2024 Election Lounge

If I believe correctly it's something like no Jewish state since the temple was destroyed lasts longer than 80 years.
That's what I thought, although I don't think there have been many jewish states. I thought maybe it also referred to periods where the jews had a strong insider position in other nations' elites.

I figured there was probably an article by someone laying out the details. I figure Google is not going to work searching for something like that
That's what I thought, although I don't think there have been many jewish states. I thought maybe it also referred to periods where the jews had a strong insider position in other nations' elites.

I figured there was probably an article by someone laying out the details. I figure Google is not going to work searching for something like that
I think the founding of the state of Israel in 1948 was the first "jewish" state since the temple was destroyed. Unless we count Khazaria, which lasted for 400+ years. I don't know where this "80 years" thing came from, but it sounds like nice clickbait and easily thrown around. Perhaps there is some obscure Talmudic statement about it...I don't know. Even King David's kingdom only last 40 years.
I've seen several references to this 80 year thing in recent days. What is the underlying theory behind this? Did something come out recently presenting this 80 year theory?

It also can be a more generalized reference to the notion that 80-90 years is how long it takes for a civilizational cycle to complete and be replaced with something else

More or less it's a telephone game version of Armstrong's 86 year business cycle thing.
I think the founding of the state of Israel in 1948 was the first "jewish" state since the temple was destroyed. Unless we count Khazaria, which lasted for 400+ years. I don't know where this "80 years" thing came from, but it sounds like nice clickbait and easily thrown around. Perhaps there is some obscure Talmudic statement about it...I don't know. Even King David's kingdom only last 40 years.
Surprisingly, Google did deliver. This article is the one I saw referenced on Twitter, and the idea seems to be making the rounds in discussions about the Jews.

Edit: Apparently this idea is not that new. The link below is from July 2022.

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Surprisingly, Google did deliver. This article is the one I saw referenced on Twitter, and the idea seems to be making the rounds in discussions about the Jews.

Perhaps it has something to do with the verse in Exodus 34:7? I don't know...I'd have to study this.

"Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation."

As I understand it, to get out from under this generational curse, under which the jews and other non-believers live, you have to be grafted back into the olive tree (spiritual Israel/Christ's Church). (Romans 11:11-24)
I've seen several references to this 80 year thing in recent days. What is the underlying theory behind this? Did something come out recently presenting this 80 year theory?
EMJ is a borderline-loon. Wouldn't put too much stock into any 80 year theory.

Bannon once had a 75 year cycle of enlightenment and degradation, and how this *had* to mean that Trump was going to win 2020.

These timescales are superstitious nonsense. You would have just as much of a chance at knowing the future from reading a fortune cookie.
EMJ is a borderline-loon. Wouldn't put too much stock into any 80 year theory.

Bannon once had a 75 year cycle of enlightenment and degradation, and how this *had* to mean that Trump was going to win 2020.

These timescales are superstitious nonsense. You would have just as much of a chance at knowing the future from reading a fortune cookie.
You definitely can't trust a fortune cookie!


Also, I agree that cycle theories must be taken with a grain of salt. I think there is something to the "hard times make strong men" cycle, but the amount of time each cycle takes is unpredictable.
EMJ is a borderline-loon. Wouldn't put too much stock into any 80 year theory.

Bannon once had a 75 year cycle of enlightenment and degradation, and how this *had* to mean that Trump was going to win 2020.

These timescales are superstitious nonsense. You would have just as much of a chance at knowing the future from reading a fortune cookie.

Trump did win.

Did you miss the treasonous fraud that occurred on the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday after the election, awarding states that Trump won by 100,000 - 800,000 votes to the opposing candidate, who couldn't get more than 50 people to come see him in person?

We all witnessed it and had a massive thread on RVF about it.
EMJ is a borderline-loon. Wouldn't put too much stock into any 80 year theory.

Bannon once had a 75 year cycle of enlightenment and degradation, and how this *had* to mean that Trump was going to win 2020.

These timescales are superstitious nonsense. You would have just as much of a chance at knowing the future from reading a fortune cookie.
EMJ is in no way a loon.

I'm assuming you've not read any of his work.

The time scale may or may not be correct... But please do yourself a favor and don't discredit the guy whose full of more truth than just about anyone out there.

The former president’s “preliminary overtures” were rebuffed by Kennedy, the report says

This would probably have guaranteed a Trump victory.
I guess he's going to go with someone much worse, like last time.

I would expect record low turnout amongst huge apathy this year, but I said the same thing about 2020 and in the midst of a gLoBaL pAnDeMiC we had the highest number of votes ever cast in an election.

Interesting to cycle through the various MSM news outlets today. Many front page splashes about Biden's mental state.
Yeah, it's a really weird hand they are playing. They obviously don't want Biden.
No one wants Kamala.
They don't want Trump (he is not receiving the massive media coverage he was 4 years ago, and is essentially silenced).
There is no Democratic alternative.
RFK Jr as a third party won't go anywhere.
The only Republican alternative seems to be Nimrata Randhawa, who just pushes for constant war and Israel worship.

Of all the options, she seems to be the only card they hold, even though she's a very weak and unpopular candidate.

Of course the Putin interview reveals it matters not one iota who the figurehead in chief is, but it is still important from a social perspective.

I really don't see what they can do at this point. Maybe pull out a Mike Huckabee type out of retirement at the last minute? Just stick with status quo under Biden? The Jewish Biden cabinet has to be very happy with the current arrangement. Maybe all the Biden criticism is just typical Jewish Humiliation Ritual stuff where they just want to shove it in our faces "yeah he's senile and we run everything. What ya gonna do, goy?"

Maybe we're really gonna get alien invasion this year?