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Brother Nathanael Thread

New Brother Nathanael interview with Stew Peters, much more revelatory than the sabotaged Alex Jones interview:

"Stew Peters hosts Brother Nathanael January 18th, 2024"

6:03 - Interview starts, Bro Nat gives a historical breakdown of Zionism in the US
8:30 - Money! How jews use counterfeiting to gain power
11:38 - jews should not be in any position of power, Bro Nat discusses the 1000 year history of the Byzantine Empire as a Nationalist Christian state which kept jews out of power from edicts of the Emperors and thus survived for a millennia.
13:06 - Deicidal curse is why jews resemble hook-nosed demonic rats physically.
16:00 - jews are not paranoid and trying to hide anymore, hence the upped aggressiveness and lack of changing to chameleon goy surnames.
18:45 - Stew and Nat discuss the issue of Alex Jones and his potential jewish donors which is why he cannot speak out against them.
21:00 - speak out against the jews your reputation is ruined, you're fired! Voltaire's quote on who is in control.
22:40 - Chabad's influence in NYC and the intricacies between the Hasidim and other sects of jewry (all temples have undergrounds)
28:50 - Merrick Garfinkle is hideous looking and radicalizing the justice department against Christians because they hate Christians.
31:00 - Trump's jew donors who can destroy him in a minute, but jews fear and hate the following of Christian Nationalism.
33:08 - Evangelical/Scofield lie that promotes false rapture doctrine and jews are the "chosen people", Nat says there is no great revival of jews
35:00 - Biblical proofs of jews being not the chosen people.
37:15 - jews worship their own race, have no God.
38:20 - just say the word "jew!"
39:30 - the jews have always hated Russia.
42:07 - Losing and demoralization concocted by the jews in power "they want to destroy the whites, Catholic Hispanics do not have the ability to fight back"
43:20 - the jew understands the goy (but do the goyim understand the jew?)
44:25 - prayer starting outwards from the self to the family to nation will bring about a healing miracle from God, not Trump
46:00 - Vivek the snake rose up through the jew pharmaceutical business.
48:20 - "audit the fed, then end the fed"
50:00 - why humans sellour to the jews and kick the proverbial can of crap to their kids (discussing the Protocols of Zion)
53:00 - B'nai B'rith meetings of choosing which politicians are "good for the jews" but not "good for America"
55:10 - the near insurmountable objective of removing the ticks (if they're not jews, they're financed by jews)
57:00 - "I can't stand looking at the shiksas!" beware of distraction thots who only ask certain questions and avoid others.
58:00 - the rapid transformation of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's deicidal curse, among other prominent Capitol Hill and business jews.
1:00:00 - the conversation must continue, this is a psychological, physical, informational, kinetic, and spiritual war.
1:01:15 - Pray for our chance to recover, jews are unable to pray and don't know who they would pray to (if they did it would be to satan)
1:03:00 - wall street jews have sent the USA manufacturing to China on purpose, the Chinese did nothing wrong
1:04:30 - St. Justinian the Great "no jew can hold civil authority offices, finance, nor could they be in education." No scissors on the Bible.

Good on Stew for hosting him. The key takeaway from this is reaching the broader public sphere of awareness, that it is "jews not zionists" and to not be afraid of using the word jew. Zionism is a deflection.

I would recommend downloading this and saving it as I have a feeling it will get scrubbed.
New Brother Nathanael interview with Stew Peters, much more revelatory than the sabotaged Alex Jones interview:

"Stew Peters hosts Brother Nathanael January 18th, 2024"

Brother Nathanael responded to the video, in the comments:

"Stew gave me a voice to express my knowledge of the Jew menace.The first step to solving a problem is recognizing that there IS a problem.Many are unwilling to acknowledge the root of the problem.1. By nature Jews are "Enemies of the Cross," as St Paul says, and thus, Enemies of mankind. ALL Of Them.2. By nature Jews are "Of The Spirit Of AntiChrist," as St John says, and thus, Enemies of mankind. All Of Them.3. By nature, Jews bear the "Deicidal Curse," as St Matthew says, and thus, Enemies of mankind. All Of Them.4. By nature, Jews cannot work goodness, rightousness, or forthrightness, because they are "Enemies of the Cross, "Of The Spirit Of AntiChrist, and bear the "Deicidal Curse."Jews bring unto themselves and unto the world untold misery, strife, wars, conflicts, divisions, and malignant social fracture.If left unchecked, the Jew menace will ruin the world for us and also themselves.Eliminating Jewish rule saves nations AND saves Jews.It is CLEAR, Jews should NOT be in any positions of power. +bn"
Brother Nathanael responded to the video, in the comments:

"Stew gave me a voice to express my knowledge of the Jew menace.The first step to solving a problem is recognizing that there IS a problem.Many are unwilling to acknowledge the root of the problem.1. By nature Jews are "Enemies of the Cross," as St Paul says, and thus, Enemies of mankind. ALL Of Them.2. By nature Jews are "Of The Spirit Of AntiChrist," as St John says, and thus, Enemies of mankind. All Of Them.3. By nature, Jews bear the "Deicidal Curse," as St Matthew says, and thus, Enemies of mankind. All Of Them.4. By nature, Jews cannot work goodness, rightousness, or forthrightness, because they are "Enemies of the Cross, "Of The Spirit Of AntiChrist, and bear the "Deicidal Curse."Jews bring unto themselves and unto the world untold misery, strife, wars, conflicts, divisions, and malignant social fracture.If left unchecked, the Jew menace will ruin the world for us and also themselves.Eliminating Jewish rule saves nations AND saves Jews.It is CLEAR, Jews should NOT be in any positions of power. +bn"

He's good, but he's a bit too broad with the word Jew - it's not the ones who follow Christ who are the problem, but the ones who reject Christ and follow the Talmud whom do so much harm.
He's good, but he's a bit too broad with the word Jew - it's not the ones who follow Christ who are the problem, but the ones who reject Christ and follow the Talmud whom do so much harm.
I don't agree with everything Brother Nathanael says, certainly. For one, I don't believe there really is a "race" of Jews (in the sense of OT Hebrews) anymore today, as whatever trace of OT Hebrew race has been bred out and mixed with 1000 other races since the temple was destroyed and the Jews scattered to the winds. IMO Jews are no more "Hebrew" or identifiable as a unique race than any other one in the world, in particular because 90%+ of them are Turkic/European anyhow. What defines a Jew today is their rejection, mockery, and blasphemy of Christ, due to following the Talmud or Zohar, etc. as you stated. I think the Zionists really are the key issue in the demonic global power structure, as Stew said, but not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews. "Jews" who follow Christ are no longer Jews; they are Christians, for there is no longer Jew nor Greek, male nor female, slave nor free.
"Jews" who follow Christ are no longer Jews; they are Christians, for there is no longer Jew nor Greek, male nor female, slave nor free.
Apart from rare exceptions, it is an old trick. The Marranos in Spain poisoned many untold numbers of Europeans and used deceit and lies to work their curses on the populations. Many times the ones who claim to follow Christ do so for reasons that are seldom genuine. For one to abandon their devilish cult and accept the Lord and Savior and then go out and preach publicly, voiding material comforts, is more evidence than many alleged converts have given over the last millennium.

It is a difficult line to distinguish, when one truly follows Christ, but by their fruits we shall know them. Some may not agree with what Nat says on things like race because it is obvious these jews are mongrelized, but they view themselves in their cult as a race and it is clear that many of the racial admixtures that took place were periodic likely to a shtetl setting up somewhere and another diaspora migrating from one place to the next, not endemic to all time since their expulsion from Jerusalem, and even in the many centuries prior to that. Ever since the failed rebellion against TItus and the expulsion, they have been incestuously exclusive with one another, and still are to this day. But these "jews" were not of Abraham to begin with.

He does dismiss the Khazar theory straightforwardly, but he does so similar to even how other jews always tiptoe around that. What we understand as a race and how the jews believe themselves to be a race in their identity are not the same thing, which is why there is discord in many non-jews accepting these views, especially in light of the evidence of their genetic impurity.

But he does offer valid spiritual explanations for their malcontent. The deicidal curse is absolutely true, and it seems to manifest in the children of even the halves. There is power in the blood that the non-jews do not yet realize, and it certainly relates to the life force surrounding God's power.
You guys have it wrong, Jew DNA is easily identified and well-known. It is 100% a separate sub-race of man, loosely inside of the Caucasian race, moreover, it's not easily outbred as it is a highly recessive trait that persists for generations. Race mixing does little to alter the Jew gene. The Khazar theory, while super popular, is complete bunk. Jews from all over the world have been found to have matching DNA, the Khazar thing is basically irrelevant.

Talmuds migrated to Khazar after Emperor Heraclius kicked them out/genocided them from the Byzantine Empire. That was their true expulsion from the Middle East and into Europe. They hijacked the Khazar empire to go to war with Russia, but instead the Khazar Empire was destroyed permanently in a war with Russia and tons of Talmudic Jews were taken prisoner into the Pale of Settlement. They remained there for nearly 800 years.

"Jews" who follow Christ are no longer Jews; they are Christians, for there is no longer Jew nor Greek, male nor female, slave nor free.

You have this backwards - There is nothing more Jewish than following Christ, the messiah, the King of Jews. So becoming a Christian was the natural culmination of being a Jew.

You need to finish the quote from St. Paul above - "For you are all one in Christ," because Christ is the King of all races of man, starting with the Jewish race from which He is from.
You guys have it wrong, Jew DNA is easily identified and well-known. It is 100% a separate sub-race of man, loosely inside of the Caucasian race, moreover, it's not easily outbred as it is a highly recessive trait that persists for generations. Race mixing does little to alter the Jew gene. The Khazar theory, while super popular, is complete bunk. Jews from all over the world have been found to have matching DNA, the Khazar thing is basically irrelevant.
Dominant trait. If it persists, it's a dominant trait. Recessive is something like blue eyes, it's bred out in mixed meiosis.

I don't really get the migration patterns when it comes to the Pale of Settlement. I don't think those were Jews from Khazaria. They spoke Yiddish because they were in Southwest Germany before. That's also where names like Guggenheim, Oppenheim and Shapiro come from.

Timeline being (most likely) France/Italy -> Germany -> Poland -> Russia. I know that Solzhenitsyn also mentioned the Caucasus as a region of origin, but that doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
If they spoke a version of medieval German, then that's where they came from. The Byzantine thing makes more sense to me regarding Sephardic Jews. They hopped around between Spain, Greece, Southern Italy and the Maghreb throughout the centuries. Greek Sephardic Jews still spoke Ladino until the 20th century.

Then again, the word Ashkenazi is derived from an old semitic word for the Scythians, which is the only reference to the Caucasus or Central Asia I see, but I can imagine that they just used that as a demonym for Europeans ins general. It's like Transilvanian Saxons aren't actually Saxons, but were just called that because it was the most widely known Germanic tribe in Eastern Europe.

I think you could quibble about the genetics of Jews because according to them now, "Jewishness" is passed on via the mother, but I'm pretty sure that's a medieval invention, which explains why the identifiable maternal lines only go back 1000 years or so tops.

Jewish communities used to be very patriarchal, with the chief rabbis being quasi-kings who held gentile girls as slaves. I assume that's how a lot of the admixture happened.
Dumb question, interesting Genealogical take, but would they be considered the "Dark Principalities" referenced in Ephesians 6:12?

Or is that an ongoing reference to the Bloodlines who are in Discord with Logos and Christ regardless of their Ethnicity Or Race?
Dumb question, interesting Genealogical take, but would they be considered the "Dark Principalities" referenced in Ephesians 6:12?

Or is that an ongoing reference to the Bloodlines who are in Discord with Logos and Christ regardless of their Ethnicity Or Race?
Principalities is one of the angelic realms. Even the demons (fallen angels) have their hierarchical structure.
That being said, I like to look up Bible verses where I can compare multiple translations side by side, so I don't miss meanings.

I don't trust the guy for one bit.

A mocker of Christ.

The guy runs a political "anti-Jew" channel wearing a cross.

If a monk shares his thoughts and talks 90% of the times on how bad Jews are? What is that? Is that a good reflection of Christ?

Is that walking in the path of Christ?

Ofcourse not. It's a blasphemy of our Lord.
I don't trust the guy for one bit.

A mocker of Christ.

The guy runs a political "anti-Jew" channel wearing a cross.

If a monk shares his thoughts and talks 90% of the times on how bad Jews are? What is that? Is that a good reflection of Christ?

Is that walking in the path of Christ?

Ofcourse not. It's a blasphemy of our Lord.

So your premise is that Christians as a rule shouldn't create political or anti-Jewish content? You think criticizing the Jews isn't Christlike? Do I need to remind you of Christ's words on the Jews:

-> Hypocrites
-> Sons of hell
-> Blind guides
-> Serpents
-> Brood of vipers
-> A synagogue of Satan

Or this fellow named St. John Chrysostom whom your church as well as my own venerates as a Saint, who had quite a few choice words for the Jews: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adversus_Judaeos

A random/y selected quote:

Where a harlot has set herself up, that place is a brothel. But the synagogue is not only a brothel and a theater; it also is a den of robbers and a lodging for wild beasts.

What else do you wish me to tell you [of the Jews]? Shall I tell you of their plundering, their covetousness, their abandonment of the poor, their thefts, their cheating in trade? the whole day long will not be enough to give you an account of these things.

Huh, that sounds a lot like Brother Nathanael. I guess you would also label St. John Chrysostom a blasphemer and mocker of Christ?
We need a proper frame of reference when thinking about Judaism...


Brother Nathanael is working within such frame.
So your premise is that Christians as a rule shouldn't create political or anti-Jewish content?
Did I say that? No.

A straw man argument is the logical fallacy of distorting an opposing position into an extreme version of itself and then arguing against that extreme version.

I said he is likely a political actor that is spewing 90% anti-Jewish content and most of it low-ball hatred.
It isn't Christ-like to do this 90% of the time for 10 years. This also doesn't serve Orthodox Christianity.

He is the similar as alleged Catholic Taylor Marshall, who is bashing the Pope 90% of the time.
This is not Catholic to do that. Or Christian to reduce his teachings to "Latin Mass" and communion on the tongue.

That maks them politicians. Like some politicians are hyperfocused on Muslims. Or build a whole political party around the fake climate narratives.

For all these things go, in moderation all these criticism are valid and good I think, but if 90% of your time is spent attacking 1 group or person, you're just a blind fool at best, and a paid actor at worst.
Did I say that? No.

A straw man argument is the logical fallacy of distorting an opposing position into an extreme version of itself and then arguing against that extreme version.

I said he is likely a political actor that is spewing 90% anti-Jewish content and most of it low-ball hatred.
It isn't Christ-like to do this 90% of the time for 10 years. This also doesn't serve Orthodox Christianity.

He is the similar as alleged Catholic Taylor Marshall, who is bashing the Pope 90% of the time.
This is not Catholic to do that. Or Christian to reduce his teachings to "Latin Mass" and communion on the tongue.

That maks them politicians. Like some politicians are hyperfocused on Muslims. Or build a whole political party around the fake climate narratives.

For all these things go, in moderation all these criticism are valid and good I think, but if 90% of your time is spent attacking 1 group or person, you're just a blind fool at best, and a paid actor at worst.
The way I see it though, 90% if not more of Orthodox Christian voices don't go near this subject. And many of the ones that do, do so euphemistically. So in some sense I feel like having someone like Brother Nathaniel, who doesn't feel the pressure to turn away or euphemize the subject, are important. And his time spent criticising the Jews makes up for the people who leave that hot potato alone.

That said I don't always agree with what he says, or with his approach. But I think he makes a point of going on about it because not many others dare to touch it.
The way I see it though, 90% if not more of Orthodox Christian voices don't go near this subject. And many of the ones that do, do so euphemistically. So in some sense I feel like having someone like Brother Nathaniel, who doesn't feel the pressure to turn away or euphemize the subject, are important. And his time spent criticising the Jews makes up for the people who leave that hot potato alone.

That said I don't always agree with what he says, or with his approach. But I think he makes a point of going on about it because not many others dare to touch it.
I can feel you in this, many of Catholic voices also don't go near this subject. And as you say the ones that do, do so euphemistically.
This leaves a hole, that needs to be filled.

I notice with quite a few young guys that join the church in my region, they have a deep desire for truth.
They are so done with the wishywashy talk, the euphemisms, they deeply crave to hear about sin, about God and the Cross, and the blood.

One example from my own experience is that quite priests don't dare to talk about sin today. They use euphemisms like "things you better don't do" or "where you could have done better" or "where you kind of lost yourself". All to not say "SIN", turning away from God to Satan.

Turning away from certain topics, like sin, is extremely dangerous, by that unclarity quite some souls might go to hell.

I think it's unfair to just blame the priests for not speaking the truth, as each of us has that responsibility.

But the one sided discourse on the Jews, eternal victims, leaves a hole in our understanding of reality, which needs to be filled.
The same goes for lack of respect for the tradition in the Catholic church, which is picked up with Taylor Marshall.

I stay with my point, that I don't trust Brother Nathanael one bit. But it lays bare the lack of genuine reflection on the role of Jews in current discourse, in church and in the world.