2024 Election Lounge

They keep calling it "communism", but I'm pretty certain that multi-billionaires and giant corporations wouldn't support actual communism.

The only thing that resembles "communism" with Kamala's policies, is the totalitarian state that BOTH parties want and keeps pushing towards. So the New York Post won't mention that part.
Even the original manifestation of communism was backed by uber-wealthy elites. The current elites are Keynesians. They are capitalist where it serves them and they are communist where it serves them.

While the individual companies who are targeted by communist policies would protest, because they would suffer losses and go bankrupt, the big banks and the multi-billionaries who own them LOVE these policies since they can then buy up the failed businesses for pennies on the dollar.

Afterwards, they can pressure the government to bailout the new industry they just bought, further enriching themselves.

That is actually textbook fascism, not communism.
That is actually textbook fascism, not communism.
No, it isn't. One need to look at the "policies" implemented - i.e., anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-Family, pro-LGBQT, etc. - under the guise of social justice infestations in not only companies, but also academia, government, progressive churches, sports, movies, media, etc.

What unnerves those who lived under Soviet communism is this similarity: Elites and elite institutions are abandoning old-fashioned liberalism, based in defending the rights of the individual, and replacing it with a progressive creed that regards justice in terms of groups. It encourages people to identify with groups ethnic, sexual, and otherwise and to think of Good and Evil as a matter of power dynamics among the groups. A utopian vision drives these progressives, one that compels them to seek to rewrite history and reinvent language to reflect their ideals of social justice.(6)

Meanwhile...keep your head on a swivel, gents.

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No, it isn't. One need to look at the "policies" implemented - i.e., anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-Family, pro-LGBQT, etc. - under the guise of social justice infestations in not only companies, but also academia, government, progressive churches, sports, movies, media, etc.

This is what they call "cultural marxism". Not to be confused with communism per se. Communists were all about total and complete loyalty to the state, and were against all things that challenged that loyalty. But they tried very hard to maintain an orderly and uniform society, whereas "cultural marxists" wants chaos and confusion.

The fascist part I was referring to is the marriage between giant corporations and the state. This is where giant corporations do the bidding of the government, and vice versa. That is fascist economics 101.
That is actually textbook fascism, not communism.
I started a thread called the Kaveman Crazies. Does any one remember the George W Bush Era? Pepperidge farms remembers. This is a serious hypothesis.

The concept of right and left doesn’t translate so well if you see the world through it his new dynamic. The bank bail outs and failures in Iraq in ‘08 was the death of neocon-ism which is really text book fascism as our astute observer noticed. McCain was the torch bearer and he lost to … whatever Obama was. And we had 8 years of Obama. In those 8 years neoconism reinvented itself. They basically painted a rainbow flag on everything and jettisoned Christianity. The democrat party of 2024 is the Republican Party of 2004 with less evangelical Christianity and trannies. Fascists reinvented themselves and were banking on us being too stupid to notice. Neocons are back boys, this time they’re trans and feminist so their jingoism and corporatism (these two things literally make fascism) is ok now.
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I started a thread called the Kaveman Crazies. Does any one remember the George W Bush Era? Pepperidge farms remembers. This is a serious hypothesis.

The concept of right and left doesn’t translate so well if you see the world through it his new dynamic. The bank bail outs and failures in Iraq in ‘08 was the death of neocon-ism which is really text book fascism as our astute observer noticed. McCain was the torch bearer and he lost to … whatever Obama was. And we had 8 years of Obama. In those 8 years neoconism reinvented itself. They basically painted a rainbow flag on everything and jettisoned Christianity. The democrat party of 2024 is the Republican Party of 2004 with less evangelical Christianity and trannies. Fascists reinvented themselves and were banking on us being too stupid to notice. Neocons are back boys, this time they’re trans and feminist so their jingoism and corporatism (these two things literally make fascism) is ok now.
Yes, generally correct. We need not quibble about the precise or technical definition of "fascism", as it is quite apparent that the elite and organizational structure of the world is closest to what we've already called global communism. The reason why corporations or NGOs or whatever structure you want to call it are used is because that's how it has to happen to connect nation states to the larger communist objective: small numbers of people controlling most things and the means of production in various ways.

Unless you are arguing that there is NO link between what is going on in the USA, for example, and the worldwide communist/globohomo push, only then could you say that what is going on in the US is technically "fascism." But I think there is a coordinated effort, very stealthy of course, that is real and material. There is also one that is closer to what I would call the "spirit of the age" and that is a demonic spirit, which also connects it. Interestingly, and as an aside, I call this bureaucracy on the local level. Either way, they are connected and the chess pieces point upward to small numbers (or eventually 1) at the top of the pyramid.

We dont see things differently, we analyze things differently. I see exactly what you see, but the difference between us is that you think Trump can help you, and I do not. There is no measurable long-term difference between Kamala and Trump, they are two sides of the same JQ coin. Regardless of who is "elected" (i.e. chosen), you/I will get more foreign wars, more immigration (both legal and illegal), and more kiss the ring Israel first policies (just on a slightly different timeline).

The only thing that can stop this long game JQ commie train wreck that has been in motion for 70+ years is organized physical violence. But heritage Americans have been asleep at the wheel of their real estate holdings and 401K's for too long now to to be effective on that front. It would take the better part of a decade to train normies up in guerilla warfare and to convince them to pick up arms against "our" JQ owned and operated government. By then it'll be too late because within a decade every household in America will have a tatted up atheistic-marxist-tranny teenager in their midst who has no respect for elder-authority. JQ mission accomplished. Enjoy the decline.

Quit advocating violent uprising on this site!!
Quit advocating violent uprising on this site!!
Learn to read Mr. "Suicide" and don't accuse me of something so serious and illegal. I have clearly stated that violent uprising is impossible because Americans are on the whole too fat, lazy, selfish, and disorganized to embark on such an endeavor, much less have I "advocated" for it or tried to organize such an impossible mission on this site. Why don't you talk to your boy @Samseau who was ready to embark on an imaginary civil war had Trump's assassination been successful?