2024 Election Lounge

She is legitimately low IQ and astoundingly inarticulate when compared to other major politicians on both sides of the aisle. There is a very good reason her presidential flamed out before she won a single delegate. Look at guys like Pete Buttigieg or Josh Shapiro. They come across much better pushing the exact same policies as Kamala. The only difference is that they aren't half-retarded and can actually string together a coherent sentence. The contrast of Kamala vs. legitimate high IQ guys like Vivek and Vance is even more hilarious. She's not even in the same ballpark.

This is the reason I was surprised the Dems dumped Biden in favor of Kamala. It was a major tactical error on their part. She is a worse candidate even considering Joe's dementia. The more spotlight she gets, the more awful she looks. They should have just refused to debate Trump and ran Biden from the basement again.
Guys like Buttigieg and Vivek are the 130 to 140 range. These are the elite and if they weren't public facing politicians the could easily be wonks working for some think tank. JD falls under this category too. Initially I thought he would be more suited for that world since he came off as a bit stiff and awkward in his debut as the VP candidate but he's really turned the ship around.

To use a term that gets thrown around a lot in our part of the Internet, Kamala could be classified as a 'midwit'. People seem to often forget that being a midwit doesn't mean a person is dumb though. Midwits actually have above average IQ. Legit low IQ people sound more like this when they are speaking.

Guys like Buttigieg and Vivek are the 130 to 140 range. These are the elite and if they weren't public facing politicians the could easily be wonks working for some think tank. JD falls under this category too. Initially I thought he would be more suited for that world since he came off as a bit stiff and awkward in his debut as the VP candidate but he's really turned the ship around.

To use a term that gets thrown around a lot in our part of the Internet, Kamala could be classified as a 'midwit'. People seem to often forget that being a midwit doesn't mean a person is dumb though. Midwits actually have above average IQ. Legit low IQ people sound more like this when they are speaking.

I would see JD and Vivek in the 130 to 140 range. If I had to guess, Buttigieg is closer to 110 to 120. Above average, but not smart enough to realize that destroying the country around you, all to get ahead, isn't a long term good move. But smart enough to pull off the "educated" vibe to the average voter.
With the sort of pedigree Buttigieg has I don't see him being below 130. 110 to 120 would be like the average IQ of a person in some no name state university and is working some generic white collar job post graduation. Buttigieg whatever you think of his policies is pretty verbally IQ gifted.

You absolutely can have a very high IQ and still be be overtaken by an ideology that basically mentally cripples you in a lot of ways. This describes a lot of people in the upper elechons of academia.
I would see JD and Vivek in the 130 to 140 range. If I had to guess, Buttigieg is closer to 110 to 120. Above average, but not smart enough to realize that destroying the country around you, all to get ahead, isn't a long term good move. But smart enough to pull off the "educated" vibe to the average voter.

I always thought they should include the candidates IQ on the ballot next to their party
I would see JD and Vivek in the 130 to 140 range. If I had to guess, Buttigieg is closer to 110 to 120. Above average, but not smart enough to realize that destroying the country around you, all to get ahead, isn't a long term good move. But smart enough to pull off the "educated" vibe to the average voter.

There are plenty of 130-145 IQ people who are blind to the consequences of their actions, especially if they've had their thinking restricted by years spent in higher education. IQ is just a measure of horsepower/processing speed, it doesn't mean you're willing to question authority or think outside the box.

That's not even to mention other non-intellectual factors, like low self-esteem, which makes it easier to rationalize destructive behavior ("I hate America/straight white males/anything successful), or spiritual sickness/demonic possession.
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With the sort of pedigree Buttigieg has I don't see him being below 130. 110 to 120 would be like the average IQ of a person in some no name state university and is working some generic white collar job post graduation. Buttigieg whatever you think of his policies is pretty verbally IQ gifted.

You absolutely can have a very high IQ and still be be overtaken by an ideology that basically mentally cripples you in a lot of ways. This describes a lot of people in the upper elechons of academia.
Exactly. IQ is only one factor. A high IQ person can be an egghead, a sperg, a weirdo. Midwits a lot of time have the kind of drive to be the captain of the football team, the officer who leads his men to victory, the salesman who gets the highest monthly sales numbers, etc. This kind of person often can become a successful leader, just based on decent intelligence and a tremendous amount of drive. Sometimes even low intelligence people with tremendous drive can succeed. Look at Sheila Jackson Lee.

It's a rare combination to have someone who is highly driven, is really articulate and charismatic, and is also exceptionally able to crunch complex ideas and information and master it. I think most politicians are not at the top of the IQ heap.

Thats Good Robert Deniro GIF

Exactly why I said this:
Trump should be up everywhere by 20 points. Why isn't he? Because of poor decision making. He literally needs to do the Opposite George routine. Instead of praising Israel, condemn Israel. Instead of going after jew haters, go after Christian haters. Instead of limiting the debates, have unlimited debates.
Get that b*tch in public anytime, anywhere and mop the floor with her pea sized brain:
"Yes, anytime, anywhere, I don't care what the rules are or what news network it's on or who the moderators are, I'll wipe the floor with her no matter how hard they stack the deck against me. She's a low IQ amateur hack. Bring it on, lets do it tomorrow night, and the next night, and the night after that. The more the merrier."
As we can see from the Bret Baier "interview" the best course of action would have been for Trump to confront her live in public in an unscripted format as often as possible by stating the above instead of pulling an ALL CAPS page out of the Basement Biden routine.
She is legitimately low IQ and astoundingly inarticulate when compared to other major politicians on both sides of the aisle
Yes. Lots of great posts in this thread.
They should have just refused to debate Trump and ran Biden from the basement again.
It's funny how they got all arrogant after the stolen and rehearsed questions, and/or the earpiece. She really is dumb, and you'll notice it again if you just watch the very first answer at the debate with Trump - horrible job at even remotely linking the question (economy).
She is a stupid criminal.
This is a common thing for black politicians, and she got boned and raised by Willie, so of course corruption and ego with low intelligence commonly ends poorly.
He knew about her in her early career and had a reputation for lack of morals/ethics, including giving head to get ahead.
Guaranteed. People underestimate just how low you can be in mental acuity or IQ as long as you aren't ugly, are female, and play the game.
You absolutely can have a very high IQ and still be be overtaken by an ideology that basically mentally cripples you in a lot of ways. This describes a lot of people in the upper elechons of academia.
No doubt. Yes sir. There's commonly a spiritual dilemma going on.
There are plenty of 130-145 IQ people who are blind to the consequences of their actions, especially if they've had their thinking restricted by years spent in higher education. IQ is just a measure of horsepower/processing speed, it doesn't mean you're willing to question authority or think outside the box.
Another great point on the same level. The devious, rebellious, and rich high IQ chew is also a version, but the spiritual forces that have overtaken such a person make materialism feed the ego, and the esteem of others foment their continued pressing of sick agendas. When you are rewarded for certain things, you'll just use your mental gift to maintain them and your friends' game. Then make something up like "we also help poor people" and laugh while you all print money and take most of it, giving some pittance to the plebs.
That's not even to mention other non-intellectual factors, like low self-esteem, which makes it easier to rationalize destructive behavior
I've theorized that this is THE source of problems in critical thinking. Insecurities. Emotional barbs at every corner, if you aren't OK with life being messy and the world being less than ideal, will stop you from coming to the conclusion that is true, or real. This is also why most women believe in lefty/communist/socialist lies.
As we can see from the Bret Baier "interview" the best course of action would have been for Trump to confront her live in public in an unscripted format as often as possible by stating the above instead of pulling an ALL CAPS page out of the Basement Biden routine.
The counter to this though is that she's is pressing because she's so far down, and going out a ton, and killing herself while he risks nothing.
It surprises me that the Harris campaign has nothing to distinguish her from Biden other than insisting on the obvious absence of identity. The Harris campaign should have come up with a couple of noticeable Biden's missteps, which they could have easily papered over as honest mistakes, and which Harris could have claimed she opposed. They could have done this in a way which didn't embarrass Biden nearly as much as the DNC did by terminating his run for reelection. Something (lack of intelligence or empathy, misplaced loyalty, strategic incompetence, whatever) blocked them from making this obvious move.

Instead we have, "I'm not Joe Biden," which means, "Joe Biden is a worn out empty suit, and I'm an empty suit with a few good years left in her."
It's also worth noting that Kamala's recent stumbles make it even more obvious that the debate was completely rigged in her favor, and that her performance that night (which was good but not great) was all smoke and mirrors. Whether she was simply given the questions in advance and memorized scripted answers or if she was outright wearing some sort of earpiece in her earrings, it's basically inarguable at this point that the debate was not fixed by ABC News and the DNC. This woman is by all appearances incapable of providing coherent off-the-cuff answers to relatively simple questions. She's not only unskilled in this regard, she's catastrophically awful. You have a woman running for President who is somehow less articulate than your average podunk, backwater mayoral candidate. And yet somehow her debate performance was incomprehensibly superior to literally every other documented instance of her being forced to answer questions on the spot. There is simply no other reasonable explanation for how she was able to achieve such an outlier performance - under the most extreme pressure she's ever faced - besides blatantly cheating.
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Exactly. IQ is only one factor. A high IQ person can be an egghead, a sperg, a weirdo. Midwits a lot of time have the kind of drive to be the captain of the football team, the officer who leads his men to victory, the salesman who gets the highest monthly sales numbers, etc. This kind of person often can become a successful leader, just based on decent intelligence and a tremendous amount of drive. Sometimes even low intelligence people with tremendous drive can succeed. Look at Sheila Jackson Lee.

It's a rare combination to have someone who is highly driven, is really articulate and charismatic, and is also exceptionally able to crunch complex ideas and information and master it. I think most politicians are not at the top of the IQ heap.

The thing with Kamala is that she seems to lack any redeeming qualities as a politician. She's not intelligent, at all. She's not charismatic. She doesn't have the temperament to be a good leader, she got flustered from a brief interview with Brett Baier. She was apparently horrible to work for, and couldn't keep staff for any appreciable length of time. She's an average at best girlboss who should be managing a hair salon or a consignment shop.

I said a while back that they put her in to fall on the sword and take the L. That's the only reasonable explanation as to why she's on the top of the ticket to me.
Guys like Buttigieg and Vivek are the 130 to 140 range. These are the elite and if they weren't public facing politicians the could easily be wonks working for some think tank. JD falls under this category too. Initially I thought he would be more suited for that world since he came off as a bit stiff and awkward in his debut as the VP candidate but he's really turned the ship around.

To use a term that gets thrown around a lot in our part of the Internet, Kamala could be classified as a 'midwit'. People seem to often forget that being a midwit doesn't mean a person is dumb though. Midwits actually have above average IQ. Legit low IQ people sound more like this when they are speaking.

There's a rumor about out there, that Buttigieg is such a ladder climbing psycho, that he's only pretending to be gay to get ahead in the party. I heard somewhere that he only dated women until he got into politics. Then suddenly he's gay married shortly after entering national politics.
With the sort of pedigree Buttigieg has I don't see him being below 130. 110 to 120 would be like the average IQ of a person in some no name state university and is working some generic white collar job post graduation. Buttigieg whatever you think of his policies is pretty verbally IQ gifted.

You absolutely can have a very high IQ and still be be overtaken by an ideology that basically mentally cripples you in a lot of ways. This describes a lot of people in the upper elechons of academia.

Buttigieg proved to be an incompetent mayor in the management of South Bend. He is a bookish oddball nerd whose connections and minority status got him where he is today. This is from EMJ, who lived a few doors from him and whose son was in the same HS and with Buttgig at Harvard.
It's also worth noting that Kamala's recent stumbles make it even more obvious that the debate was completely rigged in her favor, and that her performance that night (which was good but not great) was all smoke and mirrors. Whether she was simply given the questions in advance and memorized scripted answers or if she was outright wearing some sort of earpiece in her earrings, it's basically inarguable at this point that the debate was not fixed by ABC News and the DNC. This woman is by all appearances incapable of providing coherent off-the-cuff answers to relatively simple questions. She's not only unskilled in this regard, she's catastrophically awful. You have a woman running for President who is somehow less articulate than your average podunk, backwater mayoral candidate. And yet somehow her debate performance was incomprehensibly superior to literally every other documented instance of her being forced to answer questions on the spot. There is simply no other reasonable explanation for how she was able to achieve such an outlier performance - under the most extreme pressure she's ever faced - besides blatantly cheating.
Her debate performance wasn’t a disaster because the moderators didn’t do any follow up. She memorized a bunch of talking points. Her answers often had nothing to do with the question being asked. But the moderators were ok with being blown off. Brett wouldn’t let her do that, and that is why she crumbled.

Almost any midwit can memorize a bunch of short speeches. Remember Rubio used to do that until Krispy Kreme called him out.

Furthermore, the moderators “fact checked” Trump and not Kamalatoe , which put a thumb in the scale. It was 3 on 1. The biggest “fact check” the moderators “checked” T on was them saying the FBI crime stats showed crime declined from last year. FBI just quietly revised those numbers and T was right, crime increased.
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The thing with Kamala is that she seems to lack any redeeming qualities as a politician. She's not intelligent, at all. She's not charismatic. She doesn't have the temperament to be a good leader, she got flustered from a brief interview with Brett Baier. She was apparently horrible to work for, and couldn't keep staff for any appreciable length of time. She's an average at best girlboss who should be managing a hair salon or a consignment shop.

I said a while back that they put her in to fall on the sword and take the L. That's the only reasonable explanation as to why she's on the top of the ticket to me.
Willie Brown thought she had qualities he liked. That seems to have been all she needed.

If not for that then I agree a hair salon would have been a lofty ambition for her.