The effects of high-carbohydrate, high plant fiber (HCF) diets on glucose and lipid metabolism of 20 lean men receiving insulin therapy for diabetes mellitus were evaluated on a metabolic ward. All men received control diets for an average of 7 days followed by HCF diets for an average of 16...
^^You have been fed lies. You cure type 2 diabetes eating pure carbohydrate, eating sugar, rice and fruit. A high carb low fat diet is what I would recommend if you want to be slim, happy, and healthy. Eat carbs and sugar. And there's real world proof too, poor people in third world countries living off sugar , rice, and fruit, are slim and healthy, the moment they gain, some wealth, they start getting fat because they start eating all the western fatty and protein rich foods. Thailand is a perfect example. Back in the 1970s before Thailand achieved economic prosperity obesity rates were less than 1 percent. Today almost 10% and rising .