2024 Election Lounge

All this talk of war is extreme fantasy.
Outside of perhaps France, where there is an active culture of opposition to unpopular government actions, I don't see anywhere in the west engaging in any type of rebellion, or certainly not warfare, other than the typical "send our airforce to drop bombs on brown people" stuff. (And it is not likely in France, either).

There are many reasons for this, but they all boil down to LACK of positive reasons for such a movement or action to ever take place. There's no evidence for it. Americans didn't do anything when segregation was forced on them. They didn't do anything when their gold was stolen from them in 1920. They didn't do anything when their retirement ages were raised, or their pensions removed, or their tax free internet purchases were all suddenly taxed without a law being passed, or their education tuition costs raised from hundreds of dollars a year to tens of thousands, or their gold backed money was replaced with a fiat currency which has been devalued by 98%. Or when their president was murdered and a coup de etat reversed public policy and went to a full time state of external warfare for the last 60 years.

So no, no one outside of a few fringe weirdos, is going to attempt to do anything because of anything else ZOG is going to do to us.

I read a poll the other day where only 20% of Americans trust their government to make the right decision. Why does one have a government if it makes wrong decisions more often than right ones? Why isn't such a group immediately disbanded and a better system installed? The people do not care, or have been coddled and controlled to the point where they will not act.

They are literally castrating people's kids in this society, and teaching them to do anal in schools, and some significant percentage of them (up to 40% I have read) are trying it, and there is no action taken other than whining on the internet, unless it comes from Muslims who do push back against this locally but have no wider power.

The future is not some brave 1776-will-commence-again story of people standing up for themselves and moving a bit further west to be free--it's going to be the boot stomping on your face forever thing, except probably with a smiley emoji that you will experience through VR goggles.

The ONLY possibility if you are talking about rebellion or war, would be some type of secession movement, and that too is extremely unlikely (partly as they have destroyed regional bonds and ties to local communities and there is very little geographic solidarity--instead we have a diaspora of subversives who can only communicate with like minded people through the interweb). The only place that might possibly go independent in this hemisphere is Puerto Rico, and I'd pick almost any other latino culture to live in, as they really don't like gringos there.
All this talk of war is extreme fantasy.
Outside of perhaps France, where there is an active culture of opposition to unpopular government actions, I don't see anywhere in the west engaging in any type of rebellion, or certainly not warfare, other than the typical "send our airforce to drop bombs on brown people" stuff. (And it is not likely in France, either).

There are many reasons for this, but they all boil down to LACK of positive reasons for such a movement or action to ever take place. There's no evidence for it. Americans didn't do anything when segregation was forced on them. They didn't do anything when their gold was stolen from them in 1920. They didn't do anything when their retirement ages were raised, or their pensions removed, or their tax free internet purchases were all suddenly taxed without a law being passed, or their education tuition costs raised from hundreds of dollars a year to tens of thousands, or their gold backed money was replaced with a fiat currency which has been devalued by 98%. Or when their president was murdered and a coup de etat reversed public policy and went to a full time state of external warfare for the last 60 years.

So no, no one outside of a few fringe weirdos, is going to attempt to do anything because of anything else ZOG is going to do to us.

I read a poll the other day where only 20% of Americans trust their government to make the right decision. Why does one have a government if it makes wrong decisions more often than right ones? Why isn't such a group immediately disbanded and a better system installed? The people do not care, or have been coddled and controlled to the point where they will not act.

They are literally castrating people's kids in this society, and teaching them to do anal in schools, and some significant percentage of them (up to 40% I have read) are trying it, and there is no action taken other than whining on the internet, unless it comes from Muslims who do push back against this locally but have no wider power.

The future is not some brave 1776-will-commence-again story of people standing up for themselves and moving a bit further west to be free--it's going to be the boot stomping on your face forever thing, except probably with a smiley emoji that you will experience through VR goggles.

The ONLY possibility if you are talking about rebellion or war, would be some type of secession movement, and that too is extremely unlikely (partly as they have destroyed regional bonds and ties to local communities and there is very little geographic solidarity--instead we have a diaspora of subversives who can only communicate with like minded people through the interweb). The only place that might possibly go independent in this hemisphere is Puerto Rico, and I'd pick almost any other latino culture to live in, as they really don't like gringos there.
It only takes a few weirdos to really f up the USA.

Imagine what a handful of guys, with hunting rifles, and maps of electrical substations could do. America is actually more at risk from something like this, than other, smaller, western nations.
If the US ends up with Nimrata, we are in for a whole new level of dystopia. Where past administrations lie and exaggerate, she simply makes up whatever she can to support war and Israel.

"Tyrants tell us exactly what they're going to do... Russia said they were going to invade Ukraine... Russia said Poland and the Baltics are next.."

Russia did not say any of these things.
If the US ends up with Nimrata, we are in for a whole new level of dystopia. Where past administrations lie and exaggerate, she simply makes up whatever she can to support war and Israel.

"Tyrants tell us exactly what they're going to do... Russia said they were going to invade Ukraine... Russia said Poland and the Baltics are next.."

Russia did not say any of these things.

It was the Polish president Kaczynsky who said it back in 08 in Georgia.

I guess, all white people look the same to Nimrata.
"When there are good kings, it is because of the gift of God, but when they are bad, it is because of the sin of the people. For the life of the rulers is arranged in relation to the merits of the common people, as Job testifies: 'He made the hypocrite to rule because of the sins of the people' (Job 34:30). For, God being angry, the people receive the kind of ruler they deserve because of their sin."

St. Isidore of Seville (Sententiae, 3.48.11)
"When there are good kings, it is because of the gift of God, but when they are bad, it is because of the sin of the people. For the life of the rulers is arranged in relation to the merits of the common people, as Job testifies: 'He made the hypocrite to rule because of the sins of the people' (Job 34:30). For, God being angry, the people receive the kind of ruler they deserve because of their sin."

St. Isidore of Seville (Sententiae, 3.48.11)

Yes but, there is more to it than that, because the sins of one generation are visited upon the 3rd and 4th generations. So we are paying for the sins of the "Greatest Generation" right now, the next crop of politicians coming after Biden will be for the sins of the Baby Boomers, i.e. Gavin Gruesome, and then we when are old men we can watch our sins get inflected upon 2-3 generations below us.

Translation: We're gonna need a bigger sewage pipe.
All this talk of war is extreme fantasy.
Outside of perhaps France, where there is an active culture of opposition to unpopular government actions, I don't see anywhere in the west engaging in any type of rebellion, or certainly not warfare, other than the typical "send our airforce to drop bombs on brown people" stuff. (And it is not likely in France, either).

There are many reasons for this, but they all boil down to LACK of positive reasons for such a movement or action to ever take place. There's no evidence for it. Americans didn't do anything when segregation was forced on them. They didn't do anything when their gold was stolen from them in 1920. They didn't do anything when their retirement ages were raised, or their pensions removed, or their tax free internet purchases were all suddenly taxed without a law being passed, or their education tuition costs raised from hundreds of dollars a year to tens of thousands, or their gold backed money was replaced with a fiat currency which has been devalued by 98%. Or when their president was murdered and a coup de etat reversed public policy and went to a full time state of external warfare for the last 60 years.

So no, no one outside of a few fringe weirdos, is going to attempt to do anything because of anything else ZOG is going to do to us.

I read a poll the other day where only 20% of Americans trust their government to make the right decision. Why does one have a government if it makes wrong decisions more often than right ones? Why isn't such a group immediately disbanded and a better system installed? The people do not care, or have been coddled and controlled to the point where they will not act.

They are literally castrating people's kids in this society, and teaching them to do anal in schools, and some significant percentage of them (up to 40% I have read) are trying it, and there is no action taken other than whining on the internet, unless it comes from Muslims who do push back against this locally but have no wider power.

The future is not some brave 1776-will-commence-again story of people standing up for themselves and moving a bit further west to be free--it's going to be the boot stomping on your face forever thing, except probably with a smiley emoji that you will experience through VR goggles.

The ONLY possibility if you are talking about rebellion or war, would be some type of secession movement, and that too is extremely unlikely (partly as they have destroyed regional bonds and ties to local communities and there is very little geographic solidarity--instead we have a diaspora of subversives who can only communicate with like minded people through the interweb). The only place that might possibly go independent in this hemisphere is Puerto Rico, and I'd pick almost any other latino culture to live in, as they really don't like gringos there.

This man speaks truth. There will be no rebellion, we have a nation of mostly obese armchair quarterbacks who bluff and lie at every opportunity. Won’t happen.
Nimrata is staying in because it's part of The Plan. She's been told by her JQ overlords "Just hang in there and you'll be the nominee." Then she'll make Vivek her VP, they'll beat Biden/Kamala in the general, and the ADL-JQ humiliating brownification ritual of America will be complete.

Why not throw Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar in there as Transportation and Defense secretary, to enhance your already genius theory?
Nimrata is staying in because it's part of The Plan. She's been told by her JQ overlords "Just hang in there and you'll be the nominee." Then she'll make Vivek her VP, they'll beat Biden/Kamala in the general, and the ADL-JQ humiliating brownification ritual of America will be complete.

Agreed, she's clearly in it in order to step in if/when Trump gets sidelined through lawfare or other shenanigans.

She definitely wouldn't choose Vivek for VP though, she would go with someone like Romney or another establishment GOP hack recommended by AIPAC.
After the SC drubbing, if she stays in, its either to run as a third party or to be designated backup when they somehow get Trump out of the race. She'll need big normiecon backing though, and she just lost the Koch funding today.

They do leave the door open to re-funding her once the primary beatings are over. Maybe they are saving powder for later in the election. I do know a few quasi-republican women that support her. They would be easy marks for her if something happens to Trump.