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Brother Nathanael Thread

I said he is likely a political actor that is spewing 90% anti-Jewish content and most of it low-ball hatred.
It isn't Christ-like to do this 90% of the time for 10 years. This also doesn't serve Orthodox Christianity.
We are living in a time where there is a place for this. Imagine being on the receiving end of some of what Christ hurled at people. From that end you'd think he was just spewing hatred and insults at you. Christ, of course, is an extreme example but there are other examples of Saints shaming bishops and Popes. They can do it because they are Saints. I'm just laying the groundwork here that it is possible (and necessary). We all know the modern conception of Christianity is very feminized and I believe this has generally tinted our view of what "charity" is.

I give space for seemingly "mean" or "hateful" sounding comments from someone like Brother Nathanael or Taylor Marshall. Their masculine type is what is needed. Sure, they may not be Saints, but we will see this type sharpened ....and see Saints of this type.
I said he is likely a political actor that is spewing 90% anti-Jewish content and most of it low-ball hatred.
It isn't Christ-like to do this 90% of the time for 10 years. This also doesn't serve Orthodox Christianity.

That maks them politicians. Like some politicians are hyperfocused on Muslims. Or build a whole political party around the fake climate narratives.

For all these things go, in moderation all these criticism are valid and good I think, but if 90% of your time is spent attacking 1 group or person, you're just a blind fool at best, and a paid actor at worst.

Yeah but you called him a blasphemer. Which I'm not sure you thought through but as a Christian you should know is probably the worst sin you could accuse someone of. Based on the fact that he hits on the topic of Jews too much for your liking, with no knowledge of how he spends the other 23 hours of his day. It's clearly a topic that is close to his heart due to his background. And maybe you think he is uncouth or over fixated or what have you... does that make him a blasphemer? Should I accuse you being a blind fool or a paid actor because you spend 90% of your posts talking about how everything is a lie and fake and theater? That would be pretty unjust of me wouldn't it? Perhaps it's just a topic that is close to your heart?
I don't trust the guy for one bit.

A mocker of Christ.

The guy runs a political "anti-Jew" channel wearing a cross.

If a monk shares his thoughts and talks 90% of the times on how bad Jews are? What is that? Is that a good reflection of Christ?

Is that walking in the path of Christ?

Ofcourse not. It's a blasphemy of our Lord.
This whole forum talks more or less like Brother Nathanael. So why you even here?
New Brother Nathanael interview with Stew Peters, much more revelatory than the sabotaged Alex Jones interview:

"Stew Peters hosts Brother Nathanael January 18th, 2024"

6:03 - Interview starts, Bro Nat gives a historical breakdown of Zionism in the US
8:30 - Money! How jews use counterfeiting to gain power
11:38 - jews should not be in any position of power, Bro Nat discusses the 1000 year history of the Byzantine Empire as a Nationalist Christian state which kept jews out of power from edicts of the Emperors and thus survived for a millennia.
13:06 - Deicidal curse is why jews resemble hook-nosed demonic rats physically.
16:00 - jews are not paranoid and trying to hide anymore, hence the upped aggressiveness and lack of changing to chameleon goy surnames.
18:45 - Stew and Nat discuss the issue of Alex Jones and his potential jewish donors which is why he cannot speak out against them.
21:00 - speak out against the jews your reputation is ruined, you're fired! Voltaire's quote on who is in control.
22:40 - Chabad's influence in NYC and the intricacies between the Hasidim and other sects of jewry (all temples have undergrounds)
28:50 - Merrick Garfinkle is hideous looking and radicalizing the justice department against Christians because they hate Christians.
31:00 - Trump's jew donors who can destroy him in a minute, but jews fear and hate the following of Christian Nationalism.
33:08 - Evangelical/Scofield lie that promotes false rapture doctrine and jews are the "chosen people", Nat says there is no great revival of jews
35:00 - Biblical proofs of jews being not the chosen people.
37:15 - jews worship their own race, have no God.
38:20 - just say the word "jew!"
39:30 - the jews have always hated Russia.
42:07 - Losing and demoralization concocted by the jews in power "they want to destroy the whites, Catholic Hispanics do not have the ability to fight back"
43:20 - the jew understands the goy (but do the goyim understand the jew?)
44:25 - prayer starting outwards from the self to the family to nation will bring about a healing miracle from God, not Trump
46:00 - Vivek the snake rose up through the jew pharmaceutical business.
48:20 - "audit the fed, then end the fed"
50:00 - why humans sellour to the jews and kick the proverbial can of crap to their kids (discussing the Protocols of Zion)
53:00 - B'nai B'rith meetings of choosing which politicians are "good for the jews" but not "good for America"
55:10 - the near insurmountable objective of removing the ticks (if they're not jews, they're financed by jews)
57:00 - "I can't stand looking at the shiksas!" beware of distraction thots who only ask certain questions and avoid others.
58:00 - the rapid transformation of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's deicidal curse, among other prominent Capitol Hill and business jews.
1:00:00 - the conversation must continue, this is a psychological, physical, informational, kinetic, and spiritual war.
1:01:15 - Pray for our chance to recover, jews are unable to pray and don't know who they would pray to (if they did it would be to satan)
1:03:00 - wall street jews have sent the USA manufacturing to China on purpose, the Chinese did nothing wrong
1:04:30 - St. Justinian the Great "no jew can hold civil authority offices, finance, nor could they be in education." No scissors on the Bible.

Good on Stew for hosting him. The key takeaway from this is reaching the broader public sphere of awareness, that it is "jews not zionists" and to not be afraid of using the word jew. Zionism is a deflection.

I would recommend downloading this and saving it as I have a feeling it will get scrubbed.

The best part was where he said how the Christ deniers look ugly in their faces, devilish, hooked noses haha, I will never look at people the same way again after that!
The best part was where he said how the Christ deniers look ugly in their faces, devilish, hooked noses haha, I will never look at people the same way again after that!
He's not wrong. They look normal until about age 20, then things are changing quite a bit by 30, and after 40 "goblin-mode" sets in. Look at these before/after pictures of the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Something more than just getting old is going on here.

He's not wrong. They look normal until about age 20, then things are changing quite a bit by 30, and after 40 "goblin-mode" sets in. Look at these before/after pictures of the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Something more than just getting old is going on here.


We all age and get uglier, but there's an undeniable radiance to those who know the LORD and proclaim him, however old they may be.

* ageing doesn't necassarily mean getting "uglier" though:


Demonic influence is a real thing which makes people physically change over time.
Have you never seen old, ugly good Christians? I have seen plenty.
The difference with the Jews is that they have something in them that is repelling to a Christian and it's mostly in their eyes.
Look at a picture of that goblin Ginsberg at her mid 40s.
I kinda agree with Paternos. I'm not sure I trust Nathaniel enough to, say, donate to him, for instance. Even though I agree with much of what he says, he often says his videos dripping with malice, anger, or hatred, and uses foul language constantly. He's going for attention and stirring of emotions as much as he is trying to red pill, constantly, which I don't like. It's okay if he does it every now and then, but it seems like he always does the same shtick and I can only wonder about his inner spiritual state. I do not get a good feeling. I could be wrong, but I trust my gut.
I kinda agree with Paternos. I'm not sure I trust Nathaniel enough to, say, donate to him, for instance. Even though I agree with much of what he says, he often says his videos dripping with malice, anger, or hatred, and uses foul language constantly. He's going for attention and stirring of emotions as much as he is trying to red pill, constantly, which I don't like. It's okay if he does it every now and then, but it seems like he always does the same shtick and I can only wonder about his inner spiritual state. I do not get a good feeling. I could be wrong, but I trust my gut.
He did have another channel and a series of videos where he only talks about Biblical lessons, no profanity, no derogatory humor, and no exposing insults to the jews. This was the channel that was reaching the youth, he said in the interview with Stew Peters that he had so many kids reaching out to him, so naturally, this was the channel the jews shut down. It seems they could truly care less about his exposing them, but preaching and guiding children to the right path is something the devil truly despises.
He did have another channel and a series of videos where he only talks about Biblical lessons, no profanity, no derogatory humor, and no exposing insults to the jews. This was the channel that was reaching the youth, he said in the interview with Stew Peters that he had so many kids reaching out to him, so naturally, this was the channel the jews shut down. It seems they could truly care less about his exposing them, but preaching and guiding children to the right path is something the devil truly despises.
Yeah, the channel was Bible with Brother. He was hitting on some deep theological topics. I would have thought THAT would be the channel TPTB would let stay, but no...it seems they are going to try to portray him as a nut case, thus diminishing his impact.
He did have another channel and a series of videos where he only talks about Biblical lessons, no profanity, no derogatory humor, and no exposing insults to the jews. This was the channel that was reaching the youth, he said in the interview with Stew Peters that he had so many kids reaching out to him, so naturally, this was the channel the jews shut down. It seems they could truly care less about his exposing them, but preaching and guiding children to the right path is something the devil truly despises.
I don't believe this. Can you share those videos?

He could easily upload these videos again on Bitchute, Odyssee or any other channel.

If I would be the prior in a monastary and 1 monk in my house would spend 90% of his time of spewing filth on Jews, I would be extremely concerned.

How about the love of Christ? Getting rid of sin? Humility? Being a shephard for the flock?

This is his site:

Just spewing low ball trash.

All his articles are either on evil Jews or on the world and connecting that to Jews. All the articles are divisive. It's a political activist channel.

How about the kingdom of Christ? Which is not of this world?

The more I look at it, I see a deceiver that has 1 goal to mock Christians, and especially the Orthodox.

Jews have always been financing "extremists", because it helps to keep the population in check.

He is similar to the "goyim defence league" which is a mockery of normal men concerned about Jewish power.

What this creates is that when a Christian says something on Jews, he will associated with "Brother Nathanael" or when a secular man says something on Jews he will be seen as part of the neonazi "goyim defence league"

This is the ADL on the "Goyim Defence League"

This has been done for ages. It's propaganda. That he is able to do this for so many years is also a great indication that this is the behavior they want.

I can only encourage you to look at his page, look through his "work" and judge yourself.

If you like it and think he's a good servant, I would say book a retreat and go in a real monastery and compare that with this man says.

This is his other channel here, which he stopped making content for a few months back:

It is called "Bible With Brother," the regular jew-baiting is on the one called "Brother Nathanael" which isn't even up anymore.


Here are three very wholesome videos he made in the last year that I thought were very valuable being retold:

"Mystery of the Seven Churches"

"Prodigal Son"

"Jesus Empowers Twelve Apostles"

He's nowhere near as disruptive and hegelian as the GDL. They are likely funded by jews to attack them outside their synagogues in order to provoke a call for further laws on "antï-semitism."
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This is his other channel here, which he stopped making content for a few months back:

It is called "Bible With Brother," the regular jew-baiting is on the one called "Brother Nathanael" which isn't even up anymore.


Here are three very wholesome videos he made in the last year that I thought were very valuable being retold:

"Mystery of the Seven Churches"

"Prodigal Son"

"Jesus Empowers Twelve Apostles"

He's nowhere near as disruptive and hegelian as the GDL. They are likely funded by jews to attack them outside their synagogues in order to provoke a call for further laws on "antï-semitism."

I like him a lot better this way, quite good movies, he softens in his behavior talking about Christ.

I don't know him, I don't know where he lives, I don't know his prior, or fellow monks, which monastery is he based?

Would be interesting if one of the guys in the US could visit him in the monastery and have a talk with him and feel the vibe.

I conclude based on his site and movies and I see now he made some nice Christian movies. (still to me, it doesn't prove a lot, you could also see it as a strategy) The vast majority of his content 90% is anti-Jew/political. Maybe it's just not my style.

My gut says, this is not OK.

Nevertheless I feel many of the Catholic clergy are way too afraid to confront the world, as Christ did, or to talk about jewish abuse of power.