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2024 Election Lounge

The deep state probably has more things in store for Trump, and Haley knows this. She’s hoping to win by default.
With her still in the race,

  • Trump does not get daily security briefings
  • Trump does not get access to General campaign fund
With the lawfare against him tying up as much as his personal fortune as possible, this is their best chance at beating him. They must not have confidence that they can easily steal the 'election' this time around without fanfare.

Babylon Bee remains the best satire to date. So on the nose...barely indistinguishable from real clown world.

US libtards are again promising that if Trump (or any R-candidate) wins, they will leave the country. Unfortunately, they NEVER LEAVE! PLEASE get out and MAGA.

This time, they want to move to Italy, and not Canada.... 🤡
Little do whiny American leftists know what an absolute hellscape the Italian bureacracy is like...to get ANYthing done. I know from years of personal experience and wouldn't wish it on anyone.

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US libtards are again promising that if Trump (or any R-candidate) wins, they will leave the country. Unfortunately, they NEVER LEAVE! PLEASE get out and MAGA.

This time, they want to move to Italy, and not Canada.... 🤡
Little do whiny American leftists know what an absolute hellscape the Italian bureacracy is like...to get ANYthing done. I know from years of personal experience and wouldn't wish it on anyone.

I can remember upper middle class suburban Boomer dads pledging to immediately move to Canada if Obama beats John McCain in 2008 (back when the affluent suburbs were still Republican).
These sorts of claims are always happening.
But in all seriousness, I think the level of animosity that liberals feel towards the Trump faction these days is so much higher than anything from before, so much that a certain percentage of these "move to x country" claims will actually come true. Not the majority of them, but perhaps more of them than before.
If anyone white ever threatens to move to Canada (unless they are a multi-millionaire with exclusive and extensive family land in rural Ontario, Quebec, or BC that already has its own water supply, ranch, and forest) then you can safely consider them medically retarded and ignore everything they say.

And this is me, living in objectively the most beautiful (and one of the wealthiest) parts of Canada, saying that.
If anyone white ever threatens to move to Canada (unless they are a multi-millionaire with exclusive and extensive family land in rural Ontario, Quebec, or BC that already has its own water supply, ranch, and forest) then you can safely consider them medically retarded and ignore everything they say.

And this is me, living in objectively the most beautiful (and one of the wealthiest) parts of Canada, saying that.
Are you saying that because Canada is worse for white people, or for what reason?
The US will gladly give Canada leftist Americans. But the Jets move back to Atlanta, Oilers to Houston, Flames to Utah. Wouldn't be right to move Leafs or Habs. The Canucks are gay so already perfect for Vancouver. No one cares about the Senators.

Sounds like a fair deal to me.
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Are you saying that because Canada is worse for white people, or for what reason?
Canada is a gay place with a mentality/culture of mediocrity and no real identity. The most-said word in Canada is "sorry" if that tells you anything.

We have a lot of pristine land and a relatively low population so if one is wealthy enough to leverage that and can manage our inhumane winters then that would be the only serious reason for a non Canadian to want to move here. Most of the rest of us are looking to leave. It goes way beyond white people.
Canada is a gay place with a mentality/culture of mediocrity and no real identity. The most-said word in Canada is "sorry" if that tells you anything.

We have a lot of pristine land and a relatively low population so if one is wealthy enough to leverage that and can manage our inhumane winters then that would be the only serious reason for a non Canadian to want to move here. Most of the rest of us are looking to leave. It goes way beyond white people.
Only they pronounce it “sore-ey”.
Republicans, the designed losers in the Uniparty, are now actively trying to throw the upcoming elections (just like they threw 2022 by overturning Roe right before that election):

It’s all so tiresome and stupid.

It's a good thing Trump is the nominee because he is going to denounce this immediately. Even Trump knows better than this.
It's a good thing Trump is the nominee because he is going to denounce this immediately. Even Trump knows better than this.

There's the rub. Not that I know the right answer, but it is confounding. Emotionally and politically, raising retirement age is poisoning the water well. Mathematically, it is a necessity. SS Trust Fund is due to go bankrupt in 10 years or so (haven't checked lately). Life expectancies are dramatically longer than when SS was set up (even if we've had a recent small decline for white men). Populating the country with low/no-wage gimmigrants will accelerate deficits. Selfish me wants to keep SS age the same. Math me knows it isn't feasible, short of money printer go brrr, which is inflationary theft of its own. I welcome info that dissuades me, so please fire away.

Even if this election goes off, I'm having a hard time thinking it won't be the last election. If Trump wins, the left will go nuts. My 80+ yo parents have "friends" that have told them they don't think they could speak to someone that votes again for Trump, including my parents and these friends' own adult daughter. These are pre-WWII born folks that my father has known since middle school. They are unhinged. If Biden wins amid expected shenanigans, the right will be so disenchanted, who knows what will happen. Even if Rs do nothing, Biden's crew (not that he's really leading anything) will find a way to spike the country, they hate it so much. Maybe I'm too dramatic about it.