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2024 Election Lounge

Red and blue states are somewhat of a misnomer. If you look at blue states, most of the blue that exists are in the cities and surrounding areas. The cities have high population centers, low income housing which attracts groups who love government handouts, and usually are home to universities full of people under 25 (on the average the most gullible among us, no offense to any forum brethren in the age group) The cities are also full of public corruption.

Outside of the city areas, the communities are mostly red, or at least moderate.

Also certain parts of blue states are quite nice and wealthy. You have to live in an upper income area though, so look at median household income and you’ll get a rough answer. It’s county to county and town to town.

So when I hear people saying all blue states suck and are full of crime, I know they either have no idea what they are talking about, are spreading propaganda, lived in a shithole city, or sadly couldn’t afford to live in a nice part. The answer is to make more money.

In the upper middle class suburbs, crime is usually low, the politics are split 50/50 or slightly red or blue. People don’t bother each other because everybody is too busy working and/or supporting a family. The Chinese and Indian immigrants don’t bother anyone and are usually working white collar jobs stacking paper.

A real problem with blue states are taxes, the government gets you big there, but saying all blue states are simply nasty crime ridden shitholes is just plain wrong.
This is true. Even the bluest states are red outside the metro areas.

However, even the reddest areas are deeply infested with blue. First of all, the school systems are hard core blue even in small Oklahoma or Alabama towns. Secondly, most city and county employees are blue. Third, the local media is blue, with rare exceptions. Finally, the state governments of even the reddest states are infested with blue, including regulatory agencies and other departments that have statewide impact. Definitely including election officials.

Finally, most red areas still have at least 20-30% blue leaning residents.

It is better living in the reddest area you can find, but you'll see encounter degenerates every time you go out in public. We've got a lot of work ahead of us to clean things up.
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So all these various presidential scenarios, do all of them still maintain the tragetoey course to 2030 when “we’ll own nothing and be happy”? Has Claus moved his yardstick yet?
Looks like they've focus grouped another slogan and sent out the memo. Even in that clip of Jill talking to her husband like he's a preschooler, at the end of that clip she said something like "What did Trump do? Lie."

Looks like they've focus grouped another slogan and sent out the memo. Even in that clip of Jill talking to her husband like he's a preschooler, at the end of that clip she said something like "What did Trump do? Lie."

He told the truth that he had nothing to do during his VP years so he played a lot of golf and got his handicap down to -6. Such an honorable thing to say to working Americans just scraping by.
Someone needs to educate me, as I am not from the US. I watched maybe 5-6 interviews with Biden during his presidency. How on earth are people surprised he did "that bad" when it is consistent with his everyday speeches? It was crystal clear he would appear like an old, senile grandpa because he is. It’s a fact.
Also, the shadow government "conspiracy" is now clear to anyone with a brain that it is a fact. America's political system is completely controlled. Left or right, it doesn't matter. They knew that Biden would fail miserably. They let it happen so Americans can now get four years of Trump to satisfy the right wing, and after him, vice versa, to please the peasants long enough to not cross any lines while the decline train runs no matter who is in charge.
Dems shocked - absolutely shocked, I tell you! - that Joe Biden is a shambling, incoherent corpse of a man. Where the hell have these people been for the past several years? It's honestly impossible to tell sometimes if they are pathologically dishonest or simply delusional.
Yeah. Despite having no interest in tHe MoSt ImPoRtAnT ElEcTiOn oF YoUr LiFe! I decided to tune in, mostly because, like the superbowl, the media and cultural zietgiest love to make these silly selections into Really Big Important Deals and it's all you hear about for 18 months every election cycle so ok fine.

I always go to bed wondering how is the thing going to be spun the next day because it NEVER matches my observation. The big news here is the "surprise" about Biden being old and the Democratic call for replacing him. Stuff people were talking about in February 2021.
My take?

1)Trump did a better job of lying than Biden.

2) Biden performed pretty much like expected, if you have seen him at all over the past 2 years. He actually performed better than I expected, bumbling about but finally making some sense and able to address the question, just flubbing it and correcting himself multiple times before getting it right. I really didn't think he could give coherent answers anymore, but he at least understands the positions he has been programmed with.

3) They both argued mostly about who is going to be the better Israeli-Globohomo candidate "I love Israel more. Yeah? well *I* am actually better for blacks. Yeah? Well *I* have a better plan for climate change. Hmm I don't think so but anyway MY plan to regulate abortions is better than yours. Yeah? Well I'm gonna do a better job being the world's policeman. Yeah? Well I'M gonna do more for hispanics.

4) It was downright humorous how Trump actively avoided ever saying the word white people. There were several times when he said "Yeah well I'm gonna be good for blacks. I'm even gonna be good for Hispanics, and most everybody."

5) Didn't hear a single positive thing either will do.

6) Trump got in a couple of zingers, and Biden looked absolutely braindead on the question he ended with "we're gonna kill Medicare" or whatever.

7) Trump his this horrible idea of taxing everything from China 10%. That would absolutely destroy our economy. And won't bring a single job back. No one is building stuff in China because they work for 90% of our wages lol. He also did the cringey "Biden called black criminals superpredators" and "getting out of Afghanistan was bad". Terrible takes. Weak. Yeah, black crime is great and we should still be fighting the Taliban? What? Those are probably the only 2 positive things about Biden !

8) Trump is totally fine with pharmaceutical abortion, just not the surgical kind. Statistically they claim 75% of abortions are with pills, but it's actually far higher than that, because there is no way to track when a pregnancy is stunted and you never visit a clinic, and it doesn't count people who order mail order pills, or young girls who obtain them from friends or family, etc. It's likely 90%+ of actual abortions. So you end abortions only for the low time preference welfare queens who should probably be sterilized in the first place, and give birth to Urban Jungle Criminals but allow it for everyone else. Absolutely the worst position possible.

9) Tons of stupid answers and "I'm the greatest and he's the worst" takes. The missing voice of RFK was palpable. It would have been great to hear some thoughtful answer to the dumb questions like this one, who both candidates answered with nonsensical blabbering:

10) If you forced me to install one of these for the next 4 years I would probably choose Biden, since true right wing movements always wither away when the "conservative" party is in power. Plus no 10% China tax which will just bury us. On the other hand, as long as we don't get war with Iran, I would prefer Trump, so the last few conservatards still holding out hope can get demoralized and maybe finally something positive can happen in this country. I think the time has passed though. Both of them made it clear this is a nation where white people no longer matter at all.

If you want to see a good recap, I enjoyed this one, but I mean.. it's an hour of your life that you will never get back. Also you can barely hear Walter Kearn who has the really best takes.

Or here's an even briefer one in written form:

I'm happy that apparently not many here are caring about the 2024 Selection.
Personally, I'm hoping this will be the last election I have to endure and 4 years from now I will be far away from this madness!
Oh and I forgot.. near the end I had left the room but I heard them arguing over who was more "handicapped". The context was a golf handicap but. Haha good grief the cluelessness of these guys going back and forth several times arguing over who is more handicapped is so tone deaf. Hope there are some good clips of this.

And the Greenwald analysis @JCSteel posted on the last page was very good (and not too lengthy).
Looks like they've focus grouped another slogan and sent out the memo. Even in that clip of Jill talking to her husband like he's a preschooler, at the end of that clip she said something like "What did Trump do? Lie."


He lied and is an adulterer.
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Yeah. Despite having no interest in tHe MoSt ImPoRtAnT ElEcTiOn oF YoUr LiFe! I decided to tune in, mostly because, like the superbowl, the media and cultural zietgiest love to make these silly selections into Really Big Important Deals and it's all you hear about for 18 months every election cycle so ok

1)Trump did a better job of lying than Biden.

3) They both argued mostly about who is going to be the better Israeli-Globohomo candidate "I love Israel more. Yeah? well *I* am actually better for blacks. Yeah? Well *I* have a better plan for climate change. Hmm I don't think so but anyway MY plan to regulate abortions is better than yours. Yeah? Well I'm gonna do a better job being the world's policeman. Yeah? Well I'M gonna do more for hispanics.

Very well said. I don’t know how the hardcore Trumpers rationalize these sort of things.

Trump is just saying that to gain votes with those groups, but when he wins he’s really going to do good for me.

Abortion? Well I mean we can’t really get rid of it, so we gotta live with it, it’s politics.

I mean they’re both beholden to Israel! Trump less so than Biden though…right right?

I mean he seems to be wanting to grant the entire 2nd and 3rd world citizenship, with that green card thing, but Trump loves America and the native population!

How the hardcore Trump guys even make it through the day having to live like this makes me wonder. Just fess up to the fact the guys a con artist.

They’re both liars and not the best we can do as a nation. Here’s a question: if you had a friend who acted like Trump would you trust him or be friends with him? I’d cut a person like that off fast.