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2024 Election Lounge

Evil country is coming down off its high flying throne, finally, haha, what a circus for entire world, a demented nutjob who can't use a bathroom on his own and a crazy MIGA liar against him, = make israel great again, another jew puppet.
Whose daughter sleeps with the jew, their entire family controlled by jews (jews ain't white, other middle eastern people ain't white either, another race traitor)
The January 6th defendants committed crimes after Trump told them to be peaceful.

But I bet you’re one of those persons who believe Trump is guilty of stochastic terrorism.

Yeah we’re not falling for your nonsense. We are following this election and supporting Trump. We are not gonna go apathetic on this election when the country is being invaded.

The January 6th people didn’t use their heads and fell for a con. There were posters on the previous forum explicitly saying it was a setup by the Feds, which it was.

Further, there were other posters who were clamoring for members of the forum to go to DC to support Trump because Trump told them to. They harped on this message, despite repeating warnings it was a setup.

How stupid or complicit can you be?

So yeah it was a mix of following Trump which was a tactical error because if random posters and Twitter accounts knew it was a setup, Trump must have had some idea. But the guys here give him a pass for everything.

On another note, I keep seeing messages here that I am ‘ignoring messages by this member’. So to those posters, I have no idea what you are saying, but I guess you can’t get that through your thick skulls.
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On another note, I keep seeing messages here that I am ‘ignoring messages by this member’. So to those posters, so have no idea what you are saying, but I guess you can’t get that through your thick skulls.
Doesn't it mean that You are the one who put those members on "ignore" ?
Maybe You should check who's on Your ignore list and, eventually, unblock them.

Correct me if Im wrong, wasnt it Trumps Supreme Court that overturned Roe v. Wade and passed abortion law back to the individual states to decide for themselves?

Arent the Dems pissed that cant force abortion on states that dont want it?

And I didnt watch the whole debate, but I distinctly remember Trump haranging Biden about how he, and the Dems wanted to have the right to abort babies after they were born.

But, you know, those are just facts.

Except not much has changed. There are telemedicine clinics and you can still mail abortion pills even to states where it’s illegal. Not to mention cross state lines and go somewhere where it’s legal. I’ve written it before he should be commended for the conservative judiciary picks, unfortunately because of the administrative / regulatory state and bending the rules, in many cases abortions are still very much accessible.
We've got another "username doesn't check out."
I don’t know how the hardcore Trumpers rationalize these sort of things.
What bothers me is the hero worship of some of you guys.
You guys are better off getting involved in local politics, going to church, and supporting your community than supporting or wasting any time on Trump.
Names please?

Move your repetitive bullshit over to the Trump criticism and debate thread. We've been over this one billion times.

Kenny Powers GIF

This is a bit grainy. Verified it's real, not edited. From today.
The January 6th people didn’t use their heads and fell for a con. There were posters on the previous forum explicitly saying it was a setup by the Feds, which it was.

Further, there were other posters who were clamoring for members of the forum to go to DC to support Trump because Trump told them to. They harped on this message, despite repeating warnings it was a setup.

How stupid or complicit can you be?
What specifically was the setup, the protest or the illegal violence?
So yeah it was a mix of following Trump which was a tactical error because if random posters and Twitter accounts knew it was a setup, Trump must have had some idea. But the guys here give him a pass for everything.
Why don’t you prove it then? Oh yeah? You can’t, but it must feel powerful to look down upon others here while doing nothing.
On another note, I keep seeing messages here that I am ‘ignoring messages by this member’. So to those posters, I have no idea what you are saying, but I guess you can’t get that through your thick skulls.
You do realize you can leave, right? But you don’t want to, you’re the “outside the box thinker” on this forum, posturing over others through censorship tactics a 5 year old could utilize.

Mentioning u are ignoring people on an Internet forum is peak soy behavior.
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Here’s the puzzling part . To me anyways, this latest performance from Biden is about as bad as the past five years. In the past all of the news media would run cover for him and say how good Biden is doing and how great the country is etc .

It’s like something changed in the past 48 hours, and all of his handlers and enablers suddenly are collectively fed up with him?

Was it his performances in the first few minutes? The optics of having his mouth hanging open?

I’m guessing he must have gone off script or somehow violated whatever deal he made so his handlers tried to dump him
Here’s the puzzling part . To me anyways, this latest performance from Biden is about as bad as the past five years. In the past all of the news media would run cover for him and say how good Biden is doing and how great the country is etc .

It’s like something changed in the past 48 hours, and all of his handlers and enablers suddenly are collectively fed up with him?

Was it his performances in the first few minutes? The optics of having his mouth hanging open?

I’m guessing he must have gone off script or somehow violated whatever deal he made so his handlers tried to dump him
To me it's not that complicated:

They painted themselves in a corner with bidet.

They overplayed their hand with lawyers, extreme leftist propaganda, dei, ECT... And they are panicking.

Meanwhile supreme Court has ruled against most of the J6 criminal charges effectively today, and the Chevron doctrine which allows bureaucrats nearly free reign to act without congressional checks and balances.

They are panicking because Biden still controls many of the party apparatchiks and because his smart move to make dodo bird Harris his VP ensured that they don't give him the 25th amendment.

They are panicking because so called " Dr." Jill will not allow sleepy Joe to step down. So barring his death... They are stuck with him.

The media is trying to run a bait and switch but Joe isn't going to go away and their wagon is hitched to him.

Gavin has some negatives too, so even though he's a likely replacement, nothing really indicates he will do more than Biden, as his record in California is a abysmal and opens him up to attacks on the border and the economy.

Kamala is well... Kamala...

Big Mike would be a likely fit but there's no indication she will run. And nothing really shows she would win either against the orange man.

They are all reeeing until the cows come home.
Here’s the puzzling part . To me anyways, this latest performance from Biden is about as bad as the past five years. In the past all of the news media would run cover for him and say how good Biden is doing and how great the country is etc .

It’s like something changed in the past 48 hours, and all of his handlers and enablers suddenly are collectively fed up with him?

Was it his performances in the first few minutes? The optics of having his mouth hanging open?

I’m guessing he must have gone off script or somehow violated whatever deal he made so his handlers tried to dump him
There is actually quite a big difference between Biden from 2020 and now. Look at Biden here:

He's was old and mush mouthed sure, but now he looks, talks, and moves like he belongs in a care facility and it's impossible to sweep under the rug.
Here’s the puzzling part . To me anyways, this latest performance from Biden is about as bad as the past five years. In the past all of the news media would run cover for him and say how good Biden is doing and how great the country is etc .

It’s like something changed in the past 48 hours, and all of his handlers and enablers suddenly are collectively fed up with him?

Was it his performances in the first few minutes? The optics of having his mouth hanging open?

I’m guessing he must have gone off script or somehow violated whatever deal he made so his handlers tried to dump him

He left out Iran.
Do not insinuate other members are mentally deficient or losers
What specifically was the setup, the protest or the illegal violence?

There were federal agents in the crowd. Some of which were inciting violence and the local police were helping them.

Why don’t you prove it then? Oh yeah? You can’t, but it must feel powerful to look down upon others here while doing nothing.

Prove what? What are you saying? Oh yes, but you’re on to something here.

Do I look down on certain posters here who seem to live in these political threads and keep responding when their precious Trump is being criticized? Yes.

Do I look down on the fake posturing by guys who seem to claim to be experts on every subject? Yes.

Do I look down on the guys who despite me telling them I have no respect and am not reading their posts are so egotistical and mentally deficient to keep posting? Yes.

How about the rampant hypocrisy? Yep.

It’s loserish behavior that I never see in real life, which makes me conclude many posters here have mental problems and /or are probably not successful in life either. Why else would they keep complaining like a bitch and want a man Trump to help them?

You do realize you can leave, right? But you don’t want to, you’re the “outside the box thinker” on this forum, posturing over others through censorship tactics a 5 year old could utilize.

Mentioning u are ignoring people on an Internet forum is peak soy behavior.

Dude, I’m on this forum to get some religious and cultural insights. There’s a few members I PM with where we have fruitful discussions. The rest is for my own amusement.

I don’t care about your insults or anyone else’s. The reality is my life is and has been pretty good in almost every objective factor, but you guys want me to believe otherwise.

I never needed him or any politician because I put my faith in God and myself and things worked out great. It’s called adaptability, you should learn what that word means. But yeah I don’t care about what you have to say anymore.