carnivore diet discussion thread

This makes me wonder why fish-based diets haven't caught on more. I know there's a lot of contimination in the ocean but some fish are much cleaner than others depending on where and what they eat. I know that sardines for instance are very clean and I would consider them a superfood but I rarely hear of anyone eating them. I find it puzzling that seafood is rarely even talked about within the context of carnivore.
I don’t like seafood purely because of the taste.
The problem with it being “boring” is all perception. When did food become entertainment? I guess historically the entertainment was from hunting it, not eating it.

Think of it as getting the best nourishment to be as alert and present as you can, and enjoy other things in life besides food.
Ok I’ll bite. Before we go on bugs, I’ll try the carnivore diet but it just feels like sensationalism because pepper, herbs, etc are plants. Is the paleo diet still cool and considered a thing? I’d find that easier than carnivore. But it’s horribly inaccurate. Our prehistoric ancestors ate grains and tubers.
Ok I’ll bite. Before we go on bugs, I’ll try the carnivore diet but it just feels like sensationalism because pepper, herbs, etc are plants. Is the paleo diet still cool and considered a thing? I’d find that easier than carnivore. But it’s horribly inaccurate. Our prehistoric ancestors ate grains and tubers.

Pepper and herbs all have anti nutrients that chelate the supposed vitamins they contain, greatly limiting their bioavailability.

Paleo is good though I would eliminate nuts and seeds. I think honey and fruit are OK (some disagree). Also I think critically overlooked by paleo and keto advocates is the importance of macro balance…60%-70% of your total calories should come from animal fat, and the rest protein. This is much more fat than people are used to eating these days, but it’s what will keep you full, and lean.

I don’t need herbs. Just some fatty meat, salt, and fire.
Pepper and herbs all have anti nutrients that chelate the supposed vitamins they contain, greatly limiting their bioavailability.

Paleo is good though I would eliminate nuts and seeds. I think honey and fruit are OK (some disagree). Also I think critically overlooked by paleo and keto advocates is the importance of macro balance…60%-70% of your total calories should come from animal fat, and the rest protein. This is much more fat than people are used to eating these days, but it’s what will keep you full, and lean.

I don’t need herbs. Just some fatty meat, salt, and fire.
The problem with the carnivore narrative even leaving aside that evidence is mixed/arguable for what humans ate in the pre-civilization era the narrative that the toxicity of herbs and vegetables gradually kills you over time is plausible but there are just too many holes in that narrative. If you look at the "blue zones" where people have long life spans yes most of them eat meat and fish but they also eat a decent amount of fruit and vegetables. A large percentage of people living in the "blue zones" have a vegetable heavy diet and they have many centenarians in their ranks. Also look at Japan, they have a lot of centenarians and it's known for being a country with below average meat consumption by global standards.

Some of the 7th day adventists that live in the Lomo Linda region are vegetarian and even the ones that eat meat eat modest amounts of meat and have a vegetable heavy diet.

Look at Jack Lalanne. The guy was a legend. He ate a mostly vegetable heavy diet with some fish and eggs with almost no red meat or dairy. And he lived a long and healthy life.
The problem with the carnivore narrative even leaving aside that evidence is mixed/arguable for what humans ate in the pre-civilization era the narrative that the toxicity of herbs and vegetables gradually kills you over time is plausible but there are just too many holes in that narrative. If you look at the "blue zones" where people have long life spans yes most of them eat meat and fish but they also eat a decent amount of fruit and vegetables. A large percentage of people living in the "blue zones" have a vegetable heavy diet and they have many centenarians in their ranks. Also look at Japan, they have a lot of centenarians and it's known for being a country with below average meat consumption by global standards.

Some of the 7th day adventists that live in the Lomo Linda region are vegetarian and even the ones that eat meat eat modest amounts of meat and have a vegetable heavy diet.

Look at Jack Lalanne. The guy was a legend. He ate a mostly vegetable heavy diet with some fish and eggs with almost no red meat or dairy. And he lived a long and healthy life.

You can be healthy with eating more fruits in the tropics, I think being active and year round sun alter the metabolism for that diet.

However, it’s incontrovertible that at least our Euro and Asian ancestors had little to no plants in their diet. There is simply nothing of caloric value to eat for a human being, prior to agriculture. Go out in the woods anywhere and see how long you can survive on plants. The blue zones are more than just diet - there is a huge social component and an outdoor lifestyle with excercise. They could probably live even longer on an all meat diet. The Japanese are also short, non-muscular and even androgynous. Read Weston A Price’s accounts of the hunter/gatherer tribes he visited. They were nearly perfect physical specimens with large muscular frames and straight teeth. Especially the Eskimos, who obviously ate zero plants, ever. But every tribe he visited survived almost exclusively on meat.
They could probably live even longer on an all meat diet.
I am not going to dismiss it offhand and believe it might be possible but can you actually point out a place in the world where people have an all or mostly meat diet and have a long life expectancy and a abnormally high percentage of centenarians?

Eskimos had a normal lifespan (or even shorter than normal) but I don't blame that on the meat, they lived in very extreme and harsh living conditions which is what shortened their lifespans.
The Japanese are also short, non-muscular and even androgynous.
Research shows that growth factors and longevity factors are in opposition. All else being equal on average a body builder will live a shorter lifespan than a normal dude with a healthy weight. Same as how a 2 meter tall guy on average will have a shorter lifespan than a short person (once other variables have been controlled for).
Research shows that growth factors and longevity factors are in opposition. All else being equal on average a body builder will live a shorter lifespan than a normal dude with a healthy weight. Same as how a 2 meter tall guy on average will have a shorter lifespan than a short person (once other variables have been controlled for).

An excellent point about growth factors. Rat studies have shown that caloric deficits did increase life span as well (but with physical and mental retardation). Some of the height vs longevity correlation is theorized be cardiovascular (the heart can't regenerate like other organs)

I'm not sure about Eskimo lifespans, you may have a point there, but keep in mind today's Eskimos that receive plane loads of Fiat food weekly are not the same as the ones 100 years ago.
You can be healthy with eating more fruits in the tropics, I think being active and year round sun alter the metabolism for that diet.

However, it’s incontrovertible that at least our Euro and Asian ancestors had little to no plants in their diet. There is simply nothing of caloric value to eat for a human being, prior to agriculture. Go out in the woods anywhere and see how long you can survive on plants. The blue zones are more than just diet - there is a huge social component and an outdoor lifestyle with excercise. They could probably live even longer on an all meat diet. The Japanese are also short, non-muscular and even androgynous. Read Weston A Price’s accounts of the hunter/gatherer tribes he visited. They were nearly perfect physical specimens with large muscular frames and straight teeth. Especially the Eskimos, who obviously ate zero plants, ever. But every tribe he visited survived almost exclusively on meat.
Inuit are short too. So you have plant based Japanese and meat eating Mongols and Inuit. All the above are short. It had more to do with your parents. If your parents are short, got bad news.
I'm a bit hesitant to go with any sort of "only eat this" diet. It just sounds scammy and gimmicky.
But the eggs and steak diet someone posted here really intrigued me! Mostly because it is a way of doing zero carbs without fasting.

I haven't gone in hard on anything, but for a couple of weeks I focused on
A) eating high protein/fat (mostly meats and eggs),
B) eating just one meal a day, with a light snack and
C) drinking a lot of water (the way I used to!).
D) NOT EATING LATE (this is a problem for multiple reasons, but if your big meal is breakfast or lunch, you are likely to be in ketosis when you wake the next day).

Haven't weighed myself, but the stubborn belly fat that didn't seem to go away with exercise shrank roughly in half.

It's basically a plan to force your body into ketosis, making it burn fat, while simultaneously giving your body little to no carbs to burn even if it wanted to. I'm going to rotate one week on, one week off of this and see how it goes. But I am now much more positive on carnivore diet which sounded ridiculous to me before (I still mostly believe a balanced diet of a number of different foods is healthy--but as we age and metabolism slows I think an intermittant carnivore diet is very beneficial.

I didn't just focus on steak and eggs, but instead just opted for high fat / high protein foods and cut out full carbs / desserts etc.
For example my snack might be yogurt with fresh berries. I use the 10% milkfat Cabot yogurt (it makes even the old Fage yogurt I used to use seem weak and tasteless!)


This is without artificially restricting my diet, other than eliminating dessert. I still ate a salad or 2, some popcorn, etc. Just generally choosing ONLY FOODS whose FAT and PROTEIN are BOTH greater than CARBS. I think the purest form of this is ONLY eggs + steak, but it's also a bit extreme for me.

The interesting thing is even with one meal a day I AM NOT HUNGRY! That 10% fat yogurt is filling!
rice, sugar, and fruit is the path to health, nobody will tell you this because there's absolutely no money to make from it, billions of people around the world are lean, fit, and healthy, and well satiated from a diet like this.
Never heard anyone say sugar was good for you!

As for rice, despite being a pure carbohydrate, it *does* seem to be good, with many Asians and Latinos eating it every day, and being much thinner than the rest of us. I've never understood why.

Okinawa, Japan is one of the 5 Blue Zones and they eat rice with every meal.
Never heard anyone say sugar was good for you!

As for rice, despite being a pure carbohydrate, it *does* seem to be good, with many Asians and Latinos eating it every day, and being much thinner than the rest of us. I've never understood why.

Okinawa, Japan is one of the 5 Blue Zones and they eat rice with every meal.
You've been completely lied to , what do you think they give you at a hospital to nurse you back to health. No such thing as sugar addiction, sugar does not cause a "fatty liver", sugar does not "feed cancer cells". Fear of sugar destroys people's lives, destroys people's health and minds. We have a nation of sick, obese people addicted to caffeine, from constantly starving themselves, yoyoing their weight up and down, obsessed with this "Keto" and "carnivore" fad , having no energy, counting calories, it's all absolute insanity. Down a bag of sugar, empty a jar of honey, you will feel better instantly, your cortisol levels will drop massively , you will have a sense of well being and energy, you will not and cannot get fat from eating pure carbohydrate, it's not biologically possible.
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I have found out that I am "gluten intolerant" which we all know is just ZOG speak for they put glyphosate in all of our food. Sore joints, brain fog, constant fatigue even though I am fairly young still, etc.

I have thus swapped to a mainly carnivore diet though with fruits and some veg. Will report back how I am feeling.
I have found out that I am "gluten intolerant" which we all know is just ZOG speak for they put glyphosate in all of our food. Sore joints, brain fog, constant fatigue even though I am fairly young still, etc.

I have thus swapped to a mainly carnivore diet though with fruits and some veg. Will report back how I am feeling.
Wouldn’t that just be paleo?
Wouldn’t that just be paleo?
I have seen that advocates of carnivore end up going to paleo (Paul Saladino for example). If I continue to experience inflammation issues I will cut vegetables next, but I think the western world's problem is glyphosate.
I have seen that advocates of carnivore end up going to paleo (Paul Saladino for example). If I continue to experience inflammation issues I will cut vegetables next, but I think the western world's problem is glyphosate.
He's not really Paleo, more animal based with some fruit, (no veg).
some popcorn, etc.
I can't believe you would eat that. Have you got one of those machines that makes it? That entire section of the supermarket, potato crisps, popcorn is pure goy slop, and the excess salt factor. Okay, if you go to the cinemas, but why else would you eat it..
As for rice, despite being a pure carbohydrate, it *does* seem to be good
I might get a rice cooker soon, also suspect it is good but, at least better than bread, although I seem to do okay keeping a focus on steamed potatoes, sweet potatoes and bananas for the small carb component. Currently eat rice very rarely. Is it really any better than say, potatoes..
You've been completely lied to , what do you think they give you at a hospital to nurse you back to health. No such thing as sugar addiction, sugar does not cause a "fatty liver", sugar does not "feed cancer cells". Fear of sugar destroys people's lives, destroys people's health and minds. We have a nation of sick, obese people addicted to caffeine, from constantly starving themselves, yoyoing their weight up and down, obsessed with this "Keto" and "carnivore" fad , having no energy, counting calories, it's all absolute insanity. Down a bag of sugar, empty a jar of honey, you will feel better instantly, your cortisol levels will drop massively , you will have a sense of well being and energy, you will not and cannot get fat from eating pure carbohydrate, it's not biologically possible.
What you are saying goes against what everybody else on the forum thinks. Its okay to have a dissident opinion at the very least a detailed explanation and links to relevant sources are in order when you are giving such a controversial opinion.
Never heard anyone say sugar was good for you!

As for rice, despite being a pure carbohydrate, it *does* seem to be good, with many Asians and Latinos eating it every day, and being much thinner than the rest of us. I've never understood why.

Okinawa, Japan is one of the 5 Blue Zones and they eat rice with every meal.
Asians are generally thin because they eat less junkfood and even though they eat rice with many meals the thinner asians (e.g. Japanese, Vietnamese, Thais) usually eat a modest portion of rice. The portion size is generally much smaller than starch portions (potatoes, bread, pasta, rice, etc) eaten by western people.

As for Latinos unless they are extremely poor you usually see them getting fat by middle age. Its just the obesity usually kicks in a little later than with anglo-sphere people. I have been to Peru, Chile, Colombia and Mexico and I can tell you in those countries most people over 40 seemed a bit fat although they have much fewer morbidly obese people than anglo-sphere countries. Although Mexico is just as fat a s a western country.