2024 Election Lounge

There's a rumor about out there, that Buttigieg is such a ladder climbing psycho, that he's only pretending to be gay to get ahead in the party. I heard somewhere that he only dated women until he got into politics. Then suddenly he's gay married shortly after entering national politics.

Just read an article comparing Buttigieg to JD Vance. They both have similar backgrounds, both being Midwest rust belt guys that had a rapid rise into the ranks of the elite but there is one differentiating point between the two of them:

Vance decided to throw out the playbook and hoist the black flag - the MAGA flag. Rather than echoing the typical talking poitns and waiting for his turn to come, he seized the opportunity in front of him. He saw that the GOP establishment, unwilling to deal with the very real problems laid bare by the Trump phenomenon, had left the proverbial crown lying in the street. And he decide to pick it up.

Make no mistake: that was a very difficult and costly decision for Vance. He went from being loved, or at least respected, to being loathed by a vast swath of the elite. The vast majority of us wouldn’t dare to make even a much smaller choice to go against the standard track, to rock the boat in even a minor way. But love him or hate him, Vance had the balls to lay it on the line. And it’s given him a legitimate shot at the Presidency as soon as 2028.

Buttigieg, by contrast, has never once colored outside the lines as near as I can tell. He’s still doing everything he’s supposed to do, following all the rules in the playbook. But in a cutthroat era where potential elites are a dime a dozen, he may never get the chance he longs for.