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2024 Election Lounge

Do you really think anyone on this forum is going to watch FIVE different videos of Biden speaking ?
You don't need to watch any of them for long to see that Biden's debate performance sits well outside the norm for his overall event posture. None of them was a complete disaster from beginning to end like the debate.
It looks like your theory is correct.


What’s Elton John doing here? Did I miss something?
I couldn't tell if this is real or a parody.


Scholardom at it's finest.

Do they think this curated message works? The small percentage of blacks that do vote that are in the fence aren't going to be swayed by some easy lay up race pandering. Sure there's an element of blacks on the plantation no matter what... But this sort of add isnt going to make inroads towards the blacks Trump now has as a fellon.
Scholardom at it's finest.

Do they think this curated message works? The small percentage of blacks that do vote that are in the fence aren't going to be swayed by some easy lay up race pandering. Sure there's an element of blacks on the plantation no matter what... But this sort of add isnt going to make inroads towards the blacks Trump now has as a fellon.

At least she didn't try to say she keeps hot sauce in her purse like hitlary. I swear if these demons didn't have all the media in their pockets they wouldn't get a tenth of the votes they do...
There is no way the Dems will risk running someone that has already lost to Trump.

She didn't lose, the election was stolen by the Russians remember?

Installing Hillary as president will be the ultimate F U from the establishment to the voters. Let's see if they can resist it.
When Biden took the stage, he looked absolutely terrible. His speech came out weak and slurred throughout the whole affair, and he repeatedly dropped trains of thought.

Why would this raise an alarm if we've seen Biden behaving this way on several occasions? Because, before this debate, he did not behave this way throughout the whole event.

No big mystery here. It's a phenomenom called "sundowning" which is common in people with dementia.

It's where the symptoms of dementia becomes more and more apparent as the day progresses, especially in the evening.

Biden can only function at carefully staged and prepared events.
No big mystery here. It's a phenomenom called "sundowning" which is common in people with dementia.

It's where the symptoms of dementia becomes more and more apparent as the day progresses, especially in the evening.

Biden can only function at carefully staged and prepared events.

Yeah, it looks like actual sundowning. His campaign put out a press release today that says he's only functional between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM, and has trouble outside of those hours.

Was talking to an elder at my church about the Dems potentially switching Biden out at the last minute. If such a switch were to happen, I think they would switch him with Newsome. Not so much because I think he's the DNC's favorite, but because a lot of Republicans think he would fare the best against Trump. The elder said they wouldn't do Newsome because he's too sleazy and smarmy, which was a fair point. Newsome hasn't come under the public scrutiny of a national election. A guy like that is just begging for his skeletons to be dug out of the closet. His elections in Commiefornia have all been gimmies. The elder was more worried about Big Mike. I told him I don't think Dems would turn out for Big Mike. Even though the party talks like they're progressive on race issues, a good chunk of the Dem base are white racists, actual racists. LBJ types. Biden is a good example of these. They couldn't even bother to show up for Clinton in 2016. I got the feeling they would show up for Big Mike even less.
Check out the "moderator" giving out hand signal to Biden. No wonder the audience was empty.


Full text
From an unusually good source: Obama’s tweet supporting Joe Biden was disingenuous. In private, Obama is telling people Biden can’t win, and he is therefore in favor of an open convention. Obama will not say whom he supports, nor as of yesterday afternoon had he met personally with Biden to deliver the message. Relations between the Obamas and the Bidens have never been warm. At times they’ve been hostile. But recently they’ve deteriorated further, mostly due to Jill Biden. In the hours and days after the debate, she kept her husband cloistered away from anyone who might convince him to drop out. Jill Biden is the driving force behind her husband’s reelection campaign, just as she was in 2020, when other members of the family (including Biden’s sister Val) considered him too impaired to run. The next generation of potential Democratic candidates understands all this as an opportunity and they’re circling, particularly Gretchen Whitmer, who is promoting herself aggressively.
Dem governors don't have national-level recognition, and carry a luggage of failed governance, especially from the covid era.
If htey're really going to replace Biden, they'll have to nominate someone who's already highl recognizable and who didn't compromised himself/herself in the last few years.
Dem governors don't have national-level recognition, and carry a luggage of failed governance, especially from the covid era.
If htey're really going to replace Biden, they'll have to nominate someone who's already highl recognizable and who didn't compromised himself/herself in the last few years.
This person does not exist.
This person does not exist.
I'm thinking Hillary: she's recognizable, didn't do anything that would compromise her (more than she already was) in the past few years, a lot of people already forgot about her scandals (and many young voters never even heard about them). They can use the first woman president / women rights narrative to rally the females, and also try to sell her as an experienced statesman who'll take on Putin (conveniently ignoring the Russian-reset policy or the uranium one scandal).
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