that these people are overweight or not eating clean in the first place. Yes we can all reduce junk food and eat natural whole foods, we all agree that's a good start.

But we still have a majority of fat and sick people who are largely insulin resistant in the western world. So how do we reverse that trend?

I'll use Carnivore every day of the week because the insulin spike with sugar and carbs - which you seem to recommend - is what keeps people hungry, fat, up and down mood, and on the consistent cycle of 3-5 meals a day.

Eating beef, eggs, bacon etc simply doesn't do that.
Interesting you mentioned Diabetes. How does one that is insulin resistant or Type 2 Diabetic get better on a diet of sugar or carbs?

To reverse Type 2 Diabetes you need very low carb/sugar intake.
Perhaps you'd argue that these people are overweight or not eating clean in the first place. Yes we can all reduce junk food and eat natural whole foods, we all agree that's a good start.

But we still have a majority of fat and sick people who are largely insulin resistant in the western world. So how do we reverse that trend?

I'll use Carnivore every day of the week because the insulin spike with sugar and carbs - which you seem to recommend - is what keeps people hungry, fat, up and down mood, and on the consistent cycle of 3-5 meals a day.

Eating beef, eggs, bacon etc simply doesn't do that.

^^You have been fed lies. You cure type 2 diabetes eating pure carbohydrate, eating sugar, rice and fruit. A high carb low fat diet is what I would recommend if you want to be slim, happy, and healthy. Eat carbs and sugar. And there's real world proof too, poor people in third world countries living off sugar , rice, and fruit, are slim and healthy, the moment they gain, some wealth, they start getting fat because they start eating all the western fatty and protein rich foods. Thailand is a perfect example. Back in the 1970s before Thailand achieved economic prosperity obesity rates were less than 1 percent. Today almost 10% and rising .
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^^You have been fed lies. You cure type 2 diabetes eating pure carbohydrate, eating sugar, rice and fruit. A high carb low fat diet is what I would recommend if you want to be slim, happy, and healthy. Eat carbs and sugar. And there's real world proof too, poor people in third world countries living off sugar , rice, and fruit, are slim and healthy, the moment they gain, some wealth, they start getting fat because they start eating all the western fatty and protein rich foods. Thailand is a perfect example. Back in the 1970s before Thailand achieved economic prosperity obesity rates were less than 1 percent. Today almost 10% and rising .
You're confusing a lot of topics here.

Carbs and sugars will increase blood sugar levels and lead to greater insulin resistance, not sensitivity. This doesn't necessarily mean the person in question is unhealthy or obese, but physiologically it is the reality. One does not get "fat" eating fat and protein. You're missing tons of details here, including total caloric intake (mixture of all macros) as well as genetics.
I can't believe you would eat that. Have you got one of those machines that makes it?
Popcorn is not good for you but it's mostly air. It's just corn with a bunch of salt in it. I bought some made with avocado oil and eat it about 4x a year if I want to throw on an old James Bond film or something. No you shouldn't eat any junk food regularly, but the bigger point is that if you focus on high fat, high protein MEALS, you don't have to eat a restrictive diet where you can never have things you crave; you can have an ice cream every now and then if you want.

Particularly once you have lost the weight and are just trying to maintain. I wouldn't recommend it when you're in the process of shedding fat.

You just need to make sure your regular meals are extremely low carb (high fat / high protein), and then if you want a special diversion every now and then it's fine because the key is you aren't piling up excess carbs with every meal which accumulate and convert to body fat.
Use something with a higher smoke point like beef tallow
Sometimes I like to use Ghee or Avocado oil or Macadamia oil if I need something with a higher smoke point. I have on occasion used sheep tallow also. It depends really what I have lying around at the time.
Sheep tallow? Sounds like you've been living in the sticks somewhere if you have that just lying around.

Before paraffin they used to make candles out of that kind of thing, beef tallow as well..

I tried avocado oil because of the high smoke point but couldn't stand the smell or taste.

Also had ghee sometimes but it just seemed very Hindu and Indian restaurant, eat love pray..

So for now I have a jar of coconut fat, which has got one of the highest smoke points apart from avocado oil. Cooked steak in it again last night.

Interestingly is that it is a solid under about 25°C and a liquid above that, so in the middle of summer the jar contained a liquid on its shelf, now it has gone back to a white solid. Very white, not yellow like butter. Bit strange, but there does not seem to be any sort of coconut smell or taste.
Although I think frutarianism is largely non-sense there is one argument they make against a carnivore diet which sounds compelling. Humans had a genetic adaptation hundreds of thousands of years ago to stop producing vitamin C. This could have only happened if humans were consuming substantial quantities of vitamin C most likely from fruit. A carnivore diet is extremely low in vitamin C. Now the people on carnivore diet argue that you need less vitamin C if you are on an extremely low carb diet which is true and carnivore's generally are not showing signs of extreme deficiency such as scurvy, etc. But people on a strict carnivore diet are probably still getting sub-optimal levels of vitamin C which can affect the body in a variety of ways. For that and a variety of other reasons a significant number of original adherents to the carnivore diet have now switched to a "meat and fruit" diet.
I think strict carnivore diet makes sense for people with epilepsy or autoimmune diseases etc but for a reaosnably healthy person as a long term diet its probably extreme and unecessary.
Although I think frutarianism is largely non-sense there is one argument they make against a carnivore diet which sounds compelling. Humans had a genetic adaptation hundreds of thousands of years ago to stop producing vitamin C. This could have only happened if humans were consuming substantial quantities of vitamin C most likely from fruit. A carnivore diet is extremely low in vitamin C. Now the people on carnivore diet argue that you need less vitamin C if you are on an extremely low carb diet which is true and carnivore's generally are not showing signs of extreme deficiency such as scurvy, etc. But people on a strict carnivore diet are probably still getting sub-optimal levels of vitamin C which can affect the body in a variety of ways. For that and a variety of other reasons a significant number of original adherents to the carnivore diet have now switched to a "meat and fruit" diet.

Meat does contain significant quantities of vitamin C, government health agencies just don’t measure or report it.

I think fruit is more necessary in hot climates near the equator, with year round sun, but less beneficial and even detrimental in colder climates. Eskimos: no fruit. Africans and latin America, more fruit.

The lack of sun signals the body to convert the carbs to fat, to survive the “winter”. To the body, if it’s dark and it’s getting carbs, the “real food” (meat) is becoming scarce and it needs to lower the metabolism and preserve energy in fat. That’s why 99% of eskimos and First Nation in Canada get obese on a western diet. Also people that live in darkness, like the USA with its car culture, vs Europe where people are walking outside more.