Brother Nathanael Thread

There was a 30 second hiccup at the beginning but everything has been fine after that. No problems.
I think they broke the Internet. Everyone in the chat is complaining about the video lagging. Must be too many watching.
8730 viewers right now. I never listen to stuff live (this is a coincidence). This will be in the hundreds of thousands unless they shadowban or censor.

It's so weird to see Nick quietly listening. Hopefully he has matured a bit since being thrown into the limelight at age 19. BN right now talking about the state bank model of North Dakota, which would replace a fiat federal reserve system and operate for the good of the people.
BN right now talking about the state bank model of North Dakota, which would replace a fiat federal reserve system and operate for the good of the people.
As much as people are anti BTC for whatever reason around here, the fact of the matter is that for secession or regionalism in general to get out from under the swamp's thumb, BTC is the way, and it will be collateral increasingly for banks and "central" banks, however you want to look at it.
The main reason the average person rejects BTC is simply because A) it hasn't been accepted as money, and B) its value is so volatile.

It's going to be far easier to convince the public to accept "stable fixed dollars" from a public bank than it is "fractions of a digital satoshi". But if the BTC guys can make that happen, that's when BTC will become money.

Anyway, the BN interview was, as the kids say these days, fire!
He gave the most reasonable, down to earth answers to every question presented. It should be required watching for anyone who claims to be Red Pilled.

Should we obsess about our race and White America?
BN: It's way too late for that. America's youth is not even majority white and there is no way we are deporting 60% of them. We need to work with what we have.

How often do Jews practice black magic?
Never. Why do they need to? They own the Federal Reserve and the White House.

Aren't DemonRats really bad? huhuhuh
BN: We need to start working with everyone in America instead of falling for this fake left/right divide. A "leftist" is never going to listen to you if you speak to them on those terms. We are all Americans, and until recently, we all wanted essentially the same things. It's not that hard to get back there.

Trump is awesome tho amirite? Trump is pointless. Assuming he is legitimate, his presidency will either be rigged at the ballot box or rigged at the white house. No difference either way. Also Pence is a weirdo who never smiles.

The only weird part was BN criticizing Owen Shroyer by saying he needs to cut his beard. Was that some sort of weird Jewish humor?

It's very down to earth stuff that people who spend too much time online in dissident chat areas really need to listen to if they want a real answer to any of our problems. What was that bracelet he kept holding? Nice contrast to Tucker Carlson's Kabballah.

It seems this letter is posted in 2018. The other letter I posted (from 2013) was on there at least from 2013 to 2017. You can see that in the achive.

So something changed in 2018, it seems. Right?

Then Jerome Shaw retired in 2013, he writes this letter in 2018? Which is posted on the website?

Something is off here in my opinion. Anyhow I feel I don't hear the full story.

What happened was he was forgiven and got back into the good graces of the Church. It's not uncommon. Don't Catholics forgive anymore?

Also, I have no idea why so many people are attacking you for this post. You aren't doing anything unreasonable. Interesting how people have an emotional attachment to Bro Nate. Very strange how "White Nationalist" type folks are so attracted to Jews?

I like Bro Nate, but I question some of his antics and strategies. That said, I would never get upset if someone else criticized him. To me, getting upset over Bro Nate shows something is wrong with one's spiritual state. Why on earth should criticizing Bro Nate be an offense??

I think people are upset with you because you claim so much stuff is fake, even when it is real, so it can be very difficult to understand you. I would simply add for posters here to remember: everyone makes errors in their reasoning. Paternos is no different than you or I.
BN: We need to start working with everyone in America instead of falling for this fake left/right divide. A "leftist" is never going to listen to you if you speak to them on those terms. We are all Americans, and until recently, we all wanted essentially the same things. It's not that hard to get back there.
I think he should be listened to like any other guy that is intelligent and Orthodox. This kind of statement is boomer-ism though. We all want essentially the same things? I haven't seen that, now clearer in my view, for my lifetime. The reason I know this is because the divide isn't quite as great as people think, it's true, but that's only if there isn't a lens to truly show you what's inside - you will get social restraint in person, to a degree is my point (that's how it used to be, less desire for confrontation). While the internet and anonymous posting has been a benefit in less significant ways than it is overall a major detriment (socially), one thing it has done is allow you to see how a lot of the less powerful and less competent groups always thought. What enabled this to come out was the DEI and power change by the people Bro Nat talks about. We just see it now and all the time because info spreads fast and wide nowadays. Unless "recently" is 1960 ... uh, no.
Brother Nathanael + EMJ

Starts at 22:45

Yes, that recent Culture Wars podcast with E Michael Jones and Brother Nathaniel.

Normally I only post when there is a podcast worth listening to, here I'm posting to say that was just hard on the ears and I had to switch it off!

Not E Michael Jones, he was fine.

Brother Nathaniel, so moody, cantankerous, snappy.. Sure, they are both working on communicating similar truths which are so hidden from the masses. And good, being on the same side, E Michael Jones did not snap back at Brother Nathaniel.

Well, he might have in the second half I don't know as I stopped listening and deleted it in annoyance.

Man, is that Brother Nathaniel always like that or did he skip his morning coffee or hit the booze the night before and was battling a splitting headache that made him unable to just respond normally without snapping all the time.

Anyway, I wouldn't hold it against him, he may apologise for it later, or maybe he's just like that all the time or it was the particular format of the show that brought it out.

Oh, don't skip the 22 minutes intro music! That song about "Bill and Hill" and others.. The music's better than the show!
Oh, don't skip the 22 minutes intro music! That song about "Bill and Hill" and others.. The music's better than the show!

Can't top the intro. "Smug elites. SMUG ELITES...they're the ones and the opposite is America, because America is now ONE. BIG. GAY. DISCO!"

Brother Nathaniel, so moody, cantankerous, snappy.. Sure, they are both working on communicating similar truths which are so hidden from the masses. And good, being on the same side, E Michael Jones did not snap back at Brother Nathaniel.

He seemed impatient and frustrated, especially with the Q&A. I suppose he isn't used to so much interaction and back and forth. He was more relaxed and on-point with Stew Peters and Nick Fuentes.
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Can't top the intro. "Smug elites. SMUG ELITES...they're the ones and the opposite is America, because America is now ONE. BIG. GAY. DISCO!"

Made by "Louis Laroche" for his 2021 album: We're not so different.

Louis La Roche releases the disco funk odyssey ‘One Big Gay Disco’ – a perfect homage to the open-minded ‘70s club scene, with a glittering, nostalgic video.

‘One Big Gay Disco’ could easily have lit up the iconic dancefloors of Studio 54, The Loft and Paradise Garage. Complete with the swirling strings and hypnotic beats which hark back to feel-good disco classics. The track sees Louis La Roche reposition hate speech and turn it into an uplifting celebration of house & disco music, and an anthem for the LGBTQ+ community.

‘One Big Gay Disco’ is taken from Louis La Roche’s fourth studio album, ‘We’re Not So Different’, released on Ever After Records on 29 October.