Boomer has become a term to denote someone that isn't versed in the difficulties of modern life, the break down of society. The boomer blueprint for a normal life has died. Now there isn't much keeping younger gens on track. Even if you follows boomer advice, it might not work for you.
Alex Jones is a boomer, not because of his age, but because all of his ideas are out of date and don't work anymore. He's still living in the Hulk Hogan - I am a real American world. When that world no longer exists.
This resonates. Often when I look at a chart that shows economic or social trends which have made things more difficult for young people, the turning point seems to be the mid to late 90s (late Clinton - early Blair). This was around the time of the GATT Treaty and other free trade agreements, which saw productive jobs go to the then Third World and cheap, unskilled migrant labour come the other direction. This was when youth unemployment started to rise and governments began to encourage young people to go to university to doctor youth unemployment statistics. Losing a manufacturing base and importing cheap labour for the new service economy also has the affect of inflating house prices.