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Alex Jones Thread

Boomer has become a term to denote someone that isn't versed in the difficulties of modern life, the break down of society. The boomer blueprint for a normal life has died. Now there isn't much keeping younger gens on track. Even if you follows boomer advice, it might not work for you.

Alex Jones is a boomer, not because of his age, but because all of his ideas are out of date and don't work anymore. He's still living in the Hulk Hogan - I am a real American world. When that world no longer exists.

This resonates. Often when I look at a chart that shows economic or social trends which have made things more difficult for young people, the turning point seems to be the mid to late 90s (late Clinton - early Blair). This was around the time of the GATT Treaty and other free trade agreements, which saw productive jobs go to the then Third World and cheap, unskilled migrant labour come the other direction. This was when youth unemployment started to rise and governments began to encourage young people to go to university to doctor youth unemployment statistics. Losing a manufacturing base and importing cheap labour for the new service economy also has the affect of inflating house prices.
I think it is fair criticism to point out Jones doesn't talk about this subject, no matter what. But if you want to go down this line of "it is too dangerous" then...

My problem with Jones isn't that he doesn't talk about it. It is that he flat out lies and I am sick of being lied to. Call them "satanic elites" like Putin does. But don't call them "the Chinese", "the globalist Nazi's" or even the most laughable "the Muslim's who control Hollywood". And stop spreading the Holocaust lies and thinking you are cutsey when someone brings up serious issues and then you turn and ask them if they "believe in the Holocaust". It is such a clown show. It is very low brow, predictable, and trash.

These are valid criticisms indeed. But look underneath the underneath.

How would a man of integrity and honesty like Alex feel, while being forced to lie like that?

I think such a thing would be gut-wrenching and painful. It would be a source of shame and frustration.

Now that criticising Jews has temporarily re-entered the mainstream, you'd think that this would change, but really, what do they have on him that could control him like this?

Andrew Torba and his family are all faithful followers of the lord, they have no fear. They cannot be controlled.

Alex however has been divorced, he is vulnerable to threats. I have been a vaguely similar position where a person in power turned my family against me.

The lord saved me in that time, blessed be his name, Christ amen.

Such a fate can destroy a man, or twist him into a broken soul, full of self-loathing and hopelessness.
These are valid criticisms indeed. But look underneath the underneath.

How would a man of integrity and honesty like Alex feel, while being forced to lie like that?

I think such a thing would be gut-wrenching and painful. It would be a source of shame and frustration.

Now that criticising Jews has temporarily re-entered the mainstream, you'd think that this would change, but really, what do they have on him that could control him like this?

Andrew Torba and his family are all faithful followers of the lord, they have no fear. They cannot be controlled.

Alex however has been divorced, he is vulnerable to threats. I have been a vaguely similar position where a person in power turned my family against me.

The lord saved me in that time, blessed be his name, Christ amen.

Such a fate can destroy a man, or twist him into a broken soul, full of self-loathing and hopelessness.

There's every indication that Jones is not a man of integrity, because he doesn't just avoid the truth, he actively covers it up and misdirects his audience with notions like the ChiComs/Saudis own Hollywood/Wall Street - and he makes millions pushing that narrative.

Jones lives a comfortable life, I don't see any evidence of self-loathing and inner turmoil, like you have with Jordan Peterson for example.

Agreed about Torba though.
Alex Jones explains the Star Wars prequels.

He makes them sound more interesting than I remember them.
What happened to Leonardo di Caprio when he died in the Titanic?

I really saw it on the screen. Was so sad, the love with Kate Winslet. And then he dies.
Yeah totally good comparison... Like when Leo went bankrupt and stopped banging 21-25 year old only models unlike Alex Jones whose had multiple bankruptcy filings and had to join with Elon musk to avoid financial ass rape.

Real great idea of the rhetorical device of sarcasm ;)
Yeah totally good comparison... Like when Leo went bankrupt and stopped banging 21-25 year old only models unlike Alex Jones whose had multiple bankruptcy filings and had to join with Elon musk to avoid financial ass rape.

Real great idea of the rhetorical device of sarcasm ;)
Talking about theater!

Haha, so now the Elon Musk. the wonderkid, the rocket shooter, is paying the 6 billion for Alex Jones?
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Talking about theater!

Haha, so now the Elon Musk. the wonderkid, the rocket shooter, is paying the 6 billion for Alex Jones?
No my friend... That was Tucker Carleson who faciliated Elon allowing him on Twitter.

Elon's trying to hedge himself against the left and their use of the SEC/admin state to go after him after he spoke out about his son being trannied.

I dont think Elon is some uber based right wing savior, I think he's an autistic genius (most genius's are... and if you read Edward Dutton's work you know they're one step away from criminal outlaw)

But I think that Jones is legit financially under a sh*t storm after all these rulings and making apoint to be on Twitter for visibility and financial engagement.

I dont think any of that's controversial and its fairly straight forward really.
Alex Jones had Rabbi Shmuley on his show last night. This guy is like a caricature. I don't even know what to say about the interview, I am just in awe. You have to watch it for yourselves. 🤣

They always try to get out ahead of any trend or mood in society.

As has been repeated many times, just like a Mossad operation, they like to make up all the players - the good guys, the bad guy opposition, the neutral bystanders, the hardliner "baht-sees" - you name it.
Certainly in terms of "islamic terror" it was Mossad who helped create 'Al Qaeda' or 'Al CIA-eda' as Simeon Strangelight once called them. Fear rhe beardy muslim and his incredibly agile Boeing 747..

Im listening to the Grey Zone at the moment and left wing reform jews are apoplectic about the conduct of "wicked Israel" and also "the rise of countersemitism".
They are saying that Israel and the IDf are nearly getting as bad as the evil Nah-tsees.
they are also saying that evil anti semitism is rising they "can feel it"
who is to blame? .. jewish conduct? well, no, not really, "its all down to this guy Rabbi Schmuley who is no longer relevant in power terms but whose conduct is causing all these problems against us.." (-Thats a direct quote of jewish journalists at the Grayzone)
Perfect excuse. Put up your cartoonish bad guy who is happy to take the fall for a time.

Its not jewish conduct causing 'countersemitism', goy its just random idiots like Rabbi Schmuley..

Alex Jones couldn't very well have continued long saying that "the Saudis and the Chi-Coms are the ones really running Hollywood." "Its Old British Money running America but you're right! Israel is going to make a play pretty soon..!"
Perfect disguise for Alex Jones - now he can go on his show and ask Rabbi Schmuley if he's "wearing a kosher b*** plug" and hey presto! he's no longer a 'shakos goy', look how rude he was to (weird and irrelevant) Rabbi Schmuley!

I just see this unpleasant and garish episode as more attempts to put off accusations about jewish conduct in general (its just idiots like Rabbi Schmuley! no one likes him! he isn't even a proper Rabbi!) and at the same time establish Alex Jones as having a more 'critical' stance on jews and the conduct of world jewry (when both he and Rabbi Schmuley are being stage managed).
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I watched some of it. Schmuley kept plugging all his books, Kosher Sex, Kosher Jesus, Kosher this, Kosher that, he said the Jews are the only people who are holy and keep the covenant while AJ showed a clip of him dancing lewdly and wearing a phallic shaped object on his nose; Schmuley would point his finger and call AJ a countersemite one moment, then laugh and call him a brother moments later. AJ showed a sad video of a maimed Palestinian child but immediately shifted topics to Joan Rivers and the French Prime Minister's wife. It was all over the place. I found it interesting to see some similarities between the two men, in that they both are theatrical and high energy.

"Remember Alex, 5 Jewish minutes is 20 minutes."
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Anyone catch the debate with Rabbi "Buttplug" Schmule
Yeah, it's basically unwatchable. Like nails across a chalkboard. It's moments like this where @BarrontheTigerCat starts to make a lot of sense with regards to Alex being controlled opposition. Alex is all over the place. Alex has done some good work over the years but I think he's getting too old to keep up with the latest JQ developments.