2024 Election Lounge

Using legal ways to minimize one's taxes is of course encouraged. It's still a way of paying the tax man, you follow the laws and do not pay more than what you owe. Which is hopefully 0. Nothing wrong with that. I never said to "give charity" to the government.

If the exchange is not consensual, it’s theft. No one feels good about it because it is coercion with the threat of violence. Just like rape, it goes against God’s order. Hiding your valuables from thieves is to be encouraged. Offering no resistance to rapists invites more of that behavior. The 10 commandments are all just one: do not steal.
If the exchange is not consensual, it’s theft. No one feels good about it because it is coercion with the threat of violence. Just like rape, it goes against God’s order. Hiding your valuables from thieves is to be encouraged. Offering no resistance to rapists invites more of that behavior. The 10 commandments are all just one: do not steal.

Doesn't matter if it's theft, Jesus said to pay the tax.

But governments are ordained by God, according to Paul, which also means that it's not theft.

So even if we accept the premise that tax is theft, it doesn't matter. But if we critically examine the premise, we can also see that it's a false premise.
If the exchange is not consensual, it’s theft. No one feels good about it because it is coercion with the threat of violence. Just like rape, it goes against God’s order. Hiding your valuables from thieves is to be encouraged. Offering no resistance to rapists invites more of that behavior. The 10 commandments are all just one: do not steal.
Render into Caesar what is Caesars's seems to be forgotten in your post regarding taxes sir.
I own myself, therefore my labor belongs to myself, and not anyone else. I took nothing from Caesar, therefore owe nothing for merely existing.

Slavery was never about owning people, it was owning the fruits of their labor.

I owe my talents to God, and will give myself freely to Him. To the slave master, I owe nothing. I do not believe the legitimacy of the current regime is derived from God, especially as it seems to be of the devil.
I own myself, therefore my labor belongs to myself, and not anyone else. I took nothing from Caesar, therefore owe nothing for merely existing.

Slavery was never about owning people, it was owning the fruits of their labor.

I owe my talents to God, and will give myself freely to Him. To the slave master, I owe nothing. I do not believe the legitimacy of the current regime is derived from God, especially as it seems to be of the devil.

What has emperor Caesar ever given us ??!!

Doesn't matter if it's theft, Jesus said to pay the tax.

But governments are ordained by God, according to Paul, which also means that it's not theft.

So even if we accept the premise that tax is theft, it doesn't matter. But if we critically examine the premise, we can also see that it's a false premise.
Render into Caesar what is Caesars's seems to be forgotten in your post regarding taxes sir.
Was the Boston Tea Party sinful?
Anyone besides me notice how little the democrats talked about policy or what they’ll do for the American people?
Below is DNC's beloved policy positions outside the convention center. All other so-called "policy" positions - i.e., economy - DNC is copying Trump's policy positions.


What is the DNC's message for Heterosexual/Straight White Christian Men?:unsure:



Joining forces as what? Trump already picked his VP.
They're talking about RFK-Shanahan's voters.

RFK-Shanahan team would have to explain to their voters on why they decided to walk away and join forces with Trump-Vance team.

Edit. Via Zerohedge
Shanahan is clearly disillusioned at the anti-democratic methods that the Democratic Party have pulled to stall RFK Jr's progress:

"...the DNC made it impossible for us...

...they have banned us, shadow-banned us. kept us off stages. manipulated polls. used lawfare against us. sued us in every possible State. They've even planted insiders into our campaign to disrupt it, and to create actual legal issues for us.

I mean the extent by which the sabotage they've unleashed upon us is mindblowing.

I mean we're still learning new ways that they have sabotaged us.

I really wanted a fair shot at this election and I believed in the America that I a little girl pledged an allegiance to..."
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