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2024 Election Lounge

There were federal agents in the crowd. Some of which were inciting violence and the local police were helping them.

Prove what? What are you saying? Oh yes, but you’re on to something here.

Do I look down on certain posters here who seem to live in these political threads and keep responding when their precious Trump is being criticized? Yes.

Do I look down on the fake posturing by guys who seem to claim to be experts on every subject? Yes.

Do I look down on the guys who despite me telling them I have no respect and am not reading their posts are so egotistical and mentally deficient to keep posting? Yes.

How about the rampant hypocrisy? Yep.

It’s loserish behavior that I never see in real life, which makes me conclude many posters here have mental problems and /or are probably not successful in life either. Why else would they keep complaining like a bitch and want a man Trump to help them?

Dude, I’m on this forum to get some religious and cultural insights. There’s a few members I PM with where we have fruitful discussions. The rest is for my own amusement.

I don’t care about your insults or anyone else’s. The reality is my life is and has been pretty good in almost every objective factor, but you guys want me to believe otherwise.

I never needed him or any politician because I put my faith in God and myself and things worked out great. It’s called adaptability, you should learn what that word means. But yeah I don’t care about what you have to say anymore.
People don’t talk about politics that often IRL while this is a thread about the 2024 election, so comparing this thread to real life is comparing apples to oranges. Also Trump is not a savior, Jesus is, but Trump’s the better option as opposed to the senile grandpa, I’d be stunned if Trump won and was as bad as Biden is at the end of his term but time will tell.
Here’s the puzzling part . To me anyways, this latest performance from Biden is about as bad as the past five years. In the past all of the news media would run cover for him and say how good Biden is doing and how great the country is etc .

It’s like something changed in the past 48 hours, and all of his handlers and enablers suddenly are collectively fed up with him?

Was it his performances in the first few minutes? The optics of having his mouth hanging open?

I’m guessing he must have gone off script or somehow violated whatever deal he made so his handlers tried to dump him
He looks much more cadaverous than he did last year, or the year before, and his walking gait and body language are much more decrepit.

It's true, he was already old and feeble in 2020, but his dementia was not so bad, and everybody worked together to cover it up.

We"ve seen him slowly get worse, and the anti-Biden factions have hammered on it continuously, but many normies were isolated from these video clips and pictures, and were in denial anyway.

Now it really does look like the (((establishment))) have decided he's too far gone, and it's not going to work, so they staged this event as an opportunity to throw him under the bus.
Another jew psy op: have whiteys go at each other's throats over pseudo confrontation in the fake two party systems both of which are run by the same jews.
This is not a one-cop show, this a bad cop/good cop show.

This is our system. It's not perfect. But it's where we are.

kvetching is a rather Yiddish trait.

If you watch this and can't see one side is 100x better than the other then I don't know what to tell you.

This attitude ensures the people who aware of the problem are not voting due to apathy.

We get it, they're all in on AIPAC money. But one group wants to chop off boys dicks and tits, one doesn't.
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On another note, I keep seeing messages here that I am ‘ignoring messages by this member’. So to those posters, I have no idea what you are saying, but I guess you can’t get that through your thick skulls.

You call yourself "rational one"? Doesn't get more irrational than complaining about people you've put on ignore.

Do I look down on the guys who despite me telling them I have no respect and am not reading their posts are so egotistical and mentally deficient to keep posting? Yes.

How about the rampant hypocrisy? Yep.

It’s loserish behavior that I never see in real life, which makes me conclude many posters here have mental problems and /or are probably not successful in life either. Why else would they keep complaining like a bitch and want a man Trump to help them?

Why are you even responding if all you can do is throw out blanket insults? You're banned from this thread for two weeks, I'm doing you a favor.
This is our system. It's not perfect. But it's where we are.

kvetching is a rather Yiddish trait.

If you watch this and can't see one side is 100x better than the other then I don't know what to tell you.

This attitude ensures the people who aware of the problem are not voting due to apathy.

We get it, they're all in on AIPAC money. But one group wants to chop off boys dicks and tits, one doesn't.
Slaves of the fake two party system, with a couple of puppet actors for the plebs, you sure must know what Yiddish is, cause many of these folks live in the States, the real Israel colony/Israel 2, where you do as they say. Hitler cleaned up Poland back in the day that had the same number of them, but you keep voting for despicable jew puppets and your entire system is based on their pyramid scheme, so you got nowhere to go but online forums to kvetch and no hope of cleanup. You know well your system will fully collapse down to starving once you remove zionist usury foundation, so you got to vote for their representatives and pat yourself on the back you're voting for MIGA Israel Don, whose spawn is openly in bed with them and their demon ilk while their pocket news like Foxnews run articles on "anti - semitism" almost daily, truly a slavery without hope. That's your system, keep defending it. As to votes, your votes don't matter in the fake theater show. Boy's tits and ticks what a nice red herring trown to the plebs to get excited over and not focus on real puppeteers who orchestrate it all, I mean that's the plan in all its brilliancy.
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Slaves of the fake two party system, with a couple of puppet actors for the plebs, you sure must know what Yiddish is, cause many of these folks live in the States, the real Israel colony/Israel 2, where you do as they say. Hitler cleaned up Poland back in the day that had the same number of them, but you keep voting for despicable jew puppets and your entire system is based on their pyramid scheme, so you got nowhere to go but online forums to kvetch and no hope of cleanup. You know well your system will fully collapse down to starving once you remove zionist usury foundation, so you got to vote for their representatives and pat yourself on the back you're voting for MIGA Israel Don, whose spawn is openly in bed with them and their demon ilk while their pocket news like Foxnews run articles on "anti - semitism" almost daily, truly a slavery without hope. That's your system, keep defending it. As to votes, your votes don't matter in the fake theater show. Boy's tits and ticks what a nice red herring trown to the plebs to get excited over and not focus on real puppeteers who orchestrate it all, I mean that's the plan in all its brilliancy.
What should we do?
Slaves of the fake two party system, with a couple of puppet actors for the plebs, you sure must know what Yiddish is, cause many of these folks live in the States, the real Israel colony/Israel 2, where you do as they say. Hitler cleaned up Poland back in the day that had the same number of them, but you keep voting for despicable jew puppets and your entire system is based on their pyramid scheme, so you got nowhere to go but online forums to kvetch and no hope of cleanup. You know well your system will fully collapse down to starving once you remove zionist usury foundation, so you got to vote for their representatives and pat yourself on the back you're voting for MIGA Israel Don, whose spawn is openly in bed with them and their demon ilk while their pocket news like Foxnews run articles on "anti - semitism" almost daily, truly a slavery without hope. That's your system, keep defending it. As to votes, your votes don't matter in the fake theater show. Boy's tits and ticks what a nice red herring trown to the plebs to get excited over and not focus on real puppeteers who orchestrate it all, I mean that's the plan in all its brilliancy.

Why are you telling things people have known here for years? Do you think yourself to be intelligent or something? Please stop making low-quality posts.

Vote harder.

This also goes for you. Two-word posts are completely worthless.

More thread bans will be in order if people can't stop shitting up the thread with rants or two-bit one-liners.

Make actually thoughtful or actionable posts, that can help people, or don't post at all. Fair warning to everyone.
I have long been skeptical of the notion that Dems were plotting to replace Biden (it seemed too risky the longer they waited, plus they still have a very effective voter fraud operation at their disposal), but there's no way they can continue with him after tonight. Not only on account of his awful performance, but due to the reactions we're seeing from these Democrat operatives/pundits, who are all clearly on the same page being highly critical of Biden. This was an orchestrated hit by the DNC to take Biden out. It's that simple and it's very obvious. This was their play, their one shot to remove him from the ticket, and they went all-in. If Biden somehow miraculously survives this disaster, he will be utterly routed come election day, a Trump landslide with only the most hardcore blue states going to Biden.
It looks like your theory is correct.


President Joe Biden was set up in a 'soft coup' to oust him, a top Democratic insider claimed last night.

The 81-year-old US President is facing mounting calls to step aside after his disastrous debate performance on Thursday, with sources telling The Mail on Sunday that many believe he was purposely set up to fail.

A former aide to Hillary Clinton said: 'There has never been a debate this early before. Traditionally the debates are held after the Republican and Democratic conventions, which are in July and August.

'Most years the first debate is early September ahead of the November election.

'Biden's inner circle demanded this early debate. There is a growing belief this was a 'soft coup' because they know he isn't fit to govern and have known for some time.
'They wanted to test him against Trump early, while there was still time to replace him if he failed to rise to the occasion. Which, of course, he did spectacularly.'

Another source said: 'The whole thing doesn't pass the smell test. Publicly the Democratic leadership has been backing Biden because they can't appear to be disloyal to the President, but privately there have been discussions going on for a long time that he's too old to beat Trump.

'There were whispers for weeks that 'Joe's going down at the debate'.'

One of the favourites to replace Biden – Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, 52 – secretly sent an advance team to Washington DC 'weeks ago' to prepare for her possible presidential run.

The team has been 'on manoeuvres', meeting with Democratic officials. The source said: 'Gretchen was the first to act. Now the floodgates have been opened.'

While Biden has insisted the debate – seen by 48 million people – was 'one bad night', his leadership is in crisis as he faces pressure to quit.

Jill Biden has admitted her husband knows he performed badly, telling reporters on Friday: 'After last night's debate, he said, 'You know Jill, I don't know what happened. I didn't feel that great.'
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That Daily Mail article is "sources say," which I'm always skeptical of. However, I still believe the rumors are true. I'm just not sure if the DM actually has a source.

The only thing that causes me concern is if Big Mike steps in. I know she has said that she doesn't want to, but maybe they'll give her several billion to do so. I think Big Mike could beat anyone right now, so I hope these fears are unfounded.
That Daily Mail article is "sources say," which I'm always skeptical of. However, I still believe the rumors are true. I'm just not sure if the DM actually has a source.

The only thing that causes me concern is if Big Mike steps in. I know she has said that she doesn't want to, but maybe they'll give her several billion to do so. I think Big Mike could beat anyone right now, so I hope these fears are unfounded.
I am thinking this may be the plan. They can’t cheat, but need a reason to give their cheating enough plausible deniability. The Conservative Treehouse makes this point:
The problem democrats have is not that Biden has lost his marbles or is losing the election, the problem is that Biden is losing by a scale that is too big for them to cover.

Democrats don’t need a candidate who can beat Donald Trump; they need a candidate who can give plausibility to ballot counting results that say Trump lost.
They will probably replace Biden in the democratic convention in August. Most likely Obama’s husband Michael will replace Biden.
The convention is in Chicago. Isnt that home turf of Obama?

Big Mike has always maintained that they are a total introvert, doesn’t like making public speeches or appearances. No interest in running for public office
Something to keep in mind is that inserting a candidate at the 11th hour is obviously risky, but at the same time it spares that candidate the rigors of an extended Presidential campaign and all the attendant public scrutiny that goes along with it. This is highly beneficial for someone like Gavin Newsom, who is very slick and media savvy, but whose actual governing record and personal foibles are less than stellar. For example, in a hypothetical 2028 Democratic primary matchup, Newsom would be savaged by his rivals for his numerous failures as CA Governor, his indefensible COVID hypocrisy at French Laundry and his history of infidelity (including an affair with his campaign manager's wife). But if he is suddenly declared the Democratic nominee just a few months before the election, he won't have to defend any of that. He will be utterly unscathed, and immediately be lionized and protected by the entirety of the media/big tech axis, who will ensure that no critical stories about him appear on major outlets. He will be portrayed as the heroic savior of "our Democracy" who has reluctantly taken up Biden's mantle to defeat the evil Donald Trump. There will be a lot of excitement and relief on the Democratic side from simply having a smart and highly telegenic candidate who appears like he can win, and I think that will be enough to overcome any negativity from passing over Kamala Harris.

Also, if they are able to convince Biden to step down, they will easily be able to convince Kamala Harris to hit the road. She has absolutely ZERO backing from anyone, no allies whatsoever, and is universally regarded as incompetent and a liability. She will meekly do whatever she is told because, at the end of the day, she too knows that she's in way over her head and is incapable of beating Trump (much less actually being President). They might offer her a lay-up shot into the California Governorship in exchange for stepping down if they decide to go with Gavin.
What if Trump really leaned into all the hate for him ?

"Look, I know there's people that don't like me for whatever reason. Whether you believe this or that, I'm probably not going to change your mind on it. But when I was President, not only did your dollar go a lot farther under my leadership, but no one had to worry about their children possibly being drafted for WW3."

* obviously 'Trump it up', but that's the gist of it