2024 Election Lounge

So no matter what, we're doomed, right?
Absolutely not. I've never been so upbeat and free of The Matrix. I"ve planned for years to go self-sufficient, off-grid monk mode (thanks in part to the lessons of RVF 1.0 which stressed DIY location independent living). I"ve divested from all financial instruments and now have very little use for banks and money (although I do still use and enjoy these "luxuries"). For me personally, I'm on my way out and it feels great. I feel a lot of hope and very little doom. I think part of your problem is that you have one foot in and one foot out of The Matrix. You obviously are heavily invested in The System. I don't know if that's because your ego is still attached to tbe 7 million views your RVF 2.0 Trump Thread garnered or because you work, or have worked in politics? Either way, I respect you and value your opinion, but for whatever reason you despise any sort of critique of Trump and defend every valid criticism of him with "Yeah, but." It's amusing, but getting somewhat predictible. I would suggest that you take a step back and give yourself a one-month ban from all Trump discussions while you reflect on your obsessive defense of all things Trump.
Your lack of faith in God has earned you a small warning.
Fine, but I don't think you're in any sort of position to question my faith or lack thereof. Your false idol TLS really shines through on this one. You're better than this Sam... take a step back and try to be less defensive and emotional when it comes to your boy Donald.
Absolutely not. I've never been so upbeat and free of The Matrix. I"ve planned for years to go self-sufficient, off-grid monk mode (thanks in part to the lessons of RVF 1.0 which stressed DIY location independent living). I"ve divested from all financial instruments and now have very little use for banks and money (although I do still use and enjoy these "luxuries"). For me personally, I'm on my way out and it feels great. I feel a lot of hope and very little doom. I think part of your problem is that you have one foot in and one foot out of The Matrix. You obviously are heavily invested in The System. I don't know if that's because your ego is still attached to tbe 7 million views your RVF 2.0 Trump Thread garnered or because you work, or have worked in politics? Either way, I respect you and value your opinion, but for whatever reason you despise any sort of critique of Trump and defend every valid criticism of him with "Yeah, but." It's amusing, but getting somewhat predictible. I would suggest that you take a step back and give yourself a one-month ban from all Trump discussions while you reflect on your obsessive defense of all things Trump.

Fine, but I don't think you're in any sort of position to question my faith or lack thereof. Your false idol TLS really shines through on this one. You're better than this Sam... take a step back and try to be less defensive and emotional when it comes to your boy Donald.

Plenty of people here hate on Trump without recieving a warning.

You said it doesn't matter who we vote for, and the people are brainwashed no matter what: Enjoy the decline. You made a hopeless statement, which is blackpilling. If you want to state another path towards victory instead of politics, you are free to do so. But to simply make a statement that we're doomed without any alternatives is blackpilling and against the forum rules.
Plenty of people here hate on Trump without recieving a warning.

You said it doesn't matter who we vote for, and the people are brainwashed no matter what: Enjoy the decline. You made a hopeless statement, which is blackpilling. If you want to state another path towards victory instead of politics, you are free to do so. But to simply make a statement that we're doomed without any alternatives is blackpilling and against the forum rules.

That's a stretch. Seems like you're angry for someone just disagreeing with you. Saying you don't think your vote matters right now isn't black pilling, that's his analysis of the situation. What in the world is going on in this place? This forum is just too weird for it to ever become popular to be honest. Now maybe that's a black pill.

Since "black pill" is technically slang, maybe a better definition is at hand if you're going to start handing out the bans like hot cakes.
You made a hopeless statement, which is blackpilling
One person's blackpill is another person's redpill. Is saying that 60+% of young modern American women are un-feminine, tatted up, pro-gay, pro-abortuon, attention whoring harlets with high body counts that have no respect for older white men a blackpill? It is a horrible, dark state, but nonetheless it's the truth (and the truth shall set you free)... So I see, spitting truth about women is a redpill, but calmly stating Trump is a recidivous moron is a blackpill. Okay, got it Mr. Move The Goal Posts to fit your narrative (but I still love you anyhow because you are wise about many other things).
If you want to state another path towards victory instead of politics, you are free to do so
I have already done this numerous times throughout the history of this forum... namely, divest from all JQ financial instruments, develop off-grid survival skills, buy 40 to 100 acres in the wilderness of America and move there debt free, build a small 800 sq. ft. "cabin" that runs on propane, solar, and/or hydro-electric, reduce your use of the internet by 90%,, don't read any "news" and instead log onto CiK once a month for a couple hours and get caught up on the outside world via a trusted information source, read The Bible, workout, grow your own food (i.e. eat healthy), write books, and pray. Do not drive 3 hours to the nearest city to vote because it's a waste of your time. That doesn't sound like a blackpill to me, it sounds like paradise. I hope to one day see some of you there.



The Kamala Harris campaign now has a legal team TEN times larger than President Biden’s campaign in 2020.

Harris advisors expect the post-election legal landscape to be quite contentious.

With that mind, the campaign has also brought on @marceelias, one of the top campaign and election attorneys.

Elias has also been the VP’s attorney in the past.

Full Story: bit.ly/3WO4FHU
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They keep calling it "communism", but I'm pretty certain that multi-billionaires and giant corporations wouldn't support actual communism.

The only thing that resembles "communism" with Kamala's policies, is the totalitarian state that BOTH parties want and keeps pushing towards. So the New York Post won't mention that part.
They keep calling it "communism", but I'm pretty certain that multi-billionaires and giant corporations wouldn't support actual communism.


While the individual companies who are targeted by communist policies would protest, because they would suffer losses and go bankrupt, the big banks and the multi-billionaries who own them LOVE these policies since they can then buy up the failed businesses for pennies on the dollar.

Afterwards, they can pressure the government to bailout the new industry they just bought, further enriching themselves.

Kamala is 100% the choice of Talmudic Jews and will further their monopolistic control over America. Conversely, Trump is the guy they are trying to kill.
Conversely, Trump is the guy they are trying to kill.
State media non-stop lies, DEI cat ladies losing their minds, and assassination attempts...claiming Trump is some controlled opposition is nuts...this isn't 4D chess.

Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Who do you want, Mitt Romney, or Ron DeSantis...I agree Trump can't save America, but he can buy a little more time to prepare, more than the alternative, and is less establishment than any candidate with a chance of winning in my lifetime.