Brother Nathanael Thread

I like him a lot better this way, quite good movies, he softens in his behavior talking about Christ.

I don't know him, I don't know where he lives, I don't know his prior, or fellow monks, which monastery is he based?

Would be interesting if one of the guys in the US could visit him in the monastery and have a talk with him and feel the vibe.

I conclude based on his site and movies and I see now he made some nice Christian movies. (still to me, it doesn't prove a lot, you could also see it as a strategy) The vast majority of his content 90% is anti-Jew/political. Maybe it's just not my style.

My gut says, this is not OK.

Nevertheless I feel many of the Catholic clergy are way too afraid to confront the world, as Christ did, or to talk about jewish abuse of power.
Recently, he had his confirmation of being an ordained member of good standing from ROCOR uploaded, I believe on twitter. I can't find it now and I forgot whether or not the monastery was mentioned there, but it was signed by Metropolitan Hilarion.

But he's legit.

It really is a shame that Bible with Brother was deleted, because his OT knowledge was pretty good. I feel like there is still a huge gap in online content of Messianic prophecies and prefigurations. Bible Project has some good stuff, but they don't include a lot of Orthodox dogma.

I agree with you that I'd like to see more of his spiritual stuff as opposed to the Jew stuff. For the latter, it would probably suffice to do one or two long form interviews per month. Or maybe link up with someone sophisticated in media and then put out little documentaries.

I believe he does a lot of the Jewish stuff because he feels like he is one of the few people who will talk about this with some authority and fortitude. Focusing on the spiritual side of it would probably be better, and perhaps him debating rabbis on the OT would be very good and spiritually edifying.
Recently, he had his confirmation of being an ordained member of good standing from ROCOR uploaded, I believe on twitter. I can't find it now and I forgot whether or not the monastery was mentioned there, but it was signed by Metropolitan Hilarion.

But he's legit.

It really is a shame that Bible with Brother was deleted, because his OT knowledge was pretty good. I feel like there is still a huge gap in online content of Messianic prophecies and prefigurations. Bible Project has some good stuff, but they don't include a lot of Orthodox dogma.

I agree with you that I'd like to see more of his spiritual stuff as opposed to the Jew stuff. For the latter, it would probably suffice to do one or two long form interviews per month. Or maybe link up with someone sophisticated in media and then put out little documentaries.

I believe he does a lot of the Jewish stuff because he feels like he is one of the few people who will talk about this with some authority and fortitude. Focusing on the spiritual side of it would probably be better, and perhaps him debating rabbis on the OT would be very good and spiritually edifying.
I just checked and Bible with Brother is still up on Bitchute, but he hasn't posted there since November.
I don't know how anyone can say the US is not controlled by jews after knowing these facts:

"Brother Nathanael: the jewish Solution 1- 27-24"

He runs down the Russian jewish autonomous region, which is also something that not only the Tsars considered, it is something that other leaders also sought as a solution for the jewish question. A very simple geographic separation from them and Christendom is a solution. By virtue of that separation, Christian Europeans are not scammed with interest rates and enslaved with debt, nor have their morals messed with or their children exsanguinated, and no jew will ever face a pogrom.
I don't know how anyone can say the US is not controlled by jews after knowing these facts:

"Brother Nathanael: the jewish Solution 1- 27-24"

He runs down the Russian jewish autonomous region, which is also something that not only the Tsars considered, it is something that other leaders also sought as a solution for the jewish question. A very simple geographic separation from them and Christendom is a solution. By virtue of that separation, Christian Europeans are not scammed with interest rates and enslaved with debt, nor have their morals messed with or their children exsanguinated, and no jew will ever face a pogrom.

Not much going on in Madagascar last time I checked (except for the clearing of all forests).

But yes, the generosity is very much one sided.
Just spewing low ball trash.

All his articles are either on evil Jews or on the world and connecting that to Jews. All the articles are divisive. It's a political activist channel.

How about the kingdom of Christ? Which is not of this world?

The more I look at it, I see a deceiver that has 1 goal to mock Christians, and especially the Orthodox.

Jews have always been financing "extremists", because it helps to keep the population in check.

He is similar to the "goyim defence league" which is a mockery of normal men concerned about Jewish power.

What this creates is that when a Christian says something on Jews, he will associated with "Brother Nathanael" or when a secular man says something on Jews he will be seen as part of the neonazi "goyim defence league"

This is the ADL on the "Goyim Defence League"

This has been done for ages. It's propaganda. That he is able to do this for so many years is also a great indication that this is the behavior they want.

I can only encourage you to look at his page, look through his "work" and judge yourself.

If you like it and think he's a good servant, I would say book a retreat and go in a real monastery and compare that with this man says.

I don't understand what you don't you don't understand about war? The jews deserve all of Bro Nat's attention because nobody else in the US is even saying the word "jew" in public without trembling in fear. Jesus never said don't defend yourself with righteousness anger and physical violence. He does not expect us to be Him. You can interpret the Bible many different ways, but I just don't see the "turn the other cheek" sentiment as saying "don't talk incessant trash toward your enemies."

Not everybody is a "plant" or controlled opposition. You can see it in Bro Nat's face, he's a legit spiritual being who has done The Work and he's on our side. Maybe ponder if you're being contrarian because part of your nature is being argumentative and try giving this man the benefit of the doubt and some respect for putting his life on the line by publicly speaking forceful truth to JQ power.
I don't know how anyone can say the US is not controlled by jews after knowing these facts:

"Brother Nathanael: the jewish Solution 1- 27-24"

He runs down the Russian jewish autonomous region, which is also something that not only the Tsars considered, it is something that other leaders also sought as a solution for the jewish question. A very simple geographic separation from them and Christendom is a solution. By virtue of that separation, Christian Europeans are not scammed with interest rates and enslaved with debt, nor have their morals messed with or their children exsanguinated, and no jew will ever face a pogrom.

It's funny, because last year I read the essay Hilaire Belloc wrote on this in 1922, and his thought was basically:

"Many people think a Jewish state will solve the conflict Jews have with others, but as Jews are, on the whole, totally unwilling to engage in any actual productive activity whatsoever, all that will happen is that whatever state they create in Palestine or wherever is just going to become a new hub for their internationalism and they will never all go there."

First of all, prophetic. Israel has more money relative to the population at its disposal than most other countries, but their infrastructure looks like garbage, it's dirty and people don't live in great circumstances. They also tend to brag about how much they've built, but they actually don't ever build anything. Every freelance Romanian construction worker has either done jobs in Israel or knows people who have. It's one of the lesser known qualities of that culture nowadays, but they genuinely have an aversion towards regular productive work, where you either have to build something or produce something that other people might like.
Not much going on in Madagascar last time I checked (except for the clearing of all forests).

But yes, the generosity is very much one sided.

Tropical paradise and quite a large area. They shoulda taken it when offered.

The problem is, whatever area they use as their own home base, they still want complete freedom and unfettered access to all "gentile" lands for looting and ego purposes. They are not appeasable and completely unreasonable. Can one begin to see the scope of the dilemma?
And that's precariously the Option nobody wants to address. It would take much sacrifice to employ an Absolute Offesnsive measure among what's left of the Gentile Men, because of the Near Permanent Scaring of peoples psyche about the Embellished Narrative of the Holocaust. This will probably be something only Devine Intervention can solve. If this is their Predominant Pathological mindset to Subvert and Destroy you as a Christian European Man will have to be very Clear to under No Condition to ever mix with them in Civil Society and Your Militarial defense will be dedicated towards their Segregation away from Gentiles... Nothing else will work. And in this fallen world it's still a crap shoot.
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That's funny. Those movies seem nearly perfect to me. There are some hokey bits to them, but I consider that normal and acceptable in story telling.

Overall, they're great, and they don't make movies like that anymore.
Yeah I actually feel bad about it because I love movies, but I could never bring myself to watch it because I hate time travel so much.
I honestly couldn't even tell you why. It's possible that "The Prisoner of Askaban" traumatized me because it was so stupid or something. I don't really remember when it started.

I just kind of have that thing where I want to shut off the TV whenever time travel comes into play. It makes me feel extremely uncomfortable.
He's not wrong. They look normal until about age 20, then things are changing quite a bit by 30, and after 40 "goblin-mode" sets in. Look at these before/after pictures of the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Something more than just getting old is going on here.

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I was in a jewish neighborhood last week and went to the wall to use the bathrooms, I noticed a few of these faces walking around there that brother Nathaneal spoke about, I was laughing inside because I never noticed it before, I will keep a look out for this more.
They'll do things in the tech world, but curiously they are all related to surveillance. That sphere includes "crypto".
They also make extremely subversive videogames, sometimes so subtle that normies just eat them up and praise them. Even when they build something, it's a tool of social/spiritual destruction. What a mess. I'm quite tired of living in a Jewish plastic nightmare.
They'll do things in the tech world, but curiously they are all related to surveillance. That sphere includes "crypto".
Yeah all the stuff that's related to venture capitalism and tech stuff where you basically just copy Silicon Valley projects. It's all make-believe though, public-private abominations that are monopolized through government contracts. If Israel were competing with regular products on the regular market, it could never work out.

That's sort of the thing when people say "I don't want to abolish Israel, I just want to stop blowing money up the wazoo" but that would basically mean abolishing them. It's just not a normal country, it only exists in tandem with an international lobby.

Yuval Harari is an example for how it works with intellectual output. His bad philosophy aside, the guy is just a flat out bad writer. A completely untalented midwit gaylord. But he is related to publishers and involved in all the fancy WEF projects, so he gets a lot of credit and invitations to champaign receptions with politicians and other zogged out authors.

They force their stuff down your throat and then turn around and go "see how many people consume our products? What would you do without us?"

And then everybody has to pretend that they are geniuses while they replace everything in life with bizarre soulless simulacra.
Yuval Harari is an example for how it works with intellectual output. His bad philosophy aside, the guy is just a flat out bad writer. A completely untalented midwit gaylord. But he is related to publishers and involved in all the fancy WEF projects, so he gets a lot of credit and invitations to champaign receptions with politicians and other zogged out authors.
Totally agree. I was given a copy of his book Sapiens and I was totally unimpressed by the bits I've read of it. I had no idea why it has gotten the level of attention it has when it basically just seemed like a dumbed down version of Germs, Gun, and Steel. I looked a bit more into him and read a bit more of his articles and I figured it was because he just happened to be the perfect avatar for the global internationalist. He's a homosexual and I remember slightly gagging when he referred to his gay lover as his "internet of everything" - both because of the homo factor but also because of how he was employing a pop-intellectual buzzword phrase in such a hackneyed manner. It's like he's incapable of writing or saying anything with sounding like some sort of AI that just remixes buzzword terms and phrases (Web 3.0! Singularity!) in various ways. Another example of this is how his Sapiens book had the subtitle "A Brief History of Humanity" which is an obvious reference to Stephen Hawkins and just another example of how he tries to get intellectual brownie points via osmosis by using phrases that makes him appear to be adjacent to people who have built a reputation as public intellectuals.

He also has a book called Homo Deus which I haven't read but based on the synopsis the contents appear to be him talking up and praising every Tower of Babel innovation that is being pushed by the global elites. I used the phrase Tower of Babel since the theme of the book is that humanity will eventually be transcended into god-like beings via technology. I'm sure everyone here can figure out why a book with such ideas is going to be championed by the usual suspects.
it basically just seemed like a dumbed down version of Germs, Gun, and Steel
Not that GGS isn't already kinda dumb and everything but academic. Yeah it's "Big Bang Theory" Neil DeGrasse Tyson type stuff. It's bad content, but also, I remember as a kid I had this one book co-written by Stephen Hawking and I have to say, even though it was nonsensical scientism, that stuff was at least given a nice narrative structure and was sort of fun to hear as an audiobook. It was well packaged.

Harari writes like an alien trying to convince humans of his badly thought-out plan of conquest. Which I guess it is, essentially.

We've reached the stage of collapse where even our villains are these unimpressive, boring snobs. Aldous Huxley or Manly P Hall were kinda evil, but at least they were talented and fun to read. Harari is just one of those guys you hear talk for a few minutes and you immediately know exactly how empty and underwhelming their lives are.

Even Jewish villains like Theodore Herzl or the old Rothschild generations. Evil, sure, but at least evil in a fun, Bond-esque kind of way.

Harari to me is the epitome of the pretentious childless yuppie loser with glasses and turtleneck, and that's exactly the personality type governing the world right now.
Yuval Harari is an example for how it works with intellectual output. His bad philosophy aside, the guy is just a flat out bad writer. A completely untalented midwit gaylord. But he is related to publishers and involved in all the fancy WEF projects, so he gets a lot of credit and invitations to champaign receptions with politicians and other zogged out authors.
Exactly. What's funnier is that J Diamond is of course part of the tribe as well, and people hate him for writing a book making excuses for Europeans being far more advanced than most people, which they read between the lines and still hated him for (Wait, Jared, so you ARE saying Europeans are more advanced? lol)
And then everybody has to pretend that they are geniuses while they replace everything in life with bizarre soulless simulacra.
Yes, it's very phaggy.
Harari to me is the epitome of the pretentious childless yuppie loser with glasses and turtleneck, and that's exactly the personality type governing the world right now.
Yes, a weakling. On the old forum people laughed when I pointed out that he can only be the false prophet at best, because he's not good enough looking to be the AC.