2024 Election Lounge

There's the rub. Not that I know the right answer, but it is confounding. Emotionally and politically, raising retirement age is poisoning the water well. Mathematically, it is a necessity. SS Trust Fund is due to go bankrupt in 10 years or so (haven't checked lately). Life expectancies are dramatically longer than when SS was set up (even if we've had a recent small decline for white men). Populating the country with low/no-wage gimmigrants will accelerate deficits. Selfish me wants to keep SS age the same. Math me knows it isn't feasible, short of money printer go brrr, which is inflationary theft of its own. I welcome info that dissuades me, so please fire away.

Even if this election goes off, I'm having a hard time thinking it won't be the last election. If Trump wins, the left will go nuts. My 80+ yo parents have "friends" that have told them they don't think they could speak to someone that votes again for Trump, including my parents and these friends' own adult daughter. These are pre-WWII born folks that my father has known since middle school. They are unhinged. If Biden wins amid expected shenanigans, the right will be so disenchanted, who knows what will happen. Even if Rs do nothing, Biden's crew (not that he's really leading anything) will find a way to spike the country, they hate it so much. Maybe I'm too dramatic about it.
I agree with all your points. I'm not so far from age 62 when I could start reduced SS payments. I don't expect to retire so young, but I wonder if the current system will still exist by the time I reach 67 or 70 (God willing).

Even if the US hasn't broken up and the current government hasn't gone bankrupt and collapsed by the time I am 70, they could likely prohibit SS for white men who have even modest net worth as retirement savings.

As for the election this year, I think anything is possible, but a legitimate result with a peaceful outcome is unlikely.

I am assuming I will be on my own for retirement, and all my SS payments are a dead loss.
There's the rub. Not that I know the right answer, but it is confounding. Emotionally and politically, raising retirement age is poisoning the water well. Mathematically, it is a necessity. SS Trust Fund is due to go bankrupt in 10 years or so (haven't checked lately). Life expectancies are dramatically longer than when SS was set up (even if we've had a recent small decline for white men). Populating the country with low/no-wage gimmigrants will accelerate deficits. Selfish me wants to keep SS age the same. Math me knows it isn't feasible, short of money printer go brrr, which is inflationary theft of its own. I welcome info that dissuades me, so please fire away.

Even if this election goes off, I'm having a hard time thinking it won't be the last election. If Trump wins, the left will go nuts. My 80+ yo parents have "friends" that have told them they don't think they could speak to someone that votes again for Trump, including my parents and these friends' own adult daughter. These are pre-WWII born folks that my father has known since middle school. They are unhinged. If Biden wins amid expected shenanigans, the right will be so disenchanted, who knows what will happen. Even if Rs do nothing, Biden's crew (not that he's really leading anything) will find a way to spike the country, they hate it so much. Maybe I'm too dramatic about it.

Let it go bankrupt. Blow the whole house down. At this stage of the game, it's going to be all out war - say whatever it takes to win, get the votes, promise the moon - hyperinflationary depression, who cares. Otherwise we go extinct. We need the crisis sooner than later.
Let it go bankrupt. Blow the whole house down. At this stage of the game, it's going to be all out war - say whatever it takes to win, get the votes, promise the moon - hyperinflationary depression, who cares. Otherwise we go extinct. We need the crisis sooner than later.
Strongly agree. As much as we've had disagreements in the past, the United States, the American nation, the people within, are going to receive a big wakeup call due to our spiritual failings.
There's the rub. Not that I know the right answer, but it is confounding. Emotionally and politically, raising retirement age is poisoning the water well. Mathematically, it is a necessity. SS Trust Fund is due to go bankrupt in 10 years or so (haven't checked lately). Life expectancies are dramatically longer than when SS was set up (even if we've had a recent small decline for white men). Populating the country with low/no-wage gimmigrants will accelerate deficits. Selfish me wants to keep SS age the same. Math me knows it isn't feasible, short of money printer go brrr, which is inflationary theft of its own. I welcome info that dissuades me, so please fire away.

Even if this election goes off, I'm having a hard time thinking it won't be the last election. If Trump wins, the left will go nuts. My 80+ yo parents have "friends" that have told them they don't think they could speak to someone that votes again for Trump, including my parents and these friends' own adult daughter. These are pre-WWII born folks that my father has known since middle school. They are unhinged. If Biden wins amid expected shenanigans, the right will be so disenchanted, who knows what will happen. Even if Rs do nothing, Biden's crew (not that he's really leading anything) will find a way to spike the country, they hate it so much. Maybe I'm too dramatic about it.
Even though I live in the UK, there are plenty of people here who will go absolutely bananas if Trump gets re - elected. My place of work has a well above average showing, and I know that they'll lose it in a big way. It won't help that the rest room in my department will be stuffed with all manner of US snacks, confectionery and drinks the day after, by way of celebration on my part.
I agree with all your points. I'm not so far from age 62 when I could start reduced SS payments.
What the US Gov has done by breaking even its own once-inviolable Constitutional rules and demonstrating it to be utterly untrustworthy is to sew massive seeds of doubt amongst the productive classes.

The idea that it can censor foreign citizens like Julian Assange that aren't even subject to its laws or violate the First Amendment to shut down the TikTok app, or that it will send weapons to a country in the midst of a genocide, or that it will start face scanning its own people at the airport without any law, is a huge signal that all "guarantees" are off the table--the US will just do whatever it wants, and you cannot take ANYTHING for granted.

I have been pre-paying taxes in years when I'm in a lower tax bracket to slowly convert all my retirement funds into Roth (tax-free) accounts. With the goal being that upon retirement, I would never have to pay a red cent to uncle sam (because I'm pre-paying it now, and expect tax rates to be higher then, but more importantly just want to be done with US completely by then).

The worry is that they won't care, they will just ignore the tens of thousands in taxes paid and confiscate some of my retirement or say it is going to be taxed again cause racism or something. This affects major financial decisions that wealthy people make every day. It's the beginnings of a banana republic, and many wealthy are fleeing already (The US gov't stopped reporting expatriation a few years back--I know 2 people in the process now and one considering it).
As for the election this year, I think anything is possible, but a legitimate result with a peaceful outcome is unlikely.
Probably not, but the reality is nothing important really changes.

I mean look at Obama through Trump through Biden. Some of the rhetoric changes, but we are still at war in Ukraine, we are still giving billions to Israel while ignoring major problems at home, infrastructure is not being built and US immigration is not being reformed. Whoever we get after Trump or Biden is going to be worse (every president has been worse than his predecessor in my lifetime) but the day to day stuff doesn't really change that much, the accelerator pedal to hell is just pushed down a little bit faster. What has really changed for any of us over the last decade? (of course there have been changes, Covid-19 being a huge one, but that was a non-partisan event, as are these wars, the Israeli genocide, inflation, job loss, degeneracy, immigration, etc.)
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Covid-19 being a huge one, but that was a non-partisan event, as are these wars, the Israeli genocide, inflation, job loss, degeneracy, immigration, etc.)

Are we 100% sure of this? HHS/DOD involvement (possibly more 3 letter agencies) and funding and auditing the Wuhan lab (now proven it came from the lab) and the timing of less than a year going into the 2020 US election (thus pushing a lot of citizens out of fear to the mail-in voting)? Lots of potential tin foil hat buzzing going on here.
This presumes voting matters. I'm not saying it doesn't, but at certain intervals like we saw last time, it doesn't.
It depends on the political parties on the ballot, along with ballot measures and the type of election. If you're just voting Democrat or Republic for federal candidates, then it won't really matter, especially for Presidential elections. If you're voting Third Party on your local mayoral election, it definitely matters even if there's no shot at winning. Political party funding depends heavily on voting statistics.
No Feds (or former feds that went to work for social media) got punished for their mis/dis info manipulation of the last election or the CV scam. There was a little flap about it, but nothing substantial. They are gearing up for it again:

FBI Confirms It’s Restarting Online Censorship Efforts Ahead Of 2024 Election​

On Monday, Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told reporters that federal agencies such as the FBI and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) restarted discussions with Big Tech platforms. According to NextGov/FCW, this coordination will focus on “removing disinformation on their sites as the November presidential election nears.” Warner claimed these talks resumed in March, around the same time oral arguments in Murthy v. Missouri — which centers on the feds’ censorship efforts — were heard before the U.S. Supreme Court.

When pressed on the validity of Warner’s remarks, an FBI representative confirmed to The Federalist that the agency has resumed communications with social media companies ahead of the 2024 election.
Cernovich posted on this today. That's the only place I heard of it.
So how do you fellas see this election going down? At this point I don't really think it matters anymore. There's hardly any difference between the parties imo, they both support Israel and endless war.

However, for what it's worth, I see it as follows:

1. More blatant cheating for get Biden in again. (he's so obviously incompetent and old that it'll be even harder to hide him this time) . The optics will be terrible.

2. Your average critical thinking Reps people saw that Trump didn't get much done last time. Only the real Trump chearleaders really think he will make a difference at this point.

3. When the latent and obvious cheating of the election comes to pass, there will be little appetite for uprising given that lots of j6 people are still in jail without trial.

4. The people haven't had enough yet of leftism. You'll need at least another decade of it for it to be so bad that people abandon that party.
So how do you fellas see this election going down? At this point I don't really think it matters anymore. There's hardly any difference between the parties imo, they both support Israel and endless war.

However, for what it's worth, I see it as follows:

1. More blatant cheating for get Biden in again. (he's so obviously incompetent and old that it'll be even harder to hide him this time) . The optics will be terrible.

2. Your average critical thinking Reps people saw that Trump didn't get much done last time. Only the real Trump chearleaders really think he will make a difference at this point.

3. When the latent and obvious cheating of the election comes to pass, there will be little appetite for uprising given that lots of j6 people are still in jail without trial.

4. The people haven't had enough yet of leftism. You'll need at least another decade of it for it to be so bad that people abandon that party.

I agree with these points. I think that for most people voting for Trump, at this point it isn't because of what they think he'll accomplish but more as a giant middle finger to the Left for running our country into the ground. They're going to vote for him (Trump) as a symbolic act of rebellion - rebellion against our wide open border, rebellion against the insane gender ideology being pushed onto our society and our kids, rebellion against racial ideology that demonizes whites, and rebellion against the crime and lawlessness plaguing our cities, etc.

Regular people know that the Left controls every major institution in this country (academia, government, woke corporations, etc.) and that speaking out against it can get you fired from your job. So, pulling a lever in a voting booth is pretty much the only risk-free pushback regular normies get to have these days.

Biden to me looks like an incredibly weak candidate. Gas, groceries and housing are all ridiculously expensive for the average person. Meanwhile we funnel billions to support proxy wars in foreign countries 5,000 miles away. All of it makes me think of Reagan's famous question "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?".

Are you better off now than you were four years ago? Is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was four years ago? Is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was four years ago? Is America as respected throughout the world as it was? Do you feel that our security is as safe, that we're as strong as we were four years ago? And if you answer all of those questions 'yes', why then, I think your choice is very obvious as to whom you will vote for. If you don't agree, if you don't think that this course that we've been on for the last four years is what you would like to see us follow for the next four, then I could suggest another choice that you have

In a free and fair election I expect Trump to win and the Left to throw the mother of all hissie fits with lots of "fiery, but mostly peaceful" protesting. But I don't think we'll have a fair election. I think the Left will pull out all the steps to prevent Trump from ever holding office again. They'll cheat and they'll feel justified in doing so.
I agree with these points. I think that for most people voting for Trump, at this point it isn't because of what they think he'll accomplish but more as a giant middle finger to the Left for running our country into the ground. They're going to vote for him (Trump) as a symbolic act of rebellion - rebellion against our wide open border, rebellion against the insane gender ideology being pushed onto our society and our kids, rebellion against racial ideology that demonizes whites, and rebellion against the crime and lawlessness plaguing our cities, etc.

Regular people know that the Left controls every major institution in this country (academia, government, woke corporations, etc.) and that speaking out against it can get you fired from your job. So, pulling a lever in a voting booth is pretty much the only risk-free pushback regular normies get to have these days.

Biden to me looks like an incredibly weak candidate. Gas, groceries and housing are all ridiculously expensive for the average person. Meanwhile we funnel billions to support proxy wars in foreign countries 5,000 miles away. All of it makes me think of Reagan's famous question "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?".

In a free and fair election I expect Trump to win and the Left to throw the mother of all hissie fits with lots of "fiery, but mostly peaceful" protesting. But I don't think we'll have a fair election. I think the Left will pull out all the steps to prevent Trump from ever holding office again. They'll cheat and they'll feel justified in doing so.
Agree with you on all this BUT the initial vote for Trump the first time round was kind of the ultimate unexpected FU vote, everyone was expecting Hillary to win.

Unfortunately, he squandered that momentum and didn't really get that much done in his term. Do you think that people would vote for him again after that?