Brother Nathanael Thread

While he's made many insightful points in the past, I had to stop listening to him, because he's become unhinged, vulgar, and frankly un-Christlike in the last months. And yes, his antics do cause the undiscerning to paint the Orthodox Church in a bad light. This runs not only the risk of driving off those seeking Christ and the Orthodox Church, but also driving away those already in the Orthodox Church who don't want to be likened to him. I agree with the Archbishop on this.
If Nathaniel cannot obey, then he does not belong in the Church. Doesn't really matter if Kyrill is right or wrong, but, I agree with Kyrill because there is no point to incurring a pointless hate speech lawsuit. The laws of America favor Talmuds with "hate speech," so there really isn't any choice but to also obey those laws.
I went to look at the post linked on the previous page and below that are dozens of hateful and unhinged attacks on the Church and Clergy. I will pray for him and I cannot judge him personally but I also cannot condone his behavior. We don't really know the full story but based on his antics it seems clear to me that Archbishop Kyrill made the correct decision.