2024 Election Lounge

My prediction is that if Trump wins, it means he's in on it, he's a part of it, the controlled opposition. I say this because I fully believe they can steal the election whenever they want and get away with it. I think Trump being president is too juicy of an option to pass up. They can go full bore against MAGA in the media, get the media machine healthy again by constantly reporting against Trump, get the TDS useful idiots riled up, get BLM back in the game, forever blame the collapsing economy and loss of imperial power on Trump and Republicans. I think the elite who pull the strings think longer term and may be balancing their options, either keep the decrepit puppet that can barely follow orders and risks exposing them or use Trump for their WWIII and economic collapse scenarios.
The thing is they Biden has the goods on the party.

Can't let Kamala in
Susan Rice is running the country along with Obama legacy politburo
Since Jill won't let him jump they are stuck with him.

It's interesting how all this works. Biden is clearly senile, and the actions of the Presidency are almost entirely out of his hands. In fact, they are almost entirely beyond his comprehension.

However, senile people retain at least some sense of self for a long way into their decline, and they still have will and intent. Biden still knows he's President, and wants to stay in office. I think he probably still has input on policies to a limited degree.

You'd think from watching him that he is completely out of it, but he's still in his right mind to a limited degree.
The thing is they Biden has the goods on the party.

Can't let Kamala in
Susan Rice is running the country along with Obama legacy politburo
Since Jill won't let him jump they are stuck with him.

The satanic elites are running the country. The most powerful men, from what I can see, in the USA are...

Larry Fink - CEO Blackrock Financial, now basically owns the treasury.
Anthony Blinken - The man actually doing the physical job of the President and probably the top policy setter.
Merrick Garland - Can make up the law on they fly and get away with breaking it at the same time.
George Soros - we already know his track record.
Right. Especially those living in blue states. Do you think your life will really change that much? I get putting your vote in and checking out unless you can fix local politics. Take care of your families. Subsidiarity is what matters.

Red and blue states are somewhat of a misnomer. If you look at blue states, most of the blue that exists are in the cities and surrounding areas. The cities have high population centers, low income housing which attracts groups who love government handouts, and usually are home to universities full of people under 25 (on the average the most gullible among us, no offense to any forum brethren in the age group) The cities are also full of public corruption.

Outside of the city areas, the communities are mostly red, or at least moderate.

Also certain parts of blue states are quite nice and wealthy. You have to live in an upper income area though, so look at median household income and you’ll get a rough answer. It’s county to county and town to town.

So when I hear people saying all blue states suck and are full of crime, I know they either have no idea what they are talking about, are spreading propaganda, lived in a shithole city, or sadly couldn’t afford to live in a nice part. The answer is to make more money.

In the upper middle class suburbs, crime is usually low, the politics are split 50/50 or slightly red or blue. People don’t bother each other because everybody is too busy working and/or supporting a family. The Chinese and Indian immigrants don’t bother anyone and are usually working white collar jobs stacking paper.

A real problem with blue states are taxes, the government gets you big there, but saying all blue states are simply nasty crime ridden shitholes is just plain wrong.
We have to consider the option that too many voters don't care about who's President. They depend on the policies of the democrats, (like welfare etc.) and hence they could put any old fool in there. (like the current one) If the Dems have calculated this there's no reason to change anything. I still think it's more likely that they're keen on using Trump as leverage for a radical 2028 candidate though...but they'll take both.

Trump is only 4 years younger then Biden and he had the chance to change things already. Is there much to expect from him as the new president?
Right after the debate, I saw that the coverage of Biden was pretty much universally negative. But I still thought it possible that if you give the media a few hours to gather their response, the liberal propaganda mechanism will start turning and by morning they'll start defending Biden.
As of mid-day, that hasn't happened, except for some media making token statements to the effect that "Well, Trump lied and so that was bad too." Instead, the coverage of Biden now is of such a catastrophic tone that the consensus seems to be that Biden lost the election before our eyes last night, a total disintegration.
The party should also help oust the corrupt DAs that don’t prosecute crimes.
How about we start by going up a rung on the spider web (a Roosh reference), and by some legal means toss Soros and Son out of the US (since their money put those DAs in) and somehow make sure that their money and all foreign adversary money is no longer open for business in the US. Not sure the details on how to do that but getting money influence out from the bad actors would be a great start. Desantis has been working on that in FL but perhaps there is a way to do it on a national level. If not hopefully we create enough “good” states (and major cities within those states) where decent US citizens and legal immigrants can go live.
It is in Jill Biden's best interest that Gavin Newsom becomes the democratic candidate.
And with the usual amount of cheating, Newsom is going to win easily.
I wish i could come to another conclusion, but this seems to be the most likely outcome.